Honeymoon Bite (Golden Vampire Legacy) (19 page)

BOOK: Honeymoon Bite (Golden Vampire Legacy)
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“So why was I turned?” Anne asked.

“That was a violation.”

“I don’t understand.”

Marcus kissed her. “Enough questions. We need to focus on the interview with the Council. I will answer all your questions later. There is still a lot for you to know.”


Chapter 17


Robert fingered the note Anne had left. She’d demanded he be out of the house by the weekend. Well, his name was on the lease too. What the hell was she thinking? She couldn’t just do that.

And then he read over the part where she said she was asking for him to publically renounce the wedding vows, even though she acknowledged they were technically not married.
What’s up with that?
This sounded like something legal. Maybe he should consult Gary.

But he probably wouldn’t.

Robert decided he wasn’t going to go down that quickly. What was the point? Things weren’t really so different than they’d always been. Anne was the one who had changed.
hadn’t. It was just that he’d gotten caught. Even with her change, things could have remained the same between them. Maybe they could have even stayed married,
he hadn’t gotten caught.

Damn Monika and her cherry flavored condoms.
He’d be the only lonely ex-married man on a condom diet. Lambskin was just fine, thank you very much.

So why would
have to go to all the trouble to move out? That wasn’t the Anne he married. She had changed ever since she’d come back from Italy. Now she ate like a bird but wasn’t getting skinny. She used to be a cautious driver and now she was wicked fast. The neighbors told him she’d taken to gardening in the dark. Said it was so she could see the critters eating her flowers. Now that stuff was just weird. Even Gary thought it was weird, and he should know.

He thought about his friend Gary’s taste in women. That one last night with the red bedroom, for instance. He didn’t remember a lot of the encounter except for everything being red: her clothes, her bedroom, her bed, and—was there blood too? He tried to focus, but all he saw were her ginormous breasts and the red—that was it—red satin sheets, or deep pink sheets with red stuff.

Fuck me.

This mental fog was starting to piss him off, because he really wanted to get his money’s worth. That was one time he wished they’d been in one of those rooms you could put on video. Bet she had some moves. Almost like it was a waste of the hundred bucks. Gary said it was a terrific deal, but not if he couldn’t remember anything other than her letting him take a taste of her tits and then giving him that kiss that almost hurt. She really wanted him too, he could tell.

Gary had awoken him on the couch later. The woman had tossed him from her bedroom like sloppy seconds after they were done, and had locked her door. Helluva bedside manner.
Not very fucking professional.
Next time he’d tell her “no, thanks.”

They helped themselves to another beer on their way out and compared notes as soon as they were alone in Gary’s truck. They had their wallets, and Gary’s cross and Robert’s wedding ring were still in their possession. They decided they should take a dose of penicillin he had just in case, and a good, hot shower. They both smelled of burnt feathers, and each had figured it was the incense she burned that made their eyes water. He’d heard somewhere smelling burnt feathers was a sign of a brain tumor. Not likely something like that would occur to them both at exactly the same time, so Robert ruled it out.

On the way home, they both discovered their dicks hurt, which prompted a quick trip to a Starbucks bathroom. Screw that little punk with purple hair and the lip piercing for thinking they were gay. But when they both dropped their drawers and examined themselves, they both had two holes in the side of their dicks. They didn’t look anything like pimples or a reaction to some cream he’d had in the past. Something very kinky had gone on there. That’s when he found out Gary didn’t remember screwing her either. They were of a mind to go back there tonight and ask for a goddamned refund at first. And Gary had set this all up. Who can you count on if not your very best friend?

He shook his head and realized his neck no longer hurt. He looked at himself in the mirror. There was very little of the purple mark left from the day before. Good riddance. Finally, he’d caught a break. Now if he could just lose the little holes too. He was glad the swelling in his dick didn’t interfere with his urine stream.

Thank God for small favors. Now if I can just get my marriage back together.

Robert jumped into the shower as soon as he got home. No way he was going to get an infection and have his cock get all swollen, turn yellow, or drain puss. He’d seen that before, to someone else on his baseball team who had a lost weekend in Mexico. So, try as he might, he could not remember a single one of his hundreds of sexual partners who had ever done this to him. What exactly was it, anyhow? A bite?

The phone rang just as he stepped out of the shower. Dripping wet, he hobbled over and answered the phone.

“Meester Robert. You got a lady,” Elena was underscoring the word
with emphasis she didn’t normally do. This could not be good. “She want to see you right away. Joo close by?”

“Um, who is she?”

He heard muffled voices as Elena asked the woman for her name.

“Mr. Robert, her name is Maya Monteleone. She’s looking to talk to you about your wife.”


“Yeah. Dat one. Joo comin’ down here right now?”

“I can’t get there for at least an hour.” There were more muffling sounds, and over Elena’s protests, a new voice came on the phone.

“Robert, this is Maya. We met last night, remember?”

No, Robert didn’t really remember. But he knew who she was just the same. His dick lurched under his towel.
Fucking traitor.

“Robert, are you there?”

“Yes, I’m here.” He wanted to shout,
and what are those goddamned marks on my pecker?
but he didn’t.

“How do you feel this morning?”

“How do you think I feel? Like a lab experiment.”

Maya laughed. She didn’t sound so dark when she did that. She actually sounded a little like Monika. And then he got worried the holes would make a scar. What would he tell Monika when she had her change of heart? He was sure she would. Maybe Anne wouldn’t, but Monika could always be counted on.

“Listen, Robert. I have a business proposition for you, something I think you will be interested in.” She lowered her voice to a whisper, no doubt trying to calm Elena’s death stare. “I also thought I could make it up to you, if you like.”

He didn’t like, but his cock did. He felt like slapping it but that would make it worse. “I’m out of money.” That was true, after all. Lawyers were expensive.

“You silly. I’m looking to help you
a little money. You interested?”

Robert wondered if she had in mind donating blood again through his dick. Maybe he had some rare blood type they would pay thousands of dollars an ounce for or something. Then he thought of Gary and knew this wasn’t true.

“What about Gary?”

“He had his fun. This is between you and me.” Elena was making lots of noise in the background. “You better tell your secretary it is okay we speak.”

“I’ll tell her tomorrow. What kind of business thing are you talking about?”

“Can I see you?”

“Um, I’m not coming in today. I’ve got some things I have to do at home.”

“Okay, I will meet you there. What’s your address?”

There was a pause. Robert knew it was a mistake to give the address out. Wouldn’t be the first mistake he made today. Certainly wouldn’t be the last.


She wore red again. And damn, she must have been a faster driver than Anne, because it only took her about five minutes to get to the door. He didn’t even have his clothes on, just his shorts. She noticed. She didn’t ask to be invited in, but walked up to him and slid against his chest, right past him into the living room. That was all his traitorous body part needed. It was very clear who its master was.

She scanned the room, even raised her nose as if to smell the air. Robert smelled under his arms. He’d just showered. Was part of the experiment learning what kind of shower gel he used?

“Is your wife at work?” she asked as she stepped to face him, touching her breasts against his chest. She rubbed them from side to side. The traitor under his shorts liked it. He was making a real fuss down below.

Robert stepped back, a little cautious. “She doesn’t work. I think she’s at the place she volunteers at today.”

“Oh.” Maya’s eyebrows arched. “When will she be home?”

“I’m not sure. What is this about?”

“What is this about? What is this about?” she mimicked as she closed the distance between them. “This is about how much time we have before she comes home.”

“Uh huh.”

“So, how much time do we have?”

“Ah. I’m not feeling too good right now. Something
me last night, did you know that?”

Maya smiled and looked at the bulge in his shorts. She squeezed it through the cotton fabric with one hand. God, she had strong hands. He didn’t dare move. Wasn’t anything like Monika, even on one of her “frisky” nights.

“I hope I didn’t hurt you.”

Robert was thinking that yes, she was hurting him a little bit right now. Traitor hadn’t figured it out yet. This wasn’t going anywhere good. Besides, how did she know the bite was on his dick?

“So, you admit to biting me?”

“Yes.” She massaged his dick, being gentle now. That was more like it. Traitor purred. “Let me see what I’ve done. I am so sorry. I want to make it up to you.” She got on her knees and slid his shorts down to his ankles.

“No biting.” Like he could stop her.

“No biting, unless you want to bite me.” She slid his cock in and out of her mouth and he lost his shame and fear all at once. “Do you want to bite me, Robert?”

“I don’t bite.”

“Maybe you should try. To get even with me, hmm?” She licked the length of his shaft. Her dark eyes begged him to come all over her face, but something told him she wanted something else. “Oh, Robert, you taste so nice.”

He jerked a bit. Had she told him the very same thing last night? A vague memory surfaced, a memory of hearing the same words from under his jaw line, as she’d been
his neck! Holy cow!

“I’m, I’m not sure what’s going on here.” He backed away from her. His cock bounced in the air, starved for her stroke, trying to stand up like a drunken sailor. He quickly pulled up his shorts. Maya was still on her knees, watching him. Then she slid the straps of her red top over her shoulders, but stopped before her breasts were completely bare. She lowered her eyes to look at her hands folded in her lap.

“You don’t like me. I’m sorry.” It was a whisper, so faint, but it was as effective as a shout.

Robert lifted her pure white chin with one hand and looked at the closed eyes and pouting red lips and knew he would get lost in them. He looked at her like how he looked at Monika asleep in the limo on the morning of his bachelor party and felt compelled to be tender, to try to give her back some of the pleasure she gave him, gave all of them.

“No, honey, I like you just fine.” He thought she looked sufficiently grateful. He liked grateful sex. He liked feeling like the best lay in the county. Maybe he could surprise her with some moves of his own.

And yes, maybe he would bite her.

What the hell.


Chapter 18


Robert was rock hard again. This was too good to be true. Something about this woman, Maya, brought out all the best in his maleness. He bet he’d showed her a few things. He was so satisfied, lying in his bed feeling like he was eighteen again and horny as hell. He looked around and noticed Maya was no longer next to him

He got up and slipped on his shorts. He found her in the bathroom. She was sniffing one of Anne’s bottles of perfume. She had found Anne’s robe hanging on the peg behind the door. Robert wasn’t sure he liked this. Even Monika would
do that. Not like Maya was anything like Anne. He decided he just attracted to strong female types and loved Monika for the wanton variety she was.

“Oh, hello there.” She greeted him with a smile. She didn’t hide what she had been doing.

Robert leaned over and took the perfume from her hands. “This belongs to my wife.”

Maya let the open robe slip to the floor and stood in front of him, naked. “Spray it on me so you can think of her when you fuck me again.”

Robert thought this was a strange thing to say. Certainly a twist he hadn’t run across before. It irritated him for some reason. He picked up the robe and put it back on the peg.

“If you need clothes, I can give you something else to wear.” He turned to walk away, but noticed she had removed the robe and put it on again. He sighed.
Pick your battles carefully.
He had to admit, this one was real different.

“Come on, Robbie, let’s talk.” She tried to grab his hand but he yanked it free.

“Don’t call me Robbie. Call me Robert or Rob.”

She sauntered over to him and placed his hands on her breasts. “How about I call you big boy. How about Superfuck?”

Now that was nice of her. But all the same, he could tell she was lying. There would be no outsmarting this one. Better get ready and let her have her way, and then maybe she would leave him alone. But damn, he felt great. Really great.

“You want another taste?” She bared her neck and, sure enough, there were human bite marks there, two rows of them, even spaces for some of the molars he’d had pulled. So he hadn’t been dreaming. And it looked like his bite had broken the skin, too.

“I’m so sorry, Maya.” He was shocked at his behavior. What in the world was happening to him?

“Oh, don’t be. You only gave me a little bite. I think you got maybe one or two drops. You were just having fun punishing me, remember?”

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