Homo Mysterious: Evolutionary Puzzles of Human Nature (51 page)

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Authors: David P. Barash

Tags: #Non-Fiction, #Science, #21st Century, #Anthropology, #v.5, #Amazon.com, #Retail, #Cultural History, #Cultural Anthropology

BOOK: Homo Mysterious: Evolutionary Puzzles of Human Nature
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big, and intelligence, 269–272

big, and religion, 221–225

engagement in arts, 152–153

enhancing fitness, 150–152

fitness indicator, 181

pleasures of art, 187–188

sex and, 278–282

social competition, 282

A Brain for all Seasons
, Calvin, 276

brain worm, viral meme hypothesis, 208

breaking bread, bond, 161

Breaking the Spell: Religion as a Natural Phenomenon
, Dennett, 208


calorie storage, 38–39

development, 11, 227

evolution and honest signaling, 39–42

mystery, 34–37

size and age, 42

size of lactating, 37–39

symmetry and asymmetry, 39–41


allo-parenting, 71

parental fitness, 69

reproductive success, 125–126

same-sex behavior, 125

Brooke, Rupert, 235

Brookeian hypothesis, religion, 235–236

The Brothers Karamazov
, Dostoyevsky, 224, 246

Buddhism, 194, 202, 243

bullfrog, same-sex behavior, 132

Burkert, Walter, 250, 251

Burley, Nancy, self-awareness, 33

Burns, Robert, 302

buttocks mimic hypothesis, orgasm, 51

by-product hypothesis, female orgasm, 54–56, 67

Callatians, India, 193

Calvin, William H., 276, 277

Camus, Albert, 309

canalized, homosexuality in men, 115

, Rodgers and Hammerstein, 248

Carroll, Lewis

Alice in Wonderland
, 176

Sylvie and Bruno Concluded
, 175–176

Through the Looking Glass
, 85, 176
, 200

Catholic Church, 204, 224, 243

cave art, 148

Cezanne, 189

chain-gang songs, 160

chameleon effect, arts, 162

The Charmides
, Plato, 218

cheaters, group selection, 254

cheesecake hypothesis, arts as, for mind, 149–153, 156

chemistry, science, 5

child-rearing, allo-mothering, 108

children, arts, 157–159

children’s book,
And Tango Makes Three
, 99


brain, 271

breeding, 68–69

prayer, 249

Technicolor ovulation, 22

Chinese art, French art and, 146–147

, pelvic inflammatory disease, 16

cholera, host-parasite interactions, 133

cholera bacillis, 133–134

Christianity, 194, 201, 202, 204, 208


homosexuality, 100–102

sex, and life span, 79–80

church, punishment for skipping, 256

Churchill, Winston, enigma, 11

circumcision, female, in Africa, 59

civil authority, religion and, 259–260

Civil War, slavery, 215

cleansing hypothesis, menstruation, 16–18

climate, intelligence, 277–278

clitoris, female orgasm, 57, 63–64

Cohen, Leonard, 9

Colbert, Stephen, 196


female orgasm, 62–64

gossip and theory of mind, 174–176

human language, 178–180

competition, intelligence, 275–277

competition avoidance hypothesis, menopause, 72

concealed ovulation

evolutionary mystery, 21–25

keeping the peace, 32

mating control, 28–30

social and sexual bonding, 25–27

concordance rate, homosexuality, 101–102

Confucians, religion, 194


evolution of religion, 252–253

fields of, 269

intelligence, 297–305

overeating, 300

proximate glance, 267–269

self-consciousness, 299

constellations, stars, 215

consumerism, sex and courtship, 184–185

cooking, intelligence, 292–296

cooperative breeding, allo-parenting, 71

copulation, 36, 52

Cortes, Aztec armies, 242

cosmetics, female vs. male, 76, 78

Cosmides, Leda, 168, 288, 290, 291

courtship, consumerism and arts, 184–185

cranes, metaphor for art, 145

Creative Evolution
, Bergson, 169


artistic, 172

sexual selection, 185–186

Crepidula fornicata
, adjustable sexuality, 125

Crick, Francis, 170, 268

crickets, Mormon, 77–78

Homo sapiens
, brain, 272

cross-cultural universal

arts, 145–146, 158

mating preferences, 181–182

Crystal, Billy,
When Harry Met Sally
, 49


art, 146–147

biological adaptation, 277–278

biology and, 173

music, 147

“curse”, menstruation, 13

dance of the bees, food sources, 274

Dante, 190

Darius’s Dictum, 193–194

Darwin, Charles, 8, 43

, 223

biology and religion, 228–229

The Descent of Man
, 143, 304

evolution of altruism, 253

human nature, 182

natural selection, 308

On the Origin of Species
, 141, 263, 312

primitive religion, 219

reproduction, 12, 189

sexual selection, 35, 42, 178

Sexual Selection and the Descent of Man
, 184

Wallace and, 141, 142–144

Darwin’s Dangerous Idea
, Dennett, 145

Dawkins, Richard, 3, 72, 206, 209, 250

delayed plumage maturation, 128

demographic transition, children per family, 108

Dennett, Daniel, 210, 212, 239

Breaking the Spell: Religion as a Natural Phenomenon
, 208

Darwin’s Dangerous Idea
, 145

Freedom Evolves
, 200

Descartes, Rene, 220, 221, 268

The Descent of Man
, Darwin, 143, 304

Deuteronomy, Israelites, 241

Dewar, C. R., 117, 118

Diagnostic and Statistic Manual of Mental

), 93

Dicrocoelium dendriticum
, brain worm, 208

Dicrocoelium dentriticum
, flatworm, 133

Diderot, Denis,
, 5–6

digestion, cooking food, 293–294

disease transmission, 92

Dissanayake, Ellen,
Art and Intimacy:

How the Arts Began
, 159

divine intervention, Wallace, 143, 144

dizygotic (DZ), twin studies, 101–102


brain, 271

genes, 195, 203

selection, 190

structure, 171

Watson and Crick, 170

domain specificity, intelligence, 288–291

Donne, John, 60

don’t ask, don’t tell policy, 134

don’t panic hypothesis, religion, 251–252

Dostoyevsky, 190, 224, 246, 298

doughty daughter hypothesis, handicap principle, 43, 44–46

Down syndrome, maternal age, 65

, sexual behavior, 99

Drury, Elizabeth, 60

Dryden, John, 167

Duchamp, Marcel, 150, 186

Dunbar, Robin, 174, 286, 287

Durkheim, Emil, 239

Dutton, Denis, 144, 150, 155, 164, 165

early learning hypothesis, religion, 222

eating together, breaking bread bond, 161

Echinococcus multilocularis
, 207–208

Edelman, Gerald, 268

efficiency hypothesis, menstruation, 18–19

Einstein, Albert, 7, 170, 268, 272

Eisenhower, Dwight, 262

The Elementary Forms of Religious Life
, Durkheim, 239

Ellis, Henry Havelock, 95

email, 206

embryo, implantation, 21

encephalization, primates, 272

, Diderot, 5–6


Blake, 229

Diderot, 5–6

Habermas, 247

motto, 312

Entomophthora muscae
, 134

Essay Concerning Toleration
, Locke, 262

Essays of a Biologist
, Huxley, 205

estrus, 27, 30

Eucharist, blood of Christ, 4

evaluation hypothesis

female orgasm, 61

pregnancy and childbirth, 19–21

Evans-Pritchard, A. E., 216, 245

evolution biology, 7, 8

brain, 152

concealed ovulation, 21–25

consciousness, 33

homosexuality, 92–94

inclusive fitness, 73–74

manly mysteries, 74–79

mysteries, 7

Red Queen Effect, 85

religion and consciousness, 252–253

sexual activity, 188

evolutionary biology

female orgasm, 54–58

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