Hometown Promise (12 page)

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Authors: Merrillee Whren

BOOK: Hometown Promise
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With Juliane and Elise behind him, Lukas clomped to the front door. “Let’s see if I can get this door open.”

Juliane peered out the front window. “I think there’s a big drift right in front of it. That’s why I couldn’t get it open.”

Turning the doorknob, Lukas pushed the door with his shoulder. He hoped the door would open because he didn’t want to look like a wimp in front of Juliane. As he pushed harder, he felt movement. With a powerful shove, he
managed to open the door, pushing aside the frozen mound of snow in front of it.

He turned in triumph. When Juliane smiled and applauded, his heart soared. How pathetic was he that he wanted her accolades? He wanted to be a hero in her eyes, not the drunk that she remembered.

“Okay. I’m off to dig out my car.” He squeezed out the opening between the door frame and the door.

Juliane stuck her head through the narrow opening. “Oh, I forgot to tell you that Dad is going to bring us the snow-blower after they get out. He said that would work to clear the driveway, since we can’t have it plowed because your car’s in the way.”

“Great.” Lukas heard the door close as he trudged over to the snow shovel that still sat against the front of the house.

Shoveling a path to his car, he wondered how much progress he would make before Juliane’s dad arrived with the snow-blower. While Lukas worked, images of Juliane invaded his thoughts. Every time she came unbidden to his mind the story line of that romance novel came along, too. He couldn’t let himself think of Juliane in the context of romance, could he?

For days, he’d been fighting those very thoughts. Spending this time with Juliane and her sister had made him wish for a family. He had worked on becoming Juliane’s friend, but he wanted more than friendship. His wish for family included her. There, he’d admitted it, but would she consider taking a chance on him? Could he make that happen? Despite all his efforts not to let himself want something he couldn’t have, he was falling for Juliane.


Juliane removed the scarf from around her neck and drank in the warmth of the church foyer. Opening one of the double doors leading into the sanctuary, she let out a deep sigh. She
hoped by arriving a half an hour early for her meeting with Lukas that she would have time to prepare herself. The quiet sanctuary afforded the perfect place to pray. Trying to figure out her mixed-up feelings about him required a lot of prayer.

Lukas had been on her mind at every turn, and she’d stewed about this meeting since he’d requested it two days ago. She still had to fulfill her promise to herself to invite Lukas to Elise’s party. Tonight was the night to issue that invitation. She wouldn’t chicken out.

Sliding into the back pew, she looked up at the cross that hung high on the wall at the back of the stage, illuminated by a lone spotlight. Darkness filled the rest of the room. A sense of calm surrounded her as she bowed her head. She closed her eyes and absorbed the quiet as it settled into her soul.
Be still before the Lord.
The words from one of the Psalms echoed through her mind.

As she let God’s peace fill her heart, someone started strumming a guitar. She looked up. A man sat in the shadows on one side of the choir loft, his head lowered as his fingers moved across the strings. He raised his head slightly, and she caught a glimpse of his face. Her heart raced when she realized the man was Lukas.

He must have entered from one of the side doors. He clearly had no idea she was here. Should she say something? Before she could open her mouth, he began to sing. His marvelous tenor voice rang out over the empty pews. He wasn’t singing one of the songs that the choir was doing for the Winter Festival, but as he sang, she recognized the contemporary Christian tune she’d heard on the radio. She listened as raw emotion poured out of his voice.

The words of the song about never being alone washed over her, filling her heart with God’s love. Lukas sang the lyrics as one who had experienced the pain and heartache
of being alone and how God had reached down and let him know that he wasn’t alone anymore. She remembered Lukas talking about himself as the shy and lonely teen who had started drinking to overcome his feelings of inadequacy.

Tears welled in her eyes as a pressure filled her chest. She blinked and tears rolled down her cheeks. She wiped them away with the back of her hand.

Why had she let that long-ago episode color her thoughts about this man for so long? Even as she asked herself the question, she knew her fears had been less about his past and more about the future. She’d feared Lukas would be like her father—unable to stay sober.

Her father was never a mean or abusive drunk. He was sad and maudlin when he drank. When he fell off the wagon, he’d drink himself into a stupor every night, then somehow get up the next morning and go to work. Juliane never knew what caused him to drink or what suddenly made him quit. She wanted to know, but she always followed her mother’s example and didn’t bring it up when he was sober. Her mother seemed to think talking about it would send him right back to drinking.

Initially, she’d feared the same thing with Lukas. But after hearing his story, she’d known that Lukas had an anchor in the Lord that her father had never found. And in his music, she could hear it. The strength of his faith warmed her and silenced her doubts. She’d prayed for peace of mind, and now she knew her prayer had been answered.

“Lukas.” Even though she’d whispered, her voice sounded loud in the quiet room.

He looked up. “Juliane?”

“That was wonderful.”

“Thanks. I didn’t know I had an audience.” Standing, he set the guitar on the pew where he’d been sitting. “How long have you been here?”

“Since before you started to sing.” Juliane approached the platform where the pulpit stood in front of the choir loft.

“Why didn’t you say something before?”

“I didn’t know you were here until you started to play. I hated to disturb you.” She joined him on the stage. “I had no idea you played the guitar, too.”

Shaking his head, Lukas gave her what appeared to be an embarrassed smile. “I just mess around with the guitar when I’m singing for myself.”

“Well, it sounded pretty good to me.”

“Thanks.” He turned and picked up a folder from the pew. “Should we get started? I’ve got the CD with the accompaniment.”

“Are we going to use the sound booth?”

“No.” Bending down, he retrieved a portable CD player from under the pew. He popped the CD into it. “I brought this to use for now. It’s too much trouble to do the sound booth with only the two of us.”

“You’re right.” Nervous energy buzzed through Juliane as she laid her coat across the back of the pew. Taking a deep breath, she picked up her music and turned to Lukas. “Okay. I’m ready.”

He punched the play button on the CD player. The lilting sounds of an orchestra broke the silence. After the prelude, Lukas sang a short solo. Then Juliane responded with a solo of her own. After a short interlude, they started the duet. Even though they’d gone through this during the previous choir practice with the piano accompaniment, having the CD orchestra version added so much. Their voices rose to the vaulted ceiling and blended in perfect harmony.

When they finished, Lukas smiled. That familiar jittery feeling scrambled her insides.

“Hey, that wasn’t too bad.” Glancing her way, he stopped the CD. “Do you want to go through it again?”

“Sure.” Maybe this time her stomach wouldn’t feel as though it was on a roller-coaster ride.

They went through the song several more times. Each time Juliane became more comfortable with the words and more comfortable singing with Lukas. She wanted the harmony their voices made to spill over into their lives. Would inviting Lukas to the party be the first step in creating that harmony? She had to make the invitation before the others arrived.

“So what do you think?” Lukas popped the CD out of the player.

“I thought it went very well.”

“Me, too.” Now what did she say? This was the moment.
Ask him.
The message sat in her brain, but her tongue wouldn’t work. It felt like a wad of cotton in her mouth.

“I sure appreciate your dad letting me use his snow-blower to clear Grandpa’s driveway and mine. Did your parents get their power back?” Lukas picked up the CD player and his guitar.

“They did. How’s Ferd doing?”

“Great! He even likes his new hearing aids.” Lukas stepped off the stage. “I’m going to take this stuff out to my car.”

She had to ask before he left. If she waited, the other choir members, including Elise, would be arriving by the time he returned. Juliane couldn’t make the invitation in front of them. Her heart thudded. “Lukas, wait.”

“What?” She read the curiosity in his eyes.

“You know…my parents are having a welcome-home party for Elise this Saturday right here in the church fellowship hall. I know this is really last minute, but she’d like for you to come. And you can bring Ferd, too.” Did her voice
sound as high and squeaky to him as it did to her? Oh, well, she’d made the invitation.

Nodding, he shifted the CD player in his hand. “Yeah. That sounds like fun. I’ll have to see what Grandpa says, but I’ll come, even if he doesn’t. Thanks for inviting me.”

“Good. Be prepared to meet all my aunts, uncles and cousins. We have a big family.”

“So I’m beginning to see here at church.” Lukas grinned. “Is this casual?”

“Oh, yeah. Lots of food, games and probably a little entertainment in the form of karaoke.”

“Okay. I’d better get this stuff out to the car before everyone else gets here.”

Juliane watched him go out the side door. She’d fulfilled one promise—to ask Lukas to the party. She was still working on the thing with Elise. That was an ongoing promise to keep. Juliane had to figure out what she was going to do with Lukas now that he’d plowed a hole in her wall of resistance and walked right through it and into her heart.

Chapter Ten

usic, laughter and conversation floated through the church fellowship hall. Along one wall a huge banner with bright red letters read, Welcome Home, Elise. Lukas stood in the doorway and surveyed the crowd. He spied Juliane across the room talking with a teenage girl he didn’t know. Seeing her made his pulse pick up speed.

He took a deep breath and let it out slowly as he moved into the room. Maybe he could find his equilibrium before he greeted her. She hadn’t told anyone, at least that he was aware of, about his past. But every new social occasion in this town caused that old anxiety to resurface.

This particular event meant running into Juliane’s cousin Nathan. Lukas had yet to meet Nathan again, because he’d decided not to take part in the choir’s Winter Festival program. Nathan was too busy at the bank, and Lukas had managed to avoid him at church.

Lukas glanced over at his grandfather. “There’s Juliane. I’m going over there.”

Ferd turned to Lukas. “I didn’t realize this was a date. So you finally took my advice and asked her out.”

Lukas shot his grandfather an annoyed look. “Grandpa, this isn’t a date. If it were, I would have brought her to the party, not just showed up. And I certainly wouldn’t be dragging you along.”

“Well, I am sorry you had to bring me.”

Lukas blew out a harsh breath. “I didn’t mean for it to come out like that. I’m glad you came with me. I want you to understand that Juliane and her sister, Elise, both invited us to this party. Please don’t make any embarrassing comments about Juliane and me while we are here.”

Ferd shook his finger at Lukas. “One of these days you’re going to take my advice, and ask that girl out on a real date.”

Lukas shook his head. “Whatever you say. Just drop it.”

“Okay. Which one is the sister?”

Lukas hoped the pounding behind his forehead would subside as soon as his grandfather quit bugging him about Juliane. “The sister’s name is Elise, and she’s the tall one with the blond streaks in her hair.”

“Very pretty girl. Maybe you’d like her better.”

“I don’t like her better.”

“So you do like Juliane.”

Lukas clamped his mouth shut and counted to ten. He was going to ignore that comment because no matter what he said, his grandfather wouldn’t be convinced that there wasn’t something going on with Juliane. Lukas was having a hard time convincing himself. “Let’s go meet Elise.”

While Lukas introduced his grandfather to Elise, Juliane joined them. Lukas watched her as she joked with his grandfather. He was enjoying the attention of two pretty women.

Lukas liked the way Juliane looked in her tan turtleneck sweater that seemed to highlight her eyes. He’d let himself like a lot of things about her, but he couldn’t gauge where he stood with her. Although she was friendly, that familiar
tinge of distance underscored their relationship. Even when she’d asked him to the party, she seemed on edge. Maybe he was being too impatient about the situation. Time would help him prove to her that she could trust him not to be the old Lukas Frey.

“There’s my friend Dot.” Ferd nodded toward the other side of the room. “I am going to go over and say hello.”

“Okay, Grandpa.”

Ferd looked at Juliane. “Take care of my grandson, and keep him out of trouble.”

“I think you’re the one they need to keep out of trouble.” Juliane winked at Ferd.

“I am too old to get in trouble.” Ferd winked back, then shuffled across the room.

“Did you say you knew Dot from the senior center?” Lukas asked.

“Yes, and Dot’s also my aunt Ginny and uncle John’s neighbor.” Juliane chuckled. “And I think I see a little romance in bloom.”

“I don’t know about the romance, but thanks for inviting Grandpa. He was thrilled that you did.”

“I thought if he got to know more people from the church, he’d feel more comfortable coming with you. Especially since you are sitting with the choir, and he would have to sit by himself.”

“He’s more eager to attend church now that he has adjusted to his hearing aids.” Lukas contented himself with talking about his grandfather though he really wanted to know whether he had received his invitation because Juliane wanted him there. She’d never said she’d like him to attend. She’d only indicated that Elise had issued the invitation. Why did he have to be so desperate for Juliane’s approval?

The evening continued with a buffet supper during which
Elise’s aunts, uncles and cousins took turns roasting her with funny stories from the past. But Juliane had the entire room laughing when she told them about the time that Elise opened one of her Christmas presents early, then rewrapped it and put it back under the Christmas tree. On Christmas morning she discovered that someone had replaced the gift with a comic strip about someone receiving an empty box because they had opened a gift early.

When the laughter died down, Juliane’s parents stood and each told a touching story about Elise and Juliane. They raved about their daughters and thanked God for great family and friends. After they finished, applause filled the room.

Glancing at his grandfather, Lukas felt the need to thank the older man for trying to help him all those years ago, even though he hadn’t listened to the advice. Maybe now wasn’t the right time for that conversation, but he intended to have it on the way home.

After the tables were cleared, Juliane’s dad and several others started setting up the karaoke machine. Other people were setting up board games on various tables around the room. There was a game for every taste and every age group. Lukas took in the joy that filled the room and wished he could claim a big happy family like this. He tried to soak up the cheer.

While Lukas stood there, a man about his age with sandy-brown hair, cut in an almost military style, approached Lukas. The man extended his hand. “Hi, I’m Nathan Keller. I’m not sure whether you remember me, but we worked on some theater productions together when we were in college. I read in the local paper about you becoming the manager of the medical devices plant. I want to officially welcome you to Kellerville.”

“Thanks, Nathan.” Lukas’s stomach churned as he shook Nathan’s hand. He didn’t remember Nathan. If they’d met
on the street, Lukas wouldn’t have known the other man. How was he going to deal with one more person who knew about his past?

“I’m vice president of the local bank, so I’m also here to help you with any of your banking needs.” Nathan smiled wryly. “I had to say that. If my dad was in earshot, he’d have my head if I didn’t promote the bank.”

Nathan’s droll comment about his banking duties put Lukas a little more at ease, but he was still trying to think of how to approach Nathan’s introduction. Sometimes honesty came with a price. “When I met Juliane again, she mentioned that you worked at the bank, and she also thought we probably knew each other. But I have to be honest—I’m bad at remembering people from those years. I don’t recall meeting you.”

“That’s okay. We only met in passing a few times. I had a couple of insignificant parts in a few plays.” Nathan smiled. “Juliane told me you are singing the lead in the musical for the Winter Festival.”

“I am. Did I hear that was supposed to be your part?”

“Not necessarily. As you might have noticed, there are a lot more women than men in the choir.”

Lukas grinned. “I did notice the men are outnumbered.”

“Anyway, whenever any special parts for men came up, I was always tapped to take it.”

“Yeah, that’s what Juliane told me.”

“But this year I’ve been dealing with more work than I need at the bank.” Nathan shook his head. “I couldn’t fit choir practice into my schedule. I’m thankful you moved to town and took that part.”

“Glad I could help.” Lukas sensed an acceptance he hadn’t expected from Nathan.

“I hope you like living in Kellerville.”

“So far I can’t complain.” Lukas breathed a sigh of relief when Nathan didn’t want to reminisce about their college years.

“How did the plant weather the storm?”

“We’ve had people doing double shifts this week to make up the time we lost. But we’re back on schedule now.”

“I’m sure you’re relieved to get caught up.”

“Yeah, we had a couple of big orders in the pipeline. I certainly wanted to make delivery on time.” Lukas couldn’t help wondering what Nathan was thinking while he made small talk. Was the man trying to figure out whether Lukas was still drinking? Lucas didn’t remember Nathan, but Nathan remembered him. And Juliane had indicated that Nathan remembered those problematic years. Lukas hated that those years would always haunt him.


Juliane helped finish the last of the cleanup in the kitchen. Looking through the service opening between the kitchen and the fellowship hall, she watched Lukas talking with Nathan. What were they talking about? Although they seemed to be conversing like old friends, she wondered how Nathan viewed Lukas. Could she casually join their conversation? She laid the dish towel on the counter and meandered in their direction.

As she drew closer, Nathan glanced her way. “Hey, Juliane, are you up for another Trivial Pursuit challenge? Val and Carrie are setting up the board.”

“Men against the women again?”

“Absolutely. I’ve recruited Lukas here for the men’s team.” Nathan clapped Lukas on the back. “That means the women will lose again for sure.”

“Don’t be so smug.”

“You mean the men always win?” Lukas asked.

“Always.” Nathan grinned.

“That’s not true.” Juliane glared at Nathan.

“Okay, you’re right.” Nathan pretended to think. “I believe I remember you women winning one game two years ago on New Year’s Eve.”

Juliane decided to ignore Nathan’s teasing comment. “Did you ask Elise to join the women’s team?”

“Val did.”

Lukas looked from Nathan to Juliane. “So this Trivial Pursuit thing is an ongoing event?”

“Yeah, whenever the family gets together, for whatever occasion, there is at least one Trivial Pursuit match going on.” Juliane motioned toward the other side of the room where her dad had finished setting up the karaoke machine on a small stage. “Before we start the game, it looks like we’re going to have some entertainment. Dad has to get in his karaoke.”

Lukas wrinkled his brow. “Your dad sings?”

“Every time we have a family get-together. Now you know where Elise got her longing to entertain.”

Nathan looked pointedly at Juliane. “I think that applies to both of his daughters.”

“Maybe, but I’m hardly in the same league with Elise. My entertaining is limited to this little town.”

Lukas turned from watching the preparations. “So if your dad likes to sing, why doesn’t he sing in the choir?”

“Because that would require practice.” Juliane laughed. “With karaoke he can just get up and sing.”

“So what does he sing?” Lukas asked.

“I think that’s half the fun. Nobody knows until he gets up there.” Nathan motioned toward the corner of the room. “Let’s grab a seat at the Trivial Pursuit table and get ready for the entertainment.”

“Sure.” Following Nathan, Juliane wondered what Lukas
thought about the family gathering. Did he find it enjoyable or rather odd? What difference did it make? Why should she care what he thought of her family? But in spite of herself, she did care. When it came to Lukas Frey she was starting to care very much.

After almost everyone was seated, Juliane noticed Ferd sitting with Dot. She leaned over to Lukas. “Looks like your grandfather has found a companion for the evening.”

“I guess. How long has he known Dot?”

“They’ve both been coming to the senior center ever since I started volunteering there a couple of years ago.”

“Grandpa’s only lived here a couple of years. So he must’ve started going there as soon as he moved here.” Lukas glanced over at his grandfather again. “So why do you suppose he is just now showing an interest in Dot?”

“Maybe he decided it was time.”

“Yeah…” Lukas had a faraway look in his eyes as his voice trailed off.

Before Juliane could comment, her father hopped up on the stage and grabbed the microphone. “Hello, everyone. It’s good to see you all tonight.”

There was a smattering of applause and some shouts of agreement from several people.

Ray held up one hand. “I know you’ve all been waiting for this.”

“What would a family gathering be without one of your songs?” someone yelled, and laughter rippled through the room.

“It’d be mighty boring.” Ray gave a big belly laugh as he looked over the crowd. “We’re all here to welcome Elise home, so I’m going to sing a song especially in her honor. Then we’re going to get her up here to sing something. She’s the professional in the family.”

A little stab of jealousy pierced Juliane’s heart as she listened to her father praise Elise. Juliane knew she had to get over it. She’d promised herself that she’d put away the petty jealousies, but accomplishing that task was harder than she had expected. Besides, her dad was right. Elise was the professional vocalist.

While Juliane stewed over her own lack of self-discipline, her father started to sing a song made popular by James Taylor. The words about showering the people you love with love hit Juliane’s heart right where the jealousy resided and helped to push it away. When Ray finished singing, Elise ran up to the stage and flung her arms around him. Applause filled the room as father and daughter stood arm in arm to face the crowd.

“Thanks, Dad.” Giving her dad a kiss on the cheek, Elise grabbed the microphone. “And thanks, everyone, for coming out tonight to welcome me home. It’s so good to be here with family and friends. Now I’m going to sing a song that expresses my feelings about being home.”

As Elise started to sing, Juliane closed her eyes. She let the words of the song originally sung by Tim McGraw, which told of finding a place to belong, fill her heart. She began to see that she was the fortunate one. She hadn’t had to travel the world to find out where she belonged.

Elise had said she was glad to be back in Kellerville, but Juliane hadn’t realized how true it was until now. The lyrics poured straight from Elise’s heart as her voice rang throughout the room. Blinking back tears, Juliane swallowed the lump in her throat. She had to help make Elise’s homecoming the best.

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