Read Homefall: Book Four of the Last Legion Series Online
Authors: Chris Bunch
“Probably most of you have an idea of what was going on,” Njangu told the Legion officers assembled on the bridge of
Big Bertha,
“but here’s the real skinny. I’ll let Dr. Froude explain.”
“We’ve made some interesting progress so far,” Froude said. “We now have … or think we have … a skeleton key of sorts to the Confederation, which hopefully will keep us from being killed by our own people or robots,” Froude said. “From the nav points we’re close to now, there’s a six-jump sequence that will put us in the Capella system.
“However, I favor an eight-jump series, for one reason: This second set of navpoints, and I indicate them here on a greatly simplified chart holo, are ‘nearer’ to the systems around Capella.
“I would like to nose around a bit, as close to Centrum as we dare, before committing ourselves.
“Comments? Questions? Additions?”
There were none, and so
Big Bertha
jumped again into N-space.
• • •
“This is most interestin’,” Njangu observed as he checked several screens. “This system, W-R-whocares, was supposedly empty. No listing on settlements, no listing on fortification, carried as UNOCCUPIED.
“Yet over on that world the detectors picked up a big chunk of metal.”
He keyed a mike.
“Ben, what do you have?,” not bothering with formal call signs.
Silence for a moment, then:
“On my second orbit. What we’ve got is damned weird, Njangu. The detectors picked up what looks to me like a big goddamned fortress, modern, most of it underground. I’m transmitting pictures and realtime data for you to eyeball.
“But what’s interesting is the thing’s abandoned.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, my detectors pick up nothin’ on no waves from nobody. Nothing on IR, nothing on radar, nothing on heat imaging, not even residue. On visual, there are hangar bays, nit and cleverly camouflaged, but the doors are hangin’ open like the seat of my pants when I was poor day before yestidday,” Dill went on. “I see what I think are weapons launchers, but with no missiles on the mounts. I’ve got me some scanners and some antennae. I chanced a low sweep, and nothin’ went BINGO at me.
“It looks to me like people just got bored and up and left.”
“Could you bring
Big Bertha
in closer?” Froude asked the ship captain.
“Affirm,” Liskeard said, and the planet blurred, the screen showed the whorl of N-space, and then the planet filled the main screen.
“Sorry, Ben,” Njangu said. “Forgot to tell you we were jumping in closer.”
“Oh, ‘at’s all right,” Dill said. “I just saw you guys pull out on me, and now somebody’s gonna have to clean up this here
cabin. This is not the place I want to grow old gracefully in all by myself.”
Froude was paying no attention to the chatter, but watching screens.
“I think Big Ben is maybe right,” he said. “The Confederation … I’m assuming this was some kind of a secret base for something, since it looks like it’s been there for a while, and who else but the Confederation would’ve spent who knows how many years building this … just up and left. Leaving the barn door wide-open.
“Very strange indeed.”
• • •
“Why,” Kekri said, “did we spend so much time in that dead system today?”
“Damfino,” Ben lied. “I was in the ready room playing with myself. Alikhan was the duty pilot.”
“Wasn’t that weird to be just hanging out there without anything happening? Didn’t Garvin give you some kind of clue?”
“Nawp,” Dill said. “What’s weird is that I’ve been out of my flight suit, wandering around nekkid and all, with a nicely worked up me in me hand, and I haven’t leapt on you yet.”
“Wait a minute,” Kekri protested. “We can’t screw all the time! And we were talking …” and then she squealed, and for a time the conversation in their compartment was somewhat fragmented.
The next jump was through a dead system, with no surprises.
Sabyn/Sabyn I
The next jump was more interesting. There were supposedly three inhabited planets of the six in the system of Sabyn. They were listed as settled, with light manufacturing, mostly agriculture, no details on culture.
sweep reported life on all three worlds, no observable armament, no threats.
Garvin had
Big Bertha
brought out of N-space, and sent a cast for landing instructions.
There was no response to the first or the third com. Other corns were sent to the other worlds, with zed results.
Garvin, feeling his skin prickle a bit, put out all his combat ships, looking for trouble.
None materialized.
“All right,” he said. “We’ll do it the dumb way.”
As on Cayle, they snowballed the three populated worlds with ‘casts, in-atmosphere fireworks. Again, nothing.
“Now, here is something a bit out of the ordinary,” Alikhan sent from his
close to the first planet’s surface. “Transmitting pictures. What you are looking at is a landing field, but you will note it has been rather completely destroyed. The towers have been knocked down and the maintenance buildings bombed, as on Salamonsky. It would appear to me that the damage was done some time ago … a planetary year or more.
“However, the world is
abandoned. I sighted a small lifter, overflew it. It ducked away into a forest byway, and I lost it, not having my infrared pickup turned on at the time.”
The watch officer brought
Big Bertha
closer to the planet, and they waited some more.
“We were swept twice with radar from the planet’s surface, but the band wasn’t anything the computer said was used by target acquisition,” the electronics watch reported. “Then nothing.”
Everyone looked at Garvin for his decision.
“Let’s wiggle our fannies and see what happens,” he said. “Put it down on that open patch of land near that torn-up field, and we’ll set up canvas.”
“You are being a daredevil,” Njangu murmured.
“I’ll want full air cover while we do,” Garvin said.
“Why’re we putting the tents up, if I might ask?” Penwyth said.
“I can’t think of any better way to signal that we’re friendly.”
• • •
Their first customer was a tough-looking subteen farm boy, who walked up, listened, stone-faced to the spiel of one of the midway barkers to her solitary audience, waited until the chant broke for an instant, then demanded, “Whatsit take to get in?”
“Only half a Confederate credit for the circus,” the barker said. “Dunno what it’d be in your currency, but we’re flexible, son, mighty flexible. The midway’s free, but the attractions and the games require a small contribution.”
• • •
The boy nodded, went down the midway, looking curiously about.
Garvin was watching from the bridge of
Big Bertha.
“Damned spooky to be the only flattie around,” he said, “and you’ll note everybody’s working him, just for practice, no doubt.”
“Maybe you best slide on down and find out what’s going on,” Njangu said.
“What, me, the ringmaster?”
“Yes, you, the ringmaster. Move out.”
Garvin obeyed.
The boy, in spite of his best efforts, couldn’t help but goggle a little at the tall, white-clad blond man standing in front of him.
“Welcome to the circus,” Garvin said. “My name’s Garvin. Yours?”
“Jorma,” the boy said.
“Enjoying yourself?”
“Dunno yet.”
“Here,” Garvin said, taking a ticket from his pocket. “Free admission to my circus. Better,” and he brought out more tickets, “bring your whole family.”
“Don’t need that many,” Jorma said. “There ain’t but me and Ma, and one baby sister left.”
“Since the damned Confederation come and gone.” Jorma spat on the ground.
Garvin recovered.
“What did the Confederation want? Don’t mind my dumb questions, Jorma, but we’re from way offworld, and haven’t heard any news lately.”
“Bastards come every couple years,” Jorma said. “Grab whatever’s worth taking. Quick-butcher whatever cattle they can come on, freeze-dry our vegetables.” Jorma paused, and his face twisted, and he fought back, found control. ‘They take anybody who wants to go with ‘em.
“Sometimes people who don’t. Like my sister.”
He scrubbed across his eyes with the back of his sleeve.
“That’s not right,” Garvin said.
Jorma gave him a look of infinite scorn.
“And how’re we supposed to fight back? No guns, and they’ve got rockets and ships.”
He pointed at the nearby field.
“They done that last time. Said they didn’t want us messing around in space. Some peddler came through, said they shot up some of our cities pretty bad. I wouldn’t know. Most of us live in little villages. Get in cities, you’re a target. My dad went off, looking for work, and he never came back.”
“All of these raiders call themselves Confederation?”
“Yeh,” the boy said. “And we got all these holos talkin’ about how good the Confederation was for all of us. Lyin’ sonsabitches!”
He caught himself.
“Sorry, mister. My ma says I’m not supposed to use language like that.”
“Doesn’t bother me,” Garvin said. “If I was in your shoes, I’d probably use worse myself.”
The boy smiled, very faintly.
“Maybe you’re not a trap.”
“Ma said the only ships that’ve come here in the last four years have been raiders. Before that, she said, there wasn’t anybody for six, seven years.
“Before that, she swears there were
Confederation ships, but those were bringing things in, and not stealing everything we’ve got. All kinds of ships, not just warships, but transports, even liners. She said you could get on one, if you had credits, and it’d take you anywhere in the Universe.
“Anyway, Ma figured, when we heard your speakers in those weird-looking ships that you were just another way for us to get stolen.”
“Look,” Garvin said. “If I wanted to steal you … or your mother … or your little sister, you think I’d go to the trouble of bringing in all those elephants?”
“Is that what they are? Like from Earth?”
“Maybe, a long time ago,” Garvin said. “That herd goes through a ton of dried grass a day, maybe more. Plus they’ve got to have vitamins, and treats from the hydroponics area, or from our freeze-dried stocks.”
“Doesn’t seem to make much sense just to grab me and my family,” Jorma agreed.
“Look,” Garvin said. “I’ll get a whole roll of tickets. You sell them for whatever you can get, keep half the credits.”
“Why me?”
“Because you were the first to show up, which means you’ve got some courage. Plus nobody’ll get near any of us, ‘til we’ve proved we’re not the Confederation. Most likely, they’d take a shot, or wing us with a rock,” Garvin said.
“That’s prob’ly true,” Jorma said.
Garvin took him over to a spieler’s booth, took a roll of tickets about the size of the boy’s chest, and gave it to him.
“You make money, we make money.”
Jorma nodded, considered, then, possibly afraid Garvin would renege, pelted back down the midway and disappeared into brush.
“I’ve got a tracer on him,” the speaker in Garvin’s ear said. “Want him tracked?”
“Yeh,” Garvin said. “But nobody takes any action except by my permission. Period.”
That night there were ten people, including Jorma and his skeptical family. The next night, fifty.
Garvin kept the
and patrol boats in the air, constantly ‘casting. Some of the cities had taken some damage from the air, but nothing was as shattered as Jorma’s peddler had claimed.
The fourth night, there were three hundred people, some of whom had arrived by decrepit lifter or ground vehicles.
Clowns and butchers were augmented with Njangu’s Intelligence analysts.
“The kid was telling the truth,” Njangu reported. “Some folks who call themselves Confederation are milking this planet every year or so. But they’re not dumb. They don’t steal enough so people starve or can’t keep the economy limping along.
“A lot of the people go with them willingly. But there’s some … Jorma’s sister, I’d guess … somebody gets the hots for and she’s theirs.”
“Wonderful,” Garvin said. “This’ll be a nice reputation to live down. Wonder how many other worlds these phony Confeds loot?”
“Damfino,” Njangu said. “But you want a really nasty thought? You ever think maybe this
the real Confederation?”
Garvin gnawed a lip, didn’t answer.
“Another interesting bit of info,” Njangu went on. “Nobody from whatever government exists has shown up to check out the circus.”
“That’s damned unlikely.”
“Sure is,” Yoshitaro agreed. “The only officials that’ve materialized are bureaucrats or village elders or whatever they call themselves. So this means the mucketies either are hiding in the bushes, scared shitless that we’re somehow tied in with the kidnappers, or else they really don’t have any government beyond the local yokels and the guys who keep the power and water running.
“That, I think, is impossible. Humans aren’t that in love with anarchy.
“But it does give another fact. We’ve been prodding gently, and nobody, and I mean nobody, down to little kids, is willing to point to somebody and say, ‘Yeh, he’s the prime minister’s bootlicker’ or such.”
“Nice tight discipline,” Garvin offered.
“Or fear, more likely.”
“Nobody ought to live that scared,” Garvin said.
“No shiteedah,” Njangu said. “But there’s a lot of us who grow up like that.”
“Hell yeh,” Njangu said bitterly. “Remember, I didn’t know there was anything other than run or get beat on, big dog chews on little dog until I got shoved in the military.
“And ain’t that a bastard,” he added. “You gotta put on a uniform to find out you’ve got anything called basic rights? This goddamned cosmos sucks a big fat one.
“Maybe we ought to just go on back home and vegetate, since we’ve beat the butt of all the local baddies, and let the frigging Universe go to hell in a handbasket.”