Homecourt Advantage (17 page)

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Authors: Rita Ewing

BOOK: Homecourt Advantage
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“Casey, why do we have to go through this? Can’t we just—”

“Brent, I’m going to ask you one more time, and if you lie to me, I’m finished. This marriage cannot take the strain of one more filthy fucking lie, Now, talk to me, and I want nothing but truth coming out of your lips,” Casey said as her eyes welled up with unshed tears.

Brent pulled the car into one of the rest stops along the highway. The heat of the sun was beating down on Casey through the front window. Parking the car, he took a deep breath and turned toward Casey.

“It’s so bad you had to pull off the road, huh?” Casey said, shaking her head in disbelief.

Brent reached for Casey’s hands, but she pulled away, her back smashed against the door and her head rubbing against the passenger window. Casey shook her head as she looked at Brent.

“Casey, I’ve been corresponding with my daughter.”

“Define ‘corresponding.’ ”

“I’ve spoken with Nikki and I’ve arranged for her and Brent Junior to meet and …” He faltered.

“And what, Brent? What else did you arrange? Don’t get silent on me, damn it!”

“I arranged to visit with Nikki.”

“Where? How many times?”

“On the road. On a few occasions.”

“Oh, on a few occasions that you forgot to mention to me. Kind oflike when you hooked up with her mother in the first place. And did Nikki’s mama bring her to meet you?” Casey said, barely able to process that she was going through this with Brent again.

“Yes, she did.”

“Oh, I see, and I suppose the two of you had a lovely little reunion. How cozy. Did you ever plan on telling me about your relationship with your daughter and your renewed relationship with her mother?”

“There’s no relationship with me and Nikki’s mother. I was going to tell you eventually, but …”

“But what? Do you have any idea how humiliating it was to have to hear about this from your coach’s wife? I must look like a damn fool to them. How many other people know?”

“Casey, I’m sorry you had to find out like this!”

“I didn’t
to find out like this; you’re the one who chose not to tell me.”

“The reason I didn’t tell you is because I knew how you’d react, unreasonable, just like you’re acting now.”

“Tell me something, Brent. How am I supposed to react? Pardon me for not exercising the proper etiquette. What was I thinking? Silly me. ‘Oh, congratulations on the birth of your daughter! Isn’t parenthood wonderful! I’m so glad that the two of you are getting an opportunity to spend time together. How’s your wife holding up after the birth? Oops. I mean your mistress. I forgot, your wife had a miscarriage just about the time that silly paternity suit came about. I’m sorry, but I offer my congratulations just the same. And I’m so happy that you’re bonding with your child.’ “ Casey screamed, banging the dashboard with her fist. “Is that a more appropriate reaction, Brent?”

“Casey, you’re blowing this way out of proportion. Would you please calm down and give me a moment to speak?”

“I’m blowing this out of proportion?” she yelled, outraged.

“Actually, I think you are. You’re being selfish about it. Whether you like it or not, Nikki is my child. There’s nothing I can do about that now.”

“I think I have a right to be selfish about my husband when it comes to who he’s sleeping with.”

“I’m not sleeping with anybody but you.”

“Now. Maybe,” Casey said, turning away from him.

Brent reached for Casey’s chin and turned her face toward him. Casey was in no mood to speak to Brent, much less look at him.

“You have every reason to be upset with me, and I can’t fault you for it one bit. You have the complete right to be angry with me. I remember what the counselor said about it being healthy to be angry—”

“Fuck the counselor and fuck you too,” Casey interjected.

“Casey, you don’t mean that—can’t you just please try and see the situation from my perspective? I know what I did was wrong. I know that. But is it wrong for me to want to see my daughter, to have a relationship with her? She’s my flesh and blood, Casey. Can you try and understand that? I know I should have said something to you about it, but I was afraid of getting you upset again. I can’t just turn my back on my own child. I would be as bad as all those other men that we read about in the newspapers and see on the TV who make thousands of babies and never take care of them,” Brent implored.

“Isn’t her mother getting enough money? Why can’t they just cash their monthly checks and disappear and let us live our lives? I feel like we’re going to be haunted by them forever,” Casey cried.

“It’s not that easy. I wish it was. And, baby, I don’t want anything to do with Nikki’s mother. I just want to know my little girl and I don’t want her growing up thinking that she had one of those fathers who deserted her. It’s only right. Nikki didn’t ask to be brought here. Because of my irresponsible behavior, she was conceived. I know you, Casey; you wouldn’t respect any man who didn’t take care of his own child. How can you expect any less of me?”

“I don’t think my expectations of you can be lessened any more than they already are,” Casey said, covering her face with her hands.

“Come on, Casey. Don’t be like that. Can you please try and understand? It doesn’t have to be such a bad thing. We can make it through this together. Can I count on you to be by my side in this? Come on, baby, for better or for worse. And, honey, I promise you, the worst is over. We’re partners, we’re a family. I need to know that you’re going to be by my side,” Brent said, gazing into Casey’s eyes.

“Brent, I just don’t know. You’re constantly lying to me. There’s no way for me to defend myself against a lie. I’m tired of being hurt.” “Casey, I promise—”

“Brent, please don’t promise me anything right now,” Casey interrupted. “You’re in no position.” “Don’t give up on me, Casey.” “Let’s get out of here. Please, I’m ready to go.” “Can I take that as a yes, that you’re with me?” Brent asked. “Let’s just go, Brent. I can’t really plan beyond today.” “Fair enough,” Brent said, starting up the car and putting it in gear.

Chapter 19

What was Kelly up to now? Steve thought as he
paced back and forth in front of the fourteen-foot etched-glass door. She had called him frantically, claiming that Diamond had a fever. Steve was so accustomed to Kelly conjuring up harebrained schemes that he had been reluctant to respond to her emergency message. God, he hoped that Kelly was not pathetic enough to lie about her own daughter’s health; then again, lately nothing seemed beyond Kelly.

Steve refused to use the key to the door as he stood outside the home that was technically his. He was hoping it would sell soon and was seriously considering lowering the asking price by two hundred thousand dollars so it would go faster. It was time to close this chapter of his life. He no longer wanted Kelly in his life, and certainly not living in a place for which he was paying the mortgage.

That was another reason he had consented to see Kelly today. Over a month ago, Steve had received the legal document that would put into action Kelly’s eviction. Steve had been procrastinating serving her the papers since he had told her she had until the end of the year to leave. But he could no longer put it off—it was only the beginning of May now. He wanted to have a life of his own again—not one dictated by Kelly’s deceit. Although he was concerned for Diamond’s welfare, he felt in the long run it was better for the child not to be torn between him and Kelly.

The way he saw it, he had been overly generous and patient with Kelly despite her lies and manipulation. He even still provided her with a hefty monthly living allowance that supported her lavish lifestyle. Steve reminded himself not to be seduced by her, a feat that was nearly impossible, as he had learned the hard way. She had almost broken him. He thought back to the first time he realized Kelly’s ability to deceive in order to get what she wanted. It had been the end of his fourth season playing for the Flyers, and they had just moved into their new house.

“Diamond! Diamond! Daddy’s home. Where’s my little girl?” Steve had bellowed out, walking into the kitchen.

He had come back to New Jersey two days early from a road trip because he had to see the Flyers’ orthopedic surgeon about an injury to his wrist.

“Kelly! Diamond! Where’s everybody?” Steve said, looking around the family room.

Steve ran upstairs to Diamond’s room, thinking she might be napping. He always missed her when he went on road trips and was anxious to see his little girl.

As Steve made it to the top of the stairs, he tiptoed to Diamond’s room, not wanting to awaken her if she was sleeping. He just wanted to look at her tiny face. When he reached the door to her bedroom, it was completely shut, which was unusual. If Diamond was napping, Kelly normally kept the door slightly ajar.

Steve grasped the doorknob and began to turn it slowly, when he heard a man’s laughter in the nursery. Steve stopped in his tracks and wondered what was going on. He leaned his ear so it was pressing against the door and listened. He heard Kelly tell Diamond to show “Daddy” her new tooth. With that, Steve stormed in, confused.

The sight Steve took in momentarily calmed him.

“Daryl. What’s up, man? I didn’t know you were coming to town,” Steve said, puzzled as to why his childhood buddy was in his house when Steve wasn’t due home for another two days.

The instant Steve asked the question, he knew something strange was going on. The three of them were sitting on the floor together, the picture of family harmony with the exception of the expressions on the faces of the adults. Kelly froze, and Daryl became jittery at first and then defensive-looking. Diamond was the only one in the group who continued to innocently coo.

At first Steve just knew that Kelly and his boy were having an affair and he had busted in on them.

“So is somebody going to tell me what’s going on here?”

“Steve, it’s nothing. Daryl was just in town visiting,” Kelly stammered.

“Just visiting, huh? I had no idea you and Daryl were on visiting terms.”

Steve watched Kelly nervously stand up and straighten out her clingy T-shirt dress.

“Look, Steve, Daryl had some business up here and—” Kelly began.

“So now you up in Daryl’s business?” Steve said, looking at his boy with eyes of stone. Steve could feel his nostrils begin to flare against his will.

“I just have one question. Wouldn’t a motel have been a better place to meet than in my daughter’s nursery? Don’t I give you enough money to get a baby-sitter, Kelly?” Steve contemptuously said as he leaned down and picked up Diamond.

“Hold up, Steve, I have a right to—” Daryl began as he stood up, eyeing Steve.

“Shut up, Daryl! Listen, Steve, why don’t we go downstairs and—”

“No! I’m tired of shutting up, Kelly, and I’m tired of hiding this,” said Daryl indignantly.

“Look, you can do whatever you want to do, just not in my house in front of my daughter. Now you both can get to steppin'.”

“Steve, me and Daryl ain’t having no affair!” Kelly pleaded.

“Anymore,” Daryl added.

“I’m not interested in hearing about your love squabbles. Why don’t you two go check into the Howard Johnson down the street,” Steve said in disgust.

“I told you, I’m not sleeping with Daryl,”

“Then what the hell is he doing here all cozied up with you and Diamond?”

“Because I have a right to visit my daughter, that’s why,” Daryl said, taking a few bold steps toward Steve.

“Daryl! What the hell is your problem?” Kelly hollered.

“What did you just say?” Steve said, shocked.

“Don’t listen to him, Steve, he’s crazy. He must be on drugs or something,” Kelly said.

“I’m not crazy and I’m not on drugs. Diamond is my daughter and I’m tired of having to hide it. I have a right to see her when I want. Just ‘cause you’re Mr. Big-shot Basketball Player with loads of loot don’t mean that I got to give you my daughter,” Daryl spat out.

Steve had never fainted before, but he felt as if he was going to go down at any moment. The room seemed to spin around him and he was short of breath. It was as if someone had shut off the air supply.

“Steve, Steve, are you all right?” Kelly worriedly asked as she inched toward him.

“I’m sorry, Kelly, and, Steve, I’m sorry for you, too, but right is right. Diamond is my daughter,” Daryl said.

Steve could not force any words to escape his mouth. This was not happening. He didn’t want to believe it, but as much as he hated to admit it to himself, it rang true. He remembered the month before Kelly told him she was pregnant. She had just returned from a three-week stay in Atlanta where they had both grown up. The night she had returned from her trip, Steve was sick in bed with the flu and in a deep sleep. He recalled her virtually forcing him to have sex with her even though he was exhausted and felt terrible. Thinking about it now, it was as if she was covering her tracks, just in case she turned up pregnant. She could point to that night so the timing would be right. Inactuality, she must have fooled around with Daryl while she was visiting Atlanta.

“Steve. Say something, Steve. You look sick,” Kelly said, walking up to him.

“Is … is it true, Kelly?” Steve said, staring off into space while still holding Diamond.

“Steve, Diamond loves you like you’re her daddy,” Kelly said lamely.

“Kelly, I think I at least deserve the truth about this,” Steve said, choking on his words.

“Come on, Steve; me, you, and Diamond, we’re a family.”

“Damn it, Kelly! Stop bullshitting me! Just admit it!”

“Please, Steve,” Kelly cried.

“It’s true, man; I got the blood tests to prove it,” Daryl said triumphantly.

“Steve, I’m sorry,” Kelly said, trying to put her arm around him.

“Just … just don’t come near me.” Steve had handed Diamond to Kelly and begun backing out of the room.

Steve had been shattered. He’d felt as if his life had just come to an end.

Now, as he rang the doorbell for the fifth time, Steve said, “Kelly, stop playing games and open up this door.”

It sure as hell was time to move on, and his first move would be his date with Stephanie in exactly three hours. They were going to try the Lever House, a new restaurant Stephanie had read about in
Taste Makers New York,
and he did not want to be late. Ever since the Kelly incident at the Mecca, Stephanie had put a hold on the sexual part of their relationship. She wanted to be absolutely certain that Kelly was out of Steve’s life for good.

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