Homecoming (15 page)

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Authors: Cooper West

BOOK: Homecoming
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“Damn,” Cal muttered across the table. Sula kept her eyes closed. She did not need to see his arousal to hear it or smell it.

Sula shoved her chair back, meaning to get up, to get away from what was turning into a chancy situation. Bracelet was hostile while she made her decision. She was in no danger of shifting, but her nature was leaking out around the beads and filling the room with her scent.

Daniel let out a desperate noise as he crawled over her, licking and nipping at her neck. He straddled her lap, supporting himself a little on his legs but still weighing her down, feeling solid and hard on top of her. She reached for a steadying breath, grabbing at his thighs to ground herself.

Daniel kissed her again, moving slightly to the side, one hand drifting down between her legs where she was already wet—she knew they could smell it on her, there was nothing to hide between any of them at that point, but she still grabbed his wrist.

“No.” She looked up at Daniel, who had stopped and wore a guarded expression despite his heavy breathing.

“Sula.” Cal whined. Surprised, she looked over to see him sprawled in the chair, his legs splayed out and his hand down the front of his pants. “Please, please—” He begged while clutching himself, not moving, gazing at her with a soft, desperate expression. Pleading.

With a charge of heat between her legs, Sula realized that they were both laying down for her. There was no fighting for dominance or anger at her for what she was. Something about her power and strength attracted them, and she might never understand that part of them but it was turning her on harder than she had ever been turned on in her life. Her hips jerked involuntarily under Daniel, who smirked down at her. “Not here,” Sula said softly, almost to herself, as she pushed Daniel up off her. He didn't budge. She looked at him again.

“You could move me if you wanted to,” he whispered into her ear, licking the shell of it after he spoke.

Sula laughed at that. It was not the kind of thing most men liked and showing off her bear strength often led to more fights than sex. He was breathing heavily into her ear, anxious to know what she would do with his challenge. She did not understand the power games that seemed to turn werewolves on. Grabbing him under his ass, she stood up easily, bearing him up and then dumping him on the table in between their settings of half–eaten dinner, which trembled dangerously with his weight. He was at least 225 pounds of solid muscle, but she could lift and carry twice that in her human form, if she wanted to. She was going to say something smart about it, but Daniel looked like he had been hit with a stun gun, and Cal let out a long, painful groan. She looked at Cal, thinking for a second that he was starting to shift because his nature was written so strongly over his skin. But he was jacking himself in his pants, staring at her with absolutely uncontrolled lust.

“Not here,” she repeated. She grabbed Daniel's shirt and pulled him after her as she headed for the stairs. She heard him say Cal's name with a strangled voice, followed by the thumping and thudding of Cal getting up to follow after them.


She dragged him up to her bed room and onto the bed, crawling on her knees across it without letting go of Daniel's shirt. She heard Cal close the door behind them and only then released her hold to turn around and settle up against the headboard. Daniel was on his knees on the bed, near her feet, slowly unbuttoning his shirt but never moving his eyes from her face. She could smell the wariness of them; as much as they wanted her they were both still frightened of what she was. It was nothing they could fight, it was instinctive, and she did not fault them for it. She scared them, and that was that.

Cal stopped stripping, looking at her with a crushed expression. “No, don't pull back. Don't do that, Sula.”

Daniel took off his shirt and his undershirt in one move then sat on his heels to put one hand on her leg, rubbing it gently. “We're here, and it's where we want to be. You're not going to scare us off.”

She closed her eyes, sighing. “Don't you get that I'm
not trying
to scare you off? It's just what I am. The way it is.”

“Yeah…yeah.” Cal was already naked by that point, crawling onto the bed with a quick glance at Daniel for permission, who nodded and started on his own jeans with a smile.

Cal sat down next to her, curling himself around her side, one arm slung back over the headboard like they were at the movies. Sula laughed, a little uncertain of who was doing what, even if she was the only one left wearing clothes by the time Daniel got his pants off. Cal grinned and leaned in, pressing his mouth against her lips, just a little desperate and wet.

Bracelet throbbed again warningly and Sula pushed back, but not hard. Not enough to turn Bracelet away, or deny it. She wanted just a little of her power to call her own for a change. Cal grasped her forearm, right above where Bracelet rested.

“Fight it.”


“We know you can give us more.” Daniel whispered running his hands up her legs as he straddled her knees, his dick hanging full between his thighs.

“Come on,” Cal begged a little, his thumb rubbing the inside of her elbow, which she thought should not have been as much of a turn on as it was. His hands started moving again, gently caressing over her jeans, rubbing at her hips and dipping in between her thighs.

“Please, please.” Cal's words turned soft as he leaned in to start tonguing her neck.

Sula took a deep breath to steady herself. The undeniable fact was that they had seen her power several times and had not been scared off. While she could not in good conscience take Bracelet off and risk shifting on them, she wanted to try to give them what they wanted.

“What is it doing to you?” Daniel asked softly, fingers running up and down her arm above where Bracelet was throbbing.

“If I take it off, I will start shifting if I try to have sex with anyone. I don't think that's Bracelet, it's just me. I figured that out the hard way.” She closed her eyes to ward off the memories. “But if I leave it on, I can't come.”

Cal pulled back, horrified. “What?”

Daniel kept petting her but frowned. “What is the purpose of that?”

Sula shrugged, the relief at admitting it washing over her. They were unhappy, that was obvious, but they were not getting up and leaving in a huff as she had always imagined anyone would. “I don't think it's really on purpose. It's just got such a stranglehold on my nature that it holds me back from extremes. It's not all bad, since obviously I can't go berserker with it on either.”

Cal settled back down. “It's why you think your mother gave it to you, before she went after that pack, isn't it? She knew the thing wouldn't let her get her revenge on.”

“Something like that.” She sighed.

“Have you ever really tried?” Daniel asked.

“Tried to have an orgasm?” Sula laughed. “Once or twice.”

“Hmmm. Before.” Daniel leaned in and kissed her slowly. “Before you really knew how much power you have over it.”

She inclined her head in a half–nod, because it was true that things had changed. Closing her eyes, she pushed against Bracelet again. It was a battle. She gasped as Bracelet struck back with shocks and burns, but she shook her wrist and snarled, grabbing what she wanted and throwing it out around her.

It was a shade of what she could do, they all knew it, but as the energy pulsed through them Daniel groaned and leaned forward to mouth at one of her breasts through her shirt while Daniel fell on her lips as if starving for her taste. Maybe he was, she decided as she kissed him back, growling low in the back of her throat, her own need rumbling through her bones. She curled her fingers into Cal's shoulders hard enough to cause bruising, but he moaned and his body stuttered with want.

They undressed her efficiently, not slowly but calmly. She let them, scooting down the bed to lay out on it as her body was revealed. Cal wrapped his lanky arms around her torso, pulling her up and into his arms for a long kiss full of tongue and lips. He was strong enough to hold her upper body up, but they both knew she could toss him away like a doll if she wanted. She had always considered those kinds of thoughts during sex to be turn–offs, for both her and her partner, but instead she allowed herself to wallow in her power. Cal picked up on it, the energy coursing through her and her raw smell of sex and strength filling the room, and bucked his hips helplessly into thin air. She was ready to laugh at him when Daniel settled between her legs, spreading her wide. In the next moment she felt his mouth on her, his tongue dipping in between the folds of her vulva with no foreplay to it, working to get at her taste.

Her hands flew up to hold on to Cal. She was so surprised by Daniel's attentions that she was not ready for the sensations, and she started bucking and groaning and lost track of trying to hide. Daniel's mouth worked at her, sucking and licking until she felt tremors in her hips and the fire along her nerves. She wanted it come, and the sensations were so close on the edge of her consciousness that she thought she could grasp them, but it was too far—Bracelet flared up. The pain caught her and pulled her back from the edge. She fisted Daniel's hair and pulled him off her with a snarl.

They both froze, Cal hovering and Daniel looking up the length of her body warily but he did not try to get free of her grip.

“Where you close?” Cal asked, always the more observant one.

She nodded but tugged at Daniel when he tried to dip his head back down. “Too much.” She took a deep breath. The men were quiet while she gathered herself and pushed Bracelet's influence back. Then Cal leaned back down and kissed her, softly, asking permission with his body to approach her again. She let go as Daniel sat back, rubbing his hands up and down her thighs. When Cal pulled back, she felt as blurry–eyed as they looked. She reached up and trailed her fingers over Daniel's jaw. “It's okay.”

“No, it's fucking not,” Cal snapped, palming one of her breasts as if trying to distract himself.

“Cal.” Daniel's voice was sharp. Cal reacted with a slight cringe, but then replaced his fingers with his mouth, sucking gently at Sula's nipple. She gasped as her nerves twinged.

“What do you want, Sula?” Daniel asked, sucking one of her fingers into his mouth.

Sula tried to think but it was a losing battle with both men mouths so hot on her skin. “Get…get on it. Fuck me.”

Daniel grabbed her hand and kissed the palm. “We can do that. We've wanted to make love to you for a long time.”

“Damn straight!” Cal grinned, his tongue almost lolling out of his mouth in glee, his nature vibrating beneath the surface of his human skin.

She stared at them. “I'm not sure I've ever
made love
to anyone.” She was pretty sure she had not, in fact. The sexual encounters in her life had universally been fast and lacking emotional investment.

Daniel hummed again in pleasure. “Then I'm honored to show you.” Daniel moved completely over her, pushing her thighs apart with his own. He leaned down to suck on the nipple Cal wasn't pinching, slipping it into his mouth as he pushed his cock into her. She was so wet and ready that she barely felt it as anything more than a dull pressure until he bottomed out, his hips giving a hard snap. Sula gasped with surprise. Cal's fingers slid down, petting her stomach before moving down to her clit. He rubbed it with slow circles as Daniel started thrusting inside of her.

She looked up at him, caught off guard at the worshipful expression on his face. She wanted to say something but words slipped out of her in long moans, the feeling of being filled by his desire stealing way her coherence.

Cal took turns kissing them as Daniel worked his way to pounding a ruthless rhythm against Sula. He shook with need, his desire pouring off of him like a sweet, sugary syrup filling the air around them. “Sula, please,” he gasped against her skin. Cal's fingers flicked at her clit and she wrapped her legs around Daniel's waist.

Her own need throbbed in her blood, her denied orgasm sharp on her nerves. She shook her arm, thinking about throwing Bracelet off, wondering if she could come fast enough before the change started to take her. For the first time in her life she trusted her lovers to take care of themselves, to flee if they needed to. She wanted to come to badly she was crying, Daniel's thrusts forcing sobs out of her.

“Please, please, Sula! Fight for it, c'mon, do it!” Cal murmured into her skin, his fingers fast and sure, rubbing her clit faster and faster. Sula tipped her head to the side and kissed Cal. She hummed as she looked up at Daniel. If they wanted her, if they wanted a werebear in their bed and in their lives, they would have to learn what she could do.

What she
to do.

Growling low, she reached into herself and pushed against Bracelet until she felt the coil of energy radiating out from her center. It was the core of her being, it was everything in her that was
and it was one step short of shifting. Her hands wrapped around Daniel's arms and held him up. She watched both men twitch in shock and waited for them to run away in horror. She had never been able to control Bracelet enough to bring so much of herself to the fore without being a danger to those around her. Instead of flinching, she felt them answer her with their own natures. They were wolves in human form, running towards her instead of away, launching themselves at her with every thrust and touch.

Sula took everything they gave her and swamped Bracelet's energy with the love she was being given, the love she felt swelling in her heart despite her own fears. Together, the three of them overpowered Bracelet and Sula felt her whole body snap in release. Her orgasm was explosive, bending both body and soul as she arched up in ecstasy. Her nature as a shifter and as a bear thrummed between the three of them like a living thing. She drank in the power that Daniel and Cal gave her as she bucked up and cried out, tears streaming down her face in shock and joy.

She was shaking as she wound down, Cal kissing her breathless. Daniel was gasping, coming inside of her, bowing to her power. He slammed into her once, twice, and a third time before finishing with a soft howl from his throat. Sula pulled him to her and held him as he shuddered and whined, his hips still shifting as he softened inside of her.

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