Home to You (41 page)

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Authors: Taylor Sullivan

Tags: #A Suspicious Hearts Novel

BOOK: Home to You
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I AM VERY GRATEFUL to a multitude of friends and family whom without, this book would’ve never come into being.

To my husband— I would be lost without you. Thank you for always picking up the slack when I need you. Thank you for always encouraging me, especially in the moments when I felt like giving up.

To my three children— You make my life better just because you’re a part of it. Don’t ever forget how much I love you, don’t ever stop being you, and never give up on your dreams!

Mom— Thank you for instilling in me that nothing is beyond my reach. That there’s nothing that isn’t possible if I want it badly enough.

Dad— You were the first example of what a man should be, and I miss you every day.

My big brother— You will always be the
man in my life. Thanks for being the best brother a girl could ever wish for.

My little sister— The one who introduced me to the world of romance novels, who still calls me with the gross details in life, and will always be one of my best friends.

My brother-in-law— I will never be able to express how much your support and encouragement means to me. Thank you!

My soul sister, Kate
— The one I didn’t find until I was twenty-six. I know we’ll be friends until we’re little old ladies. Without you I wouldn’t have done half the crazy things in my life; including (but not limited to) writing this book.

Lydia— Thanks for encouraging me, for taking me the way I am, and being a wonderful friend!

All my SG friends— You ladies have been with me through so much!
Thank you for your constant support through love, loss, life, and publishing my first book! You all mean more to me than you’ll ever know. Thank you for everything.

Marianne— Because your shoulder is the most comfortable one to cry on, and I’m
glad I met you!

Anna—I can always count on you for your honesty. Thank you for holding my hand through this whole process.

Kelly— What can I say… I
love you, my sweet, supportive friend. ;)

Jeff — Thanks for being my comic relief and partner in crime.

Mika — You’re the person I count on you to push me out of my comfort zone. Thank you for always encouraging me.

Ann — Thanks for your constant support and always being there to lend the perfect word.

Kishan — Thanks for always sharing your wealth of Knowledge and constant support. You’re such a wonderful friend.

To all my Beta readers: Tabetha, Kristen, Nancy, Polly, Kate, Nancy, Nesreen, Kelly, Marianne, Emma, Carmen, Heather, Dawn, Jamie, Lisa, Nikki, Ryann, Kathryn, Brandy, Stevie, Megan, THANK YOU! With all my heart!

I really hope I haven’t forgotten anyone, but if I did, I blame it on lack of sleep, and
too much coffee!

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