Holt's Holding part two (The Holt's Series) (7 page)

BOOK: Holt's Holding part two (The Holt's Series)
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“What do you want Lilly? People don’t change…and I don’t
believe the girl I met three months ago has so drastically changed…the girl who
played with men like toys, the one whom fucked my brother because she was
making sport out him and me.” Cutting him off, I could concede he was right in
his comments; however, too much had changed for me.

“Charlie…that girl…she died the moment I woke up in the
hospital, when I found out how very pregnant I was. I was angry and lost.
Learning that I was pregnant with your child,
the subject of my revenge; I was at a loss.
You were my enemy Charlie.
something had changed and I hadn’t wrapped my head around yet.
It was when I heard her heart beat and saw
her in my womb…that girl, the girl I was; died in that moment. So you see you
know nothing of what I want.”

“So you thought of me as nothing more than just your enemy?
I don’t buy it Lilly…that night…there was so much more to that night and you
know it.”

“Yes, your right Charlie…that night I decided I was done
with this all. That night, I let go of all of it and surrendered completely.”
Looking up at him, I no longer had the
inclination to hide the truth.
He knew I
cared for him more than I was ready to admit.

“Then why are you pushing me away now?”
He looked down to me confused.

I’m afraid, how do I make him see that?

“Charlie…what future do we have? I was a game for you and
your brother; admittedly a willing participant, but none the less a game to see
whom would best the other. How long until the next challenge presents herself
to the two of you? Where does that leave me? Or our daughter?”

He stood and looked to me thinking of my words. The longer
he stood in silence the more I felt the gravity of my unspoken words. There it was…I
wanted him and I wanted him to commit to me. To put me first. I knew he could
not. He said it people don’t change.

“I’ll call you a cab, then I want you to leave and please
don’t come back Charlie.” My tears…how, I had no way to keep them from falling.

He gently rubbed my wet cheek and pursed his lips. I had no
idea to what was running through his mind. My hand on his forearms; holding his
hand to my cheek, I wanted to hold this touch of his forever.

It was as if he knew; lowering his lips to mine once more.
This kiss slow and the emotions were under my skin…I wanted this kiss and so
much more. His body push up to mine as his hands now held me to him. I couldn’t
catch my breath as the need was coursing thru me…my skin heated with the charge
of his urgency…Breathing thru the kiss “Where’s the bedroom” he asked

“Straight back,” I gestured with my head and body.

Swiftly, I was up in his arms and my legs wrapped around
his waist. He walked us back shutting the door behind.

He lowered me down to the bed as he broke away. I watched
as he removed his jacket then tie…each article falling to the ground.

I began removing my clothes, and then became instantly shy.
Having stripped down to just my shirt and undergarments; my hands and eyes
landed to the noticeably pregnant belly.

Sensing my hesitation, Charlie grabbed my hands, that held
my shirt down.
His second hand cupped my
face, forcing me look him in the eyes.
“You are beautiful Lilly, don’t hide.”

I watched as he lowered down to his knees and moved his
hands to the hem of my shirt pulling it slowly up and over my head, exposing my

“You are so beautiful,” his lips landed on my belly as he
gently kissed me and touched me. “Lay back,” he ordered.

I did as he asked and he removed my panties. His lips once
more on my belly, moved lower and precisely where my now blooming need was
begging for his touch.

He was working me over with his tongue and my breathing
became erratic, desperate…

“Oh God” I moaned as my climax was reaching its peak. He
broke away and stood up…I opened my eyes and he stripped the last of his
clothing off.
His full arousal free and ready…just
as I was ready for him.

Charlie raised himself over me, making sure not to put any
weight on me. He leaned on one arm on the bed and looked into my eyes as his
free hand fell to his arousal and poised himself at my entrance.

Breathing in deep, and then releasing it slow he pushed with
tempered resolve into me.
I had forgotten
how large he was and needed to breathe thru the deliciously painful size of

My eyes locked in his; I felt the tremble roll thru him and
hit me. This was a very different Charlie then I had remembered.
Every movement was cautious and tempered as if
he was afraid to break me.

“You won’t hurt me,” I whispered.

His lips fell to mine, as if he needed the reassurance.
Reassurance; that I was ready and willing to provide him.

Cupping his face, I needed him to let go…to fully let go.
He opened his eyes…those beautiful eyes.

I made the smallest gesture, knowing he needed me in control…even
more, I wanted it and possibly needed it. He rolled us over and now it was me
on top. Looking down at him, I kissed him, puling at his lip.

Breaking, I lifted up and my hands wondered on his sculpted
chest. He was a beautiful man. A man I thought I knew better than I had
previously let on. Something had changed for him, for me, and now I saw it. The
knowledge spurred my need and desire of him.

Rolling my hips down and around him, I took him deep his
hands ever so on my hips and his eyes now at half must.

Yes, I remembered well that this was what he craved. His
hands lifted me slight then lowering me back taking him as far as I could.

The more I moved on him, the more I felt him. So taken with
my own climax, I dropped in pure satisfaction. My breath labored and my heart
erratically beating on him.

“More” he whispered, “I need more of you.”

He flipped us over still deep in me. Pulling me slightly of
the bed, my back arched as he was on his knees holding my hips tight to him and
his thrusts, his desire spurred on penetrating deep. My hips moving in his hold
created just the sensation we both needed.

He was so close to being undone. The more he
; the deeper my growing need became.

Harder and harder, he pushed and pulled from me…the tension
rolled thru him topping off my need.

Charlie finished, pausing and still holding deep in the
center of me. Meeting his eyes, I wasn’t sure what I would find.

He pulled ever so slowly from me, and then moved to the
side of me. I pulled up reaching for the cover; bringing it over us, as he
pulled me into him.

“So much for talking,” I laughed.

“I think we accomplished a lot.” He paused and I sensed his
breath had hitched with his next thought “I want to stay like this for as long
as humanly possible Lilly. I can’t describe in words what you stir in me…I
don’t ever want to let you go.” He paused again. “And I have no intentions of
ever letting go.”

I didn’t respond. I just lay in his chest as my hands
wondered and touched ever part visible. I honestly didn’t know how to respond. My
feelings, needs and wants were all over the place.


“Yes Lilly”

“I need food…I’m hungry.” I pulled up from his hold and
looked to him. He was a very sated man at the moment, that didn’t appear to
want to leave this bed.

My needs however were calling me to the Kitchen. I hadn’t
eaten since breakfast and now my stomach was yelling at me.

“Then food you shall have” he sat up and kissed me on the

I couldn’t help but stare at him as he rose from the bed.
How in the world did we get here?

I pulled myself from the bed as he dressed. I was in the
closet reaching for an oversized shirt and pants.

Walking back into the room, it appeared that he had already
made his way out.

I could hear his whistling thru the hall as I exited my
Pausing by the office, my eyes
caught sight of a yellow flashing light. Shit I had almost forgotten. I had
this house set up with a prototype security system. This was technology that
was developed under my supervision thru a tiny tech company I had funded a few
years earlier.

“Charlie, make yourself at home. I need to check on
something, I shouldn’t be long.”

“Ok…are you in the mood for pasta? I make a great marinara”

“That sounds perfect…um Charlie?”

“Yes Lil?”

“You know how to cook?”

“Yes…and very well…just wait”
He grinned from ear to ear.
That smile made him look so much younger,
innocent even.

“I’m impressed.”
matched his grin.

He simply smiled and proceeds with his inquisition of the

My urgency to attend to matters in my office heightened my
attention. Walking into the office, I closed the door behind. At my desk, I
punched in a few key strokes….

The back wall panel dropped revealing the monitor system.
The company logo lit in yellow. “Holdings Inc.”

The yellow light was a silent alarm. Something was off and
I need to know.

Speaking allowed; the system was encrypted with a voice
recognition feature that was interactive.

“Initiate sequence Alfa, Alfa echo. Pin: F.O.R.E.” I spoke

The computerized voice responded:

“Good evening Elizabeth”

“Henry …property scan” I ordered.

“Property scan –unmarked vehicle, white, Chevy, parked on
south east corner. Status car running, approximate time at location 22min

“Run diagnostic of said vehicle”

“Vehicle check progress…Status, flat tire, two male

“Disarm alert”

“Disarm alert confirmed”

“Henry, run calibration on my car. 2012 Range rover,

“Running calibration….initiating Vin identification.
Verified; Elizabeth Lillian Holt. Diagnostics check complete. Vehicle passes

“Henry run security at Holdings Inc.”

“Purpose of scan” henry my computerized voice was indeed very

“Security breaches”

“No Security breech to date.”

“Henry run scan on bank activity”

“All accounts?”

“Yes, all accounts”

“Three transfers from account 8867, account 5677, and
account 2344. Initiated by Brady Calhoun; date of transfers today.”

“Amounts.” I ordered…what was Brady up to?

“First transfer 2.3 million transferred to Bach
technologies; reference equipment purchase; paid to lithium industries Taiwan.
Second, transfer 3.3 million to Holtinbach Industries, reference installment
payment. Transfer three 756 thousand; paid to Brady Calhoun; legal fees.”

Therefore, I was jumpy for no reason. These were very
normal transactions and now that I thought about it we had discussed them…three
months ago. I needed to remind myself that it was December. Sitting in my chair,
I thru my legs up on the back table looking over the transactions on the
screens and chewing on my pen. My instincts were yelling at me…something was
off. I just wasn’t sure what was prompting the unease I was feeling.

Flickering from screen to screen…transaction after another…something
was off. The numbers in my mind seemed to shift of the screen…I was good that
way. The one secret my father concealed as did I.

When I was five, I was tested and my scores off the charts.
I was a child genius. By middle school; my father had me fake a normal
childhood, attending normal classes but at night, I was already earning a
degree in
by the time high school was
in progress I held a second degree in prelaw. I then
law school.

I never thought of myself as a genius…simply a student of

Staring at the screens, I was in my zone. Flipping thru
every debit and credit…my mind was working on over time.

Shaking my head…I started to so a pattern that had my
suspicious. My instincts were right. Something was off.

“Elizabeth…office door ajar, male 6’3, Caucasian. Previous
location Kitchen.”

Turning slightly, Charlie was standing at the door and
clearly shocked. I wasn’t sure how long he was standing there.

“Wow” he whispered.

“Henry…male is guest.”

“Should I Scan?”

I looked to Charlie and his dumbfound expression smiling.
Wanting to see how good my little computerized security was I would initiate
the scan.

“Henry run scan.” I turned and looked at Charlie; slighting
my head as I watched him.

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