Holt's Holding (4 page)

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Authors: a dagmara

BOOK: Holt's Holding
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Very quickly, we composed ourselves, stepping back to give
space to the
entering. I
bother to look at him as he entered.
needed to reel in my amusement.

We both nodded to the newest occupant.

Whoa, he was tall.
looked up to the backside of him. I think I was practically looking straight up
he was so damn tall.

Turning to, Sam I noticed her eyes fixed ahead.
The man now standing in front must be
extremely attractive, and it was clear she
was taken
with him.

Appraising him from behind, he looked like he could be
someone’s bodyguard; however; his suit, was too expensive to indicate such a
Lowering my gaze back down,
I slighted my head appreciating his extremely likeable ass.
His slacks, pulled a bit tight from his hands
in his pockets, providing a particularly marvelous view of his firm ass.

Teasingly, I raised my gaze up to Sam.

Very interesting, in the two years, I have worked
I don’t think I’ve ever seen her interested in anyone.
She looked like she could possibly combust. Thank god, he was getting off a few
floors before us.

He made his way out and as soon as the door shut, I
puckered my lips and raised my eyes to her. She understood my gesture.

“Wholly shit, did you see him?” Her wide and appreciative
eyes bore into me. “What I wouldn’t do to take that home with me.” She sounded
like a
in heat.

“You don’t say?” I tried not to laugh at her obvious
However, I found myself
giggling, and tears of laughter pooling.

“Delicious…that’s what I will call him. And he can bend me
over any time.” She laughed. Yes, she undoubtedly mimicked a
in heat.
help but grin in amusement.
kind of
wished I took notice of the front of this stranger.

“Ok then…clearly, you need to get laid and well.” Pausing,
I sighed, “So do I.”

“Well, may I suggest happy hour after work? We can do a
little hunting on our own…well; at least the tequila will be a guarantee.” She
smiled at me.

“Yeah, I hear ya…oh tequila, how you always guarantee a
good time and never disappoint.” I teased, but there was more truth to my
statement then I wanted to accept.
Contrary to what others believed of me, it had been at least six months
if not longer, since I had a man between my legs.
The thought alone made me shiver.
Not for the lack of sex,
but the last man.

The elevator finally came to a halt on the top floor. We
both looked to each other and laughed.

“I’ll see you after work” Sam replied. Walking from the
elevator, we went our own prospective ways.

I pursed my lips tight and smiled, knowing that this would
probably be the last smile until five.

What seemed like hours later of, “I need this, and get me
this”, five
coming quick enough. Settling for a
very late lunch at my desk, I finally had a moment to breath.
The day was indeed more demanding than I had
anticipated, and my hangover was now rearing its head.

Sam was right, some London outfit bought us out
Vaihn Enterprises.

It was rumored that the new owner and his partner were only
in the thirties, and extremely attractive. However, they were also rumored to
be terribly shrewd

had the privilege of
running into them, let alone, an introduction.
I supposed that
necessary, since I was
pretty much an assistant.

Ugh …junior editor my ass.

seemed like a
better title.

I was hungry and my salad
going to do much for me. I sat at my desk going thru emails.


HR sent out their memo addressing the owners …quick bio and
such…I had no interest in their attempt to personify themselves as these glorious
new boss.

Can you say DELETE?

Next email was apparently an internal sender. Subject

Wow…kind of brassy. I suspected changes, but
think it was necessary to label a subject title in
all caps.

sure we all got the
importance without screaming at us in our inboxes.

I skimmed thru it and moved to my “Read later” folder.

Looking at my salad, I just picked away at. My internal IM
popped up on my screen…

User: HR...Conference room

Must be from Sam, she was on the fifth floor.
She and I periodically through the
work day
would IM each other.


HR-how do you like the new compliance measures?

-Who cares…new outfit pushing their weight around?
too damn busy to
even care at the moment.


HR-not happy with the new ownership?

-makes no difference.


HR-how so?

-They will flaunt their new acquisition like little boys
with a new toy…then leave when


HR-what makes you think they
stick around?

-Please, this is a small ad agency, what would the point


I’ll give you that.
Have you met the new owners yet?

No…and have no interest to.
Someone has
to actually
around here.


HR-perhaps, you should reconsider. You might think
differently of them.

doubtful; I know their
type, all too well. Ego centric and arrogant asses…yeah, no thank you.

run…have to head down to storage and pull the poster adds from the last
campaign I headed.


judge too harshly; you
might be in for a surprise.

love, you know me …I’m the
best judge out there…I can spot out peoples characters perfectly. See later…


I closed down the IM window and stood walking to the back
cabinet, when that cologne hit me again.

For the life of me, I had no idea where it was coming
The first vision in my head was of
Julie’s brother and the way he looked at me.
I must be desperate.
My damn panties were instantly soaked.
Closing my eyes, I shook off the memory.

Grabbing the keys, I walked past the sea of cubicles and
made my way to the Elevators.

Fiddling with the keys, the doors opened. The cologne, still
intensely present
throughout the entire floor.
Stepping in, I reached over to hit basement level.

Stepping back, shit…I

“Oh, dear lord, I’m so sorry.” I offered.

“No need.” He responded with a hint of amusement…wow,
another English accent. Turning to him, he looked young, and dressed well. He
reminded me of a bookworm. . It was his overall appearance, the red hair,
glasses, tall and straggly build, that his suit, just

“Are you new?” I asked already knowing that by the accent.

“Yes. I suppose the accent gives me away?” He smiled
acknowledging my politeness as the answer was a given.

“I suppose it does.” I smiled and turned to the doors.

“I’m Jeffery; I’ll be taking over in Accounting.”

Turning to him, I extended my hand, “Lillian. I work for
the Senior Editor Mr. Leiber.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you
I’ve already heard a great deal of you.
understanding that you are quite a talent here.
Landing two new accounts a mist a takeover today.

Interesting…perhaps Mr. Leiber was actually giving me
credit. Considering that past six marketing strategies were all me.

“Thank you for the compliment.” I offered, still surprised
about his last comment.
Take over’s
shouldn’t hold up everyday business.”
grinned smugly.

The elevator stopped on the fifth floor. Stepping from the
elevator, he turned. “It truly has been a pleasure meeting you.” He added.

I smiled and nodded as the doors closed, continuing my ride

Ugh, I hated the basement of this building. It was
reminiscent of an old, creepy prison down here.

Beyond just having all the old prints stored, it also held
all the serves, older computers and outdated equipment.
It reminded me of a creepy cemetery.

The doors
open to the
basement without a key. I inserted my key waiting for the door to open. Walking
down the grey corridors, my eyes searching above the doors each numbered.

Weaving around and finally making it to where I needed I
entered the grey room housing rows of floor to ceiling shelving. I always hated
coming down here.

Finally, F-6
2010…making my way
the soft sounds of voices echoed. Not unheard of for others to be down here, so
I paid it no mind.

Trying to locate these prints was going to be a challenge,
as I’m sure that the stock boy didn’t put them away properly…no, he was
typically more concerned with hiding down here and getting high.

Shit, looking up there was
a lot of
posters to go thru. Knowing that I would need a ladder to reach the top, I
looked around.
Ah, spotting one, I
reached for it opening it and positioning the ladder by the side of the

Shit, I realized I would need to lift my dress as it was
excessively tight, falling below my knees. Thank god, no one was around to
witness this.

I lifted it up high on my thighs, exposing the lace of my
stockings. Placing my phone into my bra, I made my climb to the top of the

There must have been hundreds of tubes.
After fifteen minutes of adjusting the ladder
and double-checking, I finally found what I came for. Pulling it slowly out,
not to disturb the tubes on top, I had to double my effort in steading myself.

I forgot how long they were, as I pulled it out.

Fuck…the lights went out.

yelled out, steadying myself atop the ladder.
Truly, this
my day.

Dropping the tube down, I pulled my phone out for some
light. Stepping slowly down, one-step to the other, I
want to fall.
Moving my foot, Shit! My
heel jammed in the side of the ladder.

“Ugh…son of a bitch!”
yelled in frustration, not giving two shits, whom heard me.

I loved these shoes!
“Fuck me; I swear he’s going to pay for a new pair if they’re ruined.
Sending me down into this hell hole as if I’m
nothing but he’s errand girl...” I yelled out knowing there was no one to hear
me. Venting seemed like a good idea.

Wiggling my foot and trying to pull it free, nothing.
The heel was jammed good.
I took a deep breath and one last try…

“Oh, shit!” Wobbling hard, I knew my body was about to meet
the hard floor below.

I fell straight into someone and hard, knocking both of us
to the ground, me on top. Clearly whoever was behind me,
expecting me to crash into them.

“Oh my god!
so sorry” I was perfectly on top of him. I could tell it was a man by how firm
the body was under me.
His very large
were wrapped
around me holding me tight to his
Breathing hard, I wiggled in his
hold adjusting my body.
Hell, I even
elbowed him by accident.
His hands
released me just enough to turn myself over, still in his hold and now chest to
chest. I felt guilty but grateful there was someone to break my fall.
The concrete floor would have certainly hurt.

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