Hollywood Kids (61 page)

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Authors: Jackie Collins

BOOK: Hollywood Kids
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'And you smoke too much.'

He took a deep drag and stubbed out his cigarette. 'So,' he said, 'we're going on a proper date, is that it?'

'When will we do this?'

'When do you want to do it?'

The truth is,' she said, stretching like a contented cat, 'I never want to leave this bed - not with you in it.'

'Me, too,' he said, staring at her beautiful face, 'yknow, the first time I saw you I knew this was going to happen.'

'You did?'

'I sure as hell wanted it to, but first I had to straighten out my life. Now I hope I've done that, and guess what - here we are.'

'Hmm... here we are,' she sighed.

'You're not regretting it, are you?'

'No, Michael,' she murmured. 'I'm not. How about you?'

, be kidding. You're the best thing that ever happened to me.' He leaned over and kissed her.

She pushed him gently away. 'I hate to ask, but what time is it?'

He took a peek at his watch. 'Jeez! It's eleven thirty. Quincy's going to be pissed I ran out on him.'

'Let's get up then.'

'Yeah, let's do it.'

Neither of them moved.

'We've got this stalker thing going on with Marjory Sanderson,' he said. 'She claims there's a guy threatening to kill her.'

'Is there?'

'I don't know if I believe her.' He took a beat. 'There's something I should tell you about Marjory.'

'Go ahead. I'm in a listening mood.'

'I had to borrow money from her.'

'How much?'

'Ten thousand bucks.'


'Information in exchange for currency. That was the deal to find Bella.'

Ten thousand dollars is an awful lot of money.'

'Right - and I've got to pay it back.'

'How do you plan on doing that?'

'I dunno... I guess I could moonlight as a private security guard, work my balls off, sell my body -'

'Michael!' she admonished.

feel like paying.'

She took a moment. 'Will a dollar do it?'

'Lady,' he quipped. We're talking ten bucks or forget it.'

What do I get for ten bucks?'

'Come here and I'll show you.'


'If I was seventeen...' he said, putting his arm around her and pulling her close.

He made her feel so good. 'Y'know,' she said softly. 'After Phil died I never thought there'd be anybody who could take his place. And yet - here you are.'

'Yup, here I am.'

'You've come into my life like an explosion.' Her fingers traced his face. 'I hope you're staying around.'

'Around?' he said quizzically. 'Sweetheart, I'm moving in.'

Her voice was low and husky and filled with satisfaction. 'Who said you could do that?'

'Kennedy, you may as well face it, we're together and that's how it's going to be. Unless you don't want it.'

She snuggled even closer. 'I do.'

Was it possible he'd gotten this lucky in such a short period of time? She was so... perfect. 'You know what?' he said.


'You opened up my heart and walked right in.'

'Why, Michael, this is a revelation - underneath the tough detective there lurks a true romantic.'

'Hey,' he said, playfully grabbing her again. 'With you I can be anything.'

They began to kiss as if they were only just beginning.

* * *

Eldessa got off the bus near the bottom of Laurel Canyon. Clutching her black purse tightly to her side she started the long steep walk up the hill.

Eldessa was used to walking, it didn't bother her. Ever since her car had broken down a year ago she hadn't gotten around to replacing it. It was an old car anyway, and had given her more trouble than it was worth.

She thought about her family as she made her way up the canyon. Five children, all scattered in different places. Not that she saw much of them, but occasionally they came to her for financial help and she did her best.

Five thousand dollars was a fortune. If she had that money she could retire, go live in Santa Monica by the ocean with her cousin, and finally, after a lifetime of cleaning up after other people, spend her days doing nothing.

Eldessa thought she had a chance of getting it. She was almost sure Shelley would be able to tell her where Zane had gone.

It was worth the long trudge up the steep canyon. Every single weary step.

* * *

'Take a look at this,' Reno said, cracking his knuckles.

What?' Bosco asked, sweating profusely in the LA heat.

'It's his car rental papers. He hid them under the mattress. I told you, when you toss a room you gotta do it good.'

'OK, so now we've got his car licence number, big deal.'

'You don't understand - we got that, we got him. Let's go.'

Chapter Fifty-One


Bobby roamed around Jordan Levitt's lavishly appointed study, watching and listening as Detective Carlyle explained the situation.

Jordan Levitt was a tall handsome man who'd probably intimidated the hell out of Jordanna when she was growing up. Bobby knew the feeling well. In a way Jordan reminded him of Jerry. He had that
'I'm a- major player - don't mess with me'

When Jordan finally spoke, his deep voice was filled with a barely controlled anger. 'Why wasn't my daughter warned?' he thundered, glaring fiercely. 'Why wasn't she placed in protective custody?'

'I asked the same questions,' Bobby said.

Detective Carlyle shifted uncomfortably. He was finally meeting Hollywood Big Shots, and what was he getting? A freaking tongue-lashing as if Jordanna Levitt's disappearance was
fault. If she'd returned his original call this would never have happened.

'We attempted to warn her -' he began.

'Bullshit!' Jordan roared, slamming his fist on his desk. 'That's pure bullshit and you know it. Get on the phone and put me through to whoever's in charge, I want action, and I want it

* * *

'I think I hear your doorbell,' Michael said.

'Tell them to go away,' Kennedy replied.

'We gotta do something about getting out of this bed. It's past noon.
time to get up.'

She sighed. 'If you say so.'

'Do you want me to answer the door?'

'No. You go take a shower. I'll see who it is.'

He kissed her and jumped out of bed. 'Meet me in the shower in sixty seconds. I'll get very impatient if you're not there.'

'If I do, we'll
get any work done.'

He grinned. 'On second thought, who needs work?'

'We both do,' she said, reaching for a robe.

Throwing up his hands, he said, 'OK, OK, I'm going to shower.'

She padded to the door, calling out, 'Who's there?'


Recognizing Rosa's voice, she reluctantly opened the door a crack. 'Oh, hi,' she said. 'What are you doing here?'

'What am
doing here?' Rosa said crossly. 'I've been trying to call you for the last two hours. Where were you?'

'Working,' she said vaguely.

'Are you letting me in or not?'

'Yeah, yeah - I guess.'

What in hell's going on with you? And why aren't you dressed?'

Reluctantly she opened the door all the way, allowing Rosa to sail past her and enter the apartment.

'I repeat,' Rosa said. 'How come you're still wandering around in your robe?'

'I've been working at my computer.'

Standing back, Rosa surveyed her with a jaundiced eye. 'You've got that recently fucked glow,' she said accusingly.

'Excuse me?'

'You heard.'

'I'm working on a story. I've been up all night.'

'Yeah, baby. It's
you're talking to. Who's here?'


'I can hear the shower running.'

'I was just about to take one.'

me,' Rosa said, bending down to pick a piece of clothing off the floor. 'Whose pants are those?'

Kennedy spun around. 'What are you - a spy?'

'Hey, don't get on
case. I'm delighted for you, honey. Who is he?'

'Michael,' she admitted.

'Oh, boy. You work even faster than me! One date? Is that all it took?'

'He's an incredible man, Rosa,' she said, smiling dreamily.

'Kennedy! This isn't like you - I'm delighted to see that you're a human living female after all.'

'Now that I've told you, can you please get out?'

'No, I can't. There's been developments.'

It occurred to Kennedy that life went on; and it was time to join the real world again. 'OK, fill me in,' she said, attempting to pull it together.

'It hasn't hit the news yet, but it's on the street that Jordanna Levitt is missing.'

'Oh, my God! How do you know?'

'Her damaged car was found with her purse still in it. And nobody's seen her since last night.'

'What about Cheryl Landers?'

'Haven't heard anything.'

'This is unbelievable.'

'I know.'

'I've been finding out plenty, too,' Kennedy said, snapping back into the swing of things. 'Did you know that reputed mob boss, Luca Carlotti, is Zane Ricca's uncle?'

'Are you saying there could be a crime connection here?'

'Who knows? I'm figuring it this way - his uncle probably got him the role in
The Contract
. Zane came out here, murdered Ingrid, went to prison, and now he's out and wants revenge on all the women who gave evidence against him.'

'Have you tried contacting Luca Carlotti?'

'Who, me? No way.'

'Somebody should. We must pass this information to the cops.'

'I was going to, but I kind of got side-stepped, or side-tracked, or hit on the head. I don't know, Rosa. Take no notice of me - I'm light-headed.'

'So I noticed,' Rosa said drily.

'This is not great timing.'

'When it comes to love, kiddo,' Rosa said, nodding her head wisely, '
is great timing.'

'Who said anything about love?'

'Take a look in the mirror. There's a smile on your face could light up Cleveland!'


'I should tell Michael what's going on. Fix yourself a coffee, I'll be right back.'

'Don't you want me to come with you?'

'Rosa, you're not strong enough to see Michael in the shower. I'm telling you, it's quite a sight.'

'My God, you're beginning to sound just like me!'


'Ha! You should be so lucky.'

* * *

Zane released Cheryl, took her upstairs, allowed her to use the bathroom and gave her a glass of water.

She was too weak to make a move. When he dragged her back down into the cellar she could barely walk.

Jordanna felt her heart begin to pound. Cheryl was in trouble, but there was nothing she could do to help, only watch helplessly as Zane retied Cheryl's ankles. He was about to handcuff her wrists again when Jordanna spoke up. 'You don't have to handcuff her,' she said, forcing him to listen and take notice. 'Look at her - she's out of it. She needs medical care.'

'You talk too much,' he said coldly.

'I thought you wanted me to tell you all the things Ingrid said about you.'

Bingo! She had his attention.

'What things?' he said.

'Special things. Very revealing.'

He left Cheryl where she was on the floor, walked over and sat on the bottom step again.

Jordanna noted he did not put the handcuffs back on Cheryl. At least that was something.

'Ingrid didn't treat me right,' he said resentfully. 'She didn't treat me with respect. Anybody watching us together could see that.'

'I know,' Jordanna agreed.

'She led me to believe we were going to be together. Ingrid lied to me.'

Oh, fuck, how was she going to keep him talking?

'There were pressures on Ingrid you didn't know about,' she said, making it up as she went along.

'What?' he demanded, rubbing the vicious scar on his cheek.

Gotta come up with a story here. Gotta, really get the hook in solid.

'Mac Brooks, the director,' she blurted. 'He... he was in love with Ingrid. He had her under his power. But somehow he found out she liked you, and he forbade her to be nice to you. So you see, it wasn't Ingrid's fault.'

* * *

The Man was filled with fury. Was this true? Was Mac Brooks responsible for Ingrid's rejection?

He glared at Jordanna, hating her and hating the other one who'd gotten sick too quickly. It was going to be no fun watching

Jordanna was the reverse - too strong by far. She needed to be taught a lesson in humility.


Maybe he should strangle her now. Wrap his hands around her neck and gaze deep into her black eyes while he watched the life seep out of her.

No. It wasn't time. He needed to hear more.

He needed to hear everything.

* * *

The perspiration dripped off Eldessa's forehead as she continued to make her way up Laurel Canyon. When Shelley had written out directions, she'd failed to mention the house was so far up the hill.

Eldessa stopped for a moment, took a folded tissue from her purse and mopped her brow. She was too old to be walking around Los Angeles on a fool's errand. Shelley might not know anything, and then where would she be?

Muttering under her breath, Eldessa plodded on. She had a chance to lay her hands on five thousand dollars. Every step was worth it.

* * *

'I'll see you later,' Michael said, cupping Kennedy's face in his hands and kissing her on the lips. 'I'm meeting Quincy and getting into this. Don't forget to call the cops and tell them what you've found out.'

'If they're any good they'll already know,' Rosa remarked.

'Rule number one,' Michael said, 'assume nobody knows anything.'

As soon as he was gone, Rosa let out a long low whistle. '
is one good-looking sonofabitch. And he's not even an actor. How lucky can you get?'

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