Read Holding Out For Skye Online

Authors: S.R. McKade

Holding Out For Skye (21 page)

BOOK: Holding Out For Skye
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“I guess I just got fed up of freezing to death if I had to go out after dark.” When she was little, Skye had been
of the dark. Having to overcome her mother’s death had cured her of that little paranoia.

“I think it had more to do with that indomitable will of yours. And you’ve changed the subject successfully. You love him.”

“Not successfully enough since you went right back to it.”

When Kiera only stared at her, Skye blew out a breath. “Yes.”

“How did I miss it?”

“You didn’t. As can be seen by our little talk here.”

“No, I was so down in the pits because of Ash that I missed my best friend falling in love.”

“Kiera. Don’t beat yourself over it. It’s understandable with what you were going through. And hell, I barely even knew it myself.”


“Yesterday. When he came over and comforted you.”

“He was a rock. Now that I think of it, no wonder Tasha was in such a hurry to get us out of here,” Kiera said wryly.

“Yeah, the skunk. She saw the moment I figured it out myself and she threw us together.”

Kiera laughed. “I love him. Not like you, obviously. I mean—”

Skye cut her off. “I know. And I understand, silly.”

“You’ve changed since you met him.”

“I have?”

“Yes. With him you’re happier. He makes you laugh.”

“Oh.” Disconcerted, Skye looked down at her hands. It was true. He’d changed her. “How do

Kiera shrugged. “Okay, I guess. Confused. I ought to be mad at Ash but he’s making it hard for me to hold on to the hurt and anger. I still don’t know what to do about him.”

“You don’t have to rush it. Sort it out in your head first and then you can figure out what feels right for you.”

Kiera smiled. “You’re right, thanks.”

“I’m always right. C’mon, let’s get some sleep.” Skye stood up and held out her hand.

“Know-it-all.” Kiera grasped her hand, pulling herself up.

So with light hearts, they headed off to bed.



The days went by as they are wont to do.
Time was such a fickle
, Skye thought. It slipped by so damn fast, like sand in an hourglass. Before she’d met Cian, she’d often felt as if she were standing still whereas time and everyone else was moving on. Moving faster than she could ever hope to catch up.

Now with him, she felt as if she was one of those people who were moving on too, actually
her life, instead of simply
. Cian had done that for her. Made her become aware of the world around her. How did one guy, whom she hadn’t even been able to stand when they first met, end up meaning so much to her?

Ash cornered her at work and apologized for his behavior towards her and Cian. Things were awkward between them, mostly because Skye couldn’t reconcile it in herself to forgive him for the pain he’d caused Kiera. She didn’t trust or forgive easily. The loss of their easy friendship hurt them both and made Ash understand he had Skye’s trust to earn as well.

He kept sending Kiera small tokens every day. Monday was a beautiful round locket in a white velvet pouch, which Skye and Kiera both raved over. The locket had an engraving inside that got to both their hearts. It read simply:


To Kiera,

All my love,



Tuesday was more flowers—this time beautiful bellflowers in Kiera’s favorite color; purple. Wednesday was a DVD of the movie
which was one of Kiera’s favorite movies. Thursday was a bracelet to match the locket, with little round charms dangling from it. Friday was this awesome dress, the color of amethysts, which looked made for Kiera. The dress had a deep round neck and small sleeves. The silky material clung to her bodice to fall gracefully to her ankles. When she tried it on, Kiera looked absolutely beautiful in it.

But Saturday really cinched it. He sent her a signed copy of the third book in the
Charley Davidson
Third Grave Dead Ahead
. Kiera loved the
Charley Davidson
books. Skye was with Kiera when the parcel came. They’d been watching episodes of
Melissa & Joey

When Kiera opened the package, she just sat there and stared. The thought went through her head,
it had been so simple really.
A single tear slipped down her cheek and then another, until she was actually crying.

Skye was worried and confused as well. She would have thought a gift like that would have made Kiera happy.

“Kiera? Why are you crying?” Skye handed her a tissue.

Kiera sniffed as she took it. “It’s just… everything’s so clear now.”

“What is?”

“Him. Me. Us.”

“Kiera? You’re not making sense.”

“He loves me,” she whispered, staring at the book in her hands. “He really loves me.”

“Well, yeah.”

“Uh?” She raised tear-filled eyes to look at Skye.

Skye smiled gently. “He wouldn’t have tried so hard if he didn’t love you.”

“And here I’ve been racking my brains for nothing. You could have told me.”

“It would have just pressured you. You had to figure it out for yourself. So have you? Figured it out?”

“Yes. I love him too. And I forgive him.” Kiera laughed out loud. “I forgive him!”

“That’s good.” Skye laughed too. “What will you do about it?”

“Call him?”

Skye spied something white sticking out of the book. “Wait. What’s that?”

“What? Oh.” Kiera pulled out what appeared to be a note stuck in the pages of the book. When she opened it, she read it aloud:




The past few days
have been pure torture, not being able to call you,
to see you, to touch you. I know I brought
it on upon myself. I am so sorry. For everything.

don’t know if the gifts have helped in conveying my
feelings to you or not. I wasn’t trying to buy
your affection, I swear. Everything I sent you, it was
because they reminded me of you. I wanted you to
know I was thinking of you. Every minute of every
hour of every day.

You are always in my mind. You
reside in my heart, in my soul. I love you
so much, I could never be able to explain it
in words. Lame, uh? I’m not really good with words.
I don’t know how to tell you that my feelings
for you are real. That I believe in you, trust
you. This time around, I won’t make the same mistakes.

love you. Will you give me another chance and do
me the honor of going out on a date with
me tonight, please? It would make me very happy if
you wore the dress.

Waiting for your reply with bated breath,

and forever,

Your Ash


“Wow.” Skye looked at Kiera. “And he says he’s not good with words.”

“Yeah,” Kiera breathed, pressing the paper against her heart.

“So are you going?” Skye smiled, already knowing Kiera’s answer.


The phone rang just then. They stared at each other and simultaneously said, “Ash.”

Kiera picked up the phone as it rang again. “Hello?”


At the sound of Ash’s voice, Kiera suddenly felt shy. She looked up at Skye, who gestured with her hands that she was going into the next room.


“How are you?”

“I’m fine. How are you?”


Her heart fluttered at that. She couldn’t say anything.

At her silence, he continued, “I miss you.”

“I miss you too,” Kiera whispered.

“I am so sorry,” he said, pain evident in his voice.

“I know.”

“Do you?”


“Did you get your gift for today?”


“And the note?”

“Yes, I got it.”

“Do you… like it?”

“I love it,” she admitted, knowing just how hard this was for him. “Thank you.”

Kiera heard him take a deep breath.

“Will you—will you go out with me tonight?”

“Yes,” she said in a breathless voice.

“Thank you! Is six-thirty okay?”


“Great! I’ll—I’ll see you then?”

“I’ll be ready.”

“I’ll be waiting,” he replied softly.

Long after they disconnected the call, Kiera sat staring dreamily into space.

“Can I come in?” Skye’s voice jolted her out of her reverie.

Kiera gave her a bright, happy, infectious smile. “I’m going out with him tonight!”

Skye grinned back. “Cool.”



“Is he here yet?” Kiera asked nervously, for maybe the tenth time.

Skye laughed from her seat on the bed. “Will you sit down? You’re going to wear a hole in the floor from all that pacing, not to mention wreck those amazing shoes!”

“Do I look okay?”

Kiera was wearing the amethyst-colored dress, accessorized with the locket and bracelet, which looked striking set against the deep purple color. She had put on gold dangling earrings to match and her straight hair looked silky and perfect.

New shoes covered her feet, princess-like purple high-heeled pumps, which had little amethyst colored stones in the front with small flowers made of some shiny material. Her face was flushed, giving her skin a natural healthy pink glow.

“You look great! He’s gonna swallow his tongue when he gets a load of you. Smile.”

Kiera blinked as Skye took her picture. “Hey!”

“What? This is a keeper. You look totally awesome.”

“You know, it’s ironic how a person who hates having her picture taken, loves to snap pictures of her friends’,” Kiera pointed out.

Skye gave her a cheeky grin. “What can I say? My friends are totally photogenic. I’m not.” Kiera rolled her eyes at that. “Calm down.”

“I can’t. It’s our first date since the break-up. What if it all goes wrong? What if—”

“What ifs are a waste of time. Stop worrying. It’s going to be fine.”

“I’m glad you’re here.”

“I’m glad I’m here too.” They grinned at each other.

“What are you and Cian doing tonight?”

“Watching a movie, I guess.”

“You complained about going out again, uh?” Kiera said shrewdly.

“I like to stay in,” Skye replied defensively.

“Don’t we all know it, Hermit Fletcher.”

Skye stuck her tongue at her. Kiera just grinned back. The doorbell rang just then. Kiera let out a nervous squeak.

“I’ll get the door. Don’t worry, it’ll be fine.”

Skye flung open the door to reveal Cian, holding a satchel and one hand behind his back.

“Oh, it’s only you.”

“What a warm welcome,” Cian observed with a raised brow.

“Scorching,” Skye grinned impishly. “C’mon in.”

“You’re actually inviting me in? Willingly? Who are you and what did you do with the

“Ha, ha. Very funny.”

Cian handed her the bouquet of blue irises he’d been hiding behind his back.

Skye pressed her face against the flowers, smiling into them. Then she looked at him and gave him that bright full-of-wonder smile she always did whenever he gave her flowers. It never ceased to get to him.

“Thank you. They’re beautiful.” Even after all this time, it still amazed her when he brought her flowers.

“You’re welcome.” He kissed her cheek.

Her cheek tingled. “It’s only Cian,” Skye called out to Kiera, who had come to the top of the stairs.

“I can see that,” Kiera observed wryly.

“Wow. You look beautiful!”

“Thank you.” Kiera smiled at him.

“Hey, if I wasn’t already a Skye-man, I’d go straight for you.”

Skye elbowed him. Kiera giggled. “Thanks, I think.”

“You’re welcome,” he said with a smile full of fun.

The doorbell rang again.

“It’s him, he’s here!” Kiera uttered nervously.

“Stay there,” Skye told her. “I’ll get the door.”

With the irises in her arms, Skye opened the door. Ash was nervously shuffling his feet, holding a bouquet of purple crocuses.

“Hi,” he smiled uncertainly. They hadn’t talked since that one time he’d apologized to her.

“Hi.” She decided to give him a break and smiled back. “Come on in. Kiera’s ready.”

He stepped inside, saw Cian and nodded at him. Cian nodded back, then tilted his head upwards. Ash automatically looked up.

His breath caught in his throat at the sight of Kiera. Words were not enough to describe her. She looked more than beautiful, so preciously exquisite, love for her overwhelmed him.

Their eyes met and he could only see her. She was his world. How could he have been such a fool to let her go in the first place? His feet moved of their own accord to stop at the foot of the stairs as she descended like a princess. He held out his hand to her.

like a princess. The look in his eyes was humbling. He was staring at her as if she were the most important thing in the world to him. Her heart pounded as she descended the stairs, her fingers clutching her beaded purse in a death grip.

She couldn’t look away from him. He looked so handsome in the elegant black suit, his white dress shirt a striking contrast. And when he held out his hand to her, it felt like the most natural thing in the world to take it.

Skye took one more picture and lowered her phone. She had already taken more than a dozen, from the time Ash looked up at Kiera to the time she came down. She knew this was one moment Kiera would always remember, one which had been too precious not to make mementos of.

Cian watched them with a smile. Oh, they were just right for each other. They fit. Just like him and Skye. He just had to convince her. He snagged her waist and pulled her against him.

Skye shivered at his touch. She could feel his chest at her back, warm and solid. He dropped a kiss on her head. She turned to look up at him and they smiled at each other.

“Don’t you guys have to get going?” Skye asked Kiera and Ash, a twinkle in her eyes.

Kiera and Ash started as if coming out of a dream. They blinked and turned to stare at her. A rosy tint crept up Kiera’s cheeks.

“What?” Ash said, bemused.

“You have a dinner reservation?” Skye supplied helpfully.

A look of annoyance crossed his face. His reaction reminded her of the first time he’d met Kiera. Skye bit back a laugh.

“Right.” Ash cleared his throat. He turned to Kiera and presented her with the bouquet of crocuses. “You look… exquisite. Stunning.”

“Thank you,” Kiera said as she took them, an awed smile on her face. She breathed in the flowers.

Skye gave her a moment, then said, “I could put them into water if you want.”

Kiera smiled at her. “Yes, thanks.” She handed them to her.

“We should get going,” Ash said, taking Kiera’s hand again.

Kiera nodded and turned to Skye and Cian. “See you guys later.”

“Stay in this reality, will you?” Skye teased.

Ash rolled annoyed eyes at her. Skye stepped up to him and with a warning in her eyes, said, “For your sake, I hope there won’t be a repeat of the ordeal you put her through.”

“Skye!” Kiera exclaimed.

But Ash stared straight at Skye, not wavering as he vowed, “Never again.” She nodded.

“Have fun, kids,” Cian said as they walked them to the door.

He and Skye watched as Ash opened the passenger door for Kiera. He rounded the car and was getting in the driver’s seat when Kiera called Cian’s name. Cian jogged up to the car.

“Hey, princess. What’s up?”

“Take care of Skye, will you? She isn’t feeling too well.”

“I know.”

“You know?” She gave him a puzzled look.

“Yeah, she gets mellow towards me when she’s sick.”

Kiera laughed. “That’s mean.”

Cian smiled. “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of her. You just enjoy your evening.”

She smiled back. “Thanks. And I know you will.”

Turning to Ash, he said, “Take care of her this time.”

Ash gave him a determined look. “I will.”

Cian stepped back and waved as they drove away.

“What did Kiera say?” Skye asked curiously.

“She just told us to have a good time.”

Skye looked at him askance. She had a feeling that wasn’t what Kiera had said but knowing Cian, he wasn’t going to tell her. She shrugged and went inside, straight into the kitchen. He followed her and watched while she put the crocuses and irises into water.

“So dinner then a movie?”

At the mention of ‘dinner’, her stomach dipped. It was that time of the month and she often didn’t have much of an appetite during then. At least this month, her tummy didn’t hurt too bad.

“I really don’t feel like eating.”

Cian gave her a look of mock shock. “You? Miss I’m-always-famished?”

“Har har.”

“C’mon. You can see if what I brought at least tempts you.” Cian pulled out a container from the satchel he’d carried into the kitchen. He got out two bowls and scooped some of the stuff from the container into one of them. Then he put it to heat into the microwave. He tugged her into a chair at the kitchen table.

“Cian, I’m really not hungry.”

The microwave dinged and he pulled out the bowl. A delicious aroma wafted in the air. Her predictable stomach gave a grumble.

“Is that a ‘Yes, Cian, I want to try it’?” He scooped food into the other bowl and put it to heat.

“I shouldn’t,” Skye ventured hesitantly, worried the food wouldn’t agree with her, though it smelled wonderful. “What is it anyway?”

“My mother’s famous chicken soup. It’s the perfect remedy for anything that ails you.”

Her mouth dropped open with shock. “You got your
to make chicken soup for me?”

“Well, I asked her what to bring you for an upset stomach and she ordered me to come and get the chicken soup she was going to make for you. You know my mother. If she gives an order, you better follow it or the consequences will be dire. And she’s very fond of you.”

“I’m not sick.” Skye was bewildered over the fact that his mother was fond of her and had made her something. Also, a bit embarrassed about being sick.

“Yeah, right.” He gave her an astute look. “You just regularly lose your appetite.”

“I’m fine,” Skye muttered sulkily.

Cian set the two bowls on the table and sat down next to her. “Just have a taste, will you?” He scooped some in a spoon and targeted it at her mouth. When she pressed her lips tightly and just gave him a stubborn look, he grinned at her. “You wouldn’t want me to start making baby noises now, would you?”

“Oh, for cryin’ out loud!” Skye closed her mouth over the spoon. The taste exploded in her mouth—warm and delicious, neither spicy nor insipid, just right. And oh, so tempting! She swallowed. Her stomach didn’t protest. She grabbed the spoon and dug in.

“I take it it’s to your taste?” Amused, Cian spooned some from his own bowl. The flavor brought memories of his childhood when he and his brothers had been sick and his mother had made chicken soup for them. He could feel his mother’s love with every swallow.

“Wow,” Skye mumbled around a mouthful.

Her reaction ridiculously pleased him. “Want more?”

“What?” She stared at her bowl, startled that she’d already finished. A bashful look came over her face. “Yes, please.”

Cian scooped some more for her and set it to heat. They ate quietly for a while until Skye finally pushed her bowl away, her stomach full.

“Thank you, Cian.” He had gone to so much trouble for her. He’d taken care of her.

Cian looked pleased. “You’re welcome.”

He wouldn’t let her wash the dishes. So she dried while he washed. Afterwards, they sat down on the couch as she riffled through the DVDs he’d brought.

“So what do you want to watch?”

“You’re letting
choose?” he said incredulously.

“What’s so surprising about that?”

“From the woman who never lets me choose.”

“Oh please. You know you enjoy the same movies I do.”

“Ah yes. The common denominator.”

Skye smirked. “So what will it be?
Resident Evil Extinction
Underworld Evolution

“Two different sexy babes. Hmm… . What a choice.”

Iron Man 2
it is, then.”

“Hey, that wasn’t even an option!” he protested.

She chuckled. “Too late. You took too long to choose.”

“Is that so?” Cian slid his arms around her, pulling her close.

Skye’s eyes widened as she grasped what he intended. “Cian, the movie—”

“—can wait,” he murmured, dipping his head.

He settled his mouth on hers, kissing her gently, slowly. Skye felt cherished. Her arms wound around his neck all on their own. He pressed her back against the couch, his body hard and firm against hers. Her own quivered in reaction, inciting him to deepen the kiss.

Cian felt like he was drowning in her, steeped in everything that made her who she was. And it was the most glorious feeling in the world.

No, he was never going to take her response to him for granted.

When he finally pulled away, he stared down at her. Her eyes were unfocused, dazed. He loved it that she couldn’t resist him.

Skye’s eyes cleared and she stared up at him. “No wonder you’ve got scores of women after you,” she blurted out. Color fired up her cheeks when she realized what she’d said.

Cian threw back his head and roared with laughter. Oh, she was precious! He squeezed her enthusiastically.

Her cheeks hot, Skye muttered, “I can’t believe I just said that. I must be really sick.”

“You did say it and as I recall, you denied being sick. So there’s no excuse. Just admit you find me irresistible.”

“I do
!” Skye was mortified. When he kissed her, she couldn’t think properly. Damn. She pushed at his shoulder. “I need to get up.”

Cian kept her where she was. “I like you right here.”

“I need to go to the bathroom,” Skye hissed at him. Actually, she didn’t. She just wanted a moment alone to compose herself.

He let her up. Skye had taken a few steps and was thinking she’d gotten off easily until she was sadly disabused of that notion when he called out, “Chicken.”

She turned around and stuck her tongue at him then turned tail and slipped in the bathroom, his laughter ringing in her ears. A smile flitted to her mouth.

No, he never let get away with anything.


BOOK: Holding Out For Skye
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