Holding Out For Skye (11 page)

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Authors: S.R. McKade

BOOK: Holding Out For Skye
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Skye yawned sleepily. She was aware of a deep sense of well-being. Her bed felt so cozy and warm.
, she snuggled deeper into the warmth. She was definitely sleeping in today.

“Wake up, sleepyhead.”

The smooth baritone that tugged at her sounded strangely like Cian’s voice. But why would Cian be in her bedroom? Na, couldn’t be.

“I know you’re awake.”

Skye blearily opened one eye. The room was bathed in sunlight, shimmering through the flimsy drapes of her bed. Drat, she’d forgotten to close the curtains at her window. Cian’s face hovered over hers. Her brow furrowed.

“This is a very, very weird dream,” she muttered, closing her one eye.

“Most women would find having a dream about me very pleasing. Only you would find it weird, love.”

Skye’s eyes snapped open with shock.
No freaking way!
There was no freaking way he could be in her bedroom, in
with her! But the fact that Cian’s arms were wrapped tight around her sure proved her wrong.

She freaked out. “What the hell are you doing here?”

She tried to pull away from him, only to have him laughingly thwart her every attempt. She kept trying until he finally pinned her hands on each side of her head. Her heart skipped a beat. He watched her with hooded eyes, no longer laughing.

Skye went still, her eyes widening with awareness. Of
For the first time, she was truly aware of him as a man, not as the annoyance who bugged her at work every day. She understood just how strong he was. Aware of her own vulnerability in spite of the self-defence lessons. And here she had thought she could take care of herself if he tried anything. Talk about deluded.

With his lean build and playboy attitude, she’d had no idea he’d have this quiet strength. She could feel the length of his hard body pressed to hers and tried to ignore the feeling. There was nothing soft about him.

Even in the morning, his hair standing up in spikes on his head, stubble shadowing his jaw, he looked irresistibly gorgeous. And right now, he looked just a bit dangerous.

Skye wondered why she wasn’t scared. She was nervous yes, but not really scared of him. She knew that he wouldn’t hurt her but he was hazardous to her emotions. In that instant, she knew that this new awareness of him was there to stay. She would never see him indifferently now.

Skye tried to recall the night before. They’d had cake and watched
Underworld Awakening
and… . She couldn’t quite remember seeing the end of the movie.

She must have fallen asleep! It was the only explanation she could think of why Cian would still be here. She couldn’t remember seeing him leave.

“C’mon, aren’t you gonna talk to me now?”

Her lips pressed in a tight line, Skye narrowed her eyes at him.

Cian’s mouth curved into a smile. Oh, she so wanted to kill him. God, she felt good against him.

“Alright then, we won’t talk.”

At that, her eyes widened in alarm. “Cian, don’t you d—”

His mouth settled over hers, cutting off her words. Heat stole into her bones. If it were possible, this kiss felt even more intense than the other times.

His hands flexed against hers, interlacing their fingers together. He kissed her again, drunk in her essence, already addicted to her. Cian knew her taste now, chocolate and sunshine. He deepened the kiss, breathing her in. She was

Skye sighed against him. She couldn’t think, could only
Her senses filled with him, immersed in him. She lost sight of who she was, of where she was.

When he finally pulled away, she could only stare at him helplessly. Cian searched her face, his expression serious. For a long while, they just stared at each other, both affected by their newfound feelings for each other.

He slowly released her hands and caressed her face with light fingers.

Skye’s breath caught in her throat at his touch. What was he doing to her?

Then she suddenly remembered what he had done.
The little shit.
She balled her hand into a fist. Before he could figure out her intention, she punched him in the gut.

Cian groaned. Damn, he should have remembered that right hook of hers. He rolled off her and on his back.

“You ass!” Skye yelled, sitting up as if electrified.

“Jesus, did you have to hit me?” He rubbed his stomach.

“Of course I had to! You stayed over!”

Cian managed a laugh as he turned his head to stare at her. She was a jewel, the rarest of her kind. Her hair was all mussed up from sleep, her eyes still drowsy. She was glaring at him suspiciously, like he was a strange and dangerous specimen she couldn’t figure out at all.

She was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.

He was absolutely crazy about her.

If he ever managed to get her heart, he would be the richest man in the world. Cian knew, he just knew, with her in his life, by his side, his days would forever be one interesting day after the other. There would always be something more about her, some new discovery to make. He laughed again, utterly delighted with her.

Skye started to make a snide remark when the portable phone on the nightstand rang. She reached for it and automatically said, “Hello?”

“Hello, dear. Could you hand the phone to Cian, please?” a female voice asked.

Skye was startled. She didn’t recognize the voice. And who would know Cian was here? “Who is this?”

“His mother.”

Skye gave Cian a look of horror. Cian sat up, a question in his eyes. Wordlessly, she handed the phone to him. Pulling the covers off, she started to get off the bed but he caught her hand and held her back.


Skye scowled and tugged at her hand only to be thwarted. “Let go,” she hissed.

Cian shook his head, holding tightly on to her hand. There was no way he was giving her time to put any distance between them.

“I knew you worked fast, darling, but even
never knew you could be

Cian inwardly groaned. “Mom. How did you get this number?”

Skye flopped back on the bed, looking absolutely horrified.

“Is that any way to greet your mother?”

Cian sighed. “Hello, Mother. How are you? Now how did you get this number?”

“I don’t know where I went wrong with you.”


“I called your cell only to get your voice mail. So I called the apartment. Nick told me you were here.”

Nick was going to be so dead. “It’s not what you think.”

“Darling, I love you very much but I know exactly how you operate.”

“It’s not like that.”

Skye flipped the covers over her head at that. His mouth twitched at her reaction. She was so cute.

“I know you, honey.”

“Mom, we were watching a movie and we fell asleep. That’s it. Nothing happened.” Skye
in disagreement under the covers. He grinned.

“Right, darling. I believe you. That poor sweet innocent girl.”

Cian rolled his eyes. “That poor sweet innocent girl punched me in the guts.” Skye flipped back the covers to glare at him. He shot her a broad smile in return.

His mother burst out laughing. “Good for her.”

“Mom, why’d you call?”

“What? I can’t call my darling son to ask how he is?”

“Other moms yes but not you.”

“That was not very nice.”

He chuckled. “Mom, you’re Wonderwoman. Nothing fazes you.”

“That was much better. If you must know, I called to tell you to bring your new girlfriend to lunch at the house tomorrow.”

Cian glanced at Skye. She watched him suspiciously. She must have sensed something was up. Then what his mother had said struck him as odd.

“How do you know Skye’s my girlfriend, Mom?”

“Oh you know, I’m omniscient, all-seeing and all-knowing.”


“You’re no fun today. Your idiotic cousin had his mother call me to tell me all about your break-up with that pig-nosed stinking skunk.”

“Alastor.” That bastard. Nick must have filled his mother in on the real version of what happened—that Vanessa had been two-timing him. His mother was known for speaking her mind. Just like Skye.

“Yes, that’s the only idiotic cousin you have. God knows he needs to stop obsessing about you and get a life.”

“Amen to that. Mom, about Skye—” The woman in question aimed a glower at him.

“Darling, you better bring her to lunch tomorrow. You wouldn’t want me to come over there and get her, would you? Or maybe you could just put her on the phone.”

“No need for that, Mom,” Cian said hastily, glancing at Skye.

“I’ll see you both tomorrow then. And honey, consider yourself disinherited if you don’t bring her. Love you, darling.”

She hung up before he could reply back. That was his mother, secure in the knowledge that her children loved her. And feared her.

Cian’s thoughts turned to Skye. He wondered how he could get her to meet his family tomorrow. Maybe if he hog-tied and gagged her… .

He prayed for inspiration as he set down the phone and turned to her, still holding on to her hand.

Skye felt kinda odd having listened to Cian’s conversation with his mother. She wished he’d let her leave when she tried to and given them the privacy to talk. Hearing him talk to his mother, she’d felt the love between them.

Envy rose in her. He was so lucky he had such a loving mother. But then she’d been lucky too, to have had at least a few years with her own mom.

“What is it?”



“Nothing really. From your conversation, I can see how close you and your mother are. I never thought of you as being so close to your family.”

Cian felt his heart ache for her. His fingers tightened around hers. “There’s a lot you don’t know about me. My mother’s great. She’s the glue that keeps my family together.”

Skye again envied him his family. She scowled as she suddenly remembered part of his conversation with his mother. “I can’t believe you told her I punched you!”

“Why not? If you’ll recall, you
punch me. Plus, she was sympathizing way too much with you. She’s supposed to be on my side, you know?”

Skye rolled her eyes at him.

Cian thought it was now or never. Ease her into it or come right out and say it?

“So… what are you doing tomorrow?” Ease into it then.

She sent him a suspicious glance. “Why?”

“Oh, nothing, just asking. We could hang out.”

“Oh no, we are not! Not after your little sleepover stunt.”

“Admit it, you liked having me stay over.”

“Did not.” Maybe. She remembered the feeling of well-being she’d felt on waking up in his arms.

“Did too.”

“Did not.”

Cian decided he’d better not annoy her if he was going to convince her to come to the luncheon at his parents’ tomorrow. “Okay, fine. You win.”

She smirked. “Thank you.”

“So remember how we had that conversation about attending family stuff etcetera?”

Uh oh.
Skye nodded, wariness clouding her eyes.

“Well, my mother invited you over to lunch tomorrow.”


“You heard me the first time.”

“No freaking way in hell!”

Cian sighed. He should have known she would flip out.

“Why not? Where do you have to be tomorrow?”

“I—uh—I have to—” Her mind drew a blank. She could have never imagined his mother would invite her to a family lunch.

Cian gave her a triumphant look. “Can’t think of anything, can you?”

She glowered at him. “I have—stuff to do.”

“The ‘stuff’ you have to do better be in the next country because if you’re not coming tomorrow, my mother will come get you.”

Skye’s mouth dropped. She quickly shut it. “She can’t do that.” She stared at him warily. “Can she?”

“Oh, trust me, she can and she will.”

Skye frowned at her bedspread. She knew now where Cian had gotten his always-get-my-way ability. She couldn’t meet his family. What would she say to them? What if she embarrassed him? No, she just couldn’t. What if they hated her?

Skye sent a glance heavenward. “Why?” God didn’t answer. Figured.

Amused, Cian said, “Don’t worry they won’t eat you up.”

“Why?” she repeated, still staring at her ceiling.

“Did the prospect of meeting my family finally send you off the deep end?”

Cian grinned at the irritated noise she made. Oh, she delighted him up to end. He’d probably go to hell for getting such perverse pleasure at annoying her.

“You could always make an excuse for me,” she said hopefully.

“No way!” he categorically refused. “I got threatened with being disinherited if I didn’t bring you and I also like being alive, thank you very much.”

Skye scowled at him. He leaned over and stole a quick kiss before she could stop him.

Determination filled his eyes. “We’re in this together, love, and come hell or high water, we’re going tomorrow, even if I have to carry you kicking and screaming.”



Later that day, after she finally booted Cian out of her apartment, Skye got some breakfast in the form of the chocolate donuts she’d saved from yesterday and called Kiera to ramble on about Cian’s latest transgression.

Then Ash called her, trying to wheedle Kiera’s number out of her. She’d finally given the carrot to him after much dangling and much groveling on his part after his ‘
told her about Cian
’ comment of yesterday.

She grinned at the memory. That’d sure been fun. She had yet to hear back from either Ash or Kiera to know what had transpired between the two of them. They were probably still lost in their own little world. She chuckled at the thought.

After that, Thea called to ask if she and Nick could hang out at her apartment. She’d said sure and found out she had talked more on the phone that day than she ever had before. It was all Cian’s fault!

Thea and Nick had been in love with each other since forever. But they had to hide it from her parents. Even at work they were careful not to let their feelings show. Thea’s dad liked Nick well enough but he wanted his daughter to be with the prominent son of an old friend of his instead of middle-class Nick who had no rich connections, no prominent family. Kind-hearted Nick who loved Thea more than life itself.

Skye had met Thea’s family and strangely enough they seemed to like her. So Thea had the idea to use Skye’s apartment whenever she and Nick wanted to meet and spend some time together. She hadn’t had the heart to refuse them.

Skye had a rule of NO-PEOPLE-IN-HER-APARTMENT-EXCEPT-KIERA-AND-TYLER but had made an exception for the two lovebirds. Of course, Cian being Cian, had stolen into her sanctuary last night. But she didn’t want to think about

“It looks great on you,” Skye said.

She and Thea were in Skye’s bedroom. Thea was trying on a new calf-length dress she’d bought yesterday. A beautiful off-white color, it was sleeveless, with a round neck and pretty red flowers all over.

“Thanks. You think Nick’ll like it?” Thea looked self-conscious.

“He’ll love it! You look beautiful.”

Thea’s face lit up at the compliment.

At that moment there was a loud knock at the front door. Skye had left the bedroom door open so she could hear when Nick arrived.

“That should be Nick!”

Skye smiled at her excitement. “You stay here. I’ll get him.”

She headed to the door and flung it wide open. Regretted it the moment she did.

Standing on the other side was Nick. With Cian. The Demon King. Giving her a shit-eating grin.

Skye squashed the tiny surge of pleasure at seeing him. She turned on her heels and stomped to the couch.

“Hey, don’t I even get a ‘Hi’,” Nick called out as they came in, closing the door behind them.

“You would have if you hadn’t brought your moron friend along with you!” she retorted, crossing her arms.

“Aw, com’on, you know I’m growing on you,” Cian said charmingly.

Skye let out an inelegant snort, letting him know what she thought of that.

“Oh, yeah, about that,” Nick noted, then turned right around and punched Cian in the gut. “That was for taking advantage of Skye last night.”

Cian doubled over, trying to catch his breath as Skye goggled at Nick. She had never known him to punch anyone before. Despite his large size, he was one of the gentlest persons she knew. Punching people and pissing them off was usually her forte. He winked at her. A giggle escaped her lips.

Cian was damn grateful Nick had pulled the punch or else he would have been writhing on the damn floor.

“What is
with you people?” he swore. “Is it Punch-Cian Day today?”

Skye snickered at that.

He glared at her. “It will teach you both right if I’m bleeding internally right now and keel over dead. Then you’ll be charged with my murder.”

“Well, then, we better have a perfect alibi, right, Skye?” Nick reached over and high-fived Skye.

“Got it, dude!” She grinned at him.

“Haha, very funny. You two are a riot of laughter.” Cian rubbed his stomach, looking absolutely peeved.

Skye chortled.

“Where’s Thea?” Nick asked.

“Bedroom. Go right ahead,” Skye replied.

“Hold it right there, buddy. You’ve been in Skye’s bedroom?” If it were possible, Cian looked even more peeved.

Nick smirked. “Several times.”

“Son of a bitch!” Cian swore, the green monster getting a hold of him.

“Excuse me, once you get over trying to upend each other, Thea’s waiting in my bedroom,” Skye jumped in before they started arm-wrestling. Guys. She rolled her eyes at them.

Nick gave her a sheepish smile. “Right.” He turned towards her bedroom.

Cian walked over and sat down next to her on the couch. Skye refused to look at him.

“Why didn’t you tell me Nick’s been in your bedroom?”

“And how many girls’ bedroom have
been in?” she countered.




NICK KNOCKED on Skye’s bedroom door. He was grateful to Skye for helping him and Thea out. If her father knew, there was no way they’d ever be able to meet. Thea had once told him they should just elope and be done with it. But he wanted her family’s acceptance. He sighed. He was a damn fool.

“Come in,” Thea called out.

Nick opened the door and stopped short, breathless. She looked so beautiful! He stayed where he was, utterly stunned.

Thea’s face glowed at Nick’s reaction. “Do you like the dress?”

Nick swallowed and nodded. “You look… ravishing.” He slowly stepped towards her, his heart in his throat.

Then they were both moving towards each other. With a laugh, Thea flung herself in his arms. Nick caught her and swirled her around, Thea’s feet dangling off the ground. Their lips met in a kiss that bubbled with happiness. When he pulled away, they grinned at each other.

“I love you,” he told her, his heart in his eyes.

“I love you back,” Thea returned. “Can we elope

Nick chuckled and set her down, but kept his arms around her. “You’re going to be the death of me.”

“If you don’t marry me soon, then yes, I am.”

“You think your dad won’t notice if you get married?” he asked hopefully.

“Kinda hard to get that past him.”

“We’ll find a way,” he promised her softly. It was a promise he’d keep, no matter what it took.


CIAN STARED at Skye’s rigid posture on the couch.
Hmm, that won’t do. No,
that won’t do at all.
He braced his hands on each side of her, effectively caging her in against the armrest of the couch.

He struggled not to grin when her eyes widened in alarm and she inched backwards. Then her face filled with resolve as the alarm was replaced by annoyance. There was her fearless-fight-dirty attitude, as predictable as the sun.

“You have to stop doing this,” she hissed.


“Trying to manhandle me!”

“Trying? Who said anything about trying, darling? In my opinion, I’m succeeding.”

“Since when did you become a Neanderthal?”

Oh, good one. “Since you became my girlfriend.”

“We can easily rectify that.” She tried to get away from him.

“Oh, no, you don’t.” Enough was enough. He’d given her the time to get mad at him but no way was he letting her use it to keep him at a distance. He pinned her with an icy glare. “Get this, I don’t regret staying over last night. I did it knowing you’d be pissed off. If I had to do it over again, I’d still do it.”

Surprise graced her features. Skye stared at him a bit uncertainly. “Why?”

“Like it or not, we have feelings for each other.”

“It’s only been two days!”

Someone was keeping count. Cian inwardly sighed. “It’s been months, Skye. It’s been years.”

She shook her head, still in the land of denial. He wondered if he could send a bomb to blast her out of there. Maybe a nuclear one would work.

“Are you still mad at me?”

“What do you think?” she snapped.

“Well, alright then.”

Suspicion materialized. “‘Alright then’ what?”

“I’m not letting you up until you’re no longer mad at me,” Cian announced casually.

” she screeched.

Nick and Thea came rushing out of her room and stopped short as they caught sight of Cian cornering Skye on the couch.

“What’s going on?” Nick asked cautiously.

“Nick, would you tell your soon-to-be-cadaver friend to let me up?” Skye said through clenched teeth.

“I’d do what she says, Cian,” Nick advised. Cian just shook his head at that.

“Cian, why do you have Skye trapped on the couch?” Thea asked curiously.

Skye made a noise of extreme annoyance at that.

“Because she’s pissed off at me?”

“O—kay,” Thea said, bemused.

“Isn’t this guaranteed to piss her off even more?” Nick wanted to know.

Cian didn’t take his eyes off Skye. She could be as sneaky as him and manage to get away.

She was so mad, she looked ready to spit nails. The only thing missing was steam coming out of her ears. He smiled at the image.

“You can’t keep me here forever!”
Of course he
, Skye thought.

“Trust me, I can keep this up indefinitely.”

He probably could. Skye tried to figure out how to slide away from him but he had her effectively blocked. Any way she saw it, she would have to touch him. With the sparks that erupted between them whenever they touched, she’d rather avoid touching him. After this morning, she’d grasped just how dangerous he was to her system. She simply stopped thinking clearly whenever he was in close contact with her, make that in
very close

Nick and Thea looked at each other and in mutual accord took the stools to watch the free show.

Skye thought furiously. He’d said he wouldn’t let her up until she was no longer mad at him, right? Well, vengeance was a dish best served cold. She’d just have to wait until later to retaliate.


“Fine what?”

“Fine, I’m through being mad at you for last night.” Animosity dripped from her words.

“That doesn’t sound like you’re through with it.” Humor lit Cian’s eyes, making them sparkle.

For a moment, Skye was riveted. His eyes went silvery and sparkly like that when he was happy. Then she shook her head, admonishing herself for getting sucked in again. Where he was concerned, she needed body armour from head to toe. For him.

“I am.” Short and precise. Better not say anything else in case she tripped and gave away her intentions of revenge.

What was that look just now?
Cian thought. Her eyes had softened for a minute there. He wondered what she’d been thinking about. “And what about for pinning you down?”

Nick and Thea did their best to muffle their laughter.

“I’m going to let that go as well,” Skye enunciated.

She didn’t fool him one bit. She was planning his demise, all right. She had no clue how well he understood her. He pondered what she’d come up with.

“Thank you very much.”

The moment he let her up, Skye sprang up from the couch and darted away a few paces. Cian sat back, his arms on the back of the couch, a broad grin on his face.

First things first. Skye turned to Nick and Thea. “Thanks a lot, guys. You two were such a big help,” she said sarcastically. They laughed but quickly sobered up at her continuous glare. She turned to Cian and pointed a finger at him. She’d figured out the ultimate way to get her revenge. “As for you… .” She paused for dramatic effect. “I am so telling your mom about this tomorrow.” She smiled in satisfaction as her statement wiped the grin off his face.

Nick and Thea burst out laughing. They’d both met Mrs. Hunter and Cian was in for a long dressing-down for the ungentlemanly way he’d treated Skye. He was definitely in deep shit.

“What?” Cian sat up straight, paling at the thought of what his mother would do to him. “You can’t do that!”

“Sure can. Will do.” Skye marched into her bedroom.

Cian jumped to his feet. He tried the knob only to have it uselessly turn in his hand. “You can’t tell her. I will do anything! Anything! Just name it!”

“You should have thought of that
manhandling me,” Skye shouted.

“Please. Anything,” Cian pleaded.

“You made your bed, now you shall lie in it,
,” she called out.

Cian couldn’t help grinning at that. Then the thought of his mother splashed over him like a bucket of cold water and he rapped his knuckles on the door. “Will you stop hiding in your room?”

“Go away! And take those two traitors with you!”

The ‘traitors’ sniggered at that and got up.

“Bye, Skye. Great shot. You totally annihilated Cian on this one,” Nick called out as he grabbed Cian and tugged him along. Cian glowered at him but allowed himself to be pulled away. Thea giggled.

“Call you later. Cian says bye.”

“Good riddance!” came from the bedroom. Thea giggled again and Nick snorted.

“Aw, that hurt, you know,” Cian said, glaring at them both.

“Go away already!”

“Fine. I’m leaving. I’ll pick you up at ten tomorrow,” Cian stated.

“I can’t wait.” Sarcasm oozed from Skye’s words.

Cian shared a look of amusement with Nick and Thea. He sure had a hell of a girlfriend! Then he let out a whistle as he took in Thea’s dress. “Sexy.”

Thea blushed. “Thanks.”

Nick glowered at him. “Keep your eyes to yourself, buddy.”

“Oh, don’t worry, I’m officially a one-woman guy now,” Cian said loudly.

They clearly heard Skye’s snort through the door.

“You guys better go,” Thea counseled. “Knowing her, she can stay there indefinitely.”

“I heard that,” Skye called. “You’re

“Cian and I were just leaving.” Nick kissed Thea on the cheek. He saw Cian staring thoughtfully at the door. “I wouldn’t advise on it.”

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