Holding On (Road House Series)

Read Holding On (Road House Series) Online

Authors: Madison Stevens

Tags: #romance short story bikers

BOOK: Holding On (Road House Series)
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This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, locations, and incidents depicted in this work are of the author’s imagination or have been used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, locations, or events is entirely coincidental.

All rights reserved.

Copyright 2013 Madison Stevens


No portion of this book may be transmitted or reproduced in any form, or by any means, without the prior written permission of the author.


Chapter One




“Pan, I really don’t have time to be doing this.” Iris crossed her arms in front of her chest, a protective move that had served her well over the years.

“I just got back into town.” Pan sighed. “Let’s just go in and have one drink.”

Iris looked at the cracked, rough exterior of the Road House bar and then looked at her sister. Pan was everything that a biker girl should be, leather coat and hog included.

“I hardly think I’m dressed for a place like this.” Iris waved a hand at her clothing.

Her sister’s unwavering eye took in the black pencil skirt and white blouse. Iris heated with a twinge of irritation. This was the same sort of outfit she had worn nearly every day since taking over the book store. It wasn’t as if she could just run a shop in leather pants and a tank. Her customers would never be caught in the Book Alley again.

“You look fine. Besides, the way that skirt makes your ass look, I don’t think any of the guys are going to complain.” A smug look lit Pan’s face.

“Pansy!” Iris glared at her sister.

“What? You aren’t dead. I say, if you got it, flaunt it.” Pansy shrugged, and a lock of rich brown hair slid out from her bandanna.

“Excuse me,” a low-timbre voice from behind said as it shimmied down Iris’s spine.

“Oh, I’m so sorry.” Iris turned to move out of the way and ran smack into the source. The hard planes of his chest had her heart beating double time, and the world swayed for a moment. The man reached out to hold her against him, preventing her from falling. She was being consumed by the delicious scent of man, motor oil and something woodsy. She closed her eyes for a moment to gather some control.

Once she had stilled the world, her eyes popped open to peer into the bluest eyes she had ever seen. It was like staring at a cool glacier. A shiver crawled through her.

As he helped her find her footing, the man gave a lopsided grin. Two dimples popped out and sandy blond hair slipped over his eyes, drawing attention to a jagged scar running down his face. Not that it hurt his beauty any. His rugged strength and scar made her think of a gladiator.

“You know she’s right,” he said, nodding toward Pan.

“Oh?” As much as Iris tried, it still came out a breathy whisper.

“That skirt does amazing things to your ass.” With a wink, the man slid past her.

“Pansy,” he said with a nod and walked inside.

“Don’t think you’re gonna get away with calling me that asswipe!” Pan yelled at the door.

As shock crept away, anger started to bubble up in Iris.

Who did that guy think he was, besides God’s gift to women? He was, without a doubt, pure sex, but the arrogance was on a whole new level.

“Well?” Pan held the door open, waiting for Iris to make the first step in. Likely to block all escape. Talk about sisterly love.

“Fine, but I’m just staying for one. I’ve got inventory first thing in the morning.”

With that, Iris stormed in. She wasn’t about to be run off by some walking hormone with shocking blue eyes.


Luc looked up as the fiery dark-haired beauty came in. Instantly, the two locked eyes and he found himself falling again. There was something about this women that set every last nerve on fire. He struggled to swallow, so he reached out for his beer, nearly knocking it over. There had to be something wrong with him. He hadn’t felt like this since…well, the last time had left him shredded and bare. He locked down his feelings as the two women moved to the adjacent table.

Several of his crew were puzzled by the visual contact and shot him questioning stares. What was he supposed to say? He grunted and slammed the rest of his beer.

When he looked over at the beauty, her mouth was pinched in irritation, repulsion visible. Pain lanced through him as he thought of the view she had, one that clearly displayed his haggard scar. Couldn’t she even pretend not to see the scar? Luc snorted. Of course she couldn’t. How could she not help but see it?

He sighed and focused on the game on TV.

“Hey, boys! This is my sister, Iris.”

Luc nearly choked on his beer.

“Pansy and Iris?” He swiveled to look at the women.

“That’s Pan if you know what good for you.” Pan pointed a manicured red nail at him.

Luc raised his hands in surrender. “Just thought it was a little funny.”

“Oh?” Iris, who had been quiet since walking in, turned and gave him an icy glare. “And what’s so funny about our names? They were our mother’s favorite flowers,” Iris said, puffing her chest out, nearly popping the button between her breasts.

“Listen, sweetheart.” Luc leaned back and crossed his arms behind his head. “You have to admit it is a little funny. Such a tough woman being named Pansy.”

“Whatever.” She turned, dismissing him completely. “How about I get the beer?” She said and sauntered to the bar.


Iris dropped into the seat and tried to collect herself. There was something about the man that just pushed her. Normally, she didn’t let anything get to her, but something about him made her want to go and box his ears. Or nibble them. She couldn’t make up her mind.

“Oh, thank God, there’s another woman here.” A blonde perky-looking waitress slid to the other side of the bar and leaned in to grasp her hand. “One more second-talking about sports, bikes and bitches, well, I was gonna lose my mind.”


“Well, they say women, but if you’d seen these women, you’d call them bitches too.” The waitress waved a towel in the air like she was trying to swat the thoughts of them out. “Nice to meet you.” She struck out her hand. “I’m Sarah.”

“Iris,” she said, taking the hand. “That’s my sister, Pan.” She turned to look over at Pan, who was chatting with several of the men at the next table. Blue Eyes was fixed on her, and she quickly turned around.

“Oh sure, we all know Pan.” Sarah gave her a once over. “Yup, I can see the connection. You all really look similar.”

Iris barked out a laugh.

Sarah rolled her eyes. “Well, beside the whole biker chick thing, you all have very similar features.”

Iris felt the stool next to her shift. A chill ran through her.

“Hey, Luc! Have you met Iris? She’s Pan’s sister.” Sarah grinned widely.

Iris turned to see Luc’s mouth twitch.

“So, let me guess your favorite flower,” he said.

Iris gripped the bar. Not the first time she’d been asked, but coming from him, it seemed like such a dig.

“Why bother? You’d just be wrong.” She turned to order a few beers from Sarah.

She could see him tense and jumped when his hot breath tickled the side of her neck.

“You think you’re too good to be here? Sitting there in your see-through blouse and ass-hugging skirt?” She felt him lean in further but didn’t dare move. This was one pissed man. “You women are all the same though. Underneath those prissy clothes, you ache for someone like me to make you moan. Make you come so hard your voice goes hoarse.”

A trickle of sweat rolled down her neck, and she shivered when he blew a deep puff on the exposed flesh.

Sarah popped back into her vision and placed the mugs in front over her. Iris jerked away from Luc. She jumped off the stool, grabbed the mugs and raced back to the table.


Luc shuddered at the lack of warmth.

“What the hell, Luc!” His head snapped up to see a very angry Sarah staring back at him.

“What?” He took a long drink off his beer, so he wouldn’t have to look at her. Guilt at what he said settled into the pit of his stomach and soured.

“Don’t you what me.” She crossed her arms across her chest. “You had her running back to that table like the devil was on her heels.” Sarah swept her blonde hair back and leaned on the bar. “Wanna tell me what’s going on?”

“Nothing.” Luc glanced at Iris and turned when she shot him an icy stare. “Okay, something.” He sighed. “I don’t know what it is about her, but she sets me on edge.”

“Oh, how so?”

He leaned back and downed the rest of his beer.

“Can’t explain it really. Like she’s stripping me down.” He snorted at her smirk. “Not like that. Hell, I don’t know. Doesn’t matter. Just don’t like her. Too prissy.”

“Well that’s too bad. I think she did a heck of a job raising Pan.” Sarah started to wipe the bar, and he quickly picked up on her nonchalant attitude. “Left college and everything just to raise her. Between raising a teen and the bookstore, I don’t think she gets out much. Sort of shy and quiet.”

Luc sat up a little. She might have seemed mousy, but the woman he had been dealing with was anything but shy and quiet. The conflicting perspectives confused him. He started to doubt his whole approach.

“Give me two beers.” He sighed. “I’ll go make friends.”

When Sarah came back with the beers, Luc slowly made his way to the table. He stood directly in front of Iris and placed the beer down.

“Look, I think we’ve gotten off on the wrong foot. Let’s start over.” Luc flashed the dimples and extended his hand. “Hi, nice to meet you. My name is Luc.”

Iris narrowed her eyes on his hand and leaned back. Slowly, she stood.

“Why don’t you keep that beer?” she said. “If you’re planning to con some girl into sleep with you, you’re going to need it.” She turned without hesitation and spoke with Pan. “One beer. I’m out.”

With that, she gathered her things and walked out.

Luc stood in shocked silence. When he had recovered and anger pulsed though him, she was long gone. He rubbed the scar. She was right. He would need two beers if he was going to convince a woman to sleep with someone with a face like him.

He gulped down her beer and flopped into his seat. His instincts were right. She was exactly like Victoria.



Iris cursed when she reached her car. How could he say such vulgar things? Iris blushed. It was just beyond her. It wasn’t as if she was a virgin or didn’t like romance, but sleazy biker pick-up lines were not romance. What he did was dirty and steamy and absolutely turning her on. She shook her head. Last thing she needed was anything to do with that man.

She climbed into the car and turned the air conditioner to full blast. Not only was summer in full swing, but her arousal had reached a whole new level. As she unbuttoned a few of the top buttons on her blouse, she turned to catch Luc staring through the window of the bar.

Electricity zinged between her legs. She reached up to undo one more and noticed his hand clench the table. In anger or arousal, she thought. Likely both. A smile lit at the corner of her mouth. Good to know it wasn’t just one way. Still smiling, she started the car and drove off.



Damn her! Playing with him like this. Here, he was with all his friends, sporting one hell of a hard on.

Pan caught his eye and smirked. Shit, she knew, he thought.

“Man, why’d you have to run her off?” Emilio said. “You might not want her, but some of us wouldn’t mind getting closer.” Emilio smiled at him across the table. His tanned skin and black shiny hair made him a pick for many women. Luc stiffened at the thought of them together.

“Just forget it,” he ground out.

“No, I’m with Emilio,” said Tyler. “She was hot and you ran her off. Just because you gave up women, doesn’t mean we have.” Tyler was about as typical biker as a man could be. Piercings, tats and lots of facial hair. Luc had seen many a woman fall for his bad-boy image.

Luc slammed his fist on the table. “I said fucking leave it.”

Once again, he glanced over at Pan. She quirked an eyebrow in challenge.

“I’m out,” he said. Luc stood, threw a few bills on the table and tossed his keys down. “I’m going for a walk. Someone drop it off at the shop.”

Without another word, he was out the door.

Chapter Two




Luc couldn’t believe he was actually standing outside the bookstore. When Emilio had dropped off his bike, he’d planned on an early evening. Get a good night sleep and be in the shop by six. He sighed. Hadn’t really run that way. Most of the night he spent with a perpetual hard-on, wondering what Iris would feel like under him. Despite everything that was telling him to walk away, he just couldn’t stand for her not to like him. He didn’t trust her but wanted her all the same.

He stared at the door for a long moment before putting the bag carefully on the door knob, a note tucked safely inside. He figured the best way to make amends was through the most amazing sticky buns around.

When he had nearly reached his bike, the distinctive chime of bells reached his ears. He turned to see Iris, bag in hand, watching him.

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