Hold Me (25 page)

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Authors: LJ Baker

BOOK: Hold Me
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Six years after the outbreak, the world was a very different place. Small towns like Hopewell sprung up in enough places that it almost seemed like the world was going back to normal. Our little community had quadrupled in size and other than losing Jack about a year before to natural causes, the original group survived.

It turned out that Hadley and a few other people like her, who were immune to the virus, were the key to a cure. With an effectiveness at over eighty percent for the new serum, numbers of the infected grew smaller by the day. They were starting to mass produce the vaccines and cures were being given out in small outposts run by the new government.

Our life hadn't actually changed much, yet everything was different. Mira had her baby, a little boy that she named Daniel. He had light brown curls that fell around his face and a smile that would someday melt all the girls hearts the way his namesake did. Jenny and Izzy were all grown up. In fact, Jenny was engaged to a guy who came to live with us just after Hadley and Jack arrived.

We got up each day, lived our lives, made a difference in the world, even if by only being alive, and went on. Life got easier. Time moved on. I still thought of the people I'd lost and I still missed them everyday, but I'd managed to learn how to be okay despite everything that happened. I finally understood my mother's words from her letter so long ago. She predicted that one day, the world would change, life would get better, and I would be happy. She was right.

I was happy

I had everything I ever wanted for my life. Will and I had a home of our own, albeit a very small one, but it was ours. We had family, friends, and a real community that we loved. I even had a job. I'd become the town nurse thanks to Derek's medic training and a ton of books that Nurse Sue sent with him on one of his trips to visit. It wasn't the best education, but it was enough for most of our needs. My mother would have been so proud to know that I followed in her footsteps. Dan had been right, I could have all of the things I wanted for my life before the outbreak. And I did have them.

As I sat on the rock in the middle of town, the place that had become my soothing spot, my place to relax at the end of a difficult day. I was thankful for all that I had. The outbreak had taken so much from me, but it had also given me more than I ever would have imagined.

Will waved to me in the distance and chased after Daniel. The boy ran in circles around the small swing set the men constructed for the few children we had in town and burst into fits of laughter thinking that he could outrun Will. I loved watching them together. It was funny how easily Will took to the uncle role once the boy was born.

When Daniel noticed Will's attention was elsewhere and saw me, he squealed with delight and ran as fast as his little legs would allow in my direction.

"Auntie!" He yelled up at me and reached his tiny arms up for me to pull him onto the rock with me.

Will caught up out of breath and boosted him into my lap. "Is he ever going to learn how to say Aunt Andi?"

"He's three, who cares?" I nuzzled my face against his chubby cheek and ran my fingers over the tickle spot on his back that made him squirm and twist in my arms.

"No more tickles!" He laughed uncontrollably and Will grabbed him before he tumbled out of my arms.

"Where's Jenny?" I kissed Daniel's little hand before Will put him down on the ground.

He leaned in and gave me a kiss before Daniel pulled him away. "She should be along any time now. Everything okay?"

"Sure. Why wouldn't it be?"

Will glanced around at the rock and memorial stone we set where we buried Dan's ashes with a raised brow. "You always come here when you want to be alone or when you're having a tough day."

"I come here more than that." I sighed. I went there when I missed Dan more than usual, or when I wanted to think, or even when I was just feeling grateful for another day on the planet.

"Okay, then why did you come today?" He held his hand out to help me down and I slid off the rock into his arms.

"I was cleaning today and came across Dan's journal." I looked down at my feet and swallowed the lump in my throat.

"Aww babe. I thought you were done torturing yourself with that?" He pulled me against his chest and kissed the top of my head. Daniel ran in circles around the rock screaming something about blue chickens and llamas, laughing as he went.

"I was, but we need more room. The baby's stuff takes up half the bedroom and she is going to need more space really soon."

"Ah speak of our little angel now." Will released me and waited for Jenny to get closer with the stroller, as precious ran in circles around them. Unable to wait the extra twenty seconds, he closed the distance between them and scooped her into his arms for a slobbery baby kiss.

I shook my head at Will and looked at Jenny. "She any trouble?"

"Nah, perfect as usual." She rubbed two fingers behind the baby's ear and cooed. "Weren't you, Nettie?"

Will raised an eyebrow and smirked. "Do we really have to call her that? It's kind of ridiculous."

"So is calling a baby Janet." Jenny snorted.

Will rolled his eyes and fluffed her white-blonde hair. The corner of her mouth came up into a crooked smile that matched Will's identically. She even shared his sparkling green eyes. Baby Janet reached out and grabbed a fist full of Will's overgrown hair and tugged it to her mouth.

"It's a perfect name." He looked at me and smiled.

It was a perfect name. Janet meant a lot to both of us and naming our baby after her was the best way we could think of to honor someone so special to us both.

Our baby

It still seemed so surreal that we were parents. I'd grown up so much since I'd met Will. Back when he found me in that dog pen, surrounded by flesh eaters, I thought it would be the end of me. As much as I wanted to believe I was all grown up and could take care of myself, I couldn't. I was just a kid, with no one, headed on a path to become zombie chow.

Just over four years later, what seemed like an eternity ago, and I was nothing like that smart-ass, stubborn little girl. I'd found my way in the world, fallen in love, and become a mother of the most beautiful little girl imaginable. Every day the world got better. The living outnumbered the undead and people went back to helping each other, rather than killing each other.

Jenny held Daniel's hand as he climbed into the stroller, then waved as they headed toward the cafe to find Mira. Will slid Nettie onto his shoulders and let her tangle her sticky fingers into his hair to hold on.

"Ready?" He tilted his head and smiled.

He stood there looking ridiculously happy, with our baby chewing on his hair and held one hand out to me, while the other held on to Nettie. I watched him for a second to soak in the moment, wanting to remember it forever, however long that might be. Life after the outbreak taught me how fragile life was and how important it was to make the best of every moment.

Placing my hand in Will's, I smiled as a warm calmness spread over me. "As long as you're with me, I'll always be ready."









This May be the end of the main story, but don't worry, there's more to come. Keep an eye out at my Facebook page or my website for info on the upcoming series extra, Remember Me, a chronicle of Dan's journal and Andi's experience reading it for the first time.

You didn't think I could let Dan's story be over that easy, did you?








t took about a year to get here and work through the craziness in my head that has become this series. There were a lot of long nights, headaches, and more tears than I care to admit. I never realized how difficult it would be to write the end of this series (I'm so sorry, Dan!). That being said, I know I could never have gotten through it without the help of some very special people. And I do mean "special" in every sense of the word.

First and foremost, I need to thank my wonderful friend, Vanessa. Dude, without your help, I would have lost that tiny shred of sanity I almost have. Meeting you was like finding a missing piece of myself. You brighten up the dark clouds and acid rain and take my mind off all the things that would otherwise leave me curled up in a corner crying. You're beautiful, inside and out, and I am lucky to have you in my life.

I also need to thank Christy, my self-proclaimed 'biggest stalker'. Your total insanity and enthusiasm for my silly stories has brightened my days more than you could ever know. Thank you for every meme and awesomely creepy bitstrip, and the smiles they have brought, as well as all the times someone has advised me to get a restraining order against you. I'm so glad to have you as a friend.

I also need to give a shout out to my betas and to Staci for designing the cover. There are so many steps to making this dream a reality, and I couldn't do it without the help of some really great people. Even Nicole, who took like three years to read it. Okay, maybe not three years. Slacker.

As always, my family has been here through the whole thing. Though not always supportive, and quite often not even interested, I wouldn't trade you guys in for anything. Okay, well if a madman in a blue box showed up, I'd totally leave you all behind, but I swear I'd miss you.




L J lives on the Jersey Shore with her husband, four kids, two cats, and an inherited dog from hell (a.k.a. the sewer gremlin). Though writing has always been her first passion, she got a degree in psychological counseling and worked in the mental health field for awhile, which she finds very helpful in dealing with her crazy family. She is a lover of all different types of music and books, switching between genres so wildly it sometimes makes people wonder if she has multiple personalities. She is most likely to be found writing romance stories of all kinds (contemporary, erotic, new adult, young adult, fantasy, paranormal, etc.). When she's not writing, she prefers to spend her time reading, taking photos, watching Doctor Who or Supernatural, or spending time with her family.


She would love to hear what you think of her work or answer any questions you might have.

Please feel free to visit her on Facebook at www.facebook.com/AuthorLJBaker or check out her website at www.lj-baker.com.

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