Hitler's Olympics (44 page)

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Authors: Christopher Hilton

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Discus: G. Mauermeyer (Ger) 47.63m, J. Wajsówns (Pol) 46.22, P. Mollenmauer (Ger) 39.80. Athens 67.02.

Javelin: T. Fleischer (Ger) 45.18s, L. Krüger (Ger) 43.29, M. Kawsniewska (Pol) 41.80. Athens 71.53.


Foil: I. Elek-Schacherer (Hun) 6 wins, H. Mayer (Ger) 5, E. Preis (Aus) 5.


Team: Germany 506.50 pts, Czechoslovakia 503.60, Hungary 499.0.


100m freestyle: H. Mastenbroek (Hol) 1m 05.9s, J. Campbell (Arg) 1:06.4, G. Arendt (Ger) 1:06.6.

400m freestyle: H. Mastenbroek (Hol) 5m 26.4s, R. Hveger (Den) 5:27.5, L. Kight-Wingard (USA) 5:29.0.

200m breaststroke: H. Maehata (Jap) 3m 03.6s, M. Genenger (Ger) 3:04.2, I. Soensen (Den) 3:07.8.

100m backstroke: D. Senff (Hol) 1m 18.9s, H. Mastenbroek (Hol) 1:19.2, A. Bridges (USA) 1:19.4.

4 × 100 freestyle relay: Holland 4m 36.0s, Germany 4:36.8, USA 4:40.2.

Springboard diving: M. Gestring (USA) 89.27, K. Rawis (USA) 88.35, D. Poynton-Hill (USA) 82.36.

Highboard diving: D. Poynton-Hill (USA) 33.93, V. Dunn (USA) 33.63, K. Köhler (Ger) 33.43.

Tie-breaker by bodyweight did not exist then.

Discontinued Olympic sport.


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Olympic Games
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Olympics Fact Book
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The Fulton Flash
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Hitler’s Games
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By Leaps and Bounds
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The Nazi Olympics
, London, Souvenir Press, 1971

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The World’s Hockey Champions
, Delhi, Model Press, 1937

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Foiled: Hitler’s Jewish Olympian
Oakland, CA, RDR Books, 2002

Nawrocki, Dr. Axel, editor for Berlin 2000 Olympia GmbH,
Berlin 2000
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World Soccer, Second Edition
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JESSE: The Man Who Outran Hitler
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Read, Anthony and Fisher, David,
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Olympics 1936, Band 1
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Sant, Christine Duerksen, ‘“Genuine German Girls”: The Nazi Portrayal of its Sportswomen of the 1936 Berlin Olympics’, unpublished doctoral thesis, Winston-Salem, Wake Forest University, 2000

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is a writer and journalist.
He has written more than twenty books, including
The Wall: The People’s Story
(Sutton 2001),
The Women’s War: Voices from September 11
(Sutton, 2002) and
Mayflower: The Voyage that
Changed the World
(Sutton, 2005).
He lives in Hertfordshire.


First published in 2006

The History Press

The Mill, Brimscombe Port

Stroud, Gloucestershire,


This ebook edition first published in 2011

All rights reserved

© Christopher Hilton, 2006, 2008, 2011

The right of Christopher Hilton, to be identified as the Author of this work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyrights, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

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978 0 7524 7538 7

978 0 7524 7537 0

Original typesetting by The History Press

Ebook compilation by RefineCatch Limited, Bungay, Suffolk

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