Hitler's Last Secretary (39 page)

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Authors: Traudl Junge

Tags: #History, #Europe, #Germany, #Military, #World War II

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Army Group West,



Atatürk (Mustafa Kemal Pasha),


Austria, –

Axmann, Artur,

BDM (Bund Deutscher Mädel; League of German Girls),

Bad Nauheim,

Badenweiler March

Bald, Heinz,

Barer Strasse, Munich,

Bauerstrasse, Munich,

Baur, Hans,


Bavarian Alps,

Bavarian Oberland,

Below, Maria von,

Below, Nicolaus von,

see also
Berghof, the

Berchtesgadener Land,

Berghof, the

preparations to move from Wolf ’s Lair to,

journey to, –

Berghof, the—

TJ’s memories of, –

brief mentions,

Berghofer, Father Josef,


TJ’s sister works as dancer in,

TJ obtains job in,

TJ does typing test in, –

Hitler’s birthday presents sent to,

secrecy of Hitler’s visits to,

air raids over, –

situation after assassination attempt on Hitler,

TJ spends time with husband in,

Hitler and staff travel to,

Hitler’s headquarters in, –

Hitler recovers from operation in,

TJ visits home from,

TJ returns to,

TJ leaves for the Taunus from,

Hitler’s last months in, –

Russians advance on,

Russians in,

Hitler commits suicide in,

TJ escapes from Reich Chancellery in,

TJ hides in,

TJ imprisoned in,

TJ has room in,

TJ has work in,

TJ plans to leave,

TJ flees from,

brief mentions,

see also
names of streets and buildings

Bernadotte, Count Folke,

Bircher-Benner, Maximilian Oskar,

Bismarck, Otto von,

Blaschke, Hugo,

Blondi (Hitler’s dog),

Bodenschatz, Karl,

Bogenhausen, Munich,


Boris III, King of Bulgaria,

Bormann, Albert

TJ obtains job in Berlin through influence of,

TJ meets,

and appointment of new secretary for Hitler,

at the Wolf ’s Lair,

at the Berghof,

hostile relationship with brother,

biographical information, n

brief mentions,

Bormann (née Buch), Gerda,

Bormann, Martin

at the Wolf ’s Lair,

on train journey to the Berghof,

at the Berghof,

model farm and garden,

hostile relationship with brother,

finds dog for Frau von Exner,

and Aryanization of Exner family,

in Berlin,

and escape attempt,

biographical information, n

brief mentions,

Böttcher, Friedel,

Brandt (née Rehborn), Anni,

Brandt, Karl,

Braun, Eva (later Eva Hitler) regarded as mistress at the Berghof,

dogs of,


routine at the Berghof,



photographs Hitler,

and films,

criticizes Hoffmann,

has room in Hitler’s Munich apartment,

Hitler anxious about safety of,

and air raids,

Hitler admires qualities of,

Hitler’s reasons for not marrying,

anxious about Hitler’s health,


prevented from skiing by Hitler,

and Fegelein,

tries to maintain relaxing atmosphere at the Berghof,

and assassination attempt on Hitler,

fails to persuade Hitler to return to the Berghof,

last months in Berlin,

and death of Fegelein,

marries Hitler,


brief mentions,

Braun, Franziska,

Braun, Gretl,


Brienner Strasse, Munich,

see also
British, the; England

British, the,

‘Brown House’, Munich,


Brückner, Wilhelm, n

Brust, Willi,


Buhle, Walther,

Bund Deutscher Mädel (BDM; League of German Girls),

Bund Oberland (Oberland League),

Burgdorf, Wilhelm,

Busch, Wilhelm,

Charité Hospital, Berlin,

Christian, Eckhard,

Christian (née Daranowski), Gerda (‘Dara’)


leaves job as Hitler’s secretary,

TJ meets,

appearance and personality,

Hitler’s attitude to,

returns to work as Hitler’s


at the Wolf ’s Lair,

in Berlin,


biographical information,

brief mention,


Chuikov, Vassily I.,

Cold War,


Condor planes,

Constance, Lake,

Cooper, Gary,


DAP (Deutsche Arbeiterpartei; German Workers’ Party),


Daranowksi, Gerda
Christian (née Daranowski), Gerda (‘Dara’)

Darges, Friedrich ‘Fritz’,

Day of German Art,

Deutelmoser (café proprietor),

Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (DAP; German Workers’ Party),

Deutsche Jäger, Der
The German Huntsman

Deutscher Kampfbund (German Combat League),

Deutscher Schützen und Wanderbund (German Marksmen and Hikers’ League),

Dietl, Eduard, and

Dietrich, Frau,

Dietrich, Josef ‘Sepp’,

Dietrich, Otto,

Dillman, Councillor,

Dönitz, Karl,

‘Donkey Serenade’,

Dornier Works,


Drexler, Anton,

Drogerie Journal

Duce, Il
Mussolini, Benito

Eagle’s Eyrie,

East/Eastern Front,

East Prussia,
see also
Wolf ’s Lair, the

Eberbach, Beate,

Eicken, Carl von,

Elbe, River,

Elephant Hotel, Weimar,


Erika (TJ’s post-war acquaintance),

Esser, Hermann,

Exner, Helene Marie ‘Marlene’ von,

Exner family,

‘Faith and Beauty’ organization,

Fasbender, Lola: School of Dance,


Fegelein, Hermann

at the Berghof,

appearance and personality,

engaged to Gretl Braun,

investigates assassination attempt on Hitler,

tells TJ about her husband’s death,

marries Gretl Braun,

in Berlin,


biographical information,

Hitler’s suspicions about,

Fellgiebel, Erich,

Feuerbach, Anselm,

First World War,

Fischer von Erlach, Johann Bernard,

Foreign Office, Berlin,


Franz Ehrenwirth publishing firm,

Franz-Joseph-Strasse, Munich,

Frauenholz Camp,

Frederick II the Great,

Freikorps Oberland,

Frentz, Walter,

Freudlose Gasse, Die

Friedrichstrasse Station, Berlin,

Führer Building, Munich,

Furtwängler, Wilhelm,

Garda, Lake,

German Dance Company,

German Dance Theatre,

German Labour Front,

Gieseking, Walter,

Giesing, Erwin,

Giesler, Hermann,

Giordano, Ralph,

Goebbels, Helga,
see also
Goebbels children

Goebbels, Helmut, –
see also
Goebbels children

Goebbels, Joseph

at the Berghof,

attractive to women,


relationship with Himmler,

informed of assassination attempt on Hitler,

in Berlin,

attacks Göring’s behavious,

disobeys Hitler’s order to leave Berlin,

announces Hitler’s death on radio,

brief mentions,

Goebbels, Magda

brings family to bunker in Berlin,

carries poison,

Goebbels, Magda—

difficulty in facing her children,

talks about fate of her children,

joins in husband’s accusations against Göring,

warns children about possible injections,

and fate of children,

views about suicide,

Goebbels children,

Göring, Edda,

Göring (née Sonnemann), Emmy (‘the Queen Mother’),

Göring, Hermann,

at the Wolf ’s Lair,

at the Berghof,

proposes to take over as Hitler’s successor,


Goebbels makes remarks against,

brief mentions,

Greim, Robert Ritter von,

Grunewald Station, Berlin,

Günsche, Otto

at the Wolf ’s Lair,

at the Berghof,

and assassination attempt on Hitler,

in Berlin,

and burning of Hitler’s body,

describes death of Hitler and Eva Braun,

and escape attempt,

biographical information,

TJ’s later contact with,

Günther, Agnes:
Die Heilige und ihr Narr
The Saint and her Fool

Günther, Otto (known as ‘Krümel’ (‘Crumbs’)),

Haase, Werner,


Handschuhmacher, Heini,

Hanfstaengl, Erna,

Hanfstaengl, Ernst ‘Putzi’,

Harras (dog),

Hase, Paul von,

Hasselbach, Hans-Karl von,

Haus Wachenfeld,

Heller, André,

Hemingway, Ernest,

Henkel, Annelies,

Hermann-Göring-Strasse, Berlin,


Herta (BDM group leader),

Herta Meisenbach School, Munich,


Hewel, Walther

at the Wolf ’s Lair,

on train journey to the Berghof,

appearance and easy manner,

at the Berghof,

involved in plane crash,

falls into disfavour,

on train journey to Berlin,

in Berlin,

and escape attempt,

biographical information,

Himmler, Heinrich

gives tobacco to troops,

at the Berghof,

and concentration camps,

relationship with Goebbels,

and Hitler’s decision to stay in Berlin,

provides Hitler with poison,

alleged negotiations with Allies,

Hitler’s suspicions about,

brief mentions,

Hindenburg, Paul von,

Hitler, Adolf

TJ’s attitude towards,

rise to power,

TJ’s father supports,

TJ’s mother’s attitude to,

and outbreak of war,

TJ’s appointment as secretary to,

at the Wolf ’s Lair,

visits the Eastern Front,

journey to the Berghof,

at the Berghof,

visits Munich,

at the Wolf ’s Lair again,

visits Mussolini in Italy,

stays at the Berghof again,

final stay at the Wolf ’s Lair,

attempted assassination of,

health problems,

travels to Berlin,

has operation,

refuses to go to the Berghof,

in the Taunus,

last months in Berlin,

marries Eva Braun,


brief mentions,

Hitler (née Braun), Eva
Braun, Eva

Hitler, Paula (Hitler’s sister),

Hitler Youth,

Höchtl, Lotte,

Höchtl, Tilla,

Hofbräuhaus, Munich,

Hoffmann, Heinrich,

Högl, Peter,

Hoher Göll,

Holst, Maria,

Horthy de Nagybanya, Nikolaus, Regent of Hungary,

House of German Art,

exhibition (Grosse Deutsche Kunstausstellung; Great German Art Exhibition),

Hube, Hans-Valentin,

Humps (née Zottmann), Hildegard

(TJ’s mother)


returns to parents’ home,

as mother,


views about Hitler,

friendship with Tilla Höchtl,

TJ’s relationship with,

TJ visits,

TJ writes to,

tries to obtain documents for TJ,

TJ reunited with,


visits Australia,

TJ feels responsibility for,


TJ’s reflections on,

Humps, Inge (TJ’s sister)



as dancer,

works in Berlin,

TJ visits mother and,

end of dancing career,

works as actress in Munich,

emigrates and marries,

brief mentions,

Humps, Max (TJ’s father),

Humps, Miezl (second wife of Max Humps),

Humps, Traudl
Junge (née

Humps), Traudl



Im toten Winkel
Blind Spot. Hitler’s Secretary
) (documentary film),


Iron Cross,
see also
Knight’s Cross


Jews, –

Jodl, Alfred,

John von Freyend, Ernst,

Junge, Hans Hermann (TJ’s husband)

employed as Hitler’s valet,

conversations with TJ,

wishes to get away from Hitler,


and Hitler’s suggestion about marriage,


on leave,

spends time with TJ in Berlin,

death of,

biographical information,

TJ’s reflections on marriage to,

brief mention,

Junge (née Humps), Traudl

foreword by,

early life,


early ambitions,
obtains job in Berlin,
appointed as Hitler’s secretary,
works in the Wolf ’s Lair,
preparations to leave the Wolf ’s Lair,
journey to the Berghof,
first stay at the Berghof,
engagement to Hans Junge,
visits Munich with Hitler,
marries Hans Junge,

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