Hitler's Hangman (104 page)

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Authors: Robert. Gerwarth

Tags: #Yale University Press

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von Fritsch affair and 117, 118

Hildebrandt, Richard 55

Western Europe plans/campaign

Himmler, Heinrich xiv-xv, xvii, xviii, xix, 1, 5,

and 173, 175–6

47, 55, 56–7, 66, 68–9, 82, 94, 105, 127,

see also
Brauchitsch, Walther von; Nazi

130, 135, 139, 147, 151, 154, 181, 185,

Party; SS; Wagner, Eduard

193, 217, 224, 231, 245, 246, 247, 254,

Himmler, Margarete 51

256, 261, 275, 276, 283, 289, 291, 292

see also
Heydrich, Lina

appointed to positions by Hitler 87, 150

Hindenburg, Paul von 45, 63, 79

Austrian invasion and 119, 120

Hiss, Mathilde

Bromberg massacre and 142, 146

Osten, Mathilde von

charged with maintaining order by

Hitler, Adolf xiii, xv, xvii, xviii, 9, 21, 41, 42,

Hitler 162

51, 59, 103, 126, 135, 139, 160, 173,

creates racial value categories 251–2

177, 205, 207, 214, 216, 249, 275, 286,

denied control of Eastern territories by

291, 292

Hitler 194, 195

announces plans for ‘the East’ 193–4



Hitler, Adolf (
continued. . .

Huppenkothen, Walter 273

appoints Heydrich Reich protector 3, 203,

Hus, Jan 250

207, 223, 225

appoints von Neurath 219

Italy 132, 186, 287

approves proposals for Polish Jews 154

assassination attempts 168, 289

Janáćek, Leoš 264

authorises euthanasia programme 171

Japan 208, 234

becomes chancellor 63

Jarmy, Iza 26

calls for action against resistance 221

Jeckeln, Friedrich 187

colonial statement 247

Jehovah’s Witnesses 105

Czech policy 228–9, 240, 245–6, 258, 287–8

Jennings, Humphrey 282

dealings with von Schuschnigg 118–19

Jerusalem 99

defuses SS-military tension 85

Jewish Religious Congregation of

desire for Jew-free Prague 203–4

Prague 204

‘ethnic reordering’ speech 150

Jordan, Rudolf 61, 126

German Jews and 201–3

Jost, Heinz 136, 166

Jewish deportations and 157–8, 224

Jung, Edgar Julius 80

meets Hácha 133, 134

Jünger, Ernst 72

Northern Europe/Norway campaigns

Jungfern-Breschan 289–90

and 173, 175

Jury, Hugo 243

on Jewish emigration/question 101, 161, 209

on Madagascar plan 179

Kafka, Franz 264

on using Soviet labour in Germany 237

Kaltenbrunner, Ernst xiv, 100, 120, 289

on war with United States 208

Kapp, Wolfgang 31

orders ‘final solution project’ 182

Katowice 143, 157, 158

Poland invasion/campaign and 138, 139,


143, 145–7, 148–9, 153


praises Heydrich 242

Kaunas 190, 192, 259

proposes Jewish zone 156

Keilberth, Joseph 270

rejects yellow star suggestion 131

Keitel, Wilhelm 117, 119, 143, 145, 221

relationship with Heydrich 111–12

Kennan, George 134

response to Heydrich attack/death 11–12,

Kersten, Felix xv, 50, 95

280, 281, 285, 287

Ketteler, Wilhelm Emanuel von 121

SA and 78–9

Kharkov 11

sanctions Jewish policy 129

Kiel 34–5, 36, 37, 39–40

signs Munich Agreement 132

Kiev 203, 223

speech at Heydrich funeral 279

Klapka, Otakar 229

SS loyal to 53, 73

Klausener, Erich 80

–Stalin pact 135, 141, 149, 170, 221

Kleikamp, Gustav 39, 44

turns attention to Sudetenland 131

Klein, Johannes 2, 10

von Fritsch affair and 116–17

Klopfer, Gerhard 210

Western Europe campaign/policy and

Klüber, Lt. Col. 29

175–6, 273

Knochen, Helmut 136, 176

withdraws from Church politics 104–5

Koch, Erich 194

see also
Himmler, Heinrich;

Köhler, Hansjürgen 5

Soviet Union

Kokoschka, Oskar 264

Hitler Youth 92, 169, 270, 288

Königsberg 152

Hoffman, Ernst 61–2


Hofmann, Otto 210, 215


Hohlbaum, Prof. Josef A. 11

Kraków 143, 150, 156

Höppner, Rolf Heinz 200, 256

Krantz, Elisabeth Anna Amalia

Horák family (Lidice) 280–1

Heydrich, Elisabeth

Horák, Josef 281

Krantz, Hans 26, 46

Höttl, Wilhelm xv

Krantz, Kurt 46

Huber, Franz Josef 76

Krantz, Maria Antonie 18, 21

Hungary 231, 234, 287

Krantz, Prof. Eugen 14, 16, 17, 21, 46

see also

Krejćí, Jaroslav 239, 253



Kritzinger, Friedrich-Wilhelm 210

Marbod, King 266

Krüger, Friedrich-Wilhelm 262, 286

Marušćáková, Anna 281

Kube, Wilhelm 194–5

Mauthausen 7, 109, 121, 169, 227, 230, 281,

Kubiš, Jan 5–7, 8, 9–10, 236, 284, 285

284, 285

Künzel, Erwin 246

Mautsch, Maria Antonie

Krantz, Maria Antonie

Lagarde, Paul de 93

Mehlhorn, Dr Herbert 81–2, 138

Lammers, Hans 105, 194, 222, 239

Meisinger, Josef 76, 117, 136

Lang, Fritz 282

Meissen 15–16

Lange, Dr Rudolf 210

Mendelssohn, Felix 15, 17

Latvia 192, 199, 210

Menzies, Sir Stewart 4

see also

Mexico 282

Lehár, Franz 20

Meyer, Dr Alfred 210, 213–14

Lehmann-Jottkowitz, Hertha 37

Meyer, Prof. Konrad 249, 251

Leibbrandt, Dr Georg 210

Millay, Edna St Vincent 282

Leipzig 15

Ministry for the Occupied Eastern

Lenin, Vladimir 57

Territories 184, 194, 204, 205, 210,

Leningrad 195, 203, 223, 249

213, 216

Leuben 15

Ministry of the Interior 92, 155, 203, 210,

Lewis, Cecil Day 282

216, 257

Ležáky 285

relationship with SS 86–7

Lichtenburg 109

Minsk 199, 200, 204, 205, 207, 208, 211,

Lichtenstein, Abraham 27

259, 260, 262

Lidice xiii, 280–3, 285

Mogilev 207, 208

Liebknecht, Karl 28

Mohr, Werner 46

Lithuania 156, 190, 192, 199

Moltke, Helmuth von 279

see also

Moravec, Alois 284

Litzmannstadt 151

Moravec, Emanuel 236, 239–40

Race and Settlement Office 246

Moravec, František 3, 4, 9

Łódź 204, 205, 207, 208, 211, 224, 259, 261

Moravec, Marie 284

see also

Moravec, Vlastimil 284

Lohse, Hinrich 194

Morávek, Capt. Václav 8

London 2–3, 5, 8, 9, 11

Moravia 133

Longerich, Peter 207

see also
Protectorate of Bohemia and

Lorraine 245


see also

Moravia-Ostrava 157, 158

Lösener, Bernhard 181

Morell, Dr Theodor 11

Losert, Josef 232

Moringen 94

Löwenherz, Josef 203

Morocco 204–5

Lubbe, Marinus van der 63

Moscow 187, 193, 195, 216, 226

Lublin 156, 158, 161, 178, 206, 208, 286

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus 269

Jewish deportations to 260–1

Müller, Heinrich 67, 76, 113,

Luckner, Count Felix von 20, 33

136, 166

Lugano 18

at Wannsee Conference 210, 216

Luther, Dr Martin (German Foreign Office

involvement in Kristallnacht 127

official) 179, 182, 202, 205, 206, 210, 216

Müller, Karl Valentin 250, 251, 264

Luther, Martin (theologian) 58

Munich 50–1, 57, 70, 82, 126, 168, 263

Lütjenbrode 39, 41, 43, 56

Agreement 132

Luxembourg 163, 176

see also
Heydrich, Lina

Luxemburg, Rosa 28

Mussolini, Benito 132

Madagascar 178–82, 183

Nation’s Defence (ON) 220

Maercker, Major Gen. Georg 29–30

Natzweiler 168

Majdanek 261

Naujocks, Alfred 138

Mann, Heinrich xiii, 282

Nazi Party 42, 62, 63

Mann, Thomas 13, 69–70

Heydrich joins 48

on Heydrich 282–3

Himmler joins 51



Nebe, Arthur 166, 187, 190, 200, 204, 259

Jews in 153–7

Nehru, Jawaharlal 248

see also
General Government; Göring,

Nehvizdy 6–7

Hermann; Heydrich, Reinhard; Hitler,

Nelson, Frank 4

Adolf; SS

Netherlands, the 175, 221, 231, 287

Political Centre (PÚ) 220

Neuengamme 109, 168–9

Polkes, Feivel 99–100

Neumann, Adolf 289

Pomme, Kurt 115

Neumann, Erich 210


Neumann, Friedrich 233

Central Resettlement Office 256

Neurath, Baron Konstantin von 3, 117,

Race and Settlement Office 246

203–4, 226, 241, 245, 246, 257

see also

background 219

Poznań 149, 151, 155

criticism of 244, 255

Prague xiii, 1–3, 5, 6–7, 11–12, 133–4, 224,

issues yellow star order 220

263, 264, 283

position undermined by Heydrich 223

architectural plans for 268–9

Nicolai, Walter 84–5

Castle 2, 5, 7, 9, 232, 235, 244, 257, 265,

Nisko 158, 159, 181

267, 273, 278

NKVD 192, 193, 196, 197

Church of St Cyril and Methodius in

Nockemann, Hans 175


Norway 173, 174–5, 221

curfew/martial law in 134, 230, 240

Noske, Gustav 28

Czech University in 267, 268

Nuremberg 293

German University of 232, 251, 266,

Laws 92, 98, 214, 215, 220, 258

267, 268

Heydrich arrival in 203–4, 224,

Oberg, Carl Albrecht 80, 176, 273

225–6, 227

Ohlendorf, Otto 165–6, 187, 189, 196

Heydrich life in 231–2

Opálka, Adolf 284

pre-war 264

Organisation Consul 36

‘Soviet Paradise’ exhibition in 236

Oslo 173, 174–5, 221

see also
Central Office for Jewish

Osten, Hans von 41, 57

Emigration; Eichmann, Adolf

Osten, Jürgen von 39–40, 41, 42–3

Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia xiii,

Osten, Lina von

xix, 3–4, 5–6, 154

Heydrich, Lina

created 134

Osten, Mathilde von 40, 56

deportation of Jews from 204, 205, 206,

Ostland 194

207, 211, 223–4

Heydrich, cultural imperialism and

Palestine 95, 99–101, 178


Papen, Franz von 60, 62–3, 78,

Heydrich, Germanization and 245, 246–7,

80, 121

248–56, 287–8

Papst, Johannes 62

Heydrich governs 230–1, 232, 234–44


Heydrich, Holocaust and 256–8, 259–61

Heydrich in 273–5

Heydrich pacifies 226–30, 235–6

Patzig, Conrad 118

Heydrich persecutes Gypsies in 258

Pearl Harbor 208

Jews in 220, 287

Peru 282

Land Office 254

Petřek, Father Vladimír 284–5

nature of 218–19

Pfitzner, Hans 17

nature of German occupation 219–20,

Pfitzner, Josef 266

228–9, 240

Pilsen 6, 8, 219, 255, 271

Race and Settlement Office 253, 255

Pius XI, Pope 104

resistance in 7–9, 203, 220–1, 227, 228–30,

Ploetz, Hans-Achim 75

243, 271, 285


responses to Heydrich attack in 11–12


suffers retaliation for Heydrich death

Poland 1, 125, 140

280–1, 283–5

Heydrich approves executions in 152

see also
Gestapo; Prague

Heydrich plans operations 135–8

Protestant Church 103

invasion of 141–8

Prussia 75–6



south-east 152–3

Saarpfalz 182

West 144, 149–50, 152, 159

Sachs, Willy 110

see also

Sachsenburg 109

Prützmann, Hans-Adolf 109, 187

Sachsenhausen 69, 109, 168–9, 200, 287

St Ludmila 267

Race and Settlement Main Office (RuSHA)

St Wenceslas 265–6, 267

151, 245, 251

Sarajevo 25

see also
Litzmannstadt; Posen; Protectorate Sasnowitz

of Bohemia and Moravia


Rademacher, Franz 179, 180–1, 202

Sauckel, Fritz 238

Raeder, Adm. Erich 44

Schacht, Hjalmar 97, 98, 117

Rall, Gustav 110

Schäfer, Emanuel 136

Rasch, Otto 152, 187, 204, 259

Scharnhorst, Gerhard von 279

Rath, Ernst vom 126

Schellenberg, Walter xiv-xv, 90, 95, 112, 136,

Rathenau, Walther 31, 36, 37

166, 168

Rauff, Walter 200

assigned tasks by Heydrich 163–4

Rauter, Hanns Albin 175

compiles handbook on Britain 177

Ravensbrück 69, 109, 169, 281, 289

friendship with Lina Heydrich 113

Red Baron

Schirach, Baldur von 234, 288

Richthofen, Manfred von

Schlaraffia society 20

Reeder, Eggert 176

Schleicher, Gen. Kurt von 63, 80

Rehm, Hans 36

Schmidt, Otto 117–18

Reich Association of Jews 130, 170, 203

Schmitt, Carl 233

Reich Security Main Office (RSHA) 74, 100,

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