HisIndecentBoxSetpub (35 page)

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Authors: Sky Corgan

BOOK: HisIndecentBoxSetpub
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kind of homework?” I asked, unable to hide my discontent.

time do you usually wake up in the morning?”

my first class is at nine thirty, so I try to be up by seven.”

I want you to start getting to bed by ten every night. It's important
that you get between seven and nine hours of sleep. From now on,
Monday through Friday, I want you to text me before you go to bed so
I'll know you're getting to bed on time. If you can't go to sleep by
ten o'clock, then I still want you to text me to let me know why you
didn't go to sleep on time, and it better be a good excuse, such as
that you had to stay up late to finish homework.”

I scowled. “You
sound like a parent.”

of being a Dominant is to ensure that your submissive is taking care
of herself. Trust me, this is minor compared to what I could require
of you.”

hard to believe.”

I could dictate what you can eat and make you submit a list of your
meals to me to ensure you're eating properly. And I could make you
text me in the mornings too, to make sure you're getting up at the
proper time every morning and don't miss class. I could also force
you to work out, create a routine for you, and punish you if you
don't implement it.”

alright. I get your point. Geez. Do some Dominants really do that?”

Most Dominants do that.”

The BDSM lifestyle is kind of stuffy.”

just the way it is.”

I paused for a
moment, thinking. “I'm glad you're not like that. I don't think
I could handle it if you were.”

new to the lifestyle, so I'm not expecting you to accept everything
right away. As we progress though, I will expect more of you.”

that much, I hope.”

not, but you never know. If I ever do want those things from you,
I'll talk to you about it first.”

And I'll say no.
There was no point in arguing about it now though. My life was fairly
boring, so I didn't think getting to bed at ten o'clock would cause
any problems.

there anything else?” I asked.

Damien stood and walked over to the chest of drawers to open them and
pull out a sheet of paper. “I have a list of vocabulary words
and their definitions that I want you to study and memorize. Every
weekend, I'm going to test you on them. Some of them you might have
seen before.” He handed the paper to me.

This week's words
were 24/7, abrasion, aftercare, age play, anal sex, anal plug, anal
torture, animal play, arm binders, asphyxiation, and ass licking.
Each word had its definition beside it.

are there so many anal words on the list?” I hoped this wasn't
leading into his desire for me to give in and have anal with him.

I want you to be educated in all aspects of sex and the BDSM
lifestyle, that includes things you don't approve of. The more you
know, the better you can articulate when people ask you questions.”

Ah, here was teacher
Damien again. I could understand that. If I was going to be a part of
the lifestyle, then it was best I knew as much about it as possible.

I sighed.

Damien walked me to
the door, an emotionless shell of the man he had been in the bedroom.
Hot and cold. That was how he ran. I still found it strange that
there wasn't much in between.

When I got out to my
car, I took my collar off and stuck it in the glove box. In truth, I
hadn't really thought much of it until I caught a glimpse of it in my
rear-view mirror when I was getting ready to pull out of his
driveway. The leather of it had left a soft red ring of irritation
around my neck, but it would go away soon enough. All in all, wearing
it wasn't unpleasant. Maybe I'd even grow to like it eventually.

The week was long
and boring. Remembering to text Damien before I went to bed every
night was easier than I had imagined, mostly because I enjoyed the
extra interaction with him, even if his responses were brief. It made
me feel like I actually meant something to him, more than just a
student—like he cared about having me in his life.

On Thursday, I
received a phone call from my father, telling me that he would be
coming home for a few days on Sunday. My heart clenched in my chest,
and I instantly felt guilty. While I hadn't seen my father in ages, I
didn't want to miss my lessons with Damien. He'd probably punish me
if I canceled, but I couldn't exactly dismiss my father when I hadn't
seen him in so long. He would expect me to stay home and visit.
Running off as soon as he returned would just be rude.

In the end, family
was more important. I would take whatever punishment Damien came up
with in exchange for more time with my dad. After all, my dad had
been nice enough to allow me to stay with him while I was going to
college. Snubbing him for sex just wouldn't be right.

When I stood in
front of Damien's door the following Saturday, there was tension in
my stomach. Should I tell him right away? If I did, he'd probably
deny me sex. That would be an adequate punishment.

I decided to keep my
mouth shut, even though I knew that would displease him even more. As
disobedient as it was, I would rather take a harsher punishment than
go without a good dicking.

wearing your collar,” was the first thing he said when he
opened the door. “Good girl.”

Sir. I remembered,” I told him as he led me inside and to the

I'm very impressed with how well you kept up with texting me every
night. Did you, at any point, lie to me about the time you went to
bed?” he asked, turning around to take a seat in the chair.

Sir.” I shook my head, sitting on the bed.

you lying to me?”

Sir,” I repeated, a bit offended he'd even think that.

Shall we go over your homework assignment?”

I nodded.
Thankfully, college homework had been light that week, so it hadn't
been too much of a burden to remember to study my vocabulary words.

does abrasion mean?”

is the scraping off of skin, as done with sandpaper or some other
hard porous surface.”


age play?”

play is when a Dom and a sub act out a scene involving age
difference. For instance, the Dom might pretend to be the father, and
the sub will pretend to be the daughter.”

In most age play scenes, no incest is implied. The scene is more
about the nurturing aspect of those types of relationships. Since you
got that one partially wrong, I would like for you to write the term
and definition for me ten times on a sheet of paper and hand it into
me next to you see me.”

I fought back a
scowl but nodded. This was definitely one of Damien's minor
punishments. It was annoying, but nothing I couldn't deal with.

He continued, “What
about asphyxiation?”

is the blocking of airflow for heightened pleasure. It's often done
by choking someone before they orgasm.”

He seemed pleased enough, readjusting himself to get comfortable in
the chair. “Today we're going to go over submissive positions.
Submissive positions are basically poses you will take upon command.
There are two varieties of submissive positions, traditional
positions and Gorean positions. Since I do not practice the Gorean
lifestyle, we will be focusing on traditional positions.

are dozens of submissive positions. Not all Dominants use all
positions. It's pretty much up to the Dominant what positions he
wants his submissive to memorize and use.

position has its own verbal command. Whenever the Dominant says the
command, the submissive is expected to take that position. Failure to
do so can, and often does, result in punishment.

we're going to go over all the positions I'll require you to learn.
Then I'm going to give you a packet that lists them all and describes
the positions so you can study them. Between now and the time you get
your training collar, I'll probably be fairly lenient on you if you
mess up. I know it's going to be a lot to take in, but you've shown
promising retention so far, so I'm confident you'll eventually get

you, Sir,” I replied.

Damien continued,
“The first position is Stand. It looks like this.” He
stood up, placed his feet shoulder-width apart, and laced his fingers
behind his back, keeping his eyes to the floor. I mimicked his
actions, knowing that's what he expected of me. When I was in
position, he lifted his head and did a quick walk around, making
minor adjustments to my posture until I pleased him. “Good. The
next position is Teach. When I say it, I want you to sit down with
your knees together, and your hands crossed on top of your lap.
You're to focus all of your attention on me and listen intently to
what I am telling you. Do you understand?”

Sir.” I nodded, watching as he took the position, then
imitating him accordingly.

We went through the
rest of the positions one by one, with him demonstrating and me
mimicking. Most of them were standard. Kneel, Lay Down, Face Down,
Hands and Knees. Others were a bit invasive, like Display,
Inspection, and Examination. There were a few that sounded more like
commands you gave a dog than actual positions, like Heel, Fetch, and
Follow. And then there were punishment positions, which varied
depending on how he planned to punish me. I hoped I would remember
them all.

When we had gone
through the list, Damien sat back down, looking up at me with a smug
sense of satisfaction. “Take off your clothes,” he told
me, and I obeyed. “From now on, when I tell you to take off
your clothes, I want you to fold them and set them neatly on the
chest of drawers. Do you understand?”

Sir.” I gulped, thinking about how I hadn't learned how to fold
dress clothes yet. Of course, as soon as I placed them on the chest
of drawers, Damien noticed right away.

He scowled at my
clumsily folded blouse. “Do you remember what I told you?”

Sir. I was supposed to have looked up a video on how to properly fold
my clothes.”

you didn't do it?” his voice was dark and disapproving.

Sir. I forgot.”


It was the first
punishment position command he gave me, and I followed it to the best
of my ability, walking over to the corner to press my nose against
it. I put my hands behind my back, crossing my wrists and spreading
my legs shoulder-width apart. A sigh left my lips, thinking about how
childish I felt. The last time I stood in a corner, I was ten years
old and was being punished for talking back to my mother.

will hold yourself in that position for ten minutes, after which time
you may come back over and present yourself for Examination,”
he said.

My cheeks blushed at
the thought. Examination was the most invasive of all positions and
consisted of several different verbal commands. The thought of laying
submissively while Damien gave my body a very thorough look-over made
butterflies flutter in my stomach.

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