Read His Young Queen: (Steel Jackals MC #1) Online

Authors: Tiff P. Raine

Tags: #Erotic Romance

His Young Queen: (Steel Jackals MC #1) (8 page)

BOOK: His Young Queen: (Steel Jackals MC #1)
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He chuckled. “Little shit. Just remember, you granted permission.”

She sucked harder, and when his humor fled, she braced herself for him to come at her no holds barred.

But he just sluiced his fingers through her hair and used the hold to move her head forward and back, smoothly thrusting into her mouth. “I dreamed this shit so many times this past year,” he said. “Made me feel like a fuckin’ slimeball, but I still had you on your knees every goddamn night. Will you be afraid if I fuck your mouth for real?”

She slowly slid him out of her. “Will you hurt me?” She swallowed her thickened saliva and could barely talk around the joy bursting through her because he’d just admitted to having fantasized about her, in the same way she’d done about him.

“No, baby. Never.”

She nodded, settled back with her ass on her feet and her palms on her thighs, and opened her mouth. She couldn’t get much more accommodating than that.

“I swear to fuck you’re somewhere in my goddamn head.” He firmed the grip he had on her hair and roughly fisted his shaft. He stroked it a few times in a way that let her know she’d been too gentle with him. He pushed past her lips and slid over her tongue. “You take a breath when I stroke out, because when I get right in there you’re gonna feel like I’m suffocating you. Understand? I’m going as far as your hot little throat will take me.”

She offered her permission by bringing her hands up and holding snug around the backs of his thighs. And he did indeed frighten her by plunging deep; she felt it throughout her entire body. Her jaw protested his size, her gag reflex the hard nudge. Her stomach muscles seized through the retch, but he kept the pressure on until he made it past the barrier trying to deny him entry. Once in, with her nails digging into the firm muscles of his legs, he started to work his length in and out with short strokes that soon became long and roomy. He allowed her a sharp breath when he drew out, then cut her off again when he buried himself to the root. He came out; she breathed, he thrust in balls deep.

“That’s my girl. A fuckin’ student, so sweet and tight. You okay, baby?”

She slipped hands around and cupped his balls, rolling them to let him know she was more than okay. She was fucking fascinated by what they were doing.

He cursed and began thrust over and over without a break, finding and keeping to a steady, unhurried rhythm that she soon, miraculously, got used to. The tension left her body, and she was able to enjoy the unfamiliar invasion into a part of her not normally touched by anything other than food or drink. All of it was so fucking dirty. The hardness of his shaft dragging through her lips and impaling her, the scent of leather, soap, and man, the wet sound of her throat accepting it’s first fucking. And the intense pleasure on Josh’s face, the low, rough grunts coming from his throat? Sexy didn’t even come close. She had to squeeze her knees together to quell the desperate throbbing in her pussy. If she had a little more confidence, she could have used her fingers to make herself come to take the edge off.

He pulled out and she peeked down at his soaked cock glistening with her saliva.

“Look at me while I claim you. I don’t give a fuck that this isn’t your pussy, what we’re doing in this moment makes you mine.” He cupped the side of her face and swept his thumb over her cheekbone. “My sweet, innocent Tish. You waited for me because you want to be mine? Well, now you are.” He pushed into her mouth again and kept going until his balls met her chin. Their gazes remained locked. “Mine. To protect and care for. To fuck and show off. To choke with my cock if I want to. Yes?”

She closed her eyes against the dizziness edging in. The moment the connection between them was broken, he slid his length out. She coughed and gasped for air.

“Give me back those eyes.” His voice was right at her ear.

She forced her lids up, and he took her mouth. The kiss was him staking a claim with a brutal demand that she surrender. He ate at her, slowly and thoroughly until she felt needier than ever. She pulled at his thick arms to bring him closer. “Yes?” he repeated as their lips clung until the very last second.

“Yes, please,” she whispered hoarsely.

“Will you always be so accommodating? Open, baby.” She opened as he straightened, and she eagerly accepted him when he fed himself back into her. His stroke was smooth and shallow this time, with just his cockhead filling her mouth.

Something hit the door. “Tish!”

Tish jumped out of her skin and tried to spit Josh out, but even though she jerked and yanked at her head, he held fast and kept her right where he wanted her. On her knees at his feet, her mouth full of his cock, while her mother, the woman who’d sent him to prison, stood behind a thin panel of wood less than ten feet away.

~ Chapter Six ~


After a brief but deadly glare aimed at the bedroom door, Josh brought his attention back and suddenly appeared totally unconcerned that his best friend’s sister was interrupting her daughter giving him head.

“Ignore it. That’s beyond what’s happening here. It has no place in our private time, and I won’t be pleased if you give it one.”

It took Tish only seconds to agree. All she had to do was remember Rachel’s telling of how she’d stood back and allowed Josh to take responsibility for her selfish, harmful habit. She showed Josh they were on the same page by relaxing her jaw and stroking her tongue lightly around the underside of his cockhead.

. Yeah. Just like that. You keep your attention where it’s meant to be.” He’d let his hand slide down so he was gripping her nape, with the other, he pointed two fingers at his eyes. “Right here. We’re right here. You and me.”


Her mother again. She was trashed. So trashed that Tish’s name had come out sounding more like air escaping from a hole in a tire.

“C’mon. ’M hun’ry. C’me make me su’ food.”

That had Josh’s mouth tightening into a firm, angry line. His body rippled with a surge of power that left her skin tingling. “Your daughter’s busy, Rachel,” he snapped loudly, his deep voice bouncing around the walls. “Fuck off and let me enjoy her. She’s not your slave anymore.” He continued to hold Tish’s gaze as he slid that smooth helmet all around her mouth. “She’s mine.” He paired his dark whisper with his hand coming to rest on her throat, his fingers splayed and pointed down.

Her mother didn’t say another word as she wandered away, the sporadic thuds signifying she was bumping into the walls. She didn’t care that Tish was in her bedroom with a man. Had she even recognized Josh’s hypnotic voice?

“Such a good, good girl,” he rumbled for Tish now, making her heart sing because she was pleasing him. She soon forgot the interruption and began enjoying what she was doing again.

Her eyes were sliding closed so she could savor the feel of him, so she’d always remember this first time, this first act they shared as lovers when his grip on her throat tightened.

“Don’t shut me out by closing your eyes. I’m not gonna tell you that again. I need that connection. I’ve avoided meeting another person’s stare head-on for years. Inside, it’s a sign of aggression; something I had to put away for a while.” He unexpectedly pushed through that ring again and seemed to be feeling his length with his fingers on the outside of her neck. Out he came to allow her some air. “More than seven hundred days have passed since you looked at me like this. And to do it while I slide my cock into your mouth; any idea how blown away I am by that?” He shook his head. “Do not leave me out here alone by closing your eyes to the sight of us.”

Moisture rushed in, burning her nose and blurring her vision. Her heart cracked, and fury directed at her mother became an inferno. She tried to draw back, wanting to apologize again, to tell him she would do whatever it took to make up the three years he’d lost because of Rachel, but he tightened his hold.

“No, no, my soft little heart,” he whispered. “You can talk to me later. Right now, you’re going to keep your owner’s cock good and snug in his new favorite place.”

Tish could have sworn she heard the sound of a record needle scratch across vinyl. Some strands of her hair ripped out and her lips made a wet suctioning sound as she tore herself off him.

?” she sputtered, wiping at the corner of her lips with her middle finger when she felt saliva dripping. Had she heard him right?

Josh took her hand and wrapped it around his wet shaft. He began jerking himself off, holding her fingers tight beneath his own when she tried to pull away. “Where did you learn to be such a lady?” He touched the corner of her mouth that she’d just wiped.

“Josh. You said you were my owner.”

“That’s because I am. But you don’t have to call me that. When I’m inside you, you can call me baby, or Josh, if you wanna get real creative,” he said with a wink. “You know what I watched every fuckin’ day for the past three years? Reruns of
I Dream of Jeannie
. Every. Fuckin’. Day, Tish. And every fuckin’ night, without fail, I dreamed of you. And you know what you called me when I made you come? Master. It was so fuckin’ hot.”

What. The. Fuck. She tried harder to pull her hand out from under his. The feel of his hard flesh was too distracting for her to concentrate fully on the outrageous shit he was saying. She was slightly ashamed to find she wanted to rub the soft tip of his dick across her lips. But then, they were both clearly insane, so where was the surprise in that?

“Are you crazy?” she asked in a low voice as she tried to identify that bright, excited light in his eyes. It made her hot, and a little bit furious. “You don’t own me.
own me! You think just because I sucked your cock that gives—”

Her hand slid off his shaft when he jerked her to her feet. He dragged her over to her armoire. “The rest of what you’re about to say doesn’t matter because all I’m getting is ‘sucked your cock.’ Coming from your mouth that’s hot as shit. New rule: When I’m inside you, you’re going to lose those ladylike qualities of yours and talk to me like the worst kind of whore. Got it?”

She was so gobsmacked—partly because that ridiculous spiel had stolen her breath and lit her core on fire—that she didn’t even protest when he lifted her by the armpits. He popped her ass on the top of the romantic-looking antique she’d found at a yard sale last year. It wasn’t a low-to-the-ground piece of furniture, either, standing at about five feet in height. It took her much too long to realize why he’d put her up there. His face was level with her breasts, and he’d barely have to bend to get at her—

“Spread for me.”

She kept her knees firmly together. “You’re not my owner, and never will I call you master.”

He tipped his head and scowled up at her, looking big and mean even from her vantage point. “I
your owner now, and you’ll call me anything I goddamn well tell you to call me.”

She stiffened as unease skittered across her nape. “Not master.”

His brow arched with something akin to satisfaction. His chin came up, reminding her of a smug little boy who’d just gotten his way. “But you’re conceding I own you?”

“No!” she said quickly, utterly charmed by him when she probably shouldn’t be. And, really, he did own her. He owned her body and soul. He’d owned her heart from the moment she’d met him. Guess she
that over-loving monkey ready to perch on his broad shoulder. That made her pause. Only hours ago she’d thought it too bad that Josh wasn’t her owner. Now she was affronted by the same title. Huh. How about that?

She shook herself. What he was implying wasn’t cute and funny. He wanted to be in possession of
, not her endless adoration. “I simply don’t see the need to repeat myself,” she added.

“Didn’t you just tell me you’d always be accommodating?”

“Uh, no. You asked if I would be, then you pushed that huge piece of meat into my mouth so I couldn’t answer.”

His lips tipped up. “Mmm. Yeah. That was good, wasn’t it?”

The full-on amusement lighting his face was such a rare thing, and she hadn’t seen it in so long her heart softened. Feeling as if she were being pulled in too many different directions, she rubbed her palms over the short bristles on the sides of his head, and then sifted her fingers through the longer hair on the top as she bent to kiss him. “Yes, it was very good. It was the most obscene thing I’ve ever been a part of. Especially when you choked me.” She kissed him after each comment. “It probably makes me weird, but I can see why gagging is a turn on for some people. God, I like kissing you.”

“And I like gagging you.”

She giggled and went in to sample his tongue for too short a time. “I know you’re going to get sick of hearing this, but, I missed you so much.”

“‘I missed you so much’…what?”

She straightened and remained silent, not giving him what he wanted. The request wasn’t a deal breaker, but it was unsettling. It wasn’t as if she’d never heard of subs and Doms, and sex slaves and their masters. She didn’t live in a cave, and she read her share of erotica. Her problem stemmed more from never having expected to be involved in such a dynamic. Especially with Josh. Who she loved beyond words and was so happy to have home that she could already feel herself wanting to shrug off this first little blip she wouldn’t even label a disagreement. Would it be that big of a deal to concede to something that most likely wouldn’t affect her anyway? She’d seen the show he’d mentioned, and it was sweet and sexy in a demure sixties way. It wasn’t as if Josh was threatening to keep her tied up in the backyard. Or on his bed post.

Excitement and a lascivious need played around in her tummy like two happy puppies. Okay. She’d let this sit for a while before making a definitive decision. What if she found she enjoyed being the submissive party? Oh, who was she kidding? She
enjoy it. She’d find more pleasure in obeying and pleasing Josh than she’d ever find if the tables turned. The very idea of this proud, sometimes arrogant man catering to her was a complete turn-off.

“Have I always taken care of you, Tish?”

Her pulse sped along when his tattooed hands ran up the length of her legs. On his way back down, his thumbs dipped in to perform a firm caress to her inner thighs.

BOOK: His Young Queen: (Steel Jackals MC #1)
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