His Uncle's Favorite (14 page)

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Authors: Lory Lilian

BOOK: His Uncle's Favorite
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“Brother, we are fortunate that you came with us. Would you not agree, Elizabeth?” asked Georgiana.

Elizabeth hesitated a moment. “Indeed we are…”

A few minutes later, light conversation resumed. Halfway home, Elizabeth’s hands were still warm, but her feet were becoming colder. She briefly thought she should have removed her shoes the same way as the gloves, but instantly she felt her cheeks warming as she remembered the way her gloves had been removed.

It was already one o’clock, and it began to snow again.

“Elizabeth, would you like to come in and have a cup of hot tea with us?” Georgiana asked. “You could warm yourself by the fire and return home later in our carriage.”

“I thank you for your invitation, but unfortunately I must refuse. Jane and Aunt Gardiner are waiting for me; you know we must prepare for tomorrow’s ball.”

“Oh, but is still very early and—”

“Georgiana, we must not abuse Miss Bennet’s time,” her brother intervened. His voice was kind but determined, clearly expecting no opposition.

“You are correct, of course. I am sorry Elizabeth, it is just that—”

“Georgiana, I must say I am disappointed with how easily you broke our agreement,” Elizabeth replied, and both the Darcys looked inquiringly at her. Miss Darcy finally understood her meaning and laughed under the puzzled gaze of her brother.

“Please forgive me,” Miss Darcy said, and both started to laugh openly.

“Would you ladies be so kind as to inform me of your agreement and the reason for your sudden amusement?” Mr. Darcy asked, obviously disconcerted.

“I cannot speak for Miss Darcy, but from my point of view, I would rather not share the agreement with any gentleman,” Elizabeth said. Georgiana nodded approvingly, and though she was afraid Mr. Darcy might be offended, Elizabeth saw him smiling at her.

“As you wish, Miss Bennet. I would by no means suspend any pleasure of yours.” She recognised his words from the Netherfield ball, but his voice and his expression were so utterly different that she could not believe it was the same Mr. Darcy.

“I thank you for your understanding, sir.” She smiled tentatively.

When the sleigh stopped in Gracechurch Street, Mr. Darcy stepped down and handed Elizabeth out.

She collected her wet, dirty gloves, put them in her pocket, then took Mr. Darcy’s offered hand. Unlike the freezing air, his hand was strangely warm; he continued to hold her hand tightly, to protect her from slipping on the icy stairs. He released her hand only when they reached the main entrance, and with a proper bow, he departed. Elizabeth remained in the doorway until the Darcy sleigh disappeared from sight.

When she finally entered, the housekeeper, Mrs. Burton, informed her that Mrs. Gardiner, her children, and Jane were visiting Lady Selina; they were not expected for an hour or two. Surprisingly, Elizabeth found herself relieved by the news as she wanted nothing more than to change her gown, enjoy a cup of hot tea—and think of that day’s events.

Her plan, however, had only partial success when the servant announced that a Miss Bingley and a Mrs. Hurst were there to see Mrs. Gardiner and Miss Bennet.

For a moment, Elizabeth considered there must be some great misunderstanding, because it was difficult to believe that these ladies would take the trouble of such a long ride to Cheapside, let alone in such terrible weather. Then she thought something tragic must have happened to cause them to make such an effort, but Miss Bingley’s well-known voice, complaining about the snow and the stairs, proved she had no reason to worry. Still, she had to face them—alone—and that was tragedy enough.

Just before the visitors entered, Elizabeth considered how pleasant it would have been to accept Miss Darcy’s invitation for tea.

“Miss Bingley, Mrs. Hurst, what an extraordinary surprise!”

“Miss Eliza… We happened to be in the neighbourhood, visiting a friend, and we took the opportunity to call on dear Jane. Is she home, I hope?”

“Unfortunately not; she and my aunt are visiting a friend. Oh, but you must know her—Lady Selina?”

“Lady Selina?” Mrs. Hurst seemed shocked. “Jane is visiting Lady Selina?”

“Well, to be more accurate—my aunt took her children to play with Lady Selina’s boys. I understand they are all good friends.”

Miss Bingley seemed suddenly to need air, so she sat on the nearest chair, joined by her sister. Elizabeth offered them some tea while she watched them with a sense of power, which—she knew—did not give her much credit. She felt she was being malicious, but remembering Jane’s suffering, her guilt dissipated. She was ungenerous but not more than both visitors deserved.

“Jane should return soon. She cannot afford to delay much as we are busy preparing for the ball tomorrow night. Will you be there? At Lady Selina’s ball, I mean?”

Mrs. Hurst and Miss Bingley turned white while the latter tried to formulate an answer.

“My sister and I have other fixed engagements for tomorrow night, so we will not be able to attend. But I can understand your excitement; it is certainly different from the balls to which you are accustomed.”

“I am sure it is, and I truly look forward to it,” Elizabeth replied sweetly.

“Perhaps now you will understand more clearly why we were all so eager to return to Town,” Mrs. Hurst intervened. “One who has had the pleasure of enjoying parties in Town cannot be content with small country gatherings.”

“True, true…” Elizabeth replied, the same smile on her face. “And speaking of returning to Town—do you have any news of Mr. Bingley? He is well, I hope.”

“Oh, he is very well indeed. He sent me word that he is enjoying his time exceedingly and most likely will return to town no sooner than two months from now. He is in a large party of ladies and gentlemen and…I dare say he has special reasons to prolong his stay.”

“Special reasons, Miss Bingley? I cannot imagine what you mean.”

“Oh, but it is not difficult to imagine what special reasons might keep a young gentleman away from his family.”

“Surely you cannot mean Mr. Bingley has romantic interests in that group. Not after you were so kind to inform Jane about his close attachment to Miss Darcy and your hopes regarding a certain union in that direction?”

Both visitors stared at her, and she could not help smiling and enjoying her tea.

“I… Well… I love my brother very much, but he has always been open to romantic interests. One would be unwise to take him too seriously,” Mrs. Hurst intervened, and Elizabeth took the offence with humour.

“You must be correct, Mrs. Hurst. So it is fair to presume that, if he has some romantic interests in that group, they will pass soon enough. Besides, we are eager to see him again soon, so please send him our kind regards when you next write to him. Or, perhaps I should ask Mr. Darcy to do so, as I will meet him tomorrow night, and it is likely we will have plenty of time to talk.”

Miss Bingley choked on her tea and almost dropped the cup. Her face turned white and then red while her sister tried to help her regain some composure but with little success.

They took their leave a few moments later. Elizabeth expressed her wish that they would all meet again soon and remained in the doorway until their carriage departed.

Still in the doorway, peering through the dense snow, Elizabeth had the impression she recognised a familiar gentleman’s silhouette across the street. She even waved slightly, but the gentleman walked away. She closed the door, preoccupied with all that happened that day. She was hopeful for what would come on the morrow—rather the next evening as the morning would be occupied with ball preparations. She smiled to herself, wondering what had made her be so well humoured and eager for the event.

She stopped in the middle of the room, suddenly recollecting a fact that had completely escaped her mind: the next morning she was supposed to meet Mr. Wickham.

She remained still for a few moments, considering the situation, and as she climbed the stairs to her room, she wondered whether it was proper for the earl to extend her such an invitation without informing Mrs. Gardiner.

Chapter 7

“I cannot understand what these women hope to accomplish,” said Aunt Gardiner in a tête-à-tête with Elizabeth after dinner. “What was the purpose of their visit? And why suggest Mr. Bingley’s interest in another lady? Are they not aware that their schemes will be discovered as soon as their brother returns?”

“I cannot imagine their purpose, nor do I give them much consideration, Aunt. I believe they are desperately trying to keep Mr. Bingley away from Jane by any means. Oh, but where can he be? This will not do; he cannot simply disappear! I will certainly speak to Mr. Darcy about him at the first opportunity!”

“But was not Mr. Darcy to blame for his departure in the first place? Would it be wise to raise such a delicate subject with Mr. Darcy? After all, you are not the best of friends, and he might be displeased with such familiarity.”

Elizabeth could read the inquiring irony in her aunt’s voice despite Mrs. Gardiner’s genuine smile. Indeed, with everything Elizabeth said about Mr. Darcy in the recent past, it would be unthinkable to approach him about his friend’s whereabouts and return—just as it was unthinkable that Mr. Darcy had knelt before her to clear snow from her dress and shoes and to warm her hands…

“I… Mr. Darcy has expressed his intention of finding Mr. Bingley and informing him of…recent events, so I believe such an inquiry would not upset him.”

“I am sure you are right, my dear. By the way, how was your sleigh ride? Did you and Miss Darcy have a pleasant day?”

“It was wonderful, Aunt! Miss Darcy is the most pleasant company. She is so amiable that she actually invited me to visit Pemberley.” Elizabeth laughed with a trace of uneasiness that did not escape her aunt’s notice.

“That is quite astonishing, considering your brief acquaintance. Then again, I would expect Miss Darcy to be a remarkable young lady, just as remarkable as her parents. And I dare say, any qualities Miss Darcy possesses at her young age must be the result of her brother’s influence. Would you not agree?”

“I do agree. Miss Darcy was but an infant when her mother passed away and still a child when her father died. How painful it must have been for Mr. Darcy to lose his parents and be alone with such a young sister! He was almost a boy himself at the time.”

“True, my dear. I am glad you have found something positive in Mr. Darcy, after all.”

“I never denied Mr. Darcy’s qualities as I could not ignore his faults. But I was surprised to observe his warm behaviour towards his sister. You should have seen him in the sleigh cleaning the snow from her clothes. I never would imagine his being so kind and tender.”

“Am I to understand that Mr. Darcy kept you company today?”

“Yes he did, but it was not a previous arrangement. Georgiana decided to stop at her house for a few moments, and Mr. Darcy had finished his businesses earlier and decided to join us. He said he wanted to be certain we did not put ourselves in danger.”

“That was thoughtful of him,” Mrs. Gardiner concluded just before Jane returned. The conversation moved to the subject of the ball until they retired for the night.


The earl’s unannounced visit was a surprise for Mrs. Gardiner; she invited him to sit, but the earl declined the invitation. Mrs. Gardiner was even more perplexed.

“I will be happy to stay for tea later today, Mrs. Gardiner. I come now to fetch Miss Elizabeth for our secret stroll in the park,” he said well humoured.

Mrs. Gardiner turned to her niece for an explanation. Elizabeth blushed, hesitated a moment, and tried to form an answer for her aunt; then suddenly, she declared she would be ready in a moment and ran to her room. Mrs. Gardiner followed her.

“Elizabeth?” Her aunt’s voice was gentle but determined as was the lady’s inquiring gaze. Elizabeth twisted the bonnet in her hands, forcing a smile.

“Lord Matlock invited me for a short walk when we were at Lady Brightmore’s party.”

“That is lovely…but also quite unexpected. Just you and the earl? I know he enjoys your company, but you barely know each other. And why is this stroll so ‘secret’?”

Elizabeth sat on the bed, breathed deeply, and held her aunt’s gaze.

“Lord Matlock will meet Mr. Wickham. He thought I might enjoy seeing him, too, but he did not want his family to know about it. None of them is fond of Mr. Wickham, and they disapprove the earl’s affection for him. They are clearly partial to Mr. Darcy, so they share his opinion…and his feelings.” Her animation increased with every word while her aunt’s countenance darkened.

“Let me see if I understand: you secretly planned with a gentleman of your father’s age to deceive his family and yours in order to meet another gentleman with a questionable reputation and behaviour. Is that correct, Lizzy?”

“No, I did not mean to… I am aware it is not a proper situation, but…it was somehow difficult to refuse the earl. And I do not think Mr. Wickham’s reputation or behaviour is ‘questionable.’ He has done nothing to us to deserve that.”

“Lizzy, you were always a smart girl, and I trust you grew up a wise lady, so I shall not forbid your meeting Mr. Wickham if you wish. But please allow me to question the behaviour of a man who does not hesitate to share with you intimate and painful information about his life at your very first meeting and prefers to meet the earl during the early morning in the park because he has not enough courage to stand up for himself and confront the earl’s family.”

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