Read His To Keep Online

Authors: Stephanie Julian

Tags: #DeMarco Investigations#2

His To Keep (24 page)

BOOK: His To Keep
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Now she trailed kisses from his chest to his neck, skin sliding against skin as she moved up his body. A quick nip on his earlobe led to the flick of her tongue in his ear, followed by a soft breath of air that raised all the hair on his body and tightened his erection almost unbearably.

Unable to stay still any longer, he grabbed her hips and pulled her over him, stroking his hands along her body to find her naked and wet.

The discovery elicited groans from them both and he grabbed her head to pull her down for a kiss, which she returned with heart-stopping intensity.

Wanting to be inside her, he rocked his hips and realized he still wore his boxer briefs.

“Take them off,” he ordered, knowing she’d understand.

He finally opened his eyes when she leaned back, hands on his chest as if to hold him down. A pale glow from the bathroom nightlight seeped in, providing just enough illumination for Nic to see her.

“Mind your manners, Dominic. It’s my turn to call the shots. You just lay back and enjoy.”

Oh, he’d enjoy it…if it didn’t kill him first. Gritting his teeth, he kept silent.

Scooting to one side, Annie pulled off his briefs and tossed them over the bed. She straddled him again then reached out and ran her nails down his thighs. He bucked at the arousing sensation, pushed that much closer to release just by the touch of her nails on his skin. When she did the same on his stomach, he groaned and reached for her hips, pulling her up to his thighs.

“You have such a beautiful body,” she whispered, as she stroked her fingertips down his arm.

“Isn’t that supposed to be my line?” Getting his fingers to cooperate, he released her hips and moved his hands to her small breasts, rubbing his thumbs over the puckered nipples until she arched up and dragged her moist center over his erection. “Jesus, Annie. We need a condom.”

She must have had one in the bedside table because, in a few seconds, she’d sheathed him.

Then she sank over him, surrounding him in tight, hot glory. They both drew in a breath and held it, neither of them moving. Passion flooded her expression, sending a tidal wave of heat through his body.

Before she could move, he grabbed her hips and lifted her, just a bit, then let her sink back down. She moaned and opened her eyes, gazing down into his as she smiled.

And started a slow rhythm that took his breath away. She lifted her body slightly then took him back in, each time slower and more excruciatingly erotic than the last. When she rolled her hips, increasing the friction, he groaned and closed his eyes, trying not to explode.

Then she leaned down, changing the angle and bringing her breasts close enough that he could reach her with his mouth. He licked one nipple then pulled it into his mouth, suckling her as she rode him.

His hands ended up on her hips, helping her with the rhythm, keeping her from speeding up or slowing down. And when she came, her body pulsing around his, moaning his name, he grabbed her head and forced her mouth down on his as he let himself go.

* * * * *

“It’s a good thing your parents and Janey are out of the office. They’d know what’s going on just by looking at me. What did you do to me, Dominic? I look like I’ve been through a war.”

“You never look bad. You’re just too damn beautiful.”

Sliding her hair out of the way, Nic dropped a kiss on her nape as she stood before the full-length mirror in her bedroom Monday morning. They hadn’t left the apartment at all Sunday and Annie had whisker burn in some interesting places.

He slid one hand around to rest on her stomach and pulled her back against him. He liked the contrast of her naked body against his fully dressed one. She was sex incarnate with her heavily lidded eyes, her full mouth and that slim body that had wound around his again before they’d gotten up. He wanted to let his hand slide down into the pale curls covering her mound and find out if she wanted him as much as he wanted her.

Again. Always.

“Don’t even think about it.” Her expression was stern but her tone held a note of breathless anticipation that altered his breathing. “We’ve got to get into the office. I have things I need to do.”

He didn’t move his hand. Instead, he nuzzled his nose into the curve of her shoulder and breathed in. He couldn’t seem to get enough of her—not of her scent, her touch, her presence, her smiles.

Reluctantly, he straightened and pulled away. “So do I. Get dressed and we’ll head out.”

He couldn’t resist the light swat on her butt before he left or the pleasure he got from the harder one she delivered in retaliation. He caught her before she got away, though she didn’t try all that hard, and kissed her until they were both gasping.

Then he left before they wound up back in bed and never got to the office.

The trip was quiet but not uncomfortable. And when they got to the agency, he couldn’t resist another kiss before he pointed her in the direction of her office at the front of the building.

“Leave the door locked and use the surveillance system to screen everyone who comes to the door today. If anyone needs to come in, I’ll get it.”

Annie rolled her eyes but nodded in agreement. “Don’t worry, Nic. I’m not about to open the door unless you give me the okay. Now shoo.” She waved her hands at him. “Your parents pay me to do a job.”

Dressed in a tailored, pale-green skirt and jacket, hair twisted into a knot, Annie looked every bit the ice queen she had on Friday. But when he looked in her eyes, he saw warmth.

Amazing how much could change in the course of a few days.

“I’ve got calls to make. Don’t answer that door.”

He left with a smile, her disgusted huff echoing in his ears.

That he could handle. Not that he didn’t enjoy this peaceful coexistence, but for years they’d fought like bitter enemies. It was slightly unnerving. And distracting.

And all his fault since he couldn’t seem to keep his hands off of her.

Forcing himself to walk back to his office, he spent the next hour on the phone, following the trail of Tiffany Jones’s ex-husband. Then he checked in with Casimir Nabozny, Jimmy’s best friend and an undercover vice cop for the city. He was hoping Caz would have some more suggestions on where to look for his missing teen. He wanted to check them out as soon as Jimmy got here. No way would he leave Annie here alone.

The front door bell rang and he slid a glance at the surveillance program on his monitor. Jimmy stood at the door, staring straight into the hidden camera, an impatient look on his face.

He heard Annie buzz him in, heard Jimmy flirt with Annie. Heard her flirt back. Damn it, he refused to be jealous of his brother.

When he felt he couldn’t stand waiting any longer, he heard Jimmy moving down the hall.

“Hey.” Jimmy didn’t smile and that was highly unusual. “You want to tell me what happened or do I have to beat it out of you?”

Nic couldn’t help but smile. “You’re the one who said she isn’t a teenager anymore.”

Jimmy sighed. “I know what I said, Nic. But this is Annie. You know I’ll come after you if you hurt her, right?”

And Jimmy would do it, even though Nic had a good thirty pounds on him and more than ten years combat training. His brother wouldn’t care. He’d find a way to make Nic pay. Nic would do the same to anyone who tried to hurt his family.

“You know I love her, right?” he countered.

Jimmy’s lips kicked up into a smile Nic had learned to dread growing up. “I really hope you’re not just figuring that out now. Come on, Nic, all that big-brother idolatry couldn’t have been completely misplaced. Of course you love her. Who wouldn’t? She’s smart and beautiful and she thinks you’re the greatest thing since sliced bread. I haven’t really figured out why but—”

“You are a major pain in the ass.” Nic leaned back in his chair, eyeing his brother. “Do you have anything helpful to say this morning?”

Jimmy flopped into the chair across from him. “Hey, happy to help. And yeah, I think I got a lead on your caller.”

Nic restrained himself from reaching across the desk and shaking his brother by the neck. “Jimmy. I swear to God I’m gonna—”

His brother threw the envelope in his hand on the desk. “Someone left a message on the company answering machine this morning. Just dumb luck I happened to be here and picked it up. I was expecting another call and… Anyway, I saved it onto my hard drive before I erased it off the system. I suggest you don’t listen to it. But knowing you, you will anyway.

“So what’s in here?” Nic stared at the envelope with an ache in the pit of his stomach.

“It’s a list of names and cell phone numbers that may have made the call.”

Jimmy went on to explain how he’d been able to come up with the list but Nic wasn’t listening.

Christ, there were at least ten pages, probably more, single-spaced and eye-strainingly small.

“You’re not listening to a word I say, are you?”

Nic shook his head. “No.”

Jimmy rolled his eyes. “At least you’re honest about it. I’ve got to get downstairs for a conference call with the DOD. I know you’re going to listen to that recording but try not to go off the deep end, okay? I’ll be downstairs if you need anything.”

“Thanks, Jimmy. I appreciate it.”

“Sure. Just shut this guy down soon. He’s making you more grumpy than normal. And you should be smiling considering what you two were doing all night.”

“And you would now that how?”

“By the smile on Annie’s face. Don’t fuck this up.”

Nic shook his head and called up the voice message.

“I will hurt her. No matter how much time you spend with her, it won’t be enough. I’ll get to her. I’ll take her and you won’t be able to stop me. Are you worried? You should be. You’ll pay. She’ll pay. And I will rejoice.”

The recording ended and Nic forced himself to sit there, quietly, and think. Not smash his computer to pieces in a rage.

Because whoever this was, they wanted him to get good and pissed off. Do something stupid

But this was the fourth call and the guy hadn’t made a move, had done nothing to make good on his threats. So either he wasn’t going to or he hadn’t found an opening yet.

With the thought of Annie in the front room, he managed to keep the temper that had dogged him in his younger years under control. He forced himself to think through the angles and tried really hard not to let the asshole get to him.

But this guy was getting to him. And he knew exactly how to do it.

Which meant he had to know who it was.

He closed his eyes and counted to ten. Then twenty. When he opened his eyes, Jimmy stared at him with raised brows.


“So, I don’t have a clue.” He rubbed at one throbbing temple, trying to weigh all the options. “God damn, Jimmy. I could really use Mom on this. But I can’t. She’s got too much on her mind already with Dad.”

“Your ass is grass when Mom finds out you kept this from her.”

Nic grimaced. “Yeah, well, what she doesn’t know won’t get me an ass-chewing. I need to go through this list, see if anything pops. I need you to keep on this until we have something.”

“Do you think you should get Annie away, somewhere safe until this is over?”

Trust Jimmy to hit on the one question Nic didn’t want to answer. “If she was a client, you know damn well I’d have her out of here and in a safe house somewhere until I found this guy.” His temple throbbed and he raised one hand to rub it. “Annie would fight me tooth and nail. She’s got this dance competition coming up and she won’t want to miss it.” And if he sent Annie away, he wouldn’t be there to protect her.

BOOK: His To Keep
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