His Submissive Jewel [The Martinis and Chocolate Book Club 3] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) (10 page)

BOOK: His Submissive Jewel [The Martinis and Chocolate Book Club 3] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)
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He trailed his fingers down her slit to the end of the plug, giving it a twirl and pulling it out about halfway, before thrusting it back in. Her body reacted like it had been hit by electricity. Her muscles went taut, her toes curled, and she screamed his name.

“Sir! Please, Sir!”

He lowered his head and licked her cunt from opening to clit, continuing to play with the plug. She was aroused by the ass play. She was going to love having a cock there, rubbing all those dark nerves.

He kept up his tongue play until she was moaning and panting, her pleading like music to his Dom ears.

“Come, Noelle.”

He closed his mouth over her hard, swollen clit, scraping his teeth slightly on the sides. She screamed one last time before gushing cream all over his hand, her pussy milking his fingers. He let her come down gently, until she was a mass of Jell-O in his arms. He pulled her close and kissed her forehead.

“Like that, sweetheart? You seem to like having me eat your pussy.”

She looked up at him through her thick, dark lashes. “I love it, Sir. Your mouth is dangerous. Very dangerous.”

He chuckled. “The only dangerous thing that might happen is for you to come without permission. That would get you a punishment. One you probably won’t like.”

She wriggled against him. “I’m still in the middle of my last punishment. I don’t suppose—”

He shook his head. The beginning with a new sub was an important time. He needed to show her he wasn’t a pushover. He didn’t tolerate topping from the bottom. He’d heard, from his brother and sons no less, he was too strict. She’d just have to get used to him.

“Uh-uh. You take your punishment like a big girl. It stays until morning. I need to start stretching you anyway. Perhaps, I’ll have you wear a plug all the time.”

She started to protest, then shut her mouth, thinking better of it.

“Good girl. You’re learning. I’m in charge. I make the rules. Now let’s get some sleep. I’ll carry you into the bedroom.”

She grabbed his arm. “You’ll throw your back out.”

He gave her a look that told her what he thought of that remark.

“I am not that damn old, sub. This might be a good time to be silent like your friends told you.”

He laughed as Noelle pressed her lips together, pretended to lock her mouth closed, and throw away the invisible key.

“We’ll see how long that lasts.”

He lifted her, cuddling her close to his heart. His cock was already reinflating. He decided sleep was still a long way away. He’d have her again in the bedroom. He couldn’t get enough of her.

Chapter Six


“These invitations are so pretty. They have so much more to choose from than when I got married.”

Julie sipped her coffee while helping fold, stuff, and address wedding invitations. Abby smiled as she carefully placed tissue paper between the pages. “Aren’t they gorgeous with the gold lettering? I was glad to have your and Noelle’s help picking them out. Brody’s wonderful, but hasn’t been much help with the wedding preparations.”

Noelle licked an envelope, making a face. “That’s why I’m here, isn’t it? To help with all the things that your macho fiancé isn’t interested in?”

Julie sighed. “Colt was useless when I was planning our wedding. He would have been happy if we had a cookout and served hot dogs and beer at the reception. Luckily, my mother helped. In fact, if I remember correctly, she bullied me into a few decisions I don’t think I would have made on my own. Pink bridesmaid dresses were one of them.”

Abby gave Noelle a sly smile. “Maybe we’ll have another wedding sometime soon. You never know.”

Noelle didn’t pretend to not know what Abby was talking about. She and Cam had been spending a great deal of time together the last week. That next night, after their time at the cabin, Cam had pulled her into his bedroom to spend the night. She was still there. She had moved her things into his room the next day. He was determined they wouldn’t hide from the family. Their relationship was out in the open and apparently celebrated. Everyone had been giving them smiles when they would see her and Cam holding hands. Well, everyone but Julie and Colt’s eighteen-year-old son, John. He had a perpetual sullen look on his face. For a young man a few months from graduating from high school, he didn’t seem all that happy. About anything.

Noelle, however, was ecstatic. The last week with Cam had been amazing. She would find herself smiling and humming for no particular reason. She wanted to bake cookies because she found out he liked chocolate chip cookies. She wanted to rub his shoulders after his long day working on the ranch. She wanted to rip his clothes off of him and have her wicked way with his gorgeous body with its tan skin, and rippling muscles.

He was a strict, but fair Dom. Showing her how to turn off the voices in her head, and find deep pleasure in her submission. She loved getting spanked, and she couldn’t wait to be restrained. He was the most amazing lover, his imagination and technique never failing to bring her to the heights of passion.

Noelle tossed another envelope on to the pile. “Subtle, Ab. Very subtle. Cam and I have only known each other a week. It’s a tad early to shop for a dress and name our children.”

Abby waved her hand. “I knew Brody was the one the minute I met him. You don’t need to know someone for years to know if you want to spend your life with them. We’re not in high school, after all.”

“That’s what my friend, Lisa, said. You knew right away? And I have a reputation for being impetuous. What about you, Julie? Did you know right away?”

Julie smiled at the memory. “We were in high school, actually. Colt and Cam were stars on the football team. All the girls wanted to date them. They were too popular and way too handsome for their own good. So of course I had a crush, too. Colt’s locker was just a few down from mine, and I was flirting with him all the time, but he never asked me out. Finally, I accepted a date with Steve Storm, a friend of Colt’s. He was jealous and ended up punching Steve out at a party. Colt and I have been together since.”

Abby laughed. “Steve Storm? What a great name!”

Noelle joined in. “Sounds like a porno name. Whatever happened to him anyway?”

Julie gave them a smug look. “He’s the principal at the high school. But he still looks great. He could do porn if he wanted to.”

They were all laughing when the front door opened and they heard the click of high heels on the maple wood floors. Noelle was surprised to see the normally smiling and easygoing Julie frown at their female visitor. She was tall and slender, with pale blonde hair and golden tan skin. Noelle inwardly grimaced, knowing her own skin would never turn that lovely shade in the sun. Redheads weren’t meant to sunbathe.

Julie stood up, her lips tight.

“Gwen, we weren’t expecting you. What can I do for you?”

The beautiful blonde had a smile that was less than genuine.

“I came to talk to my sons. I need one of them to come over and hang my new drapes. Where are they?”

“Out on the ranch, of course. You remember Abby, don’t you? And this is her sister, Noelle. She’s come to help with the wedding.”

Gwen ignored Abby and Noelle, frowning at Julie. “Lucas said they would be working near the house this afternoon.”

Noelle was busy taking in this surprise visit and didn’t hear John coming in the front door, home from school. He burst into the kitchen, dropping his backpack, grabbing a soda from the refrigerator, and coming to an abrupt halt when he saw Gwen. His face turned very red and he gazed at his shoes intently.

Gwen studied him for a moment, giving him a nod, before turning back to the women. She set her purse down on the counter, and it seemed like she might be settling in to wait. Julie looked as if she was going to have none of it.

“Gwen, does Cam know you’re here?”

For someone so beautiful, Gwen could get an ugly look on her face.

“I don’t tell my ex-husband my comings and goings, Julie. I was done doing that fifteen years ago.” Her fingers traced a line around her neck. “I don’t wear his collar anymore. He can’t tell me what to do.”

“I never could. You were defiant then, as now.”

Cam’s deep tones had Noelle turning in surprise to the back door. Cam and Colt were stomping into the kitchen, their expressions grim. Cam was not happy about seeing his ex-wife. She was surprised when he came up behind her and placed his hands on her shoulders, the warm weight reassuring.

Gwen pursed her lips and looked bored.

“I need one of the boys to come to my house and help me hang some curtains. Send Brody.”

Cam shook his head. “No. Brody is at the outskirts of the ranch right now. When he gets back, he’ll be spending time with his fiancée, Abby. Did you greet Abby, Gwen? She’s going to be your daughter-in-law.”

“I’m sure I must have.” Gwen’s eyes narrowed on Cam’s hands. “And who might this be? Your new sub? She’s…delightful, darling. But a trifle young for you, don’t you think? Are you going through a midlife crisis, Cam? So sad, you feel you need to prove your manhood in such a manner.”

Noelle started to rise and tell this bitch on wheels off. She had the temper to match her hair color. Cam’s fingers tightened just slightly, pressing her into her chair.

“I don’t need to prove anything, Gwen. I’m pretty secure these days. This is Noelle, Abby’s sister and yes, my girlfriend and sub. I’ll send Lucas to your house in the morning around nine.”

Gwen picked up her purse. “Make it ten, darling. I like to sleep in.”

John finally stopped staring at the floor. He lifted his head, and pushed his cowboy hat back on his head.

“I can go now, Cam.”

Cam started to object, but then turned to Colt, who just shrugged.

“If you want to go, son, I guess that would be okay. Gwen, are you okay with John helping?”

Gwen smiled at John and linked her arm with his. “Of course. Any big, strong man will do.”

Cam pulled a set of keys off the pegboard near the door and tossed them at John.

“Take the truck, John, and whatever tools you need from the garage. And thanks.”

Miraculously, John almost smiled. “Thanks, Uncle Cam. I’ll be careful.”

Everyone in the kitchen was silent as John and Gwen headed toward the front door. Finally, Cam spoke.

“Gwen, next time? Call first.”


* * * *


Cam placed his toothbrush back in the holder on the bathroom counter and padded back into the bedroom. Noelle was leaning back on a pile of pillows, glasses perched on her cute nose, completely engrossed in her e-reader. Her hair was in disarray, curling around her shoulders and face from her shower just minutes ago. She was wearing his favorite University of Montana T-shirt and had to admit it looked way better on her. The shirt stopped just midthigh on her shapely legs. Her toes were painted a bright red and made him want to take each one in his mouth, sucking and driving her wild while she was restrained and unable to stop him.

He loved having her in his bed. Fuck, who was he kidding? He loved having her in his life. Period. The last week had been the best he could remember. She liked to tell dirty jokes and make him laugh. They didn’t agree on politics, and she loved to debate him. She liked to cook, and dinner each night had been a festival for his taste buds. She made melt-in-the-mouth pancakes for breakfast using bacon for the smiley face. She drove her sensible sedan too fast down his dirt road, which he hated, and encouraged his sons to think about taking chances to have the future they wanted, which he liked.

Of course, the nights were their time together. Her submission was sweeter than any he had known. Just knowing how difficult it was for her made it so much more special. She had taken to a D/s relationship like a duck to water. If anything, she thought he was moving too slow. She was already trying to top from the bottom by suggesting things he might want to do to her. She was reading way too many of those erotic books with her friends.

He hadn’t used restraints on Noelle. Yet. He wanted her to be able to feel comfortable with him and be able to trust him absolutely. Submission had to be slowly earned. It couldn’t be demanded or taken by force. He hoped tonight would be the turning point for them. He was going to give his pretty little sub a safe word tonight when he tied her to the bed. He couldn’t wait to see her naked and spread eagle for his pleasure. And hers, too, of course.

He fell back on the bed with a sigh. He worked hard during the day, and slept like a rock at night. He loved working his ranch, and having the feeling of satisfaction knowing he was building a legacy for his children.

Noelle studiously avoided his eyes, keeping them trained on her reader.

“Ignoring me, Noelle, isn’t going to stop us from having the discussion we need to have. We need to talk about Gwen.”

She looked up and pulled the glasses from her nose. “We don’t have to do this. I don’t need you to explain something that happened years ago. Frankly, after meeting her today, I can’t imagine you married to her, let alone her submitting to you.”

Cam chuckled. His honest little sub never varnished the truth. “First, of all, I know I don’t have to talk to you about it. But if we’re going to be Dominant and submissive and also man and woman, we need to be honest about the things that made us who we are. My marriage to Gwen changed me. Fuck, I hope for the better. But I definitely grew up.”

BOOK: His Submissive Jewel [The Martinis and Chocolate Book Club 3] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)
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