His Stand In (5 page)

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Authors: Rebecca K Watts

BOOK: His Stand In
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Just because Christian was fine with her skin tone surely didn’t mean his family would be. His mother lived in a time before the Civil Rights Act. Did she hold those same values? The knot tightened. All the reading on the interracial dating groups on Facebook hadn’t prepared her for this. Reading horror stories was one thing, this was another. The only saving grace was knowing his mother would soon be back on a plane traipsing around the world. Egypt held her head up high and endured the scrutiny.

Elizabeth stopped directly in front of her. Green eyes sparkled as they stared her down. “I can see why my son loves you.” She smiled.

Egypt was confused. Did she hear correctly? “Ma’am?”

You’re a beautiful woman and you hold up well under pressure. My son’s a great judge of character. If he loves you then so do I.” She held out her arms for an embrace. “Welcome to the family my dear.”

A breath left Egypt as she accepted the warm hug. “Nice to meet you, Elizabeth.”

The pleasure is all mine. Now tell me, how did you manage to steal the heart of my son for him to agree to marriage?”

That’s my cue for an exit.” Christian gave his mother another hug and planted a soft peck on Egypt’s lips.

He gave her a wink as if to say you got this and then made his way across the room.

Good, now that he’s gone. Tell me the truth. Are you pregnant?”

Egypt gasped. “Excuse me?”

Pregnant girl. Are you hard of hearing?” Her voice remained low and the smile remained on her face. “I’m sure he loves you but with everything being in a rush, I just assumed.” The fine lines in the corner of her eyes deepened as she glanced at Egypt’s midsection.

No, we’re not rushing to hide a pregnancy. I’m not with child.” They’d have to have sex in order for that to happen.

Good. I’d hate to have a reason not to like you. You seem like a very smart girl and should know that using a man won’t get you far.” Elizabeth took a sip from the glass of Champaign she held. “So how’d you meet?”

Egypt held her ground. She had to admit the woman was charming, just like her son but underneath the Chanel gown was a barracuda ready to strike if her child were in danger. A smile creased her lips as she thought of their meeting just a week earlier. “I walked into his office for a meeting and we were joined at the hip from that moment on. Christian just had to have me.” Well, that story was mostly true. No need to throw in how desperate she was for a job nor their contractual agreement.

How sweet. Now, forgive me if I’m mistaken but is your family here?”

Egypt scanned the room along with Elizabeth as if the people she didn’t bother to invite would somehow magically appear.
Think quick girl.
She let the fake smile return to her lips. “My mother is very ill and couldn’t make it so my father stayed with her.” Once again another half-truth. Her mother had been very ill…years ago. Since then you can’t pay her to sit down somewhere. The strain of Egypt’s first wedding made it easier to keep them out the loop this time around. She’d let them know when it was absolutely necessary.

I’m so sorry to hear that.”

It’s okay…really it is.” Egypt grabbed a cocktail glass from the tray off a server walking by. She took a sip and prayed the woman had no more questions. She’d never been a good liar and soon she’d begin to crack under pressure.

So your parents are still together?”


Great. I know you understand commitment. My son would have never proposed if he didn’t feel you would be around in the long run.” She glanced around the room. “Oh dear. I see my good friend Janice Winston across the room. I’ll leave you to it.” Elizabeth gracefully walked away.

Egypt relaxed. Thought the conversation lasted no more than five minutes she felt as if it had been hours. She didn’t have time to ponder it before a group of people rushed her, extending their congratulations on the pending wedding.



Chapter Five


Egypt rolled over in her bed and tugged the cover over her head. The morning sun was much too bright that morning. She’d been in that position from the time she’d dove in the bed after the engagement party. She was mentally and physically exhausted. If it hadn’t been for Christian constantly checking on her she had no idea how she’d of made it through.

From his mother to the media the entire night was overwhelming. Several times she wanted to just run out the door and call the wedding off. Would she have to endure this every single time they went out. She always wondered how celebrities maintained their sanity and there she was agreeing to thrust herself into the limelight.

Ms. Egypt,” a voice said.

She slowly let the cover fall and realized why the room was so bright. The blinds were open and Anna stood next to the bed.

Good morning, Ms. Egypt.”

Morning. Is something wrong?” Why was this woman in her room? And why this early? After the night she had, she deserved every ounce of sleep she could muster. “What time is it?”

No, nothing is wrong. It’s almost noon and Mr. Christian wants to take you out for the day.” The woman smiled and proceeded to pull the covers all the way back. “He wants you to dress casual.”

Egypt briefly wondered if this is what kings and queens endured, people constantly invading their privacy and hovering over them. “Thank you Anna.”

The woman paused for a moment. Egypt could see the wheels in her head turning.

I’m glad you are here. Mr. Christian smiles more. He needs you in his life.” She gave Egypt a quick hug then scurried from the room.

The older woman left behind the faint scent of food. Egypt’s stomach let out a soft growl. No way she can go back to sleep now. She stepped out the bed and padded across the angel soft carpet to the bathroom.

Within minutes she was showered, dressed in Capri pants and cute blouse, and seated herself downstairs at the kitchen nook. Anna had outdone herself with array of fruit, variety of meats, breakfast pastries and juice. Who in the world did the woman think she was cooking for?

Christian strolled through the entry way. Egypt watched his confident stride. It wasn’t a Denzel Washington walk but one that was lighter, yet still with a purpose. He moved as if he had the best night’s sleep of his life before joining her at the table.

Everything looks amazing Anna,” he said while taking a seat.

She gave him a nod while ducking out the kitchen, leaving Egypt to deal with the freshly showered sexy man all on her own. Even in cargo shorts and a t-shirt the man looked amazing.

Good morning.” He flashed her a smile, one that hid something behind it.

Morning.” She waited for him to spill the beans on what this was all about. Why was it so important for her to be up and out of bed?

Christian filled his plate and paused for a moment, closing his eyes.

Egypt’s heart fluttered. He was praying.

Feeling eyes on him, he glanced up at her with a smile. “Can I help you love?”

Love? His terms of endearment never got old. Even as a rouse she’d began to look forward to them. No other man had bothered. Their choice was baby, babe, bae or worse wifey. “I didn’t realize you were a praying man.”

I’m not as adamant about it as I should be but I try my best to at least get one in to start my day.”

Her insides warmed at his admission. He wasn’t perfect and didn’t pretend to be. Christian also had no problem showing that he could submit to a higher power—exposing a vulnerability that most men would be too proud to ever show.

She said nothing but smiled while taking a sip of the fresh squeezed juice.

He finished chewing a piece of bacon and swallowed. “I bet you’re wondering why I wanted you up and dressed.”

The thought did cross my mind.”

Well, I figured we needed some

We have that every time we walk through the doors.”

His green eyes flickered in amusement. “No, we go our separate ways once we’re behind these doors.”

Entertaining you wasn’t part of the agreement.” The way he gazed at her caused her to blush and look away.

Getting to know me is. Now, finish up and then we can head out.”

Egypt finished cleaning her plate and her mind whirled with what the day had in store for her. On Saturday’s she preferred to sleep in. After their engagement party she prepared to be in a coma, but Christian erased her plans and added his own.


Why didn’t you tell me about your mother?” Egypt’s voice was soft yet direct.

Christian gave Egypt a kick glance before putting his eyes back on the road. It was the first time she’d spoken since they’d left the house. His mind reeled. With his mom being out the country and never showing up for anything else in his life since he became an adult it was the last thing he expected as well.

I’m sorry about that.”

Did you think we wouldn’t run into each other for an entire year?” Her words hurled at him.

It was the first time he’d seen her upset, and it was kind of cute. Even a bit of a turn on. Her brown bottom lip poked out giving him a flash of pink. His large hands gripped the steering wheel and his foot pressed down on the gas pedal. The car accelerated. He needed to get to their destination and out of the close confines of the vehicle.

She adjusted to the right of him, giving him a good view of her lips. Lips that he recalled yearning for him only a few days prior. His rod stiffened in response. He wanted to reach down and adjust his package for comfort but doing so would bring attention to his current state.

He shrugged. “That’s how long it’s been since I’ve seen her so, yeah.”

Oh.” Her arms uncrossed and fell down to her lap. “I can’t imagine not seeing my mom for that long.” He noticed the change in her tone.

Speaking of. Your parents weren’t there. Do you plan on telling them?”

How do you know I haven’t?”

He waited until he brought the car to a stop in a parking space before looking at her. “Have you?”

She avoided eye contact and glanced out the window. “A park?”

Yes, fresh air in the great outdoors. Now, answer the question.”

No, I haven’t.” She paused. “My last relationship wasn’t the best and I’m not ready to drop another bombshell on them.”

There was a hint of hurt in her words. Christian hadn’t bothered to think past his own needs. How long had she been with this mystery man? When did it end? And was she over him? The questioned swirled in his head but went no further. Doing so would invite her to probe deeper into his past. A past he wasn’t ready to unload on her.

He wanted and needed her there with him now and that’s all that mattered. “Let’s get this day started.” He maneuvered out the car and to the trunk.

Anna had not only made breakfast but lunch. He pulled out a dark brown picnic basket.

The passenger side door closed and soft steps found their way to the back of the car. Egypt glanced up at him with a look of curiosity. “I didn’t take you for the strolling in the park hand in hand type of guy.”

He let out a gentle laugh. “I didn’t factor in holding hands.” With one swift move he closed the trunk and grabbed her left hand. “Shall we.” He motioned to a path.

Egypt smiled and complied.

Christian took in a deep breath, inhaling the greenery of their surroundings. This was the first time he’d brought anyone along with him to his place of serenity. He led them down the path into a clearing, close enough to the pond but on the other side away from where the main traffic went.

He walked a few feet into the grass and lay down the blanket. A smile threatened to burst free as Egypt stood patiently by. A picnic is something that never crossed his mind to do with a woman, but for her he wanted things to be different. As his wife he needed to know her inner makings. No one from the outside could know they are only pretending.

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