His Royal Secret (6 page)

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Authors: C. T. Sloan

BOOK: His Royal Secret
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The harder the Prince fucks me, the more my head gets driven right into the mattress. My ass begins to rise up into the air. Prince Julian fucks me so hard, I begin to fall right over the head of the bed.


I hold my hands out to break my fall. Before it know it, I am doing a handstand while the Prince is continuing to rail me without mercy. This is certainly a new position for me. I begin to moan. The Prince begins to moan louder. It doesn’t take long for both of us to reach the point of no return.


I collapse onto the ground. The Prince lies on the bed. We have fucked each other into submission. It takes me more than a minute to climb back into the bed and into the arms of the Prince.


“It is going to be a fun night,” he tells me.


“I couldn’t agree more, Prince Julian.”


It doesn’t take long for us to take the action over to the jacuzzi. As the water is filling up, the Prince grabs my legs and forces one of the water jets right between my legs. Oh yeah, I’ve done this before. However, this is the first time that I have the assistance of European Royalty!

I feel the pulsating jet of hot water pound against my favorite place. The Prince looks down at me, clearly enjoying the show. I grab my breasts and play with my nipples as my body tingles from the sensation.


Before the water fills up the jacuzzi, I cum again. The Prince seems more than satisfied with playing a supporting role this time around. As we relax in the jacuzzi, the Prince remarks, “I have been in LA for several days and have not seen much of the city. Not that I am complaining.”


“I can arrange a tour without the prying eyes of the media, Your Highness.”


“That would be most excellent. Of course, I could not bear to stand the day without you beside me.”


I look at the Prince in shock. Are we actually talking about a date? I mean, we’ve fucked several times already. Actually going out in public is a big step, especially for the Prince. This is a huge dilemma for me. There is no way I could be seen with the Prince and maintain my job.


“Prince Julian. How can I go out with you and maintain my job here at the hotel?”


The Prince smiles at me. “We can be a bit creative. It’ll be fun. After all, this is the home of Hollywood movies, costumes and fun.”




A flicker of sunlight hits me on the face. I wake up in the arms of the Prince. I feel like the luckiest girl in LA. Prince Julian wakes up soon after me. We hop into the shower and have a sweet and intense make-out session while we rub each other’s bodies with soap.


After the shower, there is a knock on the door. I quickly jump into one of the closests as room service brings in breakfast. The two of us dine out on the balcony while the Prince contemplates his day out and about town.


“You have to show me all the fun places in LA. It seems that I always come out here for some boring meeting or stuffy party,” the Prince announces between bites of his cream cheese and jelly bagel.


“Your Highness. How will I be able to accompany you without detection?”


“Oh, we’ll just tell the hotel that you will be acting as my concierge on the road. Then we can find our secret times to be intimate with each other.”


The idea is crazy. My heart races at the thought of this “date” with the Prince.


At 2:00, I sneak downstairs and make my way to the hotel manager’s office. He seems surprised to see me an hour early.


“Sir, Prince Julian asked that I accompany him during his day around L.A.”


The manager looks me up and down. “The Prince should have someone more experienced accompanying him. You could only screw this up.”


“But sir?”


“Don’t interrupt me. I’ll go see the Prince personally.”


Uh Oh. What the fuck am I going to do now? The manager and myself go up to the Penthouse floor. The manager knocks on the door of the Prince’s suite.


The Prince opens the door, slightly shocked to see me standing with the hotel manager.

“Your Highness. I hope your stay at the Beverly Wilshire has been exemplary and that we have met all of your needs.”


The Prince, in his effortlessly charming way, smiles and looks at me. “I have enjoyed unsurpassed serviced thanks to your excellent concierge staff. Especially Amy.”


Oh that is so sweet! I want to blow the Prince a kiss right there. My manager, on the other hand has other plans.


“Your Highness. I would like to personally offer you a tour of our city. I have many connections around town and can give you a truly memorable experience to the city,” the manager says to the Prince. Alright, this is certainly unexpected.


Prince Julian puts his hands around the manager. “That sounds like an excellent idea and perhaps we can go to a Lakers game in the future. However, I prefer to have Amy as my guide.”


Now the manager is stumbling to find the right response. “Of course, Your Highness. I will give Amy the proper instruction to make sure your tour goes off without a hitch.”


“I’m sure she’ll do fine,” the Prince says.

Before I know it, the hotel manager is yanking me towards the elevator. I wave and smile at the Prince. The elevator doors close. Now I am trapped, alone, with the hotel manager. This is going to be a long ride down.


My boss turns to me and says, “Now you listen to me. You will do everything the Prince says. Do not embarrass the hotel while you are out. If the media comes near him, you will take every step necessary to prevent the Prince from having his privacy violated. If you fail to carry out any of my instructions, you will have hell to pay.”


The elevator doors open on the lobby. My boss leaves. I just stand there wondering how I am going to make it throughout the day and still have a job. Oh fuck it. I’m going to be out and about with the Prince. I need to see the bright side of things.


I have the motorcade pull around the front of the hotel and call the Prince.


“Your Highness. The motorcade is ready.”


“I want this to be a more subtle day out. Just have a single Bentley Continental waiting for us. I will have the security detail keep a mindful distance.”


Well, this is certainly a change of plan. I inform the motorcade and pull a lone white Bentley Coupe around to the front of the hotel. While the $200,000 luxury vehicle would stand out everywhere else in the world, the coupe is downright pedestrian in Beverly Hills.


The Prince comes down to the lobby looking very normal. And by normal. I mean Prince Julian is decked out in blue jeans and a black shirt. He is hot and laidback. Incredibly, this makes him look even sexier.


As we meet in the lobby, I am almost tempted to give the Prince a kiss. Then I have to remind myself that I am still inside my workplace. “Be discreet,” I whisper to myself.


I open the door for the Prince. He waves me off and walks around to the passenger’s side door and opens the door for me! I nervously take my seat hoping that no one else saw this display of affection. The Prince quickly makes his way to the driver’s side.


As we pull out of the hotel, the Prince and I steal a quick kiss. We speed out onto Wilshire and head west towards the ocean. “I haven’t done this in LA for a while,” the Prince says as he drives around the hectic LA traffic.


“Do you usually drive, our Highness?”


“Only Formula One race cars. I do that as a hobby,” the Prince mentions as he speeds down the road. The royal stud checks his speed and mentions, “I have to remind myself to observe the local traffic laws. Getting pulled over would be an awkward start to our date.”


My heart skips a beat. “Our date!” He mentions that this is officially a date. All of a sudden, I get really, really nervous. I shouldn’t be nervous considering how many times we’ve fucked in the past 48 hours. But there is an adrenaline running through me that I can not quite describe.


The Prince speeds the Bentley onto the Pacific Coast Highway. I look out at the ocean as we head towards Malibu.


“I forgot how much fun it is to drive in California.”


“Especially when there is no where to go. Just driving and having fun.”


We head into Malibu. The Prince looks out over surfrider beach. He pulls over to the side of the highway, next to various RVs, Jeep Wranglers and other vehicles.


“Let’s go look at the surf!” the Prince suggests. Anything for His Highness!


We get out and just sit on the hood of the $200,000 car watching the surfers attack the high tide. The sun begins to set. We put our arms around each other and enjoy the perfect ocean breeze.


Prince Julian strokes my hair. I run my hands down his strong back. As the afternoon turns into early evening, we begin to kiss right there on the hood of the Bentley. I feel his hands slowly slide over my breasts. I have to say, getting felt up on the hood of a such a nice car isn’t such a bad way to begin a date!


Things begin to get hot and heavy really quick. Prince Julian runs his hands up inside my shirt and begins to fondle me. I grab the hard bulge over his jeans. I give that hard, Royal cock a nice squeeze.


“Let’s get inside the car,” the Prince whispers into my ear. Oh fuck! We’re going to do it right on the side of the highway! We jump into the back seat, which is much bigger than I expected for a coupe.


The Prince pulls down my skirt while I pull off my blouse. I proceed to yank off the Prince’s shirt while he unzips his jeans. The hot royal unhooks my bra and pushes me onto my back. He begins to suck and lick my breasts like a horny teen on prom night.


Before it know it we are fucking in the back seat of this Bentley Coupe. The windows start to fog up. The Prince begins to fuck me so hard, my face presses against the fogged out window. I moan and scream as I am plowed without mercy.

We get out of the car and use the cool ocean breeze as a way to lower our temperatures down from the impromptu car romp. We put our arms around each other as we look out at the early evening sky.


“So where do you live?” the Prince asks me.


“I live on Venice Beach.”


“I have never been there. I hear it is an exciting place.”


“Well, that is one way to describe it.”


“Let’s go.”


We get back into the Bentley and head down to my part of LA. This is so weird. The Prince and I feel like boyfriend and girlfriend. Prince Julian speeds the Bentley through Santa Monica and into Venice. I guide him down the alleyways leading to my apartment building.


“So you live around here.”


“I share a place with a roommate.”


“Can I see it?” the Prince asks me.


“Are you kidding?” I ask.


“No. It would be nice to see your place.”


Well, this is unexpected. I guide the Prince to my place. The Royal parks his Bentley in the alleyway next to a sleeping homeless guy. We get out and head up the stairs. I am sure this is the first time a member of Royalty has been inside my rent controlled apartment.


I open the door. Thankfully, my roommate isn’t home. That would be hard to explain. The first thing that hits me is the usual smell of marijuana and unwashed clothing. I am really fucking embarrassed right now. All I can do is smile and hope that the Prince is not too turned off by my crappy apartment.


“This isn’t so bad. We have many apartments in my Principality that are smaller in size,” the Prince explains while he walks around the living room. For a guy worth well over a billion dollars, the Prince seems rather at home in this 650 square foot apartment.


“It is probably a step down from what you are used to,” I say.


“Yes. But it has its own charm. You are close to the beach,” the Prince tells me as he tries to look on the bright side of having a rental place in the homeless capital of the Western world.

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