His Reluctant Bodyguard

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Authors: Loucinda McGary

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His Reluctant Bodyguard
Adventure Cruise Line [2]
Loucinda McGary

The last person cruise director Avery Knox expected to see aboard her very first trip out on Valiant is former college football star, Rip Pollendene. A decade ago, she had turned down his advances at the University of Miami and lived to regret her decision. Why is she so reluctant to take the second chance she's been handed?

Rip Pollendene is the heir apparent to a beautiful island nation. But it's a heritage Rip has ignored and rejected for twenty years. Now his homeland is on the brink of a bloody civil war with outside forces trying to manipulate the outcome. Is that why someone wants him dead?

How much should Rip sacrifice for a country he hardly knows? And is it sheer coincidence that has thrown golden girl Avery Knox back into his life? Can they stay alive long enough to find out if their love really is meant to be?

His Reluctant Bodyguard is the second book in the Adventure Cruise Line series.




Copyright © 2012 by

All rights reserved. With the exception of quotes used in reviews, no part of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the author.

This book is a work of fiction and all characters, names, places and events portrayed in this book are fictitious or used in a fictitious manner. Any
similarities to real persons living or dead, actual locales or events is
purely coincidental and not intended by the author.

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In loving memory of my dear friend and First Reader Extraordinaire
A. Farley, who read my work for decades (even the naughty parts that made her blush) and always offered encouragement and helpful advice from her unique perspective.
lived her own happily-ever-after with her best friend and hero for fifty-nine years. She passed away in 2012 just eleven days after he did. Rest in peace,
, and I hope you know how much your friendship meant to me.

And for Dave who provided inspiration and never-ending support for this story. Thank you for believing in me and my writing even if I didn't always believe in myself.

Chapter 1

Wind whipped in Rip
face and flipped his sweatshirt hood back as the cruiser sped across the dark, smooth surface of the water.

"There she is up ahead." Rip followed the pointing finger of his companion Agent Dante Williams and saw the strings of white lights that marked the cruise ship Valiant. "Not much longer now," Williams added, stifling a yawn.
"Been a long night."

Rip gave a slight nod of agreement at the CIA agent's understatement. This was hardly the way he'd planned to return home. Matter of fact, retuning to his boyhood home of
hadn't been his intention at all until some guy took a pot-shot at him right in the middle of the fund-raising dinner for his alma mater U of Miami.

Several long hours and countless miles of
dark ocean
had elapsed, but their objective was finally in sight. Rip could see the white bulky shape growing closer with each passing moment. Their skipper had been in radio contact with the captain of Valiant, and everything was prepared for their arrival. Too bad Rip didn't feel equally ready.

"Tell me again how we're getting from this itty bitty boat into that -- that behemoth?" he asked Williams.

"Wow, a jock who uses big words." The agent mocked with the patronizing attitude he'd displayed most of the evening.

"In case you hadn't noticed, it's a big ship," Rip retorted, but bit back anything personal he might have added. No point sinking to Williams' level. "And we're supposed to jump from the deck through a doorway they open? Please tell me we'll all be standing still when it happens."

"They can't exactly stop those big boys on a dime." Even in the darkness, Rip could see Williams rolling his eyes with derision. "Besides, ACL is doing a lot to accommodate us, so no. We won't be standing still." He gestured at their skipper and mate. "These guys know what they're doing. Don't be scared of falling in, Pretty Boy."

Rip started to ask if he looked scared, but thought better of it. The fund-raiser he and his assistant Luc
had attended had been a formal event. He'd taken off his tuxedo jacket, shirt, and bow tie and put on the
, but he still wore his dress shoes and slacks. He might not look scared but he was relatively certain he looked pretty damn

"Fine," he muttered, wishing for the jeans and sneakers Williams had changed into from his own piece of luggage.

All Rip had
a small duffle bag with some very basic items toiletries and the sweatshirt he now wore. At least he wouldn't have too much more time to worry about leaping from one moving watercraft to another, for Valiant loomed up on their left side pretty much filling his field of vision. They hit the wake of the big ship and their much smaller vessel bounced and banged across the waves before they turned to pull parallel with Valiant. As they skimmed alongside, Rip heard their skipper cut back the engine and felt their speed decrease. He supposed he should be grateful that Valiant was moving a lot slower than they had been, but the dark water still seemed to be moving too fast for him to feel much comfort.

While he tried to count the number of stories on the cruise liner, Williams disappeared into the cabin for a moment and re-emerged with their duffle bags. Rip took out his wallet and shoved it into his almost empty bag. Just in case the worse happened and he did fall into the water, his money and ID wouldn't get wet. He ignored Williams' contemptuous snort.

Their boat slowed further, and the mate brushed past him and Williams to climb out onto the front deck. Two wide double doors
open on
side about five or six feet above the water line. Rip saw several blue-clad
milling inside the ship.

"Hand me your bags," the mate shouted as the skipper adjusted their speed to match the big ship.

Rip passed his over, noting how easily the man balanced on the slick, moving deck.

"Heads up!"
The mate shouted and when two crewmen moved to either side of the door, he easily tossed Rip's duffel through the opening into one man's waiting arms. Williams' bag was obviously much heavier, for the mate had to grip it with both hands before he slung it across.

Ah shit, here we go!
Rip's mouth went dry with the realization that he really had to do this.

"Want me to go first and show you how it's done?" Williams asked, but Rip shouldered him aside.

"No, I'll go first." He wiped his sweaty palms on his pant legs and climbed up next to the mate.

He could feel every movement of the boat, and as he'd suspected, just standing on the front deck was harder than it looked. Taking a couple of deep breaths, he struggled to maintain his balance. He’d managed to stay on his feet in more difficult situations back in his football days.

The wiry mate gripped his shoulder to help him maintain his balance. "Piece o' cake," the man encouraged. "Those guys will catch you same as they did the bags."

Rip refrained from mentioning that at six four and two thirty, he was considerably bigger than any piece of luggage. Instead, he clenched his jaw, focused on the open doorway bobbing a few feet away, and leaped.

The second in mid-air seemed to stretch an eternity -- like all those times on the field when he'd reached out to catch the football and it seemed to hang just beyond his grasp. But that long moment of free-fall ended with his feet hitting the floor of the ship in mid-stride. Two crewmen grabbed his arms and Rip's momentum nearly propelled all three of them into a wall. Fortunately, they stopped in time.

Exhilarated by the adrenalin rush, he turned his head to say thanks only to see Williams flying through the doors. But the agent's landing was not nearly as successful as his. Rip watched helplessly as the crewman reaching for Williams' left arm stumbled and missed. Overbalanced, the other crewman and Williams went down in a heap with the agent yelping in pain as they landed.

A flurry of swear words and hustling bodies ensued until a man in a white uniform, obviously an officer, stepped into the fray. "Are you all right, sir?" he asked in a Scandinavian accent. "Do you need the doctor?"

"No," Williams quickly answered, pulling what Rip recognized as a 'tough-guy' routine. "I'll be fine."

But when the officer helped him stand, Rip noticed Williams winced and didn't put any weight on his left foot.

"You sure you're okay?" Rip asked, picking up both duffle bags.

Williams shot him a steely glare. "Yes." Then he snatched his bag from Rip's hand and turned to the officer. "Just get us to our room."

"Of course.
This way, gentlemen."

Rip took a last glance at the smaller boat speeding away in the darkness before the crewmen closed and secured the metal doors.
What the hell have I gotten myself into?
He wondered, and not for the first time, as he followed Williams and the officer to a set of elevators. Even though he had no interest in the political situation on a scrap of land in the Caribbean, apparently plenty of others did, including the US government.

At this late hour, no passengers were out and about so the elevator opened immediately. Rip and Williams followed the officer inside. He pushed the top button. Fourteen, though thirteen was conspicuously missing,
noticed. The elevator whisked them up without stopping.

"The agency deeply appreciates ACL and the crew of
assistance in this delicate matter." Williams reeled off the party line as the elevator halted and the door slid open.

Their guide nodded absently, the epitome of 'just following orders,' and led the way around a corner to a single private elevator in the middle of an empty hallway.
The three of them filed into the small space for the short ride up a single floor.
When the door opened, a wide lobby greeted them with only four doors, one in each corner with a brass nameplate mounted beside each. As they walked by the first door, Rip read the plaque: African Safari Suite.

Their "room" was actually a suite. Things were definitely looking up.

While Williams limped slowly behind, Rip eagerly kept pace with the officer, who stopped beside the door which was designated Wilderness Retreat Suite.

"Your butler
will be on duty at 8 a.m." The man swung the door open wide. "He will have your key cards and a light breakfast. Please let him know if you require anything else."

Rip stepped into the room which was decorated to resemble a rustic hunting lodge with heavy wooden furniture and a fake electric fireplace against one wall with a fifty-two inch flat screen TV mounted over it. "Thanks, this is great!" But before he could shake the man's hand, Williams dragged up, muttered a half-hearted thank you and the officer disappeared.

As soon as the door shut, Williams collapsed into the nearest chair. Rip decided to take advantage of the situation and headed for the master bedroom to stake his claim. It was bigger than his bedroom back home in Redondo Beach with a much larger master bath.

!" he declared, eyeing the

At least he'd get to relax for a couple of days before he had to wade into the morass that the CIA claimed had engulfed his former homeland. Except when he'd attended his father's funeral eighteen months ago, he hadn't set foot on
since he’d been a child. He never really thought about the fact that his uncle Jean Jacques
had ruled the island for over thirty years, and his own father
was the military muscleman who kept him there. When
died suddenly eighteen months ago, Rip's cousin Jean
had taken over command, a situation that suited Rip just fine. But if Williams and his buddies were to be believed, there were others in the West Indies and beyond who were ready to seize control of
, just as the
brothers had three decades earlier. Only this time, the US government didn't want the balance of power to shift in a direction they didn't like. Rip wouldn't have cared, but someone had tried to shoot him, and he intended to find out who and why. The CIA wanted him to go to
and that seemed to
to be a good place to start.

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