His Other Woman: A Renny and Rachel Christmas Romance (3 page)

BOOK: His Other Woman: A Renny and Rachel Christmas Romance
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I followed behind, even more bewildered as to why Ren would choose someone to love who was so much older than him. Wasn’t he afraid that in a few years I would be in the same place as either of his parents? I already had trouble finishing sentences because words would just fly out of my brain right before I was going to say them. It drove people around me nutso, especially Sam, my editor.

“Finish, dammit, Rachel, finish your sentence, I have work to do,” he would impatiently demand.

“Oh, I know what I was about to say, go fuck yourself Sam.” That always went over so well.

Did I think I had Alzheimer’s? Not really. Turned out that losing words here and there was fairly common once you hit 50 but what did I know. I might be just a few years away from Jonathan, living my life in the past. I groaned thinking about it. With my luck I’d spend my golden years reliving Iraq and Afghanistan. The thought made me glad I lived in the only Right To Die state.

We got Jonathan settled in the great room, some tea in his hand and a couple of cakes and he seemed to be fine. He and Ruth spoke quietly and I could see the deep, deep affection that ran between them. That was so nice to see since I had grown up in a very contentious family. This family had problems, yes, but there was so much love in the house that I truly envied them.





There was no nonsense about us sleeping in separate rooms. Renny led me into his ‘wing’ of the house and my jaw just kept dropping. Truly, with a home like this, why would you ever leave it?

Ren’s wing had his enormous bedroom, the biggest bathroom I have ever seen, a sitting room and a music room. Apparently, this was the ‘small’ music room and there was a full recording studio in Garret’s wing. Their last two albums –including the Platinum one –had been recorded there. I’ve never thought money was all that important but maybe I was wrong. If this is what it bought, I wanted some. Having met Ruth and Jonathan I understood that a lot of all this was to remain close to them, make them an integral part of the family as long as possible. I had no doubt both of them would die in this house. Money could guarantee that as well.

My suitcase was sitting on a bench at the end of the bed. Renny’s was already unpacked and put away. He showed me the drawers he had emptied for me and where I could hang my one skirt and blouse. He lay on the bed as I unpacked and raised his eyebrows at my new Marlene-approved panties. For old times sake, I threw one at him. He inhaled it and left it plastered on his face which is where it was when Garrett popped in without knocking.

“That is an excellent look on you, baby brother,” he said, lolling next to him on the bed. “Hey, Rach.”

“Hey, Garrett,” I said as I scooped up the panties from the bed and stuffed them into the drawer with the others.

“So whatcha’ think?’ he asked me.

“I think you should probably knock next time.” Renny laughed but Garrett turned a slight pink.

“Ah, c’mon, I’m the only bro here without a lovely lady to keep me warm. I need to live vicariously and Claire put a deadbolt on their house. You guys are all I have.”

“You can watch Beatrice and Benedict,” Rennie said.

Garrett started singing;

“Alpaca love, it’s so fine,

alpaca love, quite the climb,

oo,oo,oo, I loves me some alpaca love.”

“That was the most beautiful love song about bestiality I have ever heard,” I teased as I put my suitcase in the giant walk-in closet.

“I’d venture it’s the only love song about bestiality you’ve heard,” Garret said.

“I was in Afghanistan for two years, Garrett. They love their animals there. I mean they
their animals.”

“That is sick,” he made a gagging noise.

“I don’t know, bro, I remember when we toured in Afghanistan, I saw you eyeing that furry donkey,” Renny teased.

“I was hungry not horny.”

“Hard to tell with you.”

“True. Either way I’ll be eating something.”

“Hey, hey, guys, I’m in the room.”

“Sorry Rachel,” Garrett rose, “but you better get used to it if you’re coming on the road with us. We are disgusting. See you guys at dinner.” He drifted out, making a point to close, and lock, the door. “You’ve got about an hour.”

I turned to Renny. “Um, what?”

“You heard the man,” he patted the bed, “an hour to christen this virgin bed.”

“Not that. What was that about coming on the road with you? What don’t I know?”

“I asked them what they thought about you coming, that’s all. They’re cool with it.’

“You didn’t think asking me might be the first step?”

“You don’t have to go.”

“Good. I can’t think of anything worse.”

“Really? ‘Cause you just admitted spending two years around camel fuckers.”

I threw myself at him and we rolled around, doing romantic, childish things like tickling, laughing, while Renny made Camel noises. I actually forgot where we were and unzipped my little camel’s jeans. Despite my recent ruminations about senility I was in the moment now. And it was a moment I knew I’d love remembering over and over and over.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *

We went downstairs to a beautiful formal dining room. It could hold close to 20 people but tonight it held only four, Renny, Garret, Ruth and myself. Jonathan was already in bed. He had a headache Ruth told us. Garret and Renny exchanged a look, part worry, part knowing. Ruth also looked a bit tired. It had to be a huge weight to have all these people descending on the household at a time when her husband was clearly ill.

I also found out that Ruth had just started using the walker and hated it. She didn’t think she really needed it but after double knee surgery her doctor had insisted.

The dinner was some kind of chicken thing, delicious, but I could barely get a mouthful down. Something about being around Ruth made me incredibly nervous. I knew she was the one I had to impress. Jonathan had been easy; love a man’s alpacas and you are in. Renny had finally told me Ruth didn’t get along with Claire because Claire insisted on having her own opinions. They’d had a huge blow-out over what color couch Claire wanted in her living room. In her
living room. Apparently Ruth believes only earth tone colors are appropriate and the bright red sofa Claire picked was tantamount to trailer décor. Wow. Renny didn’t have to tell me to keep my mouth shut after that, I couldn’t have expressed myself if I tried. For the first time in my life I wanted to be a good, little girl, just there to support her man. I knew these people were everything to him and I was not about to make it a showdown between them and me, mostly because I knew I would lose big time.

As soon as dessert was served Ruth pushed it aside and opened a file folder next to her plate.

“Oh God,” Garrett moaned.

She passed a typed, precise itinerary for the next day to each of us.  As I looked at mine Renny leaned over and whispered, “Now you see where I get my spontaneous nature.”

I guffawed causing Ruth to look at me. “The boys like to make fun of me but when there’s this many people to account for you have to be organized. For some reason none of the men in this family have learned that lesson.”

“That’s what we have Jed for,” Said Renny.

“I thought Jed was your driver?”

“He’s our road manager as well,” Renny answered.

“He’s their babysitter,” Ruth joined in, with a smile.

spy,” Garrett added.

“He has to make a living somehow since you never remember to pay him, poor dear boy,” she said, actually laughing a bit.

I liked this side of Ruth, loving, open and with a sense of humor. I got a sense of what she must be like in happier times. She was intense, smart, a wiseass and clearly loved her boys. She reminded me a little bit of myself. Okay, a lot of myself.  Freud would have been delighted.

I looked over at Renny and then at Garrett.  Ruth may drive them crazy, always insisting they be better men but then she had done a damn good job with them. Even Garrett was polite when he had to be and for all his womanizing I could see he respected the women in his family. That was the obviously Ruth’s doing.

We all read through the day’s activities, asking Ruth questions about what was expected of us. Apparently, nothing was expected of me, although the rest of the family had jobs throughout the day, including Claire. There was an outdoor gathering starting around noon. People could swim or play games on the massive lawns. It was Ren’s job to set up the croquet field and the lawn bowling. Garrett was in charge of stocking the ice chests and coolers around the yard and stocking them with an assortment of family friendly drinks. Reade and Claire got the inside of the house, helping keep the buffet stocked and acting as welcome committee.

There was a huge musical sing-along planned for the late afternoon. It sounded epic and I looked forward to my very own Taylor Brothers, cousins, uncles, aunts, etc. concert.

If nothing else, it would give me the chance to gaze at Renny adoringly without anyone noticing. I had to admit that gazing at Renny, watching him move, gesture with his lithe hands, see his eyes crinkle and his dimples dimple was still one of my greatest past times. I was in love. Like a school kid. In looooooove! “Renny and Rachel sitting in a tree …” We hadn’t done that yet but there were plenty of big, hardy trees around.  I wouldn’t count it out.

After the sing-along there was an hour break for everyone to gussy up for the formal dinner. Tables and chairs were going to be set up all over, inside and out with linen tablecloths, waiters and the whole works. I was extremely glad I had let Marlene talk me into my velvet and silk number. I wouldn’t disgrace Renny or myself.

After dinner seemed looser. Cigars, brandy, more music, maybe some dancing by the pool. A full day and hopefully a day I could get through without having to answer too many questions about my relationship with Renny; how serious are we, were we going to get married, have children, grow old together? Questions I had no answers to, even for myself. I doubted that answering those questions with a quick, “Oh, we’re just having fun! We sure do love to have sex!” would go over very well in conservative Tennessee.

“Ruth,” I said just as we were all getting up to leave, “I’d love to help out. Isn’t there anything I can do to help tomorrow?”

“How nice of you to ask. I’m sure everyone will want to meet you and hear all about your … life.”

I was shut out, clear as a bell. Not part of the family. Bitch, get back!

As she struggled with the walker out the door, refusing Garrett’s help, she turned back to me. “There is one thing you can do for me, Rachel.”

“Yes, anything.”

“Help Claire with the baby, if you would, so she can mingle a bit. You do like babies, don’t you?”

I stuttered, “Of course. Love ‘em. Can’t wait.” I said back to her and then whispered to a smirking Renny, “Shut up Taylor.”

He laughed but I was feeling better. I was at least considered adequate to care for the grandchild. I patted myself on the back until Renny gave me the real deal.

“Claudine is teething and Mother can’t stand crying babies. That’s why they weren’t at dinner tonight. You just bought yourself a day of sitting inside with a cranky tot.”

I deflated. “So, in essence, your Mother just removed me from the gathering.”

“Not in essence, in reality.”

“I thought she was getting to like me a little.”

“I think she does like you. She just doesn’t like you with me. Don’t sweat it, she was the same with Jas. She actually, outwardly, disliked Jasmine. She called her the “carnivore” behind her back.”

“Great. What’s she call me, the “cougar?”

“Not yet, but there is still time to charm her with your wily ways, baby girl.”



One of the things I liked about my relationship with Renny was the fighting. He was an ace, number one, go for the gusto, fighter. Yes, my very own Petruchio - Indiana Jones - Rhett Butler tough guy! I wouldn’t be too thrilled if he slapped me but he could carry me up any stairs, any time and ravage me. I’d hardly put up a fight!

Because, see, that’s the second best thing about Renny and me, we know how to make up! It was so worth the fighting just for the make-up sex.  I think I might have picked a few kerfuffles just to raise the bar (and other things!)

As soon as we were back in our side of the house I started in about the tour. Renny wanted to kick back, watch some TV and go to bed, but I was not having it. I stood directly in front of the TV forcing him to lean all the way over to the left in his, vain, attempt to ignore me. Finally, he gave up and fell back on his charm offensive. It still gets me but I’ve gotten used to minimizing its effect on me.

“Hey sweetheart, sit with me and let’s snuggle up. Anything you want to watch?”

“Cut the BS Renny Taylor. What’s this about touring again?”

“Oh yeah, guess what? Great news! We just booked a tour of the southern states. We’re heading out right after the New Year. Cool, huh?”


“That’s why I talked it over with the bros and we agreed that you were –are –more than welcome to come with us. Fun, huh?”

“Fun? No. Torture? Yes.”

“Don’t you want to be with me?”

“You, yes? The rest of the band and crew? Not so much. Why in the world would you think I’d want to travel around in a smelly tour bus with a passel of smelly men?”

“First, it doesn’t smell. Second, pardon me for thinking the woman who says she loves me might want to actually spend time with me.”

“I have a life too Renny.”

“But you can write anywhere.”


“I’ll make sure the guys give you plenty of space. Anyway, you’re done with the big stuff, right? You’re just revising, right?”

“Just revising. Wow. You know nothing about writing a book do you?”

“Uh, no. I don’t but I fear I am going to find out. Why are you so mad?”

“You never even asked me if I wanted to come along.”

“I just assumed ...”

“That’s right, you just assumed. Just like every other man on this frickin’ planet, you just assumed. What? That I had no life until you came along? That writing my little book was just a way to fill up time until you swept me off my feet? I have no life in Portland? No friends? Groups? LIFE?”

“Hey, forget it. God forbid I tried to spend time with you.”

“I thought we were going to spend time after Christmas. New Year’s in Portland, remember?”

“This tour thing just sort of presented itself. I couldn’t say no. The guys really need the work. Not Garrett or Reade but all the roadies and back-up band. It’s not just me that’s affected.”

“No, it’s not but I know better than to believe a tour just pops up out of nowhere. You knew this was coming and you lied to me about coming back with me.”

“I was not lying. I wasn’t sure the tour was going to happen.”

“You omitted there was the possibility.”

“That’s not lying!” He was so steamed. Calling him a liar is apparently, not cool with him. Tough titties!

“I can’t stand a man who lies to me, not after… you were supposed to be different!”

“I am Not Steve.”

“How can I tell the difference? You lie to me, disregard my feelings, and belittle my work.”

“Oh for Christ’s sake! I do NOT belittle your work. I thought you could just as well write with me than back in Portland. Then I wouldn’t have to miss you so much. I thought it would be FUN!”


Renny came over to me, put his arms around me and whispered in my ear, “Ever had sex in a pool?” I couldn’t help but laugh. Was there nothing sex couldn’t solve for this man?

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *

The pool was so warm. Renny switched off all the lights in the pool and the backyard before we shed our clothes and slipped silently into the warm, crisp water. The only light was the moon and it was enormous. Living in a city I forget that the sky can be so bright without other light to compete with it.

I had been skinny-dipping before, I mean I am a child of the 70’s and I grew up in Southern California but this was truly a magical night. First of all, it was very cold. Even though this part of Tennessee doesn’t get a lot of snow it sure felt cold enough. Then the night light show, always a win. And finally, a naked man swimming with me. So, yeah, magical and uber-sexy.

It was after midnight and everyone else appeared to have gone to sleep. We had to keep our voices down which became a bit harder as the night wore on. (Other things became harder too but I think that goes without saying.) I totally loved this pool! Because it was a salt water pool everything was naturally buoyant. My boobs actually looked perky!

As we worked our way through the water we would bob in the deep end, kissing and touching while effortlessly floating. It was a little like making out in the womb. I wonder what Freud would have said about that?

We finally came to a stop, pressed against the wall of the pool, Renny deep inside me and slowly making our way towards … the … ah …. Final Outcome, when we jumped apart at a small cough coming from above us on the pool deck.

Standing in full naked glory was Garrett.

“Looks like fun. Mind if I join in?”

To say it was any woman’s dream come true, two amazingly handsome men wanting to frolic in a pool in the au naturel, is a massive understatement. All I could do was laugh. And blush. Garrett is … well, let’s say certain things seem to run in their family.

Renny was pissed.

“Get out of here, you perv,” he almost shouted at his brother.

“Now, wait a minute,” I took Renny’s hand, “let’s think about this.”

Renny looked apoplectic. “What the …. No! Leave Garrett!”

“I don’t know little brother, seems your lady here might want me to stay. You know what they say, why settle for one Taylor brother when you can have two?”

“No one says that,” I broke in. “So, tell me Garrett, what are you exactly bringing to the table?”

“You can’t be serious,” Renny said, staring at me as though I was an alien.

Garrett plunked down on the side of the pool, laughing. “I must admit I wasn’t, but now I’m a little intrigued. Let’s see, what do I bring to the table?” He grabbed his half hard schlong and waggled it at us. “Well, there’s this.”

“Looks like it’s got a few too many miles on it. Besides, I have a perfectly good one right here, “I said, pointing at the still flabbergasted Renny. “What do you offer that he doesn’t?”

“Well, I do believe that a woman has more than one orifice, if I’m not mistaken,” Garret winked at me.

“That is true. What exactly did you have in mind?”

“You have to be off your gourds, both of you.”

“But Ren, sweetheart, you told me to try out new things, expand my horizons and if I like it maybe I’ll agree to come on the tour, in more ways than one. I hadn’t considered what the possibilities might be for me.” I could be as raunchy as any Marine. I was loving this. Payback Renny for not telling me about the tour.

I really thought Renny was going to explode. Then he looked from Garrett and back to me and started to laugh.

“Okay. Whose idea was this?”

“I had no knowledge he was going to come out here waving his flag,” I said, laughing myself, “but, hey, when in Rome …”

“This isn’t Rome and he’s a depraved pervert.”

“Hey!” Garrett exclaimed, “I’m not the one out here boinking my girlfriend ten feet from my parents’ bedroom.”

“He has a point Renny.”

“At Christmas!”

“Really, you are so right Garrett, at Christmas. What were we thinking?”

“I hate you both right now,” Renny said, making his way to the shallow end of the pool.

“You just going to leave me here with him? The pervert?” I asked Renny as he got out and grabbed a towel from a chair.

“Depraved pervert, full title please,” Garrett chimed in.

“Fuck you both,” Renny announced and flung open the door to his side of the house.

“You think he’s really mad?” I asked Garrett. I was afraid we had gone a little too far with our joke.

“No way. He’s already plotting his revenge, keep your eyes open.” He got up and grabbed the other towel on the chair. He wrapped it around his middle and sauntered into his side of the house, leaving me stranded, naked and alone, in the pool.

Ah well, I thought. You win some, you lose some.

I flipped on to my back and floated effortlessly and enjoyed the night sky. Tomorrow was going to be a tough one, better to enjoy the peace and quiet when I could.

The silence before the storm.

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