His Not So Sensible Miss (A Gentleman's Guide to Once Upon a Time - Book 3) (19 page)

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Authors: Jane Charles

Tags: #romance regency romance historical romance

BOOK: His Not So Sensible Miss (A Gentleman's Guide to Once Upon a Time - Book 3)
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I might add that I have
never once discussed attending the theater with her, but she
certainly convinced my mother we had.”

I’ve never discussed it
with Claresta nor Her Grace either.”

Lady Claresta realized
early on that it was you, not she, who had caught my

Emily tilted her head to look at him,
her eyes narrowed with irritation. “Did the two of you plan the
events of this evening?”

Dillon laughed. “No. This was all Lady
Claresta’s doing. I was as surprised as you. Though I don’t think
she acted alone.”

How do you know? Who

Noah is the one who invited
me to join your group. Whether it was of his own volition or at the
request of Lady Claresta I do not know. Actually, I’m not sure I
care since we are now here.”

I still don’t see how it’s
possible, your plan.”

Dillon signed. “Truthfully, I don’t
either. I couldn’t think beyond finding a chance to explain and
obtaining your agreement.”

You caught onto her plan
much more quickly then I.”

Not the whole of it,

Still, the choice of Romeo
and Juliet was not a coincidence.”

Dillon laughed again. “No, I don’t
believe it was.” Sobering, he leaned forward and grabbed her hands.
“I’ll find a way we can meet. Let’s just hope for a different

I agree.” Emily smiled in

To meet or to avoid a
tragic ending?”

Emily laughed. “Both.”

Grinning, Dillon tapped on the roof of
the carriage signaling the driver to take them to the duke’s home.
Pulling her close, he kissed her again, keeping his hands on her
waist, until the carriage slowed and stopped.



Chapter 11


Dillon sat behind his desk the
following morning, mapping out his plans. He knew in his heart they
belonged together, but so much was at stake. Though he used his
finances as an excuse, there was a much deeper reason why he
couldn’t make a misstep in this action. He had to protect Celia,
even at the cost of his own happiness, and now Emily’s, if it came
to that. Few knew of his devotion to the young woman. Nobody
outside of his family had ever learned of her existence or what she
meant to him, except Professor Frasier and Marius. Professor
Frasier had understood and had been extremely helpful all those
years ago. Dillon was willing to sacrifice everything to have
Emily, except for Celia.

It was too early to tell Emily about
Celia, but in time he knew he would have to confess the whole of
it. He just prayed she was as understanding as her father had

Noah found him making lists when he

Can I assume Claresta made
a complete recovery upon leaving the theater?” Dillon asked as his
friend walked into the room.

It was remarkable. A true
miracle.” Noah settled into the seat in front of the

Dillon grunted and poured a cup of
coffee which he handed to his friend. “I need your

How so?”

Emily has agreed to a
courtship, so to speak,” Dillon began. It didn’t sound honorable
even to his own ears, even when he had the most honorable
intentions in mind. Still, he couldn’t do this without the support
of his friends.

In secret, without your
mother knowing,” Noah prompted.

Yes. Are you willing to
give aid?”

What would happen if your
mother knew? How much power does she have?”

She’ll cut me off

You have investments,” Noah
reminded him.

Everything is tied up at
the moment. She could choose to have me vacate this townhouse, then
I would have to live with her, unless you would offer me a roof
over my head.” He grinned at Noah, only half joking because he may
just need to beg his friend for a place to stay. “My next quarterly
isn’t due until next month. I need to appease her for that long
until I have the funds.”

Then after?”

By then, I hope to know for
sure if Emily and I are meant to be together. I really don’t doubt
it, but living in the country is far different than going about in
society and I need to be sure before I fight my

Suppose you marry.” Noah
leaned forward and placed his cup on the desk. “What could she

I wouldn’t see even a
shilling until my father passed on. Then she would have no

Noah whistled in

She would cut me off
completely now if she had even an inkling to my plans. I can’t give
her that ammunition yet.” Besides, he couldn’t risk any harm to
Celia, he added to himself.

Have you thought beyond
what you would do if you and Emily married?”

I have the cottage and the
land. Nobody can take that away from me. Beyond that, I know I’ll
need to find employment.”

You have thought this
through.” Noah sounded impressed.

Some. I don’t yet know if
Emily is willing to marry me and even if she were, how she would
feel about being married to a poor, working man and living in the
small cottage.”

She had wanted the cottage
for herself.”

Yes, but she is also used
to living in the duke’s household and used to the finer things in
life. How do you think she would feel knowing that the cottage
wasn’t just for an escape but a home forever?”

I don’t believe she would

It is a huge step and there
are gentlemen who could offer much more.”

Noah sat back in the chair, cradled the
cup in his hands and thoughtfully looking at Dillon. He would love
to know what his friend was thinking. “Emily is in agreement to the
secretive manner of this courtship?”

Yes, surprisingly enough.”
Dillon hoped Noah would be a friend to them both.

Your intentions are
honorable?” he questioned outright.

You know they are.” He was
affronted that Noah would ask such a question.

Very well, I’ll help.
However, if you hurt her in anyway, you’ll answer to

Thank you.” If Noah helped,
the others would follow suit. With such a supportive group behind
him, Dillon didn’t believe they could fail.


* * *


Claresta was sitting at the breakfast
table alone the following morning when Emily entered. “I hope
you’re feeling better. I was so worried about you.” She took a seat
next to the girl.

I am better, though still
somewhat weak and tired.” She did sound rather pathetic, and if she
didn’t look so well-rested with a healthy glow Emily may have
actually believed her, maybe.

Then perhaps you should be
in bed.”

No, I am sure I’ll feel
better once I have had my tea.”

Emily rolled her eyes and rose to fill
her plate from the sideboard. “The play was marvelous. It is too
bad you couldn’t stay for the end.”

Claresta didn’t respond, but watched
Emily expectantly as she placed her plate on the table and settled
in her seat once again.

I even cried at the end.
Mr. Chambers was kind enough to loan me his handkerchief.” Emily
took it from her pocket and dangled it in front of Clarista’s face.
“I thought perhaps you would like to have it.”

Me?” Claresta’s eyes grew
large. “Why would I want it?”

I thought you had a tender
for him. It certainly appeared that way last night when you begged
him to stay because you would be crushed if he missed the
performance on your behalf.” Emily dabbed mock tears from her
cheeks with Dillon’s handkerchief.

Claresta pursed her lips and narrowed
her eyes. “You knew all along?”

I had my suspicions at the
time. It wasn’t until I was alone in the carriage with Mr. Chambers
that the truth of your illness came to light.”

He had no way of knowing I
wasn’t ill,” Claresta defended.

No, but he knew you were
supportive in giving him a chance to speak with me.”

Well?” the girl asked,
dismissing her part in the deception.

What we talked about was
between the two of us. What I want to know is how you feel about
Mr. Chambers, truly.”

Claresta studied Emily with a tilt of
her head. “I think he is a handsome, charming gentleman. I enjoy
his company very much as well as dancing with him.”

That was what Emily had been afraid of.
Dillon had read Claresta all wrong. She did have a tender for him.
Their plan would never work.

I also know he is smitten
with you,” Claresta added.

I wouldn’t go that

Claresta snorted in the most unladylike
manner. “He is as smitten with you as I think you are with

It is of no consequence. I
would not see you hurt.”

This time Claresta laughed. “Mr.
Chambers may be all that I have said but I am not attracted to him,
not in a way one should be attracted to a suitor.”

Emily narrowed her eyes. “Are you being
truthful with me?”

Emily, I can tell how he
feels about you by the way his eyes light when he asks about you,
which is often. You get the same expectant look on your face as
well. I knew immediately where his heart lay the moment we met.
And, even if he did not feel this way about you and you him, I
would still not have considered him for myself. I think we could be
great friends, but never anything more.”

Claresta was sincere, and for that
Emily was grateful. She could never live with herself if she caused
Claresta any kind of pain.

So, are you going to allow
him to court you?”

Emily hesitated. How much should she
tell her friend? “Are you willing to help?” Emily asked

I was already prepared to
allow him to openly court me. After all, it serves my purposes as

That was the oddest thing Claresta
could have said. “How so? Won’t his presence discourage would be

You know that was my
intention before we came to London. To discourage suitors that is.
I didn’t know I would have an ally in Mr. Chambers.” Claresta
laughed. “His mother will be happy, I’ll be happy and you’ll be
happy. I don’t see any need to alter the situation.”

Thank you.” It was all
Emily could get out with being so overwhelmed with emotion. She
couldn’t believe Claresta was willing to do this for her. Whether
she believed it or not, she was making a sacrifice by not making
herself more openly available. Emily would have to find a way to
show her appreciation. “What of your parents?” She couldn’t bear
the thought that they could be hurt in this, or angry with their

Claresta was thoughtful for a moment.
“I think mother suspects. She knows what Chambers and my feelings
are for each other. She also knew I was not ill last night. I think
she is willing to give you her blessing.”

Perhaps so, if it wasn’t
done so secretly.”

Oh, I don’t know.” Claresta
smiled. “Remember how well she handled Mrs. Chambers last

Emily slowly smiled. Her Grace had
indeed led Mrs. Chambers to believe a few falsehoods. Still, it
wouldn’t be wise to openly flaunt her secret courtship in front of
the duchess, if one could openly flaunt a secret. Emily would have
to think on that one.


* * *

Noah had called the gathering of all
their friends and wives and the met in the Sandlin library. Dillon
quickly offered a more detailed explanation of his courtship in the
country, without the intimate details. A few eyebrows were raised
by the gentlemen and the ladies smirked. Dillon suspected they were
all probably wondering what details he was leaving out. He then
added how he would be financially ruined if he openly pursued Emily
and eventually married her.

Marius wandered the room, reviewing the
library shelves while Dillon explained.

I now understand why Emily
looked as if she would like to have killed him that night,” Martin

Marius lifted a book from the shelf and
settled into a chair.

The rest of the group looked at him
oddly before continuing their discussion. Dillon wondered why he
would choose to read at a time like this. The man was his best
friend. Was the seriousness of the situation lost on

I, for one, think we should
help them,” Phoebe stated emphatically.

I agree,” Marius muttered,
not bothering to take his eyes from the book as he turned the
pages, apparently looking for something.

I’m sure each of us could
come up with a few outings where they could be together without
Mrs. Chambers being suspicious,” Janine added.

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