His Love (By His Command #10)

BOOK: His Love (By His Command #10)
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His Command #10)


Ana W. Fawkes


is it...


what did you do?


the burning question in a hotel room filled with bloodshed... and romance.


Grace takes Jonathan Black's hand knowing she has no choice but to obey his
final command - to follow him, no matter what.


on the run, and in the tenth and final book of the By His Command series,
Isabella Grace AND Jonathan Black find the true meaning of love...




what did you do?

The words kept ringing in my head
as I stared at Kellen. I slowly stood up, my hands shaking, my thoughts running
wild. I didn’t blink until my eyes were dry and sore. I just wanted him to go
away. To disappear. He wasn’t supposed to be in the bedroom with me.

Not right then.

Not with Katherine on the floor,

I had stabbed Katherine with her
own knife. Straight to her stomach. My plan had worked perfectly. I had tricked
Katherine into taking an unloaded gun while she gave me a sharp, deadly knife.

It was all perfect.

Until Kellen came into the room.

It was supposed to be Jonathan
Black. I had left him a note, telling him to come to the room after his shower.

“You can’t be here,” I finally
said, my throat dry. “You just can’t...”

Kellen’s eyes left mine. He looked
at the body on the floor. I wanted to move and block his vision. He wasn’t
supposed to see Katherine like this, or at least at first. This was meant for
Jonathan’s eyes.

“Isabella... you killed...”

“I hate you Kellen,” I said. “I
hate you for all you’ve done too.”

A fire now burned in me. A raging
fire. My thoughts continued to boil and more than once I saw myself pulling the
knife from Katherine’s stomach and killing Kellen. It was a terrible thought, I
knew that, but it kept coming to me.

But what would that make me?

What would that prove to Jonathan?

It would make me look... psycho.
Wild. Insane. Too much like Katherine.

I killed Katherine as a symbol of
love for Jonathan Black. To rid her from our lives. To bring back some kind of
peace and normalcy. We were in love, finally. Madly in love. Jonathan had
confessed his love to me again and again. I, of course, had shown my love by
giving him my body again and again. Anything he wanted, I gave him.

“You killed Katherine,” Kellen
said, breaking up my thoughts.

“Yes,” I said. “I had to. You see
that, right?”

was I so concerned with getting Kellen to understand?

“I don’t see a thing,” Kellen said.
“This is... you murdered her...”

“For love,” I said. “You should go,
Kellen. Right now. This isn’t your spot.”

Kellen put his hands out. They were
shaking. I had broken Kellen too. I’d proven myself to Kellen. I don’t know
why, but it meant something to me. It meant the world to me almost. To know I
had my own possession of power. All thanks to Jonathan Black.

“I have to call someone,” Kellen
said. “Okay? I’m going to get help.”

“There’s no help needed now,” I
said. “I took care of things.”

“No, you did something bad,” Kellen
said. His bottom lip started to quiver. He blinked fast. He was ready to cry.
“Something very bad.”

I stepped towards him and he jumped
back, letting out a small cry.

“Don’t hurt me...”

I smiled.

enjoyed the power.

“Why would I hurt you?” I asked.

“Look what you did,” Kellen said.

He stared at Katherine’s body

“Did I have a choice?” I asked.
“After all she did to me. To Jonathan. Even to you, Kellen. She used you. She
set you up. Just like now... you shouldn’t be here. Why are you here?”

Kellen swallowed, but he didn’t
blink. His eyes were getting dry. He stared because he wanted the scene to go
away. More so, the longer he stared, the more he realized something scary.

“She wanted me to come see,” Kellen
whispered. “To come see something.”

“Did it involve me?” I asked.

My heart pounded a little faster.

Kellen nodded.

And then confirmed even more to me.

Katherine wanted to kill me.
Katherine would have killed me. And then she would have done the same thing I
was doing... show someone. She would have shown Kellen. Then what? Leave? Leave
it so Jonathan thought Kellen hurt me?

The thoughts poured in and raced
through my mind. I stepped at Kellen again and he didn’t move away. He appeared
ready to collapse.

“Kellen, this had to be done,” I
whispered. “You understand that.”


His lips moved, but no more words
came out.

I was inches from him and something
inside said this would be our last minute or so together. After that, the
quietness that filled the room would be gone. It would be loud, fast, and that
sense of normalcy I had been begging for would come, but not without a price to

As my hands touched Kellen’s arms,
I felt bold. But I didn’t care. I had been pulled into all of this, right? I
had been the one in the cab with a gun pointed at me. I had been the one who
helped Jonathan Black set up the first murder. I had been the one naked, tied
to a bed when all hell broke loose in his father’s house. I had been the one
who received all the messages from Katherine.

And because of that, I wanted to be
the one to say goodbye to Kellen.

My way.

The right way, maybe.

My arms wrapped around him and I

I felt Kellen stiffen for a few
seconds and then realize what was happening.

“Hug me,” I whispered. “For a

Kellen listened to me. His arms
weren’t as strong as Jonathan’s arms. His touch didn’t have the same command.
He was just...
That was it. Just someone. Not Jonathan Black, that’s for sure.

“Isabella,” Kellen said, “I

“No,” I cut him off. “No.”

I broke the hug and stepped back.

The moment was over.

For good.

I looked back to Katherine’s body
and knew it was just a matter of seconds before it would all come together.

Kellen didn’t see it that way.

“So what happens now?” Kellen

I opened my mouth to give him some
kind of answer when I heard the door to the hotel room open.

I smiled.

There was the only other person who
belonged in the hotel room.



The silence of his steps turned me
on. My body had never been more tuned in to my surroundings, my needs, my
wants, and my passion. The hug with Kellen proved it. Touching him proved just now
important Jonathan Black was and forever would be.

He was literally everything.

“Isabella Grace,” his voice called.

“I’m in here,” I said. “Come.

I rushed to the door, wanting to
see him. He was right there, looking and smelling incredible. His eyes though were
angry, and rightfully so. I had broken his new rule. Perhaps his biggest rule

We weren’t supposed to leave each
other’s sides.


“Isabella,” he growled. “Why are
you here? You weren’t...”

“I have something for you,” I said.
“Please. I did something for you. For us. We can be together forever now.”

“Forever?” Jonathan asked. “I never
doubted that.”

“Please.” I stepped against
Jonathan and inhaled him. “Please, Mr. Black.”

I loved the way his name rolled off
my tongue without worry.

Jonathan hugged me, taking seconds
we really didn’t have but I couldn’t say anything about it. I wanted him to hug
me the way he did. The romantic intention burned between us.

Then I felt it shatter as Jonathan
let go and moved me.

“What’s he doing here?” Jonathan’s
voice boomed.

I saw Kellen stumbling from the
bedroom, still in complete shock of the scene that waited.

“Oh,” I said. “He’s a mistake.”

It came out much more harsh than I
really meant it.

Kellen looked at Jonathan and shook
his head. “You can have it all.”

“Have what?” Jonathan asked.

“Everything,” Kellen said. “I’m not
made for this. I’ll stick to my business. You two...”

Jonathan moved and I put a hand to
his chest. Jonathan grabbed my wrist and set his eyes on me. I was breaking so
many rules. But I needed to keep him calm. I didn’t need him to fly off the
handle. Not with a body in the room.

Showing Jonathan the body was
really one of the first steps in a much bigger plan that I had no idea how to

“Please,” I whispered. “I left you
the note to come. I didn’t expect him to show up. I’m sorry. But please... come

Kellen fell to a couch and sat with
his elbows on his knees. He was blinking now, very fast, his mind deep in
thoughts that didn’t make sense. For such a tough businessman he tried to be,
one little murder certainly shook him up. Part of it made me glad. It proved
just how fake and weak Kellen really was. Not that I ever considered going
anywhere near Kellen, even for a second, it was just nice to see the true
colors of someone.

I walked back into the room and
Jonathan came with me.

I stepped to the side and pointed,
not that I really needed to.

Katherine had fallen perfectly on
the floor, her arms out, the knife in her stomach. Her eyes were open. Dead.
Lost. Right where she deserved to be.

I looked at Jonathan, wanting to
see his reaction.

As he went to take a right step,
his foot never touched the ground. I had frozen the powerful Jonathan Black in
his tracks. When he put his right foot on the ground, he looked at me.

“I did it for us,” I whispered. “For
you, Jonathan...”

He looked at Katherine and to my
shock he took a step towards her. Somewhere in my mind I thought he’d see the
body and then celebrate. I wasn’t sure what a Jonathan Black celebration would
look like, but the feeling in the room didn’t match my thoughts at all. It was
still, quiet, somber, a scene of death.

“She was evil,” I whispered. “The
texts. The threats. Attacking you. Twice. Then with the bodyguards... I
couldn’t take it anymore. She wouldn’t have stopped.”

Jonathan reached the body and
stared down at it. His left foot moved forward and he touched Katherine’s
lifeless hand with it. He gently kicked at her a couple times, maybe expecting
her to sit up and have it be some kind of joke.

But it wasn’t a joke, at all.

It was reality.

The truest of all realities. The
greatest threat to me and Jonathan was dead.

Jonathan crouched down and looked
at Katherine some more. He turned his head and studied the knife buried in her
gut. Then he looked on the floor and saw the gun.

His gun.

“That’s yours,” I said. “I...
borrowed it.”

“Is it loaded?” Jonathan asked.

“No. The bullets are in your closet
where I dumped them.”

“Along with my belts,” Jonathan

“You saw?”

“I saw. I didn’t know what...”
Jonathan looked back at me. “You are truly beautiful, Isabella Grace. And

“I had to do it,” I said. “She kept
going. It would have never ended. I wanted to show you how strong I could be.
What I would do for you, Jonathan. Here it is. I came with an unloaded gun
because I knew she’d try to trick me. She gave me that knife to kill you with.
She took the gun. So I stabbed her. Then she tried to shoot me and the gun
wasn’t loaded...”

I was smiling.

I was smiling.

“I can’t believe this,” Jonathan
said. “She’s really gone.”

“Gone,” I said. “For you. I knew
you couldn’t do it. In your heart, Jonathan. And I love you for that. But I
needed to do it.”

“Yes, you did,” Jonathan said. “You

Jonathan touched Katherine’s hand
and tapped it. He shook his head and then reached for his gun. He stood up, and
to my surprise, he loaded the gun. He looked gorgeous doing so, wearing a suit,
his face commanding.

I started to get nervous.

Jonathan still hadn’t celebrated
this in any way, let alone even acknowledge that I had done something right.
Something good. Something for both of us that mattered.

Jonathan held the gun up and looked
at it.

“Isabella Grace,” he said, his
voice shockingly calm, “things are going to move fast now. Things are going to
get dangerous.”

I felt like asking,
Aren’t they already?
may have killed Katherine but that didn’t mean it gave me any sort of power
over Jonathan. Not that I wanted any power over him. I’d rather his hands on my
body, controlling me. I’d rather his words in my mind, guiding me.

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