Read His Lost Mate (A Steamy Paranormal Romance Novel) Online

Authors: Kathy Kulig

Tags: #Paranormal romance

His Lost Mate (A Steamy Paranormal Romance Novel) (21 page)

BOOK: His Lost Mate (A Steamy Paranormal Romance Novel)
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“Let me.” As he started helping her with the task, he realized he was still wearing his hiking boots. “I’m going to fall on my face if I don’t take off my boots first.”

Her giggle was wicked and throaty. He loved to hear her laugh especially with that sultry tone.

“I think you’re right.”

Laces whipped against leather as he frantically untied and kicked off his boots. Then dropped his jeans and kicked them to the side. He gave off a little sigh as his cock was freed from his tight clothing.

“Mmmm, much better,” she said as she explored his chest with her hands, then slid them down and wrapped her fist around his cock.

He groaned as he cradled her head with his hands and kissed her deeply, until she was gasping for air. How was he possibly going to take her slowly with what she was doing to him?

He slipped one hand down to her panties and stroked her pussy gently and felt her wetness. She moaned and rocked her hips against his hand. Slipping his thumb into the waistband, he felt the cool slippery feel of silk or satin panties. He wondered for a moment what color they were, then pulled them off over her ankles.

When he touched her feminine mound with his fingertips, he felt her body quiver.

“That’s…so good.” Her breath rushed against his neck. “I need to sit. My knees…won’t hold me up…much longer.”

“I can fix that.” He swung one arm across her back and the other behind her knees and lifted her up, then gently laid her on the cot.

He leaned down, covered her mouth with his then lowered himself on the cot alongside her. “I wish I could turn on a light and see how beautiful you are.” He also wished he could see her face, read her expression, see the glow of desire in her eyes.

“I’d love to see how wonderful you look too. I’ll feel my way.” She reached down between his legs and grabbed his cock in her hand, stroking it slowly. “Oh my,” she whispered.

He indulged in the pleasure of her touch for a moment, but the quickening pulse in his shaft warned him that he was moving dangerously close to his point of no return. God, she was hot. He shifted position and lowered himself onto her body. Her hands slid around to his back, hugging him tightly.

He took her mouth again, capturing her gasp as his erection settled against her upper thigh. Then he slid down and took her nipple into his mouth and teased it with a flick of his tongue. He smiled to himself when he felt her body tremble.

He wanted to plunge deep inside her moist depths. Wanted to fuck her until every muscle, every nerve in their bodies were sated.

The urgent movements of her body made him aware of her need. “Are you all right with this?” he asked. “Don’t feel that we’ve gone too far to ask me to stop.”

She gave a half laugh. “Deven, I’m very all right with this. If you stop now, I’ll go out of my mind.” Then she reached up and wrapped her hand around his shaft and slowly stroked the hard length. “Wait a sec.” She leaned over the edge of the cot, reaching beneath it.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. Getting a condom out of my suitcase.” She twisted back up and handed him a packet.

He chuckled. “Always prepared as usual.”

“Actually, it was my brother’s idea. I can’t complain.” Lauren giggled and he thought how much joy that giggle gave him. She spread her legs and lifted her hips. “I want you.”

How he loved her sexual prowess in directing their lovemaking and not waiting for him to take charge. A wave of sexual energy shuddered through him, his body ached for her. Again, he was on the edge of losing control.

The silence of the night was broken by a stiff breeze flapping against the canvas walls, drowning out the shrill of insects and the calls of nocturnal animals. Although her tent wasn’t the most romantic place to share their first sexual experience, having sex in the jungle gave him a savage, raw thrill.

Rolling his body on top of hers, he settled between her legs. Again he captured her nipple and sucked, ever so lightly running his teeth over its peak, then repeated on the other one until she begged for him to stop. “So good, but too sensitive.” She moaned. Then he trailed kisses lower to her navel, running his tongue in small circles around it. She shivered.

“I want to taste you.” It was more of a demand than a statement.

In answer, she placed her hands on his shoulders and gently pushed him lower.

He slid between her legs and glided his lips then the tip of his tongue on her clit. Her hips wriggled and rose to meet his intimate touches and her breathing became rapid.

“Trust me enough to tell me what you want.”


He slid his hand to her cleft and plunged a finger inside while he continued to taste her. The rhythmic rocking of her hips and moans told him that she was close to going over the edge.

“Yes. Oh yes. Right there. Yes.” Her voice was thick.

She tasted tangy and musky, so ready for him. He continued the light pressure of his lips and tongue, keeping up the rhythm. She was so responsive, so hot. Suddenly, she cried out and quickly hushed her moans as if worried the sounds would travel to other tents. Gripping his shoulders, she arched her hips and started bucking beneath his mouth.

Her nails biting into his shoulders and her excited cries assured him of her pleasure. He relished her sighs of ecstasy. His body ached with need.

She pulled him up to her. “You’re amazing,” she murmured, her mouth brushing against his ear. “Come up to me. I want to return the favor.”

He groaned and kneeled on either side of her shoulders.

With one hand she guided his cock to her mouth, taking most of his length. She slid him in and out, sliding her tongue around the base, up the length and around the ridge and tip. First slow, then faster, then she took him as deep as she could and held that position for several moments. Again she gripped his shaft with her hand and teased him with her mouth and tongue. His whole body responded, every nerve electrified. He couldn’t hold back much longer.

“Oh, you’ll have to slow down. I’m right on the edge.”

She let him slip out of her mouth. “Hurry,” she ordered between rapid breaths while she gripped his buttocks.

Her aggressiveness and impatience sent another rush of heat to his groin. He had never wanted a woman more. With shaking hand, he slipped on the condom.

He probed her silken cleft with the tip of his cock and didn’t move any farther.

“Stop teasing me. I want you deep inside now.”

“I’m not teasing. I just don’t want to rush.” Trying to distract his thoughts for a moment, he thought about the waterfall in the jungle that he was dying to show her. The perfect place to go skinny dipping—or fuck—if there was any possible way to get her there alone.

Lauren brought him out of his daydream when she wrapped her legs around his hips and pulled him deep inside her.

He groaned and nearly lost all control.

“Fuck me hard and fast,” she begged.

He groaned and thrust deep into her.

* * *

The man’s restraint amazed her. Sex with Deven was heavenly, but she couldn’t wait to have all of him. Without warning, she pulled him toward her, then felt his hips rock in quick, hard thrusts, plunging his shaft deeper and deeper. Her body trembled, as a vortex of pleasure swirled around her groin, bringing her to another orgasm. Her body shook and she bit her lip to keep from crying out.

A moan of pleasure and contentment rolled out of his throat. She felt the pulsing of his cock as the contractions of her diminishing pleasure tightened around him. He held himself above her and then finally lay on top of her totally spent and breathing heavily. His heart pounded against her chest.

Overjoyed, Lauren stroked Deven’s back. For a moment she wondered if she was having one of her lucid dreams. That was impossible when the pleasure and sensations she’d experienced were too intense to be a dream.

Deven rolled over to his side and pulled her into his arms. “Mmmm. Hope I didn’t crush you. This cot isn’t very comfortable.” He sighed into her neck.

“No, it felt wonderful. I like the feel of your weight on me.”

“Wow. You’re a wild one.”

“I know,” she teased.

He chuckled at her feigned arrogance.

She kissed him and snuggled along his side, resting her head on his chest. She moaned. “I guess you should head back to your tent. It’ll look pretty obvious if you step out of my tent in the morning.”

“No. I’ll stay here tonight.” He cradled her in his arms and drew her close. “People are going to figure things out soon enough, if they haven’t already.”

Any hesitation she had quickly disappeared when he took her mouth in a slow, intoxicating kiss.

Chapter 13

The early morning light and the smell of bacon and eggs penetrated the canvas tent. Lauren opened her eyes and took inventory of her surroundings. She lay curled against Deven’s side, her head rested on his shoulder and her fingers were entangled in the dark hairs of his chest. Fearing any movement would wake him, she remained still. Finally, in the light she could see every detail of his body and she had to resist the urge to explore the intimate areas of his body with her hand.

She gazed lower at his toned stomach and even lower, enjoying the view, careful not to move. The multicolored Guatemalan blanket resting low on his hips couldn’t hide his bulging erection. Lauren smiled as a yearning tugged at her groin. How she would love to spend the morning like this, curled up next to Deven and make love into the afternoon. She wondered what time it was, but didn’t dare lift her arm to check her watch. She wanted to prolong this heavenly closeness for as long as possible.

“Morning,” Deven said in a tone that said he’d been awake for a while. “How did you sleep?”

“Wonderfully.” She raised her head and stared into his sultry eyes. “How did you know I was awake?”

“I’ve been awake for a while. I felt you stir.”

“I think Jim’s up already. I smell breakfast. It’s making me hungry.”

Deven wrapped both arms around her and kissed her forehead. “I’m starved too. Guess we worked up an appetite last night.”


“Hell no,” he said, “I do think we should get up before the rest of the camp beats us.”

A twinge of regret hit Lauren. Had he changed his mind about letting the others find out about them?

“I should get a change of clothes then grab a shower.”

Lauren leaned across Deven searching for her panties and clothes on the floor. Jumping off the cot, she snatched up her underwear and quickly slipped them on.

Deven folded his arms behind his head. He had a devilish grin on his face. She nearly groaned at the sight of his muscular arms. Yes, he had a killer body and yes, they had sex last night. That certainly wasn’t a dream. She couldn’t hold back a smile.

She glanced down to his still bulging erection and felt her face grow hot when she realized that Deven noticed her observation.

He chuckled. “I think I need to cool down a bit before I leave the tent.”

“Probably a good plan.”

Deven flung the blanket back and stood naked, arms at his sides, displaying all his masculine glory. Lauren pressed her hand to her chest and tried to breathe. “Wow. Very nice,” she said.

He laughed. “Thanks.” He drew her into his arms, pressing his hard body against her naked breasts. “And you’re beautiful.” His lips parted, then captured her mouth and kissed her deeply. His tongue swirled inside her mouth and sent a fluttering sensation to her stomach. “Last night was great,” he whispered into her ear.

“I have to agree.”

He gave a long sigh, stepped back and rubbed her arms. His passionate manner suddenly became indifferent and serious. “We should get going. The others will be up soon.”

She forced a smile. Was he worried what the others would think? Was he having regrets?

As she slipped on her shorts and shirt, Deven dressed. She cringed, remembering how she nearly attacked him when he came back to the tent. She groaned silently. God, I threw myself at him last night. She tightened her shoelaces with more force than she intended and had to loosen them a bit.

Deven stood above her and stroked his hand over her hair. “Are you all right?”

“I’m fine. We have a lot to do today,” she said with too much enthusiasm. “It’ll be a warm one. The air is already sticky.”

Deven eyed her intensely. Lauren looked away and finished tying her boots. She reached inside her suitcase and retrieved her shower kit and towel.

“If it gets uncomfortably warm this afternoon, we can break early. I’ll take the crew to the waterfall for a swim. Make sure you bring your camera.”

“Sounds great.” She hadn’t been with a man for a while. No wonder she felt a little insecure. His eyes shone with mischief and sensuality, speaking of what would come later—of what she hoped would come later. She kissed him quickly, then turned and unzipped the tent flap. “After we shower, I’ll get my backpack and meet you at breakfast.”

Lauren and Deven stepped outside and nearly collided with Sylvia.

“Oh isn’t this lovely,” Sylvia said indignantly. She crossed her arms over her chest. “Are we working on an ‘A’ for the semester?”

“What are you talking about?” Lauren squirmed on the inside, knowing she stuttered her words.

“Sleeping with the teacher for a better grade?”

“What?” Lauren’s jaw tightened. She couldn’t decide what to say. Deven hadn’t indicated if he wanted to keep things between them private.

“Oh please,” Sylvia groaned. “It’s obvious you’ve been flirting with Deven since you arrived. Are you sleeping with him too?”

“That’s none of your business,” Lauren said.

“Morning, Sylvia,” Deven said cheerfully, ignoring her question.

Sylvia’s icy glare didn’t seem to faze him.

“You can do better than this little hick coed from Jersey,” Sylvia said, tossing her head in Lauren’s direction.

Deven’s expression turned to stone. “Pull your claws back in, Sylvia. Lauren’s right. It’s none of your business.”

“Just lovely,” Sylvia snapped. She tilted her chin up, flipped her long brown hair over her shoulders and strode off toward the CUB.

BOOK: His Lost Mate (A Steamy Paranormal Romance Novel)
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