Read His Little Tart Online

Authors: Sindra van Yssel

Tags: #Romance, #erotic romance; BDSM; contemporary; m/f, #BDSM Contemporary

His Little Tart (20 page)

BOOK: His Little Tart
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She blinked. He moved to the side of the table, grabbed her wrists, and then threw his leg over her lap so he was straddling her. She strained her arms to try to get free and head butted him in the chest, but it didn’t matter. He used his weight to bear her down, slowly but steadily—he didn’t want her slamming her head onto the table.

She managed to wriggle one wrist out of his grasp for a moment and used it to grab the back of his shirt and pull. He wondered if she would have scratched him if he’d had it off. When pulling didn’t do anything, she tried punching his shoulder, but her leverage was horrible. Didn’t matter as he actually needed a hand free anyway.


Bondage Ranch 4: His Little Tart


Transferring her left hand from his right to his left, he reached down with his right to get one of the cuffs.

Once he had one wrist secured to the side of the table, the rest was easy. Her chest heaved under him as she tried to push him off. Excitement filled her eyes as he corralled her other arm, forced it into position, and secured it.

She suddenly pulled her legs up, and he felt both knees in the back, jolting him forward. His weight had been forward, and he relaxed once he had her wrists in place.

He ended up with his groin against her chin. Somehow, he didn’t think having his cock in her mouth was a good idea right now, even though the thought flashed through his mind and did nothing to ease the raging hard-on he had.

He kept going forward, hopping off her and the table. She tried to twist her body away, and he grabbed her and pushed her back on the table, not so much because she’d be able to go anywhere but because he was worried she’d hurt herself. He moved around to the other end. She managed to get her leg in position to give him a good kick that got the side of his face.

“Feeling feisty today, aren’t you?” he asked, once he had her legs wrapped in his arms. She tried to kick free, but he was strong enough to hold her now that he was fully on his guard.

“You can use
safe word if you like,” she said. She gave him a murderous look, but underneath it there was a slight smile, and she’d reminded him neatly that she had a safe word and wasn’t saying it. He had her consent. Now he needed to figure out how to get an arm free without getting kicked again.

If he couldn’t bring the restraints to her legs, he could bring her to the restraints.

He pulled her legs down, over the end of the table. He could keep his arms around them and still grab a cuff that was intended for a thigh. It was a big one, and he managed to wrap it tightly around both ankles, locking them together. That wasn’t how he wanted her ankles, but it let him handle her legs with one hand, and that was what he needed for now.



Sindra van Yssel

He grabbed the thin pole he’d tested earlier and waited for her next inevitable attempt to kick. He used the momentum of it to lift her legs back above the table and push her knees toward her face. He slid the thin pole in place under her calf. She couldn’t bring her legs forward now because the pole would catch the inside of her knee. And she couldn’t bring them far enough back to slip her feet under the pole, because her own body was in the way.

So naturally, she tried to break it. She made the poles rattle, but they held. A strong man might have succeeded, even with lousy leverage, but the pole was too strong for Constance. The look on her face when she realized she was trapped was priceless. First her eyes went wide with surprise; then she gritted her teeth with frustration and effort, and then a look of peace came over her.

Now he had a moment with his hands free. He took the bar with the cuffs at each end of it and waited for her feet to stop kicking. When they did, he attached one of the cuffs to one ankle and undid the thigh cuff that had been wrapped around both. She started struggling again at that, apparently thinking she could throw her foot over to the side enough to get around the bar, but he grabbed her foot before she could succeed.

Shifting his grip to above her ankle, he attached the other cuff. The bar between them insured that she wouldn’t be closing her legs anytime soon. When he clipped it to the two bars sticking through the eyebolts at the end of the table, she was locked securely in place, right where he wanted her. She could move her legs up and down a little, but that was all, and the bar under her knees stopped her from doing very much of that.

“Bastard,” she said.

“Yep,” he replied cheerily. It was the literal truth, not that she knew that. He dipped his finger in the water. Nice and hot but no longer excessive. Good timing. He took one of the towels and slid it under her bum. Her pussy gaped invitingly, and the rose of her ass beckoned as well. His cock responded to the sight. Tonight was not the night to take her probably virgin ass; that would happen in private some other time, where he could help her through any awkwardness she might feel. And he had other

Bondage Ranch 4: His Little Tart


things to do right now than fuck her, and he’d need a steady hand for what he intended. He’d get his satisfaction later. He picked up the clippers and flicked them on as he brought it between her legs. The shaving would go much better if she was nicely trimmed first.

Her voice got softer. “People are watching.”

He chuckled. “They’ll go back to playing soon enough. Unless…”

“Unless what?”

“They’re busy eating your tarts. They might be better than sex.”

Her cheeks were already pink, but she blushed even deeper. “That’s because they’re not having sex with you.”

“Feeling’s mutual, love.” Her pressed the clippers to her mound and began to skim off the top layer of her patch.

She shivered. “Tickles. Sir.”

He brushed her clit with his thumb. “This?” he asked, knowing full well that wasn’t what she was talking about.

All he got in reply was a moan, but he thought that was a more than satisfying reply. Her pussy was glistening with moisture, making him want to thrust something inside. His cock. His fingers. He wanted to feel that wetness against his skin, and that meant his fingers, since they could enter without a barrier of latex. But he resisted. He had a different task to perform right now, and getting his fingers coated with her juices wouldn’t help.

He used the brush to whisk the clippings off onto the towel, moving his thumb in circles as he did so. Constance arched her hips, but the table allowed her only a little movement. He took his thumb away, and she groaned in exasperation. He flicked the brush against her clit, once, twice, and the sounds Constance made changed in pitch.

“Get it out of your system, love, because you’ll want to be very still soon.”

“Oh no.”



Sindra van Yssel

“Oh yes.”

She just nodded. Usually she had plenty of words, but he took pleasure that he’d managed to put her in a state where she didn’t feel very verbal. He was even willing to overlook a few missing Sirs, under those circumstances.

He dipped the brush in the steaming water and worked it around on the shaving soap. He could probably get her to be quite still if he made her come first, and he was sure he could accomplish that in under a minute if he wanted to. But this wasn’t the main event. That would come later when he fucked her sweet pussy.

He couldn’t resist taking a moment, however, to taste her. He licked along her slit, tasting her womanly essence, flicking his tongue across her clit and being rewarded with a sharp intake of breath. He watched as her chest heaved in response, her belly rippling as her breath went ragged. She was getting close, and as much fun as it would be to take her right to the edge, if a touch during shaving pushed her over, she might get cut. He’d have to watch her very carefully.

He put his hand on her knee to make sure she could feel his presence and left her alone for a few seconds while her breathing settled back to normal. Then he picked up the brush, full of foamy lather, and swirled it against her mound. The hair on either side of her pussy lips was trickier, and he’d save that for last.

He put the brush back in the bowl, and picked up the razor.


CONSTANCE COULD SEE the razor out of the corner of her eye. When he picked it up, she went still. She still nicked her legs occasionally, and the thought of someone else shaving her was unnerving. But placing herself in Aidan’s strong hands gave her a peace she hadn’t known could exist. It was worth the risk. And she trusted him.

Perhaps that was silly, but it was as instinctive as her fear.

Besides, in this contraption, I don’t have much choice.

I have my safe word.


Bondage Ranch 4: His Little Tart


I want this.
Her clit was throbbing, and she had a craving deep in her belly that would only be satisfied by touch. His touch. But it went deeper than sex too. Her heart wanted to surrender. And for the moment, bound by steel and leather cuffs, she could.

It was as if the bindings had freed her to let herself go more deeply into submission.

The razor was cool against her skin after the warmth of the soap. She couldn’t even feel the blade, really, just an occasional tug, but the top of the safety razor had a curved cool steel spot that occasionally touched her. As he shaved her in short, swift strokes, he left behind smooth skin to be caressed by the air. It felt deliciously naughty and naked.

One thought of the view he had made her shiver. He touched her thigh and stopped for a moment, and she tried to be still. She never wanted a guy to look “down there,” and now he was making it all bare. And judging from the smile she caught little glimpses of between her knees, he was enjoying himself. She couldn’t cover up, anyway, but for the first time, she felt she was beautiful everywhere.
I’m a woman. Look at my naked pussy.

He brushed her clit with his shaving brush, and she moaned. He brushed warm lather on either side of her pussy. The bristles tickled her soft, wet folds.

His fingers followed the brush, scooping up unneeded lather, she supposed. He wiped them on the towel and started to reach for the razor, then changed his mind. He entered her suddenly, thrusting fingers—two, three?—into her pussy. Her legs shivered, and her pussy pulsed, and when he curved his fingers and found her G-spot, it was as if he’d found a way to send bolts of lightning straight to her core. It was almost more than she could take, and she knew that one touch of his fingers on her clit would send her over.

So naturally, the bastard pulled his fingers out, licked them off dramatically, and left her wanting.

“Not fair,” she protested.



Sindra van Yssel

“No,” he agreed. “This isn’t even remotely about fair. It’s about me being in control, and you being helpless.” He grinned. “And that’s exactly how you want it.”

“Says who?” Just because it was true didn’t mean she was going to agree.

“Says your master,” he said and picked up the razor. “We’re at the tricky part now, so I’ll need you to stay still. But I like the fact that you’re aroused. It makes you more sensitive. It means you’ll feel everything I do to you to the fullest. But if you feel like you can’t stay still, let me know. No nicks for you.”

“If I could strangle you right now, I think I would.”
Or maybe I just want to wrap my arms around you.
How she could feel like strangling and hugging at the same time was beyond her, but he had her nerves and her heart all confused. Still, the corners of her mouth twitched, and she ended up smiling. It was fun to spar with him. To fight and resist, knowing he’d get his way in the end, and that his way was going to drive her crazy. In a good way, probably.

He pulled her skin taut, and one of his knuckles came to rest on her swollen clit.

She didn’t know whether that was an accident, but she doubted he did anything by accident. There was no hint of mischief in his expression of concentration, however. He wasn’t rubbing, just pressing. Maybe he was making sure he protected her from injury, but it made her want to wiggle to get some friction going. With the blade there, she didn’t dare. She couldn’t imagine anything more frustrating.

When he mirrored the position on the other side, she was sure it was intentional.

He put the blade aside, but he kept the pressure right on her clit. Now, at least, she could move, so she did. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the sensations. A fire burned in her core, threatening to explode. Her breasts felt heavy, and her nipples ached. And her whole pussy tingled.

She made the mistake of opening her eyes, and she saw him smiling at her.

Suddenly, she became aware of what she was doing, gyrating like a needy slut, letting him and anyone else who was watching know the depths of her need. She hesitated.

She didn’t want to stop. But her face felt hot with embarrassment.


Bondage Ranch 4: His Little Tart


“Keep going,” he ordered. “Be a good girl and I’ll fuck you.”

She obeyed, and a second later, she closed her eyes as the whole world changed to white light. The explosion came from her center and suffused her entire body, stretching out to her limbs, making them quiver. Her pussy clenched, needy, at nothing.

She rattled the bars that held her in place.

Before she was finished, his cock was inside her, filling the want there. Two thrusts sent her over the top again, her second orgasm blending into the first. He seemed to sense when it was almost too much. He left her clit and reached up between her spread thighs, taking both neglected breasts in his hands.

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