His Little Runaway (5 page)

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Authors: Emily Tilton

BOOK: His Little Runaway
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“Ashley,” Wes said, his voice becoming a little stern. “Do as I said. Reach forward and lay yourself down. I don’t want to have to hold you down while I spank you.”

“Oh, God,” she whispered. “Please, sir. Please.” But even as she whispered these words she had begun to reach forward and bend further.

“Good girl,” Wes said approvingly. Ashley’s heart jumped at the warmer tone in his voice. But even as he said the reassuring words he used the hand around her waist to urge her further over, upend her completely so that she was on tiptoe, her bottom indeed raised up over his right thigh. And she did need to present her rear like that, lifted, because otherwise her front would rub up against his leg. She felt her face turning crimson at the thought, and she kept her knees tightly together. She gripped the legs of the chair, trying to take comfort from their solidity and from the way holding them tightly represented her obedience to Wes: he would see that she could obey him, and maybe he wouldn’t spank her as hard.

His left arm now came down across her waist. “Don’t let go of the chair, honey,” he said. “If you think about that you won’t be tempted to try to put your hand back to cover your bottom. You must never try to do that, or you’ll get extra. When I spank you, your bottom is mine to punish, and it’s very disrespectful to interfere. I know you don’t understand completely right now, but do you think you see what I’m saying?”

Ashley’s breath came so fast she thought she might faint. “Yes, sir,” she whispered.

He put his hand there, then: his huge right hand, behind her where she couldn’t see, above her because he had taken her over his knee for old-fashioned discipline, on her bottom, holding her little cheeks through the thin fabric of his t-shirt.

“This part of you,” he said with a kind of solemnity that made Ashley’s heart beat even faster, “is the place where you will receive correction, in my house.” Then she gasped, because he had raised the hem of the t-shirt, and he could see her bare backside now. “When I uncover your little butt, Ashley, to teach you a lesson, I want you to remember that I will only discipline you to help you learn, and to guide you to become a better and happier person.”

He paused, and she knew she must speak again. “Yes, sir.”

He put his hand on her bare bottom, then, as he had put it there a moment before when it had still lain hidden by the red cotton. Ashley gasped as he squeezed her there, very gently. At that moment, something that had hidden itself up until his touching her bare skin, seemed to break out inside her.
Oh, no
she thought, as a warmth seemed to spread forward from his palm and the pressure of his fingers.

“You lied, and you disrespected me, young lady. Now you’re going to find out what happens to naughty girls in my house. This butt is going to feel my firm hand as often as necessary, until you can behave yourself like the little lady you know you can be.”

Chapter Six



Wes had spanked two other girls before Ashley Lewis. His college girlfriend Julie had come from a Southern family where the punishment of adult women formed an accepted part of family life. When she had gotten much too drunk one night, and he had told her the next morning that she had to clean up her act, she had bitten her lip and confessed that she knew he would have to spank her.

“Please, just over my panties,” Julie said. “Not on the bare, please, Wes?”

Wes had the knack of sizing up situations very quickly and almost always identifying the best available option.

“Do you get spanked on the bare at home?” he asked, fascinated and rather turned on.

Julie nodded as a furrow appeared on her brow.

“Well, I think you’ll need to take your panties down for me, then. In fact, I think I need you to take off all your clothes for your punishment.”

Spanking Julie that morning, and several more times in the two years they had dated, had taught him about the connection between discipline and sex that existed for him and at least for some women. Julie always obeyed him readily, if with a blush, when he told her to take her clothes off for punishment, even when Wes trumped up a reason, like the time he spanked her for getting a C on a test, and she always got wet between her legs as soon as he stopped spanking her and began to soothe her warm, red bottom.

After that first spanking, and then each subsequent time, Wes laid Julie on the bed on her tummy and fucked her very hard from behind. His senses overcome with the arousal of spanking his naked girlfriend and hearing her cry out so ambiguously as he punished her, then realizing her shaved pussy had gotten as warm as her bottom, he let his dominant instincts take over. He said nothing, but simply put Julie into the posture he wanted, with her knees spread and her pink cunt visibly glistening. He took off his jeans and got on the bed, crouching over her, and entered that soaking wet cunt as Julie cried out. He thrust in and out with abandon, and that was when Julie helped him discover ageplay, because she started to moan, “Oh, daddy. Please. Please, daddy. I’ll be so good. My little cunt is so wet, daddy, because you know how to spank me and fuck me like this.”

He had spanked his next girlfriend, Angela, too, but only for discipline, and without a daddy/little-girl dynamic in their relationship. They hadn’t dated long, and Wes suspected that Angela lied to him when he asked her after the first spanking, which he had given her for being an hour late for their third date, whether the punishment aroused her. She had said, “Of course not,” but when they had sex later that night—Wes had marched her out of the restaurant and spanked her in his car—Angela had wriggled her heart-shaped backside so provocatively that he had wondered if she meant it as an invitation. Sure enough, when he said, “I want to fuck you in the ass,” Angela said, a bit nervously, “Okay,” and Wes got to sample for the first time the heady pleasures of a tight little anus around his driving cock.

They were together for four months, right before Wes deployed overseas, and he only spanked her two or three more times, for example after she mouthed off about one of his friends and refused to apologize. He had the urge to treat Angela as a naughty little girl, but he could tell that though she did respond reasonably well to discipline, she didn’t have the little side of her nature that Julie had, and that Marmara had. That Ashley Lewis seemed pretty clearly to have, too.

He did take Angela anally several more times, too, but neither that bottom sex nor anything else they did in the bedroom had any explicit connection to the spanking. Angela seemed to like having a boyfriend who wouldn’t hesitate to punish her when she got out of line, but she didn’t seem to like to think about it too hard. When Wes carelessly told her in front of one of her girlfriends that Angela had a spanking coming later, and the friend had asked in fascination whether he meant it, Angela had said, “Of course not,” though her bright red cheeks betrayed her. Wes had spanked her harder for lying to her friend, and part of him wanted to instruct Angela that she must tell her friend that Wes did indeed spank her bare bottom regularly, but he had already received his orders, and it was clear that he and Angela would break up soon.

So even if Ashley got aroused by her punishment, Wes knew how to keep the discipline separate from any sex or romance that might develop. He would know soon enough, he imagined, whether she might want to be his little girl in more ways than simply the disciplinary. For now he needed to make it clear that when he gave a punishment he would make it a real lesson, no matter how distracting her taut little cheeks felt in his hand.

He lifted that hand high and brought it down hard. Wes always spanked quickly and forcefully, to make the nature of the occasion clear to the girl he was disciplining. Spank followed spank, and Ashley cried out and started to struggle over Wes’ lap. She kicked, showing a hint of her furry little pussy that Wes refused to look at too closely as he kept spanking her.

“Sir… oh, please… it hurts so much!”

Wes held her firmly around her waist with his left hand and continued bringing his hand down hard on the little bottom that had already turned a light pink. Ashley wailed, and kicked again.

“Stop kicking this minute, young lady,” he said sternly. “Learn right now to take your spanking the way a good girl does.”

But now she had thrown her right hand behind her, and he had to seize her wrist in his left hand to hold it fast. She kicked again, and now Wes shifted her as easily as he might move a bag of flour so that he could trap her legs between his own.

“Please, no,” Ashley sobbed as she felt how Wes had immobilized her.

“We’re almost done, honey,” Wes said. “But I have to keep your bottom still so I can punish you the way you need.” He started in again, spanking the rosy cheeks that lay now entirely at his disposal. The will to struggle seemed to go out of Ashley and she lay limp over his knee, yelping at each hard spank, but also, Wes thought, even trying to keep her bottom well presented for him, the cheeks clenching and unclenching as she tried in vain to soothe the smart.

He gave her three more swats, and then he put his hand there softly and began to rub the warm little cheeks, ignoring as best he could how hard his cock had gotten. Even with Julie, he had never been so turned on just giving a spanking. He had an instinctive, gut-level feeling that Ashley wanted him as much as he wanted her, but Wes refused to take advantage of her helplessness right after this punishment. He needed to be sure.

He got a good deal more sure when he heard the way Ashley moaned as he made gentle circles with his fingers, and though he had no trouble denying himself the pleasure of trying her arousal with a fingertip dipped naughtily between her thighs, he could smell quite clearly now that wonderful wicked scent of a young pussy in need of masculine attention.

“Are you going to behave respectfully from now on, young lady?” he asked softly.

“Yes, sir,” Ashley half moaned and half sobbed.

Wes smoothed the t-shirt back down over her bottom, which was now almost as red as the scarlet cotton. A pang of regret at losing the sexy view went through him, but he found more than ample compensation in gathering Ashley up into his arms and snuggling her against his chest, especially because she made a wonderful little cooing sound when she felt what he was doing.

She nestled her face against his flannel shirt, and for a moment she seemed to cry even harder, as if his tenderness after the strict lesson he had taught her made even clearer her need for repentance. She heaved only two sobs, though, and then she lay still in his arms. Wes didn’t think he had ever felt anything so heavenly. The simple smallness of Ashley’s body, and the contrast of her little-girl cuddliness with her grownup needs made him want to sit like that with her forever, just making sure she knew that now that she had promised to follow his rules he considered himself a very lucky daddy—whether or not he got to do anything about how aroused the spanking seemed to have gotten her.

“Thank me for spanking you, Ashley,” he said softly. Wes considered it an important part of the lesson.

“What?” Ashley said distractedly and a little bewildered.

“You need to thank me for teaching you your lesson. Even if you’re not really feeling grateful, I want you to work on understanding that I discipline you for your own good.” He rested his chin atop her still tangled hair, which nevertheless smelled good to him: lingering shampoo plus the scents of the forest.

“Oh,” she said, snuggling in a little closer. “Thank you, sir. I… I do feel, you know, a little grateful. Now that I have it over with. It’s like a have a clean slate now, or something.”

“Exactly, honey. That’s exactly it.”

He could sit there forever, but he had to move things along if they were going to understand each other fully, and his cock felt so hard under her little bottom that, as delicious as the cuddling was, he had to admit to a little discomfort.

“Alright. I need to make sure you don’t have any scrapes I didn’t see before, honey.”

“What?” Ashley spoke a little dreamily now.

“I’m going to give you a bath.”

“But… my hair… I need a shower.”

“You can finish up with a shower, after I clean the rest of you.”

It seemed like a good way to stay near her, as well as to make clear how seriously he took his responsibility to take care of her. And of course it would let her try out what it felt like to have a daddy who claimed the privilege of inspecting and washing every part of her young body, even if this time—and perhaps in the future—he stayed away from the naughtier bits.

He rose from the chair with Ashley still in his arms and carried her to the couch, where he lowered her gently onto the cushions. “You stay here, honey, while I draw the bath.”

“Okay, sir,” Ashley whispered. Her eyes had gotten very wide, as if the thought of being bathed by a man who had just spanked her had taken her completely aback, though Wes thought he could tell that she felt no fear, but only wonder and—maybe, judging by her breathing—arousal.

Wes went to the little bathroom, in which he had nevertheless installed a very big tub. He didn’t think of his fondness for baths as a weakness, but he had to admit that he had been a little extravagant with the gleaming white tub and shower enclosure. On the other hand, he had really wanted to blow a good chunk of his savings on a whirlpool tub, but had managed to restrain himself.

A big man needs a big tub. If taking a bath
Ashley were in his future, or even with Ashley
him—he couldn’t help considering, with a little leap of his cock—he would be very glad indeed that he hadn’t skimped on the size.

Chapter Seven



Could she let this happen? Wes the Navy SEAL bathing her, with no clothes on, in that enormous tub she had seen when she peed that morning?

He had just
her. And now he said he was going to wash her, in the bathtub, as if she were the young lady, the little girl, he kept talking about.

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