His Hostage: Valetti Crime Family (A Bad Boy Mafia Romance) (9 page)

BOOK: His Hostage: Valetti Crime Family (A Bad Boy Mafia Romance)
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Chapter 13: Vince

the phone back in my pocket. She’s quick to answer and agreed to meet me tonight, just like I knew my sweetheart would. She’s giving me a clingy vibe--usually that turns me off, but on her, I like it.

I blow out a long exhale and face the docks. If only the rest of my day could be this easy.

“Boss, we got another problem.” Tommy walks up behind me. I turn to look at him and see his chin is bruised up nice. Seeing it almost makes me feel like a prick. Almost. I know he was doing what he thought was best for the family, but fuck that. I’d do it again if I had to.

“It’s all fucked today.” I shove my hands in my pockets and stare at the water, listening to the waves beat against the dock. Three orders came in, but all three were only partially filled. “What’s wrong with this one?”

“Supposed to be 50 pounds.” I nod my head. I know how much we should be getting from the Marzano Cartel. It's the same we’ve been getting for nearly 7 months now. “We’ve only got 42 here.”

“Someone is skimming. Who is it that counted? I want all the names, Tommy.”

“I was there for this one, boss. I saw it opened.”

“And the container?” It’s possible someone fucked with them on the ship. In which case we have all their names and addresses. Someone would have a real rough night if it came down to that.

“Locked and untouched.” He’s confident, and that tells me everything I need to know.

“So it’s their end that’s fucking with us.” That’s not good. It’s never good ending business relations in the line of work we do. But I’m not putting up with this shit. “Did they think we wouldn’t notice 8 pounds were missing?” Not to mention the guns. They were light, too.

“Could be someone in packing on their end.” Tommy’s got a point.

“I’ll send a message to Javier. We need this shit dealt with immediately.” I have to walk back to the docks to get the phone we use for that shit. Tommy walks with me.

“How’s the other situation going?” he asks. My hands flex and I crack my neck trying to keep my temper at bay. I know he’s concerned, but I don’t like him asking about her.

“It worked. She doesn’t remember shit.”

He nods his head and grins. “That’s fucking fantastic.” He doesn’t sound as thrilled as he’d like me to believe he is. “You sure about that?”

“Positive.” He shuts his mouth and nods his head, walking silently beside me. I’m the underboss, he knows not to question me. I can see his worry though, so I decide to put him out of his misery. “She’s easy to read, and she’s gonna come over tonight for a quick second to grab a book I took from her.” I open the heavy door and grin at him. “You can see for yourself, Tommy.”

“So what’d she think? You two just had a wild night together?”

I give him a smug look that lets him know that’s exactly what she thought and that I got some this morning too.

“Are you fucking for real? You tapped that ass?” He’s grinning from ear to ear, but shaking his head in disbelief.

“Damn right.” I hesitate to say more, but I figure why the hell not let him in on it. “I want her again, too.”

He cocks an eyebrow at me. “Going back for seconds isn’t your thing.”

“Wasn’t. But this girl is real sweet.” I don’t usually brag, but this broad is different. I want everyone to know I had her. More than that, I want them to know she’s mine.

“Good girls like bad boys. I want me one of those.” He says.

“A good girl?” I ask.


“Then go get one.” I park my ass at my desk and unlock the desk drawer. I reach in and grab the right cell phone and flip through the info on my notepad. I appreciate Tommy’s distraction, 'cause this shit fucking sucks.

“They aren’t all that easy to find, not with how often you’ve got me working.” He sits at one of the opposite seats and stretches his legs out in front of him. He nervously runs his hand on the back of his neck and opens and shuts his mouth a few times.

“What’s going on?” I just want him to say whatever the fuck is on his mind.

He spits it out without the need for further prodding. “I’m real fucking sorry, Vince.” His eyes turn sad. “You know I didn’t want to. I was just doing things according to protocol.”

I look him directly in the eye. “Witnesses don’t live to be witnesses.” That’s still protocol. It was stupid of me to risk this shit. Everyone knows it. I worry a bit that they think women make me soft. Specifically, this woman. After all, I’m going to be the one taking over. I can’t have them thinking that. “This was a one-off, Tommy. You did what you should’ve.”

“Alright boss.” He taps his hands on the armrests and looks like he’s getting ready to take off.

“Everything else good for going out tonight?” I ask him, while I have his attention.

“Everything is set. Unless you want to add anything in the shipment going to the cartel.”

I smirk at him. “Not yet, let’s make sure we play this smart.” Sending a message like what he’s thinking would be bad for everyone. I gotta make this call and let our business partners know what’s up. Eight pounds missing is over 200 grand of our money gone, but it's over a million in gross after it’s cut and sold. Whoever took it wanted a reaction from us. They’re going to get one. I just have to figure out exactly who it was that tried to fuck us over and what they thought they’d get from pulling this shit. Stealing some product to profit on the side is one thing. Skimming off the top--I’ve seen that, too.

But fucking with a shipment to start a war is also a possibility. The thought gives me an uneasy feeling. War is something we’ve dealt with not too long ago, with my brother Dom. And his woman got caught up in that shit. An uneasy feeling settles in my gut. I’m not gonna let that shit happen again.

Chapter 14: Elle

’m feeling more
and more pathetic as I scroll through my phone. I literally have no one to talk to. I want to tell someone that I lost my V-card.
But I feel a bit pathetic that it took me this long, and who am I going to talk to anyway? I just realized I’ve essentially lost touch with all my friends from undergrad. We like each other’s FB posts, but I haven’t had a real conversation with Michelle or Amy in almost two years. Michelle is married now, and I think she’s pregnant. Yeah, she’s definitely pregnant. I remember seeing a picture of her with a huge belly, opening a box of blue balloons. Damn. I’m really out of touch.

That’s alright though. I’m going to start today. After all, I need to meet people in this town so that I can find a job. I applied for 20 positions, everything from waitressing and working at the hardware store, to working as a library assistant at the university. I’m almost out of gas now, too. I picked up a few applications for Mom, but she needs to get her shit together first.

The more I think about it, the more I realize I need to get mom to just sell this house. I can get a part-time job and still go to school, just like I did back in Maryland. I can do it again here. Only this time I’ll have Mom live with me so I can keep an eye on her.

I shove my phone into my clutch and take a look at myself in the dresser mirror. I have to back up and stand on my tiptoes to see my outfit fully. I like it. I think I look pretty in this yellow and white, striped cotton sundress, but still laid-back. The dress flows out from my hips in an A-line shape, but hugs the little dip in my waist. If only my boobs were bigger. I scrunch my nose wondering if I should grab my padded bra. My lips purse as I decide no, I don’t need that. He knows they’re little. It’s too late to fool him now.

I’m guessing he just wants me to run in and grab the book, which is fine. I want to look good though.
I’m not going to be clingy or anything like that. I’m going to play it cool. He doesn’t want strings, and I get that. I don’t need strings or a commitment. It’s not like I have my shit together anyway. But I don’t like the idea of it being just a fling.

I’m sure that’s what I was thinking last night, trying to hook up with him. I bet I took an extra shot or two so I’d have the courage to go through with it this time. It’s not like I’ve been saving myself. I just haven’t gotten around to it.

Each step down the stairs makes the soreness between my legs obvious. I can’t hide from what I did. Part of me is feeling ashamed. Like I should have saved myself for someone who would’ve loved me. But I keep shoving that feeling down. My father never loved my mother. Most of my friends growing up were the products of divorced parents. Love is something that comes and goes, I suppose. I don’t know if I’ll ever even fall in love. I don’t know if I have it in me.

But a quick fuck with no strings attached was something I thought I could handle. I always chickened out though. I’m not sure if I was more afraid that I’d fall for the guy and get hurt, or that I would be sorely disappointed afterward. I wince at the bottom step and try to bend down to relieve some of the ache between my thighs. So far, so good on both fronts, although the possibility of falling for Vince is high on my list. A sexy man who knows how to fuck, with his own house and an adorable puppy? Yes, please! But there’s always a catch. So I’m going to hold back. I’m not going to put my heart out there to be stomped. And everything is going to be just fine.

I look straight ahead and see my mother passed out on the couch. I close my eyes and take a deep breath to calm myself. It will all be fine. Everything will be fine. I walk over to her and brush the hair out of her face. One of her arms is hanging off of the side of the sofa and she’s drooling on a pillow. She doesn’t even have any pants on. Just a saggy old tank top and her underwear.

I bet if I looked in the kitchen, I’d find the bottle. I lean down closer and smell gin on her breath. Tears prick at my eyes. How can she keep doing this to herself? And to me, too? I spent all afternoon searching for a job while she got drunk. Deep down I know I can’t stand for this. I need to do something. I just don’t know what. I don’t know how to say no to her without hurting her. And more than anything else, I don’t want to hurt her. I put a hand on my heart and try to relieve the ache. My throat dries up, and I will the emotions away.

I’ll go to AA with her. I will help her like a daughter should.

I take a step away and reach down for my keys, and I hear her mumble my name.

“It’s your fault he hates me.” I barely make out the words she speaks in her sleep.

I know what she’s talking about. It’s not the first time I’ve heard it either. I was the mistake that ruined my mother’s chances at a real life. At least that’s what she says when she’s drunk. Angry drunk perfectly describes my Mom. But I’m going to help her.

I’m extremely quiet on my way out. I haven't lived here long enough to know where all the creaks in the floorboards are just yet. I wish I knew though, so I could make sure to avoid them as I leave. I don’t want to wake her up. Not when she’s thinking those thoughts. I don’t want to get into another fight with her. Not over that. I don’t even breathe until I’ve shut the door.

I twist the handle as I shut the door to avoid the loud click it would make otherwise, and then lock it. When I turn around, I lean back against the door for a moment. I take a deep breath, and my eyes catch sight of a plain, white car. It looks old and I’ve never seen it before. It’s really out of place parked on the opposite side of the street. I see two women sitting in the front seats, each on their phones and any anxiety I had about the car is washed away.

I try to remember what I’m supposed to be doing. What I was so scared to hope for.


I shake my head and feel stupid for even thinking about him. He’s just giving me the book back. It was just a fling. I get in my car and look at my makeup. This is all so pointless and stupid. Just like this dress.

He’s just going to give me the book, and then I’ll leave. I’ll probably never even hear from him again. That would be best anyway.

Chapter 15: Vince

ow much is gone
?” Dom asks as soon as I walk in the dining room. Becca’s in the backyard picking basil leaves or some shit. And she’s getting big. She looks like she’s going to pop any day now even though they’ve got a few months left before their little one is supposed to be here. Apparently I’m an asshole for saying that. Next time I’ll keep my mouth shut or say she’s glowing or some shit like that. The kids are with Ma and Anthony. So it’s just Tommy, Pops, Dom, and Becca for now, and everyone else will show up later. No one ever misses Ma’s Sunday dinners.

“We’re off by about half a mil on this shipment.” I answer him and Dom’s eyes go wide, then the anger settles in.

“You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me.” He’s pissed. He’s “lying low” with his fancy professor job, but he’s still in charge of the money. I knew he wouldn’t want to hear this shit.

“It’s a setup for sure.” I say.

“The cartel?” he asks.

“No. Javier had no clue. Said everything is monitored and would check it out. Right now I'm just waiting to hear back, but my money is on someone in packing. Someone with connections here who wants the territory.”

“Who’s trying to fuck with us? You think it’s Shadows MC or the Cúram crew?” Dom’s stayed in the loop more than I thought he would’ve. Shadows Motorcycle Club has been itching for territory, but I don’t see them pulling the trigger. We’d easily take them out. Cúram family is Irish and on their own turf. We aren’t friendly, but they’re not stupid. No one that I can think of has been wanting to fuck with us.

“We’ll find out once I hear back from Javier with a name.”

“What about the money?” he asks.

I frown and I suppress a groan. “They’re waiting to make sure it’s on their end, and then we’ll talk.”

“Best for business relations I guess.” Irritation colors his voice, but he’s right. I fucking hate waiting though.

Thinking about waiting reminds me that my sweetheart should be here soon. I have a bit of anxiety over her coming here. I’m worried something’s gonna set someone off. I just want her in and out. And then on my dick again. I can’t help that last part. My stomach knots thinking about how I’m gonna have to end it. I don’t fucking want to though.

Tommy comes into the room and he must read my mind, or see me shifting my hardening dick in my pants. He busts out a laugh from his gut. “Your girl staying for dinner, Vince?”

“Girl? Since when did you settle down?” The look of approval in Dom’s eyes makes me want to smack it away. I didn’t settle, and I’m not settling down.

“I didn’t, and I’m not. A broad’s coming by to pick something up so Pops can see her and then she’s gone.”

“Thought you wanted to see her again?” Tommy asks.

“I do, but that’d be stupid.”

“What’s stupid is not taking something you want.” Dom starts and I’m quick to cut him off.

“It’s done, Dom. I can’t have her, and I won’t. I’m ending it as soon as she gets here.” The absolution is firm in my voice, but I don’t want it.

“What’s wrong with her?” Dom asks, and it makes me angry. Not a damn thing is wrong with her.

“She’s a witness, that’s what’s wrong,” Pops says as he comes into the room, and Dom seems confused for a moment, but then pissed. Calling her a witness makes my blood run cold.

“A witness to what?” Dom asks.

“Doesn’t fucking matter, because she doesn’t remember shit,” I say, putting an end to the conversation. “She’s not a witness.” My words come out hard and everyone looks at me like they’d like to disagree, but they’re smart enough to keep their mouths shut. “Pops just wants to be sure. And I’m gonna show him she’s good, and then she walks. No one fucking touches her.”

Dom’s eyebrows raise and I stare at him until he concedes. “Whatever you say, Vince.” He throws up his hands in surrender. “I don’t have a problem with it if you say it’s all good.” Pops nods his head and slaps a hand on my shoulder.

Before he can speak the doorbell rings, and we all look at the door. My heart clenches, knowing I’m gonna be saying goodbye to my sweetheart. It’s going to break her heart, but she shouldn’t be with a man like me anyway.

She’s too good for me. I’m sure she knows that.

I walk quickly to the door, knowing the book is on the dining room table. I’ll walk her in so everyone can see her, and walk her ass right back out.

Nice and easy.

My chest tightens as I twist the doorknob. I’m not sure if it’s because I think something’s going to go wrong, or because I won’t be able to let go.

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