His Hired Girlfriend (32 page)

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Authors: Alexia Praks

Tags: #book about refugees, #novel about love, #book about new york city, #novel about forbidden love, #fiction novel, #romance novel, #book about cambodia, #contemporary romance

BOOK: His Hired Girlfriend
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She felt his firm lips against
her soft ones, and her body melted under his touch. She felt warm
and fuzzy inside. She closed her eyes and sighed, her headache

When he moved his head back he
said, “Miss Alexandra Stewart, I’m sorry I lied to you but I’m not
sorry that you’re my hired girlfriend and that I’m in love with

Alex’s heart beat so fast she
thought she’d die from a heart attack at any moment now. She licked
her lip and whispered, “Really?”

Jayden chuckled, “Yes,

Her heart nearly burst out
then, with happiness of course. She had to tell herself to calm
down before she started hyperventilating. She bit her lip, her eyes
gazing up at him shyly. “Are you going to kiss me again now?”

“Hell yes,” he chuckled.

“Oh.” She widened her eyes and
not a moment after he claimed her lips. She quivered deliciously as
he plunged his tongue into her mouth.

Alex surrendered herself to
him, allowing him to claim all of her. This was it, she thought,
this was the moment she had dreaded and waited for a so long. The
moment when she was finally loved.

She wrapped her arms around his
neck and responded to his deep, passionate kiss. Her body was alive
with fireworks. Jay pulled her onto his lap as he explored her

When he released her mouth, he
gazed into her eyes. Alex caught her breath at the back of her
throat, for in his eyes she was a deep blue fire burning with
desire. Instantly a rush of excitement built up in the pit of her

“Jay,” she whispered

“I love you,” he breathed
against her mouth.

“I love you, too,” she said

He grinned, and before she knew
of anything, she was on her back and he had started to undo her
shirt. When his hot mouth touched her bare breast, she nearly died
from pleasure. She had thought such sensations had only existed in
books, but it was real – with Jayden it was real.

As Jay continued to touch her
soft body with his warm hands and hot mouth, Alex closed her eyes
and allowed the new, beautiful sensation to take hold...






BETH PICKED UP the delicate
china cup and took a sip of her Earl Grey’s tea. Though she knew
the tea was simply delicious, she did not taste the flavour. It was

She put the china down and
glanced at Britney, who she suddenly thought as she saw her in new
light, was dressed way too sexy for a simple afternoon tea in a

“Thanks for coming to meet me
in such short notice, Britney,” she began, straightening her

“No problem, Beth,” Britney
said, waving her hand in the air.

“I want to get straight to the
point,” Beth continued, eyeing the young woman sharply.

“Yes?” Britney said. “Look,
Beth, I’ve tried my hardest to get ride her.”

“Yes, I know that.” Beth’s tone
was hard.

“And what do you mean things
change when I was at your house the other day?”

“Things certain have changed,
Britney. You must know already that Jayden and Alex are engaged to
be married?”

“They haven’t officially
released that information yet,” Britney argued. “You know

“Yes, that is true. But I have
come to the conclusion that I shall let by gone be by gone. If
Jayden loves Alex, and they want to get married, I have no
objection to that.”

“What?” Britney snapped out in
shock surprised. “This isn’t right, Beth. You said so yourself you
want me as your grand daughter-in-law and not that no used slum

Beth narrowed her eyes
dangerously at the choice of words Britney had used. Why she had
never seen this character of Britney’s before was beyond her.
Perhaps she had been blind to what Britney was really like because
she had been convinced that Britney would be the perfect woman for

“Things change, Britney. Jayden
doesn’t love you,” she said simply.

“I can make him love me,”
Britney replied sharply, almost in panic state of begging.

“If he loves you, Britney, he
would have done so a long time ago. You have had many

“It’s because of her. She
ruined our plans,” Britney gritted out in frustration.

“Is that why you asked Kyle to
rape her?” Beth queried, her brows rose, her face a mask of anger
and disgust.

Britney was shock, her eyes
large. “How did you know that?”

“I’m such an old fool, aren’t
I, Britney? You know very well what I can do to you in light of
society. But since your father is a family friends, you are still
invited to Kelly’s wedding. Mind you though, don’t you do anything
stupid because I won’t put up with it.” She stood up, smiled coldly
and then left.

Britney gritted her teeth and
then growled loudly. She picked up the pot of tea and smashed it to
the tiled floor, pieces of china shattering everywhere. A waiter
came rushing only to be stopped short in shock as Britney shoved
him back and stalked to the door.

In her convertible, she flipped
her cell on, dialled the numbers and shouted into the phone, “It’s
time for plan B!”








screeching stop in a quiet cul-de-sac. Mary put the car on park,
hand break on, turned the engine off and stepped out. She scanned
about the 1920s bungalow in distaste before she headed toward the
front door. She waited impatiently after giving the bell a couple
of rings.

The moment the door opened,
Mary smiled charmingly and greeted, “Hello? Is this Alexandra
Stewart’s house?”

Jacob nodded. “Yes. But Alex’s
isn’t home at the moment.”

Mary shrugged her shoulder. “I
know. Can I come in?”

“Are you a friend of

“Sort of.” Mary moved into the
house without an invitation. “Nice,” she murmured, looking

“So you’re Alex’s work
colleague?” Jacob led her toward the living area.

“No. I’m her ex-classmate. We
went to high school together.”

“I see.” Jacob showed her the
seat and Mary took it without hesitation. “I didn’t get your

“Oh, it’s Mary St. Claire.”

“Beautiful name,” Jacob

“I know.”

“Do you want something to

“No, thank you. Look, Mr.
Stewart, I’m here for a reason,” she began. “It’s about Alex.” With
Jacob’ s look of confusion, she continued, “I’m very concern about

Jacob grinned at the pretty
young lady, wasn’t sure where this was going.

“Aren’t you? I mean she’s just
up and gone like that.”

“It’s only for a couple

“A couple of weeks? But

“What are you concern about?
Alex will be back next week.”

“But I don’t follow. Why would
Alex be back next week when she planned to stay away forever? I
mean she’s run off with a man who has no intention of marrying her,
and she knows it.”

Jacob was confused and shocked.
“But Alex is in New York for a conference.”

Mary laughed.
“And you believe her? That she really is at this conference? A
Medical Laboratory Science conference in
New York
? I find that very hard to

Jacob was beginning to have
doubts. “What are you implying?”

“That Alex has run off with a
man. She’s secretly with him. She’s his mistress. Don’t you know
that? He’s already married.”

Jacob clutched his chest. Her
vision started to blurred. “She told us....”

“Mr. Stewart, are you


“Mr. Stewart?” Mary watched as
Jacob collapsed onto the floor. She rushed down to touch his pulse.
She sighed with relief. He was still breathing.

Then she heard a voice coming
through from the front door. “Honey? I’m home.”

A moment later Mary saw Alex’s
mother. “Oh God! What’s happened?”

“He collapsed,” Mary said. “I
think he’s going to be okay. Look I have to go.” Before Mali could
ask her to stay and help or questioned her as to why she was there,
Mary grabbed her handbag and rushed out the door.











IT WAS A beautiful summer day
in New York, perfect for a wedding. In a mansion on the Upper East
Side of Manhattan there was a hype of activities. Champagne was
poured into glasses, the bride and her maids were busy having their
hair and makeup done, relatives and close friends flew in and out
of the house congratulating the bride and wishing her a happy and
long future with her groom.

All this Alex watched in awe,
wishing that one day it would be her turn. The thought brought
forward a nice feeling to her body, and her eyes suddenly searched
for Jayden. She found him amongst his three cousins, two male and a
young female. They were much younger than him and seemed to be
worshipping like he was some kind of a God. He caught her watching
him and gave her a smile. She blushed and grinned back.

“Alex,” Gracie’s voice snapped
her mind back to the present. “You should be getting change,”

Alex turned to look at Gracie.
“Oh, right,” she said, nodding her head. “I supposed I should.”

“Yes, yes. It’s nearly time to
go.” Gracie nudged her toward the door.

Alex chuckled and said, “I
won’t take long, you know.”

“Yes. But you still need to
change. And don’t you ruin your hair.”

Alex absentmindedly touched her
beautifully coffered hair with a large pink oriental lily inserted
on the left side near her ear. “I won’t,” she replied, heading to
the door.

The house was filled with
people Alex had never seen before. She was just stepping onto the
grand stairs when a woman said, “You must be Alexandra from New

Alex turned and smiled. “Yes I

“Well, you’re a pretty thing,
aren’t you? No wonder. Oh congratulation, by the way.”

Alex blinked. She wondered if
the woman was talking to the wrong person. Perhaps she thought that
she was Kelly. If she was a friend of the McCartney’s family then
she hadn’t been well informed.

“Oh,” Alex responded, wondering
what she should say.

“Oops,” the woman chuckled.
“Weren’t supposed to say, but congratulation none the less. See

Then she was gone. Alex raised
her brows in confusion. She shook her head and hurried up the
stairs. Half way up she heard somebody said, “Hey, Alex, right?

Alex glanced down and just
smiled. There we go. Another one. She’d have to tell Jayden that
his family’s friends were congratulation the wrong person.

In the bedroom she went into
the walk-in-wardrobe and took her silk pink Chrandra’s gown that
had arrived yesterday. She held the dress to her chest, couldn’t
believe that her life could be so different in such a short space
of time. For twenty-five years she had lived in New Zealand, never
made more friends and met more people than the one back home, never
met a guy so handsome and so kind, never met a family so caring and
took her in as one of their owns and had never fallen in love.

She sighed, tears beginning to
brew in her eyes. She shook her head and sniffed.

cry, Alex,’
the voice in her head
‘Or you’ll stuff up the makeup Laura
worked so hard on.’

She giggled at the thought of
going to the wedding with panda eyes as she began to take off her
shirt. Her jeans and bra followed. She slipped the thin, soft
material of the gown over her head and pulled it down, feeling the
cool fabric against her skin. She adjusted the dress about her slim
body and then reached over the back, to do the zip. She got half
way and stopped, finding it hard to pull it to the top.

“Can I help?”

Alex turned, her heart
hammering in her chest. “Jayden!” she exclaimed. “How long have you
been standing there?” There was note of accusation in her

“A while,” he said easily,
ambling toward her, a devilish grin on his face.

Alex blushed intensely,
wondering what he really meant by that. A while could mean
anything, and going by the smirk on his face, a while probably
meant a good long time.

“Why didn’t you tell me when
you were here?” she asked, frowning at him.

“Quit frowning, you’ll ruin the
makeup,” he chuckled. He found that he couldn’t take his eyes off
her. She looked so beautiful with her hairdo, that oriental lily on
her head, her face all made up too perfection which enhanced her
eyes and luscious ruby lips, and her milky skin all soft and silky

“Ok. I’ll stop frowning now. So
why didn’t you tell me when you came in?” she queried again, this
time with a fake pleasant smile on her face.

“Because I was too busy
watching what I saw,” he said. “My eyes were dilating.”

“Oh,” was all that Alex could
get out. She bit her lip. So he liked looking at her? A burst of
happiness bubbled up within her being. “Well, why didn’t you leave
when you saw?”

“Because I like what I saw and
didn’t want to leave?” he chuckled.

“Jayden!” she exclaimed.

“Yes, Alex?” he responded. “So
can I help you with that zip?”

“No thank you,” she said
curtly, “I can manage.” She turned her back to him and began to try
zipping again.

Jayden cocked his head to one
side and watch, a grin on his face.

Alex gave up because her hands
were getting sore. She glanced at him and said, “All right.”

He smiled smugly and stepped
toward her. Alex became very nervous. She started fidgeting and
biting her lip.

Jayden reached out for the zip,
his hands warm against her bare skin. He pulled the zip up, his
knuckled brushing against her back, stroking her all the way

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