His Hired Girlfriend (24 page)

Read His Hired Girlfriend Online

Authors: Alexia Praks

Tags: #book about refugees, #novel about love, #book about new york city, #novel about forbidden love, #fiction novel, #romance novel, #book about cambodia, #contemporary romance

BOOK: His Hired Girlfriend
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Surely not
Alexandra Stewart she knew from
high school?

Her hands shaking, she dragged
the mouse to click on the name ‘Alexandra Stewart’. Then Alex’s
Facebook page appeared.

“Oh my God! How could that be
possible?” Mary wanted to scream at the unfairness of life and
throw the laptop against the wall.

She thrust the seat back and
raced to pick her BlackBerry. She dialled Peter’s number and
impatiently waited.

A few seconds
later Peter’s voice came through,
Pete here.”

Mary took a deep breath to clam
herself down. She knew it was not a good thing to be speaking to
Peter when her emotion was in danger of an eruption. She said,
almost calmly, “Pete, it’s me.”


“Yeah. Pete, I need to ask you

Yeah, what’s that?”

She sighed. “Jayden...”

“Yeah, what about him?”

Mary gritted her teeth, her
heart pounding hard within her chest. “I don’t believe it! I can’t
believe it! I won’t believe it!”

Wait, what don’t you
believe, Mary?”

She swallowed, tears brewing in
her eyes. “Jayden. He’s in a relationship with Al...Alexandra?”

“Oh that. Hum... Yeah. How did you

“How?” She stroked her fingers
through her brown hair in frustration.

Yeah. How?”

Mary wanted to scream her head
off. “Facebook.”

Ah... of course. Anyways,
they met and… you know… fall in love?”

Mary wanted
to snort at that. Hot Jayden? Falling in love with the mousy and
ugly Alexandra? Impossible! Jayden couldn’t be that stupid
blind. There had to
be an explanation. It couldn’t be true. There must be something.
“So...so it’s true?”

Yeah. So that’s all you
want to ask me about?”

Mary paused. Then “Yeah,” she
gritted out. “Goodnight, Pete, see you tomorrow.”

Yeah. Night.”

Mary flipped her cell shut and
angrily threw it on the bed. She growled and heaved. She simply
couldn’t believe it. No, no, no... There must be something. It
simple couldn’t be true.











refreshed and alert. Despite the very late night, he had managed to
get a good sleep. He sighed with satisfaction as he stared up at
the ornate ceiling. Then suddenly everything that had happened the
day before flashed back –Kelly’s dress fitting at Vera Wang, him
lunching with Mr. Marcelo, the cocktail party, him seeing Sarah and
Kyle again, Britney inviting him to her bed and him kissing

The thought of Alex caused him
to grin from ear to ear. He glanced to his left. He saw that she
was still sounded asleep. Oh damn! He sucked in his breath. So last
night hadn’t been a dream after all. He hadn’t been imagining her
milky skin, glossy hair and luscious lips. She was really
beautiful, like a Goddess in those old Victorian paintings – all
mysterious and desirable that even a monk would be tempted.

She groaned and stretched a
little as he held his breath, wondering if she was going to wake up
and see him ogling at her, thinking about her in such an ungodly
manner. Oh yeah. He was thinking about her full lips, about
descending his lips onto hers and licking his tongue along that
divine, soft flesh.

Damn it,
– the voice at the back of his
head snapped
. ‘You shouldn’t be thinking
about Alex that way. She’s so pure and innocent she’d die of shock
if she knew you were thinking about her in such a way.’

She didn’t open her eyes or
show any sign of waking up, and he sighed with relief. She moved
towards him and snuggled against him, her head now in the crock of
his arm, her face resting against his chest and her hand resting
about his stomach. Not to mention the fact that one of her legs was
resting on the top of his.

Oh God! So
‘Gosh Jayden, you’re one lucky
he thought to himself

He grinned from ear to ear and
stroked his fingers through her long hair. At that moment he felt
very fulfilled and content. He closed his eyes, moved his face
closer to hers so that his nose was touching her hair and he
drifted off to sleep again.

When he woke up again he saw
Alexandra watching him, her eyes large and curious as she was
studying him.

He smiled and said warmly,
“Morning.” A devilish grin on his face.

“Sorry,” she said suddenly. “I
don’t know how I ended up here.” She made a motion to move away
from his arm. He stopped her and gently drew her back.

“Aren’t you sore?” she

“Nope,” he lied even though his
arm was numb. He, however, didn’t mind one bit. “So did you have a
good sleep?” he asked, made her rest her head on the crook of his
arm again.

Alex nodded as she gazed up at
him. She had to agree that it had been very comfortable sharing a
bed with Jayden. Now, she thought, it was time for her revenge. The
only problem was she wondered if she had the willpower and the
confidence to actually go through with it. She had never done
anything this reckless before. In fact, she had never thought she’d
come up with such an idea. It was so extraordinary and so unlike
her to say the least.

After the makeover, however,
she knew she was now very comfortable in her own body and was quite
confident that she would be able to go through with her plan. Her
hands, after all, had been forced. She had no other choice. It was
like she had been stranded off in the middle of the ocean. Under
the circumstance she would either drown or learn to swim and
survive. She, of course, had chosen the latter.

She glanced up at the man
mostly responsible for this. Well to be honest he was kind of the
one who had put her in the middle of the ocean.

Oh gosh revenge would ever be
so sweet.

Jayden touched her nose. “What
are you smirking about?”

“Nothing,” she replied, a
delightful twinkle in her eyes. Suddenly a fluttery sensation
erupted within her. She sat up, trying to calm herself down. “I’ll
go and shower now,” she said and quickly rolled off the bed before
Jayden could pull her back.

“Don’t be too long,” he said

She glanced at him and wanted
to laugh. He looked almost like a puppy wanting to be patted. She
shrugged her slender shoulders as if she didn’t know and she didn’t
care as she strolled into the bathroom, making sure that she swung
her hips just a little, like those super models did on the runway.
He’d surely appreciate that, she thought, giggling inside.

Jayden surely did appreciate it
as he watched her until she shut the bathroom door. He sighed and
rested back on the piles of pillows, gazing out the window at the
lovely sunshine outside. What a lovely day to go out, he

In the shower Alex made sure
that she scrubbed herself well until her skin was glowing.
Afterward she went about moisturising herself and doing her makeup
as she was taught by Lisa, the beauty therapist, so that she’d look
naturally beautiful.

You can do this – the voice at
the back of her head said as Alex stared at herself in the mirror.
Two can play at this game. The table had to be turned. She nodded
her head with a determined look on her face.

With only a thin towel wrapped
around her slim body, her hair slightly wet, and her milky skin
soft and glowing, she headed out the door. She made sure Jayden
noticed her before she headed towards the walk-in-wardrobe.

Jayden sat up, his interest
peaked as he watched her finding her clothing in the big wardrobe.
Suddenly he wondered if seeing Alex everyday and him pretending to
be gay was a good idea after all. He also wondered how long he’d be
able to last not exposing the truth – the fact that he was not gay,
that he was really attracted to her and that he couldn’t stand not
touching her.

“Jayden?” he heard her soft
voice. Was it just him or did her voice sound really seductive? All
smooth and sweet like melted chocolate that it made him flared with
desire. Shit! He really needed coffee. He really needed to clear
his head.

He cleared his throat. Hoping
that he didn’t sound like a wolf in heat, he responded, “Yeah?”

“I need help. I don’t know
which dress I should wear.”

“Yeah. Sure,” he said, shaking
his head. Alex? Having a dilemma on choosing a dress to wear for
the day? Surely not!

“I’m sorry. I mean Kelly and
Stephanie bought me lots of dresses. They said they wanted to see
me in them. I feel like I’d let them down if I don’t wear

“Understandable,” he said.
“Whey don’t you show them to me?” He swung his foot to the floor as
he got up.

“Yeah,” she said and out she

Jayden nearly had a heart
attack. Right in front of him, with nothing on but her cute pink,
lacy undies and bra stood Alex.

Holy Mother
of God!
Jayden felt the breath knocked out
of him. He tried to calm himself down and not make a scene. Only it
was really hard because Alex looked like a Victoria’s Secret model
who at that moment was showing their new season’s underwear
collection. She was all so sexy and hot that Jayden couldn’t help
but keep ogling her and wanting nothing more than to pull her into
his arms and kiss her silly. And do so much more,
much more.

“Well?” she asked, with an
eyebrow raised. “Which one?”

Jayden blinked. What the heck
was she talking about? Oh right! The dresses, which were in her
hands, one on either side of her.

Honest to God he did try and
concentrate on the dresses but it was impossible because Alex was
too damn tempting.

“Which one?” she asked

“I’m not sure. Try them both on
and see,” he suggested, at a lost, because –dear lord – all he
noticed was her milky soft skin and her shapely body that could
make her a model – a lingerie model – if only she was a little

“Okay,” she said, smiling.
“Here.” She handed one for him to hold on to. Jayden absentmindedly
took it and continued to watch her.

Alex was in fact very nervous.
Oh God! She thought he looked as though he was about to eat her
whole. For what other reason would he stare at her so intensel,
like she was his delicious dessert.

calm, Alex’
– the voice at the back of
her head said.
‘Be confident. Show him.
After all, you wanted him to suffer, don’t you?’
Beside he wouldn’t be able to touch her because
he was supposed to be gay.

She slowly pulled the light
blue off-the-shoulder dress down her body, the light material
touching and caressing her skin. After tying the string at her
waist she said, “Well?”

Silence. Blue eyes staring

“Well?” she repeated, a little
nervous this time.

“What? Oh.” Jayden had to admit
that she looked amazing in it. “It looks good,” he said, wondering
when the heck she had asked him that question.

“Yeah, I like it too,” she
said, her hands smoothing the fabric about her waist.

Jayden found himself jealous of
her hands.

“Let me try the other one,” she
said, undoing the string.

Jayden had a mental picture of
what he would like to do to her next. After she had slowly taken
that dress off, he’d like to pull her into his arms and starts
kissing her and then...

“I’ll have to take my bra off
to wear that one,” she said almost absentmindedly.

“Huh?” He
jolted, wondering if she was really going to take her bra off and
get dressed again there right in front of him.
Oh yes, sweetheart, do that
– he
wanted to say to her.

Alex grinned, bent low towards
him so that her face was inches from his.

Jayden was really going to die
of a heart attack if she were to come any closer. He glanced down
and saw her creamy cleavage parading enticingly before his

Alex grabbed the dress from his
hand, stood up, turned on her heels and strolled back into the

Damn! He thought in
disappointment, she wasn’t going to take her bra off in front of
him after all, he pouted mentally.

A moment later she returned,
his eyes widened in delight – and as she had said last night – his
pupils dilated at what he saw.

The printed sweetheart corset
dress fitted her perfectly, showing off her slim body, shapely legs
and not to mention those gorgeous breasts.

Holy Shit! It
was only morning and he was already excited. This, he thought, was
going to be very hard, in more ways than one.
All right, Jayden
, he thought to
Alex would be gone soon. Only a
week more to go and then she’d be gone –back to good old New
The thought of her leaving,
however, didn’t sit well with him. He realised that he had become
attached to her, that he liked her company, that he might have more
feelings for her than he previously thought, and –
oh shit
–that he might
be falling in love with her after all.

Alex put her hands on her hips
and showed off the garment like a model would at the end of a
runway. “What do you think?”

“I think it looks great,” he
said, a tight feeling in his chest. Oh God, he really wanted to
pull her into his arms and kiss her and then tell her that he loved
her. But he couldn’t because he was supposed to be gay.

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