His for the Summer: 50 Loving States, Florida (6 page)

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Authors: Theodora Taylor

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: His for the Summer: 50 Loving States, Florida
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And this had only made Gus want to fuck her more. So much pride. He wanted to see her face when the wall of reserve she was trying to put up between them came crumbling down.

So instead of giving in immediately to the dark lust roaring through his veins, he’d undressed slowly. Wingtips… linen jacket… cufflinks… shirt… pants…he’d gathered them along with her clothes. Putting everything away in their proper places because he knew he wouldn’t be able to focus if everything wasn’t hidden away.

The thing was, you could take the boy out of the foster home, where anything left out was at risk of disappearing forever, but you couldn’t take the foster home out of the boy. He’d learned the hard way when he put down his dead father’s ring for just a second, only to come back and find it had mysteriously vanished. The other boys in the eight-bunk basement all claimed to have no idea where it had gone.

Still, he’d all but thrown the clothes into the drawers on his side of the walk-in closet and snatched a condom out of the box he kept there. Then he rushed back into the room, the need to be near her even more compelling than his usual desire to have everything in its proper place. For one crazy moment, he feared she’d be taken away from him. Just like his father’s ring.

But when he came out of the closet, she was still there. Like a statue on the bed.

One look at her was all it took. He tore open the condom package, knowing he was more than ready to put it on. The sharp sound of metal foil coming apart ripped through the quiet room.

And that was when Gus finally got a reaction. But not the one he wanted. All those carefully folded long limbs began to tremble. Making him feel like an ass as he put the condom on, because her obvious fear still didn’t quell his desire for her.

He’d had to fight the impulse to reassure her as he would any other woman. Speaking was the other half of Gus’s considerable game. He knew girls liked his warm New Orleans accent almost as much as they liked his face. What was it the girls in da Ninth used to call him behind his back? Pretty Tavo. Like he’d fallen out of a boy band and into their beds.

But this wasn’t any other woman. He couldn’t use smooth words or his handsome face with this one. Too much of a chance that she’d recognize him. No, the only thing he had to communicate with in this situation was his body.

So he pulled her onto her back and talked to her in the only way he could. Telling her with his hands what he couldn’t with words.
It’s okay. I’m not going to hurt you. I’d never hurt you. I only want to make you feel good, baby.

He’d meant to finger her to completion the first time. Watching her chest and hips roll underneath his hand had been a treat. But soon the need to taste her had become too much.

That was when he’d crawled onto the bed. Watching her in the mirror as he used his broad shoulders to push apart her dark thighs. Ignoring the now painful throbbing of his cock, he spoke to her with his tongue, delving it in and out of her core until she started trembling for a much different reason.
Come for me, baby,
he told her with his mouth,
Come for me now.

“Oh…I’ve never…I’m going to…I’m going to…”

His eyes slid sideways, back to the mirror then. Happy to have a full view as he watched her come apart with a shocked cry, unable to finish her sentence.

Gus found himself licking up all her cream, unable to tear away from her sex, even though his cock was hard as a steel rod, practically screaming at him to get his.

She tasted so good he couldn’t keep himself from feasting. From licking up every drop of essence that spilled out of her sweet pussy.

He might have stayed down there forever if her soft voice hadn’t floated down to him.

“Um, is this all we’re going to do? I’d thought you want to…um…do more than that. Not that I didn’t like it. In fact thank you. But I thought maybe there’d be more to it than this.”

Hell yes, he wanted more.

Feeling like he’d just been issued a challenge, he forced himself to leave her pussy alone and flip her onto her stomach. Then he pulled her up by the hips so the backside of her pussy was perfectly angled to receive him.

Yes, he wanted to see the look on her face when he entered her for the first time. Wanted to see if it matched his fantasies. But he was too hard now and could no longer trust himself. Watching her in the mirror had been bad enough, sending bolts of feral lust through his body. Looking her directly in the face as he entered her for the first time felt like too great a risk. He could just see himself splooging upon entry. Like he was still that seventeen-year-old boy, drinking orange juice at her kitchen table.

So he went in blind. Focused on the smooth expanse of her dark back as he began to guide himself into her now soaking wet pussy with one hand.

But even this felt like too much. He gritted his teeth, willing himself not to come as he pushed into her tight, wet tunnel.

Which should have been easy, as wet as she was, even with his wider than average girth. But she remained super tight, like some unseen barrier was trying to keep him out—

He didn’t get it until she cried out, falling onto her forearms as her back seized with pain.

Gus thought.
It couldn’t be.
She was just small or maybe even with the orgasm, he still hadn’t gotten her wet enough. It couldn’t be…

He started to pull out, prepared to do whatever it took to get her to where she’d needed to be so she could receive him comfortably. But before he could, her hand reached back, blindly groping the air before it clamped around his thigh.

“No, don’t. I want to finish,” she said breathlessly. “I want it gone. It’s stupid that I still have it. Just give me a second.”

No, Gus never would have imagined it. Not at her age. Not with the way she looked. That innocent face on top of all those naughty curves. But apparently a virgin was exactly what she was.


Cera had finally figured out a teaching job she could easily do if ever the need arose. A class on how to completely turn a guy off—yeah, if the University of West Miami ever decided to offer that particular course to its undergraduate students, she had that job in the bag. Her first resume piece? That time when some really rich dude paid her to be his mistress for the summer, and she totally forgot to mention she was a thirty-year-old virgin.

Which wasn’t quite as bad as being a forty-year-old virgin, but no matter how you spun it, it was definitely a turn off when it came to what was supposed to be a summer’s worth of hot sex.

She had a blindfold on but she didn’t have to see the guy who’d gone completely still behind her to know he was horrified. And for what felt like hours, the only sound in the room was the Latin music.

“I’m ready now,” she told him. She tried to sound confident, but her voice came out as little more than a small whisper. And she could only hope he could hear her over the music as she said, “You can keep going.”

He did not keep going. Just stood there, half in, half out, like he was trying to figure out what to do with the woman beneath him. The one who’d morphed from a hot piece of summer tail into a total freak.

Hot shame washed over Cera. She couldn’t bear it. Couldn’t bear this. And maybe she should have let things end there. An awkward withdrawal, most likely followed by a note that her services wouldn’t be required for the rest of the summer.

But that orgasm he’d given her with his mouth…it was like nothing she’d ever experienced before. A pleasure so sharp and fine, that for a few moments it had been all she could feel. Pleasure piled on top of pleasure. With no loneliness to be found.

And now she was—she couldn’t think of a good word for it. Maybe
? Yes, she was
. More curious than she’d ever been about anything else in her entire life.

about the way women and men came together. At least the women whose lives hadn’t been completely stunted at the age of fifteen. She remembered reading an article back when she’d still been a clueless high school girl, stating that fifteen was the average age for loss of virginity in this country. She remembered feeling like maybe she didn’t have the same operating system as other girls, because she hadn’t been remotely close to having sex at that point. Never wanting to go beyond kissing the boys she’d dated.

Then one boy had shown up at her door on a hot summer day, looking for her brother. And for the first time ever, she’d felt it. Her body warming in the way of a woman, even though she was still a girl.

But obviously that hadn’t happened. Instead, that summer had changed her life. Consigning her to three years of misery while her father was on trial, then twelve more years of barely scraping by as she raised the hidden daughter he’d left behind.

So fifteen years past her virginity due date, she did something she never could have imagined herself doing fifteen years—hell, even fifteen minutes—ago.

Before he could stop her, and before she could stop herself, she pushed back on his cock, completely impaling herself on its thick length.

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

She let out a pained cry, air pushing through her clenched teeth. Man, that had hurt! A sharp stinging pain, followed by the most uncomfortable sensation of being completely stuffed in a place that had only ever seen action from the palms of a few awkward boys and her own fingers.

And her benefactor’s mouth.

The thought of how his tongue had moved inside her warmed her body. Remembering what felt like a large nose pressed into the top of her clit, rubbing against her sensitive button with every lick, Cera felt herself clench below. And suddenly, she didn’t feel so uncomfortable anymore.

In fact, that
feeling was back and she found herself once again pushing into him. Moving back and forth on his thick manhood, trying to reach a place she’d never gone before with another person.

However, all he did was stand there. Probably watching her writhe in complete horror.

Cera couldn’t bring herself to care. Fifteen years. Fifteen years she’d been at the mercy of a cruel fate. Working dead end jobs, always tired, always struggling to make ends meet. Never in control.

But this…she wanted this. The need to come coursed through her, pushing her body into his. Turning her into the complete opposite of the cool statue she’d been trying to pull off before. She imagined what she must look like to him. The desperate virgin, riding his dick. So thirsty…

Nonetheless, she couldn’t make herself stop. In fact, the shame only made her body hotter. And soon the ache became too much to bear.

“Please,” she begged him. “I don’t want to be a virgin anymore. Please just… I’m so… I need you to take me. Please.”

Not the most stellar argument for finishing the job he’d started. But it was all her lust-addled mind could come up with. And she brought her hand up to her own sex, hoping she could find the place her body was trying to take her before he recovered from his horror and pulled out.

However after only a couple of sloppy circles in, a large hand clamped around her wrist. Her hand was pulled away from her aching core and pinned to the bed beneath her.

“Please, don’t… ” she started. Fully prepared to beg him not to pull out.

But then his back covered hers, and suddenly it was his hand at her core, rubbing her clit with such effortless command, she instantly went from fearing he’d pull out to knowing she wouldn’t last long. No more awkward back and forth. He began to take her masterfully, his cock thrusting into her now unguarded tunnel with precise strokes.

And to her surprise, she didn’t come as fast as she’d feared. Her benefactor’s body seemed to be reading hers like so much braille. Every time she got too close, he’d back off. Slowing down and grabbing on to her hips, so she’d have to slow down, too. But just as soon as the desire was reduced to a mild simmer, he’d start going at her hard again with those long, deep strokes that made her bite her lip to keep from crying out.

Because it was good. So good. Better than good. Maybe the best thing that had ever happened to her in her entire life.

Her mind swirled. Desire warring with wonder. Tears warring with laughter. It was all so crazy, she couldn’t figure out how to feel.

But the time for figuring out anything soon came to an end. Something slipped loose on their sexual train ride, and her benefactor seemed to come off the tracks. His smooth strokes became unguarded and rough.

Then his hand was back at her core, two fingers squeezing around her clit demanding that she—

She came apart with a scream. This was nothing like before. That was a few stars through a nice telescope. This was a rocket ship blasting off into outer space.

Who was she? She forgot her name. Her purpose in life. Or why she’d ever done anything other than get sexed by this man.

As she came down, she felt him swell bigger, his cock giving a sudden jerk inside her. And that was when she finally got to hear his voice for the first time. A rough, low grunt right before he released into the condom.

After that the only audible sound over the music was of them both breathing, ragged and ugly.

That should have been the end of it. It was over. He’d gotten what he wanted, and she had been taken to heights she wouldn’t have dared to expect.

But still, she couldn’t keep herself from wanting one more thing.

“I’m sorry,” she said to the man still inside her. “I know I’m supposed to be working for you. I know I shouldn’t ask you to, like, do anything for me. But could you…could you kiss me? I’d really like to be kissed right now.”

Okay, this time there wasn’t even a slight hesitation. He pulled out so quickly, it was as if he’d been vacuumed out of her.

“I’m sorry,” she said with a cringe. “I shouldn’t have—”

The next thing she knew, her back was hitting the bed. And then a heavy body settled on top of hers, its strong waist pushing her legs apart as a pair of lips crashed down on her mouth. Her mysterious benefactor’s tongue plunged into her gasp, claiming her even more thoroughly than he’d claimed her body.

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