Read His End Game (MMG #1) Online

Authors: R B Hilliard

His End Game (MMG #1) (38 page)

BOOK: His End Game (MMG #1)
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“Not a good idea tonight,” he said.

I hadn’t heard this tone in his voice before and it bothered me. “Why? Is everything okay?”

“I’m tied up here right now and don’t know when I can get away. No need for you to walk into this mess. Maybe some other night, okay?”

Wanting him to come clean about where he was, I asked, “Want to talk about it? Maybe I can help?”

“Haven’t had a mother in years, babe. I don’t need one now. Catch up with you later.”

Before I could reply, I heard a click on the other end. I double checked the display on the phone to make sure that it didn’t just drop the call.

The A-hole just hung up on me!

I turned to Piper and Joss. “He just told me he didn’t need a mother and hung up on me! If this is the new Max, I’ve just decided I don’t really like him!” I was hurt and angry and there was no way in hell that I was going to sit home all night waiting for him to grace me with his lying presence. “Why are you two just standing there? Come help me pick out a hot outfit! And, for Pete’s sake, do
even think about saying I told you so!”

Joss and Piper helped me with my wardrobe selection and then we both helped Piper cover the bruises on her face. Joss then ran home to get dressed.

We decided that I should wear my short black skirt because it fit like a glove through my hips and flared at my thighs. It moved with my body when I danced and I planned on doing a lot of dancing. I debated whether or not to go sans panties until I started having flashes of big gusts of cold wind, slipping on spilled beer or having to go to the ER for some odd reason roll
through my head. So, panties it was, but I made sure they were on the skimpy side. Piper always had the best t-shirts, so when I asked if I could borrow one, she told me to grab one out of her suitcase. I found a really cool grey and black vintage looking tee with the word Dooley’s written across the front. I threw it on and headed downstairs. Piper was standing in the kitchen when I hit the bottom step. Her eyes drifted to the shirt I had on and her smile wavered.

Looking down to make sure it didn’t have a stain or something on it, I asked, “Is this one okay? I love the vintage look of it. Where did you get it?”

She shrugged. “I don’t remember.”

I could tell she was lying, but was afraid that if I pushed too hard she would bail for the night or change the subject back to Max. So, I decided to let it go…for now. Throwing on my black motorcycle boots and leather jacket, we headed out the door.

I could tell Piper was worried about me but wasn’t in the mood to pacify her.
Max is lying to me
was playing like a broken record over and over through my head. It was sitting in my gut like a lead weight, right along with a large dose of hurt and anger. Both were driving me to do something I would probably end up regretting.

Doesn’t it always

We walked into Dragonfly around six. I was surprised to see how packed it was and then remembered that Kurt had just hired a new guy to play on Tuesday nights. I assumed by the crowd that he was good.

“Oh my, who is that fine piece of man flesh behind the bar?” Piper asked, as we threaded our way through the crowd.

“That is Dillon.”

She yanked my sleeve and halted our progress. “Ellie, you were definitely holding out on me! He is super hot, like…
super duper
hot,” she stressed.

“Yep,” I replied, not wanting to get into it. Boy did
I know
how hot Dillon was.

He is nowhere near the hotness of Max, but after today…

Deep down I knew this was just my hurt and anger talking, but still…..

I watched Dillon’s silver eyes hit on me right as we reached the bar and couldn’t help but smile when he mouthed, “Hey Ellie Belly.”

“He likes you,” Piper sang in my ear.

.” I made sure to stress that it was in the past.

“No, I mean he really
you. His eyes are practically eating you up. Surely you can see that?”

I didn’t know what to say to this. I had made my decision, which if I was being honest really wasn’t much of a decision and I wasn’t going to change my mind.

Even if I was being lied to, I still choose Max and always will

Still, it didn’t hurt my ego to see the look of appreciation in Dillon’s eyes.

“Scoot down two stools, guys,” I heard him say to the two men sitting right in front of him.

“See, I told you!” Piper blurted, as we neared the two stools, “He
really likes you.”

Slowly enunciating each word and hoping that they would get through her thick skull, I said, “Piper, we…are…friends. Now, let it go.”

“Okay, okay!” she huffed as we sat down.

“Hey Dillon, this is my best bud Piper O’Connell. Piper, meet Dillon Whitaker.”

My stomach somersaulted when he flashed his vintage Dillon-Sex-God grin and asked, “How’s it going?”

“It’s getting better by the second,” Piper beamed.

I threw her a scowl. I may not want Dillon, but I knew that if Piper got her claws in him she would just eat him up and spit him out. That’s the last thing he needed, especially after Dana.

We watched him saunter to the end of the bar to fill a tray for Polly. “I thought you said you were done with guys?” I reminded her. “Remember….the reason you came back to Charlotte and all? The thing you refuse to talk to me about?”

Dillon laughed at something Polly said and started back toward us. “Oh shut it! You’re just pissed at Max and taking it out on the world,” Piper hissed.

“Am not.”

Dillon shot me a look of concern. “Did he fuck up already? I knew it was going to happen, but damn I gave him at least a month.”

Forcing myself not to roll my eyes at them both, I slapped my hands on the bar. “I sure could use a shot. I feel like getting drunk tonight!”

Looking over at Piper, Dillon raised both eyebrows. “Demanding isn’t she?”

She shot him one of her ear splitting grins. “She always has been.”

Directing his sexy smile back my way, his voice deepened. “Makes me wonder if she’s like this…everywhere?”

Now, thoroughly embarrassed, I started searching the room for signs of Joss.

“Well, okay then,” he sighed, realizing that I wasn’t going to bite. “Shots it is!” He pulled down three different bottles and, with a shake here and a shake there, voila. “Drink up!” he said, slamming a shot down in front of me while gently handing Piper hers.

We clinked our glasses together and Piper shouted, “Here’s to getting rid of Lying A-Holes!”

Before I could tell Dillon that his shot tasted like vomit, Piper flew off of her stool. “Harry!” she shouted, and threw her arms around him.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Polly watching them and she didn’t look happy.

Hmmm, looks like Harry might be getting to Polly after all

I was so busy focusing on Polly that I failed to see who Harry had walked in with. That is until I heard a familiar “Hey Ellie.”


“Well, well, well, look who the cat dragged in? It’s Garrett the protector. I figured that you’d be long gone now that your job is over or did Max send you here tonight?” I knew that I was being harsh but I was hurt and mad and needed an outlet.

His eyes widened and his nose flared. “Max said you were angry, but I figured that you would have realized by now that I was just keeping you safe and gotten past it.”

Not liking how this conversation was going, I decided no more playing around. “I don’t like being lied to, Garrett. I thought you were my friend.”

“First of all, I had a job to do, Ellie. After that I could play it any way I wanted and that’s exactly what I did. Being your friend wasn’t a lie. In fact, I’m still your friend.”

I narrowed my eyes at him. “Why aren’t you back in Kentucky?”

“I’m expanding my business to Charlotte, so I’m scouting locations.”

Before he could say anything else, we were interrupted by the obnoxiously loud squeal of the amplifier.

Handing me a full beer, Piper said, “Harry says this guy is great. Let’s find a closer spot so we can dance!”

From the way she was bouncing around, it was obvious that she was feeling no pain. I wrinkled my brow at her. “How many
pain killers did you take tonight Piper?” She stuck her tongue out at me and giggled.


We found a high table four rows back and left of center stage. It was perfect for holding our drinks and we had enough room to dance around it. We cheered with the crowd as the main attraction walked out onto the dark stage. He was carrying a bar stool and had a guitar strapped around his front, but that’s all I could see. Suddenly Kurt’s voice boomed through the speakers. “I’m sorry to say that Ben had a last minute family emergency tonight and can’t be here.” The whole crowd started booing. “Hey, hey now, none of that,” he continued. So, I asked a friend of mine for a huge favor and here he is now. Give it up for Dragonfly’s own Dillon Whitaker!”

My eyes shot to the now lit stage and there sat Dillon.

How did I not know this

Glancing over at Piper, the surprise that I was feeling was mirrored in her eyes. “Holy shit Ellie, you didn’t tell me that he was a musician!” she squeaked.

I didn’t know

Dillon’s deep voice cut into my moment of wonder. “Hi, in case you don’t know, I’m Dillon Whitaker. I help Kurt manage this place and, every now and then, if you catch me on a good night, I might be willing to play a few tunes for you.”

“Oh….My,” Piper panted in my ear. I had to agree.

“Anyway,” he continued, “sorry that Ben couldn’t be here tonight because he’s really good. I’ll try not to disappoint.”

Piper and I looked at each other and sighed. He really was quite dreamy. He started strumming his guitar and it took me a second to recognize the song. When he began singing
Hey There Delilah
by the Plain White T’s, the crowd went nuts. I had to admit, Dillon’s version was pretty damn impressive.

We were dancing to his mind blowing rendition of
Blister in the Sun
when I spotted Dana and Jennifer down in front of the stage.


“After what happened, I’m shocked that ho bitch has the nerve to show her face around here,” Piper snarled.

Not really excited about getting in another altercation, I was contemplating going home when Harry and Garrett showed up toting a bucket of beer. I had barely taken a sip when Dillon broke into his amazing version of
. I couldn’t decide which was more comical, Harry who danced like he was on a pogo stick or Garrett who was doubled over in hysterics laughing at him. We were all gearing up to get ‘down on our knees’ when I felt Piper’s body jerk as if she’d been slapped.

“Hey!” I yelled, grabbing her arm, “you okay?”

“I’ve got to go,” she clipped. Her eyes looked haunted and her face pale.

I wondered when the pain killers and booze would catch up with her. I guess I had my answer.

“Give me your keys, Ellie. I have to get out of here, now.” The panicked look in her eyes instantly sobered me.

“Okay. We’ll go,” I assured her.

“No, you stay and have fun.”

She was starting to scare me. “Honey, if you are going to be sick I will come home and take care of you. I don’t mind.”

“That’s not it. I’m fine, really. I just need some air and have stayed way longer than I planned. Please give me the keys,” she begged.

“I’m heading home, Piper. I’ll drop you off at Ellie’s,” Garrett offered.

“Thanks Garrett, that would be great,” she said, relief written all over her face. Then, turning to me, she pulled me into a tight hug, whispered, “See you at home” and bolted for the front door.

What the hell just happened here

After Piper’s hasty departure Harry and I resumed drinking and dancing. The more alcohol I consumed, the funnier he got. I was laughing at him swaying to Dillon’s hot as hell version of Matchbox Twenty’s
3 AM
, when I felt hands on my hips and large body flush against my back. Startled, I turned my head to see who it was when a familiar sexy voice started singing in my ear.

BOOK: His End Game (MMG #1)
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