His Dirty Secret - Slave To The Billionaire - Contemporary Erotic Romance (17 page)

Read His Dirty Secret - Slave To The Billionaire - Contemporary Erotic Romance Online

Authors: Evelyn Troy

Tags: #romance, #sex, #erotic romance, #bdsm, #secrets, #billionaire, #alpha, #alpha male, #billionaire romance, #bdsm billionaire

BOOK: His Dirty Secret - Slave To The Billionaire - Contemporary Erotic Romance
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She knew that Tyler hadn’t come yet;
he was still rock hard and embedded deep inside her while he waited
for her to catch her breath and calm down. But if he thought that
he was going to fuck her until he ejaculated, he was in for a
surprise, because Isobel still wasn’t finished with him. Not


With her legs still trembling, she
pulled away from him and turned around to face him. Taking hold of
Tyler’s arms, she turned them both around so that he was now in her
place standing against the wall. He didn’t say a word; he just
stood there looking at her with a quizzical smile on his


Isobel looked down his gorgeous male
body, taking in the sheen of sweat that coated his skin and the
muscles that flexed as her eyes looked him up and down. “Would it
be beneath you to lie on the floor?” She smiled cheekily up at him.
“There’s something I want to do with you.”


Tyler looked around the small space
they were standing in, and then he moved a few things out of the
way with his foot and lowered himself to the ground. He couldn’t
help smiling at her as he looked up. She was a magnificent sight in
her nakedness, standing over him and biting her lip as she
concentrated on what she was going to do next.


He’d thought that she was going to
suck him again, but he realized how wrong he’d been in his
assumption when she turned to face his feet and then lowered
herself down over his face. He looked up into the deliciousness of
her sopping pussy, and his cock jerked, her juices making it
glisten and shine as it begged for attention.


As she placed her knees on either side
of his body, her pussy came towards his face and he put his tongue
out to greedily accept the treat that she offered him. He licked
her slit from clit to lips while his hands gripped her buttocks and
pulled them apart to open her wide for him.


Isobel moaned as his tongue sent
tingles of pleasure running through her. She bent at the waist and
sucked his cock in between her lips, giving him the same treatment
as he was giving her. Her movements alternated between stroking him
with her hand and sucking him as deep into her mouth as she
possibly could, relishing the sounds of pleasure he was making
while he licked and sucked at her slit.


Her concentration was periodically
broken when he would flick at her clit with his tongue, or nibble
at her swollen labia, but she was determined that she wasn’t going
to stop and made an effort to disrupt his movements by swirling her
tongue over and under his knob or gently sucking his balls into her
mouth one at a time.


It rapidly became a competition to see
who would break first, with neither of them willing to back down
and neither of them wanting to win just yet either. Tyler knew that
Isobel was close to climaxing again by the way her breath caught in
her throat and her legs shook on either side of his head. And
Isobel knew that Tyler was fighting his own orgasm, because every
now and again he would bite down a little harder or suck her clit
in between his lips to try and put her off what she was


And then it was game over, as Isobel
was rocked by another climax that had her shuddering and soaking
his face while he happily lapped up her juices. And what his tongue
missed, his probing fingers didn’t as he delved deep inside her and
then licked her sweetness off them.


All the while her orgasm was raging
through her, Isobel had made sure that she didn’t stop paying
attention to Tyler’s cock, stroking it with a shaking hand rather
than sucking it because she was afraid that she would have bitten
down without even thinking about it. While she gasped for breath,
her hand stroked his length absentmindedly, twisting around the
soft steel of him and pulling the skin back away from his


Mere moments later, Tyler moaned out
loud and Isobel could feel his body tensing up beneath her. He put
a hand on the small of her back and pushed Isobel forwards, urging
her to take him in her mouth again. And she happily obliged,
opening her mouth and clamping her lips around him just in time to
catch the first jet of cum, and loving the feel as it hit the roof
of her mouth.


Stream after stream of warm stickiness
shot into her mouth, and Isobel tried her damndest to make sure she
tried to swallow every last drop of goodness. As he spilled his
seed into her mouth, she devoured him and moaned appreciatively,
licking her lips and wiping up the drop that had dribbled out onto
her chin and then sucking her fingers clean.


She swung herself over and off Tyler
and then collapsed onto the floor next to him; the confines of the
closet meaning that she had to lay so close to him that they were
touching. Their heads turned to look at each other simultaneously,
and they both smiled shakily as they got their breath


“What the hell was that all about?”
Tyler turned over onto his side and leaned up on one arm, propping
his head on his elbow while he looked down at her


Isobel smiled up at him
innocently. “Why did it have to
about something, Tyler?” She kept her voice
neutral, but inside she was wondering why he thought that she might
have an ulterior motive. Maybe it was because everybody always
seemed to treat him like a mercenary business man with a deep and
never-ending wallet. But Isobel saw past all that. It was
definitely past time that he was treated like a regular man, even
if that meant standing up to him, defying him, doing what she
wanted and not what he insisted on. She held in a chuckle when she
realized that defying him was actually what he enjoyed, because
then he could punish her.


“Couldn’t it have merely
been about two consenting adults sharing a little private time to
enjoy each other for no reason other than pleasure
each other?” she
asked, curiously.


“It could be, but in my experience
it’s very unlikely.” Isobel could have wept at how serious he was,
and wondered if he’d ever been allowed to have fun as a little boy.
Or even as an adult, for that matter.


“Well not this time, Tyler.” She made
sure that she sounded as sincere as she felt. “I wanted you. It’s
as easy as that.”


His laughter was rich and almost
carefree, and Isobel couldn’t help but feel a little guilty because
she hadn’t been completely truthful with him. “And what Isobel
wants, Isobel gets. Right?”


Now it was her turn to laugh. “Do the
words pot, kettle and black have any meaning whatsoever for you?”
Tyler reached out and gave her hair a tug in retaliation for her
cheek, and Isobel’s heart gave a little lurch at the small hint of
the playful man he could be if he was only given half a chance.
“Besides, you’re guilty of getting what you want all the time from
what I’ve seen in the short amount of time I’ve known


“Hmmm. But unlike everyone else, you
don’t give in quite so easily, do you, Isobel?” He smiled lazily at
her, and she grinned back.


“Nope. Although I did let you get away
with a lot more than I would usually let a man get away


Tyler chuckled again. “Now I know that
you’re not complaining, because I distinctly recall you begging me
for more on more than one occasion.”


Feigning indignation, Isobel playfully
punched him on his arm. “A gentleman would have never dared to say
something like that to a lady.”


“I’ve never pretended to be a
gentleman, and I dare to do and say a whole lot more than that, as
you well know.” His eyes had darkened again and Isobel felt a
movement against her leg and looked down. She watched in amazement
as his cock started to stir back to life, going from flaccid to
semi-hard before her eyes.


“Seriously, Tyler?” She knew her tone
was incredulous. “You’re ready to go again already?”


“Sweetheart, I’m always ready to go
whenever I’m around you.” She felt herself blush at his offhanded
compliment. “But, I really should get back to my office and see
what Jessica wanted to see me about.” He got to his feet as he
talked and reached a hand down to help Isobel stand.


They got dressed in silence, each lost
in their own thoughts as the mood was well and truly broken. Before
they left the small room, Tyler pulled Isobel around and gave her a
kiss that was so gentle that it left her quite


“You go on ahead, Tyler.” Isobel knew
her voice was a little wobbly as she fought back tears again, but
she hoped that he would just think it was due to the aftermath of
the passionate sex session they’d just had. “It will look a little
too obvious if we walk back together.”


Tyler looked at her closely, no doubt
sensing that something was wrong but not being able to put his hand
on exactly what. “I really don’t give a damn what people think,
Isobel. You should know that by now.”


“Oh, I do know it. But you’re the man
who bought out a complete restaurant so that people wouldn’t see
us, and your wife is sat in your office just down the hallway,
probably wondering where we are and what we’ve been doing for so
long.” Always the voice of reason, Isobel didn’t enjoy reminding
him about his spouse. But she really needed a few minutes alone to
compose herself before seeing anyone else.


Tyler did as she asked and
left before her, leaving her alone to pull herself together. She
had only been working for Tyler for a few days, but then she’d only
actually known him for a few days. But it felt as though she’d
always known him even while it felt like she didn’t know him at
all. And the very real probability was that she would never get the
chance to get to know him now. Not after



Chapter Ten





Isobel took her time composing herself
and wished that there was a mirror in the closet so that she could
check her make-up and hair. It was going to be blatantly obvious
what she had been doing to any of the other women who worked here,
and while she really didn’t give a shit for her own sake, she
didn’t want Tyler to have to deal with any kind of bitchy


She finger-combed her hair and took a
deep calming breath before squaring her shoulders and walking out
of the closet, pointedly ignoring the looks she received from the
other secretaries and office staff as she returned to her desk and
sat down.


She turned on her computer and decided
to work through the days tasks to pass the time. She needed to talk
to Tyler once his wife had left, and she’d rather occupy her time
by doing what she was actually paid to do rather than just sit
there twiddling her thumbs.


Numerous phone calls, a multitude of
letters typed up and memos sent out to the relevant people, and
Isobel had finished everything on the list. But Tyler was still
firmly ensconced in his office, and his wife hadn’t left


She was just about to give up, write
him a note and go home, when she heard his office door open and the
shrill shrewish tone of Tyler’s wife. “I really do not care, Tyler.
I’ve made my decision and I won’t hear anything else said about the


Isobel couldn’t hear Tyler’s response,
but she also didn’t see him walk his wife out of his office either
and she couldn’t help her smug smile. He always held the door open
for her whenever she left. Jessica strode over to Isobel’s desk,
her snooty expression making her attractive features seem somehow


“Where did you put my coat? And you
had better hope that you hung it somewhere secure, because if it’s
damaged in any way the cost is coming out of your wage.” She dared
to wag a long skinny finger in Isobel’s face and Isobel had to grit
her teeth to refrain from slapping it away and telling the woman
that she was not some skivvy and she most certainly did not
appreciate being pointed at like a bloody dog.


Instead she calmly stood up and
without saying a word walked to the coat rack to retrieve her
boss’s wife’s dead animal coat, holding it out to the woman with
barely concealed disdain. “Here you are, Mrs. James.” The stuck-up
bitch had the audacity to turn her back on Isobel and hold her arms
back for the coat to be draped across her shoulders, but Isobel
refused to play those kind of ‘Me mistress, you slave’ game.
Instead she walked around to the front of Jessica and promptly
thrust the coat at her. “I’ll let you put it on in case I do it
wrong. I’d hate to damage your fox in any way, and my measly wage
couldn’t afford to pay you for it.”


“Well really!” Mrs. James was pissed
off to say the least, but Isobel stood her ground. “You can expect
to be severely reprimanded for your attitude young lady. I’ll have
a word with my husband and instruct him to take you to


Isobel just smiled sweetly, secure in
the knowledge that Tyler had already taken her to task on a few
occasions, and he certainly hadn’t needed any prompting from his
wife. “Have a nice day, Mrs. James. I’m sure you know your way out
by now.” And with that she turned away from the blasted woman and
sat back down at her desk, ignoring the affronted, ‘Well really!’
that she heard being muttered as Jessica walked away.

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