Read His Desire, Her Surrender Online

Authors: Malia Mallory

His Desire, Her Surrender (2 page)

BOOK: His Desire, Her Surrender
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Tabitha shook her head. "I don't know what to say, Marcus."

"Forgive me." He gave her a devastating smile that almost crumbled her resolve.

Tabitha laughed. "I'll think about it."

"All right. Kiss me." It wasn't an order, not yet.

Tabitha's churning emotions were getting the best of her. She managed a nod.

Marcus crossed the distance between them and took her into his arms, kissing her as if he'd never let go. All of Tabitha's fears faded away as fresh waves of desire coursed through her. She leaned against him, and her body took over, craving contact.

His hands roamed her curves, and her nerves rioted with heat. Nimble fingers unfastened her blouse as his leg pressed between hers.

"Tabitha, you feel so good, so right."

His words aroused her, but a glimmer of sanity remained. "Marcus, anyone could walk in."

"Mmmm, so they could." He released her, removed his jacket and tossed it on a chair. "Lock the door." His even inflection commanded compliance.

Tabitha trembled with expectation and moved to the door. As the lock clicked into place, she rested her forehead against the heavy wood.


She tilted her head, waiting.

"Take off your clothes." Dominance filled his voice. This was the Marcus she remembered. This was the Marcus her heart refused to release. Tabitha unbuttoned her blouse and shrugged it off. Her back still toward him, she slid her skirt down over her hips, along with her panties. She stepped out, revealing stockings and garters instead of pantyhose. Her fingers reached for the garter.

"Leave them. I like the stockings. They look quite lovely on you. And your shoes. Don't they call those fuck me heels?" His teasing conveyed a hint of challenge.

Tabitha blushed and turned around as she unfastened her bra. He was right about the shoes. The black patent leather gleamed even under the fluorescent lights of the conference room. The heels, high and spiky, were just barely office appropriate. She dropped her bra on the carpet and raised her eyes to his, trapped by the compelling intensity of his stare.

"Undress me." His gaze invited her touch.

Tabitha smiled. "It would be my pleasure." All thoughts of self-preservation fled her mind. This was Marcus. He was here, right now. And she needed him.

Marcus raised an eyebrow.

Tabitha rephrased her response. "It would be my pleasure, Sir."

He gave an almost imperceptible signal of approval.

Tabitha advanced toward Marcus, clad only in her shoes, stockings and garters. She shivered, goosebumps rising on her skin. She softened inside as she reached for him. Her fingers grasped the top button on his dress shirt and, one by one, she slowly unfastened them. She moved close, close enough to feel his radiating heat. Her fingertips trailed down one arm and undid his cufflink and then turned to the other, repeating her actions. With her fingertips, she brushed the fabric off his shoulders until the shirt drifted free of his body. She caught it, folded it neatly, and placed it on a chair.

Tabitha ached to wrap herself around him, but resisted. She reached for his belt. Her fingers shook as she unfastened the buckle, followed by the waistband of his pants. She lowered the zipper, brushing against his growing erection. She pushed his pants and underwear down only to realize his shoes were still on. Embarrassed, she met his eyes.

"Don't worry, we'll practice." He slid off his shoes and stepped out of his pants and briefs.

Tabitha picked up his slacks and folded them along the creases, smoothing the fabric with her hands. She tucked his briefs inside the pants and placed them by his shirt.

Marcus was naked. Gloriously naked. Tabitha swayed as the memory of their powerful encounters in Hawaii swept through her. She quivered and her nipples puckered. Her hand reached out toward him. Marcus stepped back, avoiding her touch, and her hand dropped to her side. Confused, Tabitha bit her lip.
Had she misunderstood?

Marcus's expression gave nothing away. "You may use your mouth."

Tabitha acknowledged his direction with a slight smile. She loved to taste him.

"What do you say?" This time he expressed a bit of impatience.

"I understand, Sir." He wasn't retreating from her. He tempted her to play a game, a sensual game. With Marcus, sex was not only hot and pleasurable, but intriguing and unexpected. He tapped into her most secret needs — her desire to be taken and tamed. She wasn't a masochist. She wasn't into pain. But the sting of the paddle combined with the surrender of control opened her mind and body to limitless pleasure. She yearned to feel it again. She'd never imagined that connections like she'd found with Marcus existed. Previous relationships appeared pale and insipid in comparison.

Tabitha licked her lips. Where to start? The enticing hollow at the base of his neck? His rough jaw, prickly with an early five o'clock shadow? His mouth? She hadn't forgotten his kisses, deep and probing, his full lips on hers, his warm tongue exploring.

Her eyes drank him in — tanned skin stretched over defined muscle, vivid blue eyes, and dark hair with a hint of wave at the tips. She loved the way he looked — so sexy, so handsome. But even more, she loved the way he thought. He was smart and funny, and when he slipped into dominant mode, he made her knees go weak.

Tabitha approached him, moving close until she stopped mere inches from his body. She leaned into him and fixed her lips to his breastbone. His skin was warm and faintly salty. She dragged the front edge of her teeth against his nipple and it stiffened. She glanced down and caught sight of his increasing arousal.

His erection mesmerized her, hard and pulsing, it tugged at her feminine essence. She sank down before him, her knees cushioned by the carpet. Swaying toward him, she kissed his thigh and left a wet trail with her tongue as she bent toward his groin.

Marcus drew in a breath but remained still.

Tabitha lifted her fingers for his inspection. She wiggled them, silently asking for permission to use her hands in concert with her mouth.

Marcus nodded with approval.

Tabitha wound her fingers through the coarse, tangled hair surrounding his sex. She cupped his testicles in her palm and pressed the tip of her index finger against the smooth patch of skin just behind his sack. She stroked his shaft with her free thumb and lifted him toward her mouth. She pressed her waiting lips against the crown in a light kiss.

Tabitha rubbed her cheek against him. He was hard and hot against her face. She turned her mouth toward his flesh, kissing and licking her way toward the tip of his erection. The salty taste of his skin and his heady smell stimulated her senses. She'd missed this, dreamed of this.

Marcus wound his fingers into Tabitha's hair as she grasped him with her lips, sliding his sensitive sex into her mouth. He trembled against her, shaking with desire and unfulfilled need.

Cupping him with her tongue, Tabitha sucked him inside. Her sensual nature burst free as she experienced the full power of her femininity. Marcus might be the Dominant, but right now, she controlled the passion, both hers and his.

Marcus groaned and pressed himself further into the warm depths of her mouth. "Yes, Tabitha, just like that." He traced her lips with his finger where they hugged his shaft.

Tabitha focused her efforts on the head, flicking her tongue against him repeatedly. He burned against her with feverish hunger.

His arousal rose higher and higher. "That feels so good. You're going to make me come, but I want to bury myself inside you first." He removed himself from her mouth and pulled her to her feet.

Marcus lifted Tabitha onto the edge of the heavy oak conference table, his hands roaming where he pleased. He urged her onto her back and reached for his discarded tie. He wrapped the tie loosely around her wrists. "Put your arms over your head."

Tabitha complied. Her legs hung free, and he pressed himself between them.

"Put your feet on the table." His husky voice vibrated with longing.

Tabitha lifted her legs onto the smooth wood of the tabletop. The heels of her shoes slipped until the soles found purchase. As she bent her knees, her legs opened wide to Marcus. He raised himself off her, looking intently at her most intimate area, and inhibition caused her to try to close her legs.

"No." Marcus halted her movement with a hand on one knee. "I want to look at you. You're beautiful. So lovely." Her soft, feminine flesh was swollen and wet.

Tabitha shivered as her embarrassment faded. The way Marcus looked at her reinforced his words. His eyes fixated on her most intimate secrets. She contracted inside, experiencing a stab of pleasure.

Marcus traced the edges of her feminine folds with his fingertip. He spread the slippery essence of her arousal over her clit and gently massaged it. "I can't resist you." He leaned forward and fastened his lips to her flesh. Tabitha jerked as pleasure pierced her center. He licked, kissed, and tugged, using his whole mouth to satisfy her.

"Marcus, it's too much. I can't take it." Her pleading voice throbbed with yearning hunger and desire for Marcus alone.

He released her. "Well, in this instance, you have to. Just lie back, spread wide open. I want to taste you. I want to make you come. Keep your arms over your head." Satisfaction laced his voice. He'd taken control back and he intended to wield it.

His words pushed her higher. Her body stretched out along the surface of the table, trembling with desire, exposed to his gaze and ready for his use. She was his, for his pleasure, but for hers as well.

Marcus returned his attention to her delicate bud, using his tongue to flick it back and forth. He pressed his mouth to her and sucked gently.

Tabitha quivered, balanced on the precipice between coherent thought and mindless passion. Marcus propelled her over the brink as his searching lips found her most responsive spot once again and drove her toward completion. Tabitha struggled to contain the moans that bubbled up her throat as she writhed on the table, her orgasm overtaking her.

Just as she felt herself slide down from the peak, Marcus entered her, taking her with long-suppressed need. Slick with arousal, she accepted him readily. She'd ached for him for so long. As he filled her, he satisfied the need not only of her body, but her soul. With unrelenting passion, he took her powerfully, driving deep again and again.

Tabitha rose to meet him as her desire crested again. A strangled cry escaped as heated spasms dominated her reality. She reveled in the musky scent of their coupling, the hard surface beneath her and Marcus's hot, burning skin pressed to hers.

Marcus didn't hesitate. "Yes! Tabitha!" He buried himself deep within her as he reached his completion. He collapsed, half on her, half on the table.

Tabitha lay gasping, trying to catch her breath. Marcus's heavy weight crushed her, but she didn't want to let go. As coherent thought returned, she wondered how long they had been in the conference room. Half an hour? Longer? Good thing her boss was out of the office today.

Tabitha cupped Marcus's cheek. "I can't believe we just did this."

Marcus kissed her and nipped her ear. "Are you sorry?"

"You need to ask?" She nuzzled against his jaw.

He turned her eyes to his. "You didn't answer my question."

"I'm not sorry. How could I be? I missed you … and now you're here. No. I'm not sorry." She paused, considering. "Although perhaps this wasn't the best location."

Marcus laughed. "You may be right."

Tabitha traced the line of his spine with her fingertips. "Did you know I was here?"

"Yes. I knew where to find you." He buried his face in her hair, inhaling her scent.

"How?" Tabitha's bewilderment seeped into her voice.

"Your beach tote had the firm name on the side. One phone call and I knew you were an employee here."

Tabitha wondered why he hadn't contacted her sooner. A phone call wasn't so difficult, was it?

Marcus folded her into a close embrace. "I'll say it again. I'm sorry. When my father called, he was enraged. Coron has tried to take over Granger Pharma before. I couldn't let that happen. And with Monica being involved, things are complicated."

"Your sister?" Tabitha thought back to the argument she'd witnessed in Hawaii. Even in disagreement, she'd been able to sense their strong family bond.

"Yes. She may have even provided Coron with unreleased information." Anger tempered his voice.

"Isn't that a breach of her fiduciary duty?"

"It might be. I don't know exactly what she did yet. I haven't had a chance to question her. Frankly, she won't return my calls. She's pissed about being fired."

"But would she turn on her own family?"

"She was very angry about having her idea shot down again. She doesn't believe our father takes her seriously, and she may be right."

"What are you going to do?"

Marcus got to his feet. "Right now, I'm going to get dressed." He removed his pants from the chair and put them on.

"You know that's not what I meant." Tabitha sighed with exasperation.

"I know. I've had meetings most of the day. We've been working on ideas since I got back to New York." Marcus shrugged into his shirt and buttoned it. He picked up her bra and handed it to her.

BOOK: His Desire, Her Surrender
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