Read His Darkest Hunger Online

Authors: Juliana Stone

His Darkest Hunger (18 page)

BOOK: His Darkest Hunger
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The jungle was calling to him. To his jaguar.

Tossing the black and whites onto the table, he quickly left the tent. All was quiet.

He could feel energy drifting in the air, and attributed it to the protection wards Declan would have placed in and around their base. Evening had fully enveloped the jungle, and he could hear the
nocturnal beings that came alive underneath its spell, deep in the distance. A tingle of awareness raced along his spine, and he whirled, the air cracking around him.

Julian stood there, his deep topaz eyes glowing with a feverish glint, and when he grinned, Jaxon nodded, and the two ran like children toward the foliage that beckoned. His jaguar was chomping at the bit, and his pupils dilated in anticipation as he shed his clothes and called the mist to his body.

He felt incredibly alive. As bones popped and elongated, skin shimmered and disappeared underneath a thick black coat, the animals of the forest were silent. Less than a minute later two large jaguars barked to each other and took off, their powerful legs propelling them forward at breakneck speed. The spotted golden cat led his midnight black companion deep into the underbelly of the jungle.

Jaxon reveled in the savage joy his jaguar experienced, and he let all thoughts of Libby and the DaCostas fade from his mind as the animal took over. In this moment he would feed his need to escape. As he ran to catch up to his older brother, he roared his pleasure, ears perked at the answering call that rang out into the night.


Inside her tent, Libby froze at the sound and shuddered as it brought to mind torturous memories that had haunted her for the last two months. Her fingers kneaded her temple and she wished the dull headache that had plagued her the last three hours would just go away. A plate of food had been left on her bedroll along with a bottle of water, and she
smiled, knowing it was either Cracker or Jagger who had provided it for her.

She was so very tired, but forced herself to eat something. She knew she’d need every ounce of energy she could muster, for the coming hours. Once she was done, she lowered her aching limbs to the bedroll, but even though she desperately needed sleep, she was afraid to close her eyes.

She began to tremble as a wave of emotion choked her throat and made it hard to breathe. She was so close to learning the truth about her son. It was almost anticlimactic, really, and on a certain level she wished she was worlds away. Because then she could go on believing that he was happy, healthy, and well cared for.

She could believe that he was alive

to believe he was still alive, because if he wasn’t, there wasn’t any reason for
to live.

A thousand thoughts seemed to flutter through her bruised mind, but eventually the pain receded and she relaxed somewhat. She was alone, and while grateful, couldn’t help the small snatch of resentment that flashed through her. She was the outsider here and knew she’d never belong again. Even Cracker and Jagger were keeping their distance. She sighed, not surprised.

Eventually she must have drifted off. She wasn’t sure how much time had passed, but knew exactly the moment her body became aware of another.

Her insides jerked and she felt her belly skip madly. She bit her lip in an effort to contain the squeak that threatened to spill out, and her breasts began to ache with need, the nipples instantly hard. Her body rec
ognized him even before her mind could. His scent drifted over to her. It was full of male desire and heavy with the remnants of his recent shift. His animal was deeply aroused, and even though she hated him for it, her body screamed for his touch.

He was here.

Jaxon had come for her.

ibby held her breath, knowing that he was inches from her back. She was fully clothed, having tumbled onto the bedroll in the clothes she’d worn from San Ignacio. But she felt extremely exposed, as if every inch of her body was laid bare to him. Heat suffused her flesh and she broke out into a sweat. Desire radiated in a throbbing rhythm that caressed her skin before settling deep between her legs.

It was a tangible feeling, one that roared to life as she felt a whoosh of air caress the back of her neck. Her eyes were shut tight, and as she fought the exquisite ache that had been sparked deep inside the folds of her sex, she prayed to God that Jaxon would just leave.

Life as she knew it, royally screwed such as it was, would be much better if he’d just turn around and leave her there to suffer. Alone.

But even before a slight groan escaped from his lips, she knew they would be together this night. Her body was turning toward his and she was helpless to stop it. Slowly, she rolled over and felt the heat that burned beneath his skin wash over her cheeks and tingle her nose.

She inhaled raggedly and held his scent deep inside her chest, savoring the richness of it like an illicit aphrodisiac. It made her mouth water, and with a small cry, her eyes flew open, eagerly seeking out the man next to her.

He’d taken something from her, years earlier, and had never returned it.

Jaxon Castille had her heart and her soul. They were lost to her forever, and as her eyes met his, she knew that even though she’d most likely hate herself in the morning, she would give in to him.

He was like a drug habit she would never be able to kick. Even though loving him had brought her nothing but heartache, she could not deny how much she needed his touch. He’d taken her heart and every last scrap of love she was able to scrounge together and pretty much thrown it all away. But in spite of everything they’d been through, or maybe because of it, that invisible bond was once more wrapping itself around the both of them.

It was dim inside the confines of the tent, but as her eyes adjusted she shuddered at the look that lay deep in the recesses of his incredible eyes. It was raw. It was haunted. And as he took that last little step toward her, he growled from deep within his body and the look changed to one of pure hunger.


His rough voice sent shivers down her already taut nerves, and her mouth parted for the words she wanted to say but was unable to utter.

Libby felt a spark of danger and the air seemed to thicken. She began to pant, feeling light-headed. It only worsened as his eyes moved over her body, and the dangerous sensations morphed into a desire that burned hot as his eyes claimed hers. They seemed to glow with a fire that raged from deep within, and she looked away, a small cry torn from her throat at the intensity of the animalistic need they so blatantly projected.

Her nipples, already hard and puckered with desire, chafed against the soft cotton T-shirt, and she felt liquid gathering between her legs as she shook her head in awe of this beautiful body on display.

He had not one scrap of clothing on, and the fine sheen of sweat emphasized the hardness of his corded abs and impressive shoulders. The tattoos appeared to glow, adrift in a sea of iridescent waves that made them seem alive.

Her eyes fell lower, down past his belly, past the soft curls that led to his straining shaft. Jaxon was aroused, and her hands crept toward his hardness. A small smile played around her generous lips when she heard the hiss escape his mouth as her fingers closed around the straining length of him.

He was all hardness, enveloped in a glove of velvet softness. His cock was huge and seemed to swell as her fingers slowly massaged him from base to tip. She looked up at him then, his desire a blatant invitation, saw his hands clench at his sides and sensed his body tighten as she licked her lips.

“You are a beautiful man, Jaxon.”

When she bent toward him, she felt him tremble beneath her touch, and when she took him deep into the hot recesses of her mouth, he groaned loudly. She suckled him, teased and tugged. When his hands found their way toward her and his fingers buried themselves deep into her hair, she smiled against him, loving the way he felt.

“Libby. Babe, you gotta stop.” His voice was hoarse, yet she continued her ministrations, ignoring his entreaties.

She wanted to pleasure him, to show him what was buried inside her.

She wanted her actions to speak for her, and hoped that he would know what it was she couldn’t vocalize.

Jaxon, however, was having none of it. As excitement rippled over his skin, he pulled back and his hands gently pushed her away. She let go of him, her tongue flicking out one last time, eliciting a wicked grin from him as he knelt down.

“Libby, I—”

“Shush. No words. No talking.” Their eyes locked as she spoke softly. “Show me what you feel.”

Her voice was barely above a whisper, but the need she felt lay heavy in every syllable she’d uttered. His hands reached for her thin T-shirt and her arms were already up in the air, anticipation rocking her to the core. She ignored the twinge in her side as the material was slowly pulled upward. It caressed her skin, and when it dragged across her full, ripe breasts, she couldn’t hold back the groan that fell from her lips.

His mouth was upon them immediately, his tongue encircling the soft swollen peaks, and his
teeth tugged slightly, spreading sharp pleasure into fragments that went straight down to her belly. His wet mouth was relentless, and her hands crept up into the thickness atop his head, her fingers rough as she urged him on, her breasts straining for his touch, wanting him to taste and torture. The pleasure was so exquisite it hurt.

His mouth continued to rain fire upon her flesh, and while his hands massaged the large globes, he nibbled the base of her neck, sending a plethora of shivers through her. Her head lolled to the side as weakness attacked her knees, and he took full advantage of the soft skin that lay exposed to him.

She could barely breathe, and squeaked softly when his warm tongue lapped at the tender spot just beneath her earlobe. She sighed as she leaned into him. He’d always made a point of touching her there, and she smiled at the way their bodies felt so alive when they were making love.

“Jaxon, don’t stop.” She barely managed to get the words out, as he kept up his very special brand of torture.

When finally his mouth arrived at her chin, she was a mass of nerves. Her fingers dug into his scalp as she claimed his lips with her own. Her mouth was open and his tongue invaded the velvety recesses without hesitation. He tasted just the way she remembered, and she felt him tremble as her tongue arced into his. The sensations were incredible, and as the throb between her legs reacted to both his tongue and the callused hands that were playing havoc with her breasts, she arched her body.

She began to gyrate her hips, slowly, dancing to
a rhythm older than she cared to imagine. When his lips broke from hers, she caught her breath at the look in the dark recesses of his eyes. His hands slowly encircled her face and his mouth met hers once more. His eyes claimed hers and he refused to break contact as he deepened the kiss.

His dark eyes shone like glistening onyx, and as his mouth slowly caressed every soft crevice of her own, his actions spoke volumes to her soul.

No words were needed.

Jaxon Castille loved her, and God help her, she felt the same insane way about him.

In spite of everything.

Gently, he lowered her back onto the bedroll, his eyes devouring the softness that lay exposed. “You are so beautiful.” His voice was hoarse with need. “I want to taste every inch of your body.”

His hands caressed her belly, and he smiled as her muscles clenched and her hips bucked up toward him. He followed her hands to the waistband of her pants, and as their eyes met, gentleness was replaced with fervor as she struggled to get out of them.

The need to have him buried deep inside swept over her. She hissed as her legs moved, and the friction that nipped between her thighs drove her to distraction. There, the small nub buried inside the wet folds of her sex began to ache and pulse with an urgency that was relentless. It was almost unbearable.

“I want—” She gasped as pleasure rifled through her body, so intense it was almost painful.

She felt the liquid candy that had flooded her there, and smelled the fruits of her arousal as it lay heavy in the jungle air. Jaxon growled, and she knew
her scent was driving him crazy. His hands grabbed the waistband of her pants and he literally ripped them from her limbs.

She’d been given no undergarments, and his black gaze devoured her heated core, his fingers seeking out the blond curls that encircled her secret place. And when they invaded the aching lips, she bucked wildly, her arms reaching for him as her passion reached new heights.

“That feels so good,” she groaned softly, still gasping for air.

He continued to watch her as his hands gently caressed and teased, applying just the right pressure where it ached, to elicit even more small groans of delight. When two long fingers found their way deep into her channel, the pressure began to build and spread like a wildfire.

“Please, Jaxon. I need you.” Her eyes looked deeply into his as her fingers clawed into the broad shoulders and then down his powerful back until they came to rest on his muscular backside. She urged him forward, her legs spread wide as she opened herself up to him fully.

“I need you inside of me.”

Jaxon swore at her brazen words, and she felt a thrill of excitement shoot through her as his knees nudged hers even wider and he settled his large frame between them. He kissed her, his tongue licking her swollen lips and his powerful arms enclosing her in his embrace. His eyes were so dark with desire she was utterly transfixed as he growled and plunged himself into her waiting heat.

Her body stretched to accommodate his size and her muscles clenched against him as he began to
move. Slowly at first, each thrust touching off a million spokes of pleasure that coursed through her body, sizzling against nerve endings already heated with desire. Her violet eyes darkened, the pupils fully dilated, and she held his gaze prisoner as they slowly rocked together.

“I’ve never wanted you more than I do right now.” Jaxon’s words fell like drops of gold from his lips, and Libby closed her eyes at the joy they brought her.

She urged him on, slowly increasing the rhythm, and murmured, “There has never been anyone else. Only you.”

When she sighed, licked her lips, and mewed from the back of her throat, it was too much for Jaxon and his body answered her call. She felt his cock swell, deep inside her warmth, and her fingers dug deep into his muscular ass as he pounded into her. She cried out as the desire rifled through her veins, wanting it harder and faster.

Jaxon’s hands cupped her face and he held her there as he increased his rhythm, taking their pleasure to new heights. He growled deeply as the animal that was at the very core of his soul howled in triumph.

“You belong to me, Libby.”

The wildness in his face, the black desire that filled his eyes, all of it burned into her brain and Libby melted. She wrapped her legs around his straining body and lifted her hips, meeting his thrusts with such wild abandon, a smile broke across his mouth and she claimed his lips once more.

Their feverish bodies rocked together wildly, and Libby groaned loudly against his lips. “Harder, I need it harder.”

She could feel the ache begin to crest, and Jaxon growled again as he strained against her, his thrusts feverish in his urgency to mate. When her orgasm exploded, she screamed loudly into his mouth, and he took from her softness there, his tongue dancing with hers as he gave one final heave and emptied his seed deep inside her body.

How long they lay entwined, satiated, slick with the sweat of their lovemaking, was anyone’s guess. It could have been minutes, it could have been hours. Libby didn’t care. All she knew, all she felt from the very depths of her heart, was that she wanted to stay that way for as long as she could.

With Jaxon buried inside her body, his heart beating fast and hard. His scent mingled with hers and his jaguar purring roughly against her breast.

Slowly, he slipped from her, and her arms grabbed at him, not wanting any distance between them. He laughed softly and pulled up the thin blanket over their sweat-laden limbs as he turned her onto her side and spooned her smaller frame with his. The jungle was hot, but its night’s caress was cool against their feverish skin.

Libby sighed, at a loss for words. She was overcome at such a passionate joining. They’d always had an amazing sex life in the past, but this…this had been something else entirely. It had been raw and honest, and hopefully there would be no regrets. She felt his arms tighten around her, and she snuggled into the hard length of him.

“That was…incredible,” she finally managed to say, and smiled as his arms tightened even more.

His breath was hot on the back of her neck as he gently kissed her there. “Yeah, the bar has been set
pretty high.” He laughed softly and held her close. “We’ll have to work on raising it even more.”

Libby snuggled into him and they fell into an easy silence. It was comforting, in a way, as if no more words were necessary. Their bodies had connected on such a level that all of their secrets and desires had been laid bare.

Eventually, Libby felt slumber nibble at the corners of her mind, and for once she welcomed it. Sandman could claim her, no more demons and nightmares could haunt her. A strange feeling overcame her then, as if something foreign had slithered through her brain. She felt a wall go up, but as foggy tendrils of sleep overcame her, it was gone and forgotten.

Her last coherent thought was of her child and revenge on the animals who’d taken him from her.


Libby awoke to such a feeling of contentment that her first inclination was to close her eyes and go back to sleep. She rolled onto her back, her head fuzzy with the remnants of sleep. Slowly, her fingers crept up to her lips, and she blushed as memories from the previous evening flashed through her mind.

BOOK: His Darkest Hunger
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