His Choice (9 page)

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Authors: Carrie Ann Ryan

Tags: #Fated, #Desires, #Dante's, #Circle

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Mateo, her late husband, had been one of the Alpha’s enforcers, a bodyguard to the Alpha, and had died protecting the Pack on patrol. Now Calista was alone, with no family except for Mateo’s great aunt who, at four hundred and twelve, was long past the age of wanting to help raise kids. She did it though. Calista wasn’t alone and was a strong enough woman that her kids were in a better place than they would have been if she hadn’t had such a steely backbone.

The woman couldn’t fix a leaky pipe though—something that pissed her off.

“I don’t understand it, Jasper,” she said as she soothed her four-year-old and brushed her six-year-old’s hair at the same time. “If it was just a normal leak, I could fix it, but this? This looks big.”

Well, she wasn’t wrong. The woman’s basement currently resembled a small lake. Since Calista wasn’t a wolf and didn’t have those extra senses, she hadn’t been able to hear the room filling with water. She’d caught it before it had gotten any worse only because one of her kids had noticed it.

“You could call it that,” Jasper answered easily. “I’m going to have to call Kade or someone else in to help me fix it.”

Calista sighed but nodded. “Is there something special I need to know about for cleanup?”

“Yeah, but I’ll bring people over to help. You’ve got enough on your plate to worry about mold.”

“Oh goddess. Mold?” Her voice rose to a squeak, and Jasper winced.

“We’ll take care of it. Don’t you worry.” He ran a hand over one of the little girls’ hair, missing his own Brie.

“I don’t know what I’d do without you, Jasper. I don’t know what the Pack would do you without you. You’re a great Beta.”

Jasper gave a tight smile and got to work. Yes, he might have been a great Beta, but he was a fucking tired one. He’d wanted to spend time with his girls, and now he was knee-deep in murky water.

Oh, the joys of duty and fate.

He loved his job, he really did. He just wanted to go back to a time when he had something else…something that was just about him.

Something gurgled behind him, and he turned, only to find himself drenched and dripping with sewage.

Fuck it.

He looked down at what he hoped was mud on his shirt.

He needed a vacation.

Or at least a towel.

Jasper let out a breath then bent to pick up his tool box from the steps. Seeing how he was mired in his own head and not paying attention like he should have been, he didn’t see the rusty pipe sticking out of the wall.

His head slammed into it, and he saw stars, swallowing back bile as he fell to his knees, the water now up to his chest.

He blinked a couple times, and then, just as the darkness slid over him, he heard shouts and his name.

At least he wouldn’t drown alone. He definitely needed a break.


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