His Carnal Need (Xylon Warriors 2) (31 page)

BOOK: His Carnal Need (Xylon Warriors 2)
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“Stall them. I’m going to send out search teams.” No way was he just letting this situation sit. He’d do everything in his power to get his friends back, if they still lived, or their bodies, if they didn’t. His heart clenched at the disturbing thought.

“What if the Council won’t sanction a search? They’ve never supported searches, when it takes too many Warriors from their posts. And since they have you to lead The Lair, they might not be so eager.”

“Alexa’s a super breeder. They’ll want her back. And Braden has super breeder genes.”

“That didn’t seem to concern them when they banished Torque all those years ago. He has the same genes.”

“Banished, yes. But they had access to him, if they needed him.” His vid-cell beeped. He reached over to the table beside the bed. “Yeah?”

“This is Torque.”

Erik clicked on the speaker so Leila could hear. “You have Council news?”

“Just came in over the computer. The Council has decided not enough evidence exists to warrant a search at this time. They think Alexa’s disappearance is a simple domestic disturbance, and also say there’s no proof of foul play in Braden’s disappearance. They want to wait and see if they both show back up on their own before allocating Warriors for a search.”

“Typical bureaucratic—”

“There’s more, Erik.”

“What?” The tone of Torque’s voice worried him.

“Your request to permanently join with Leila has been denied.”

Leila gasped.

Erik surged upright in the bed. “What? Why?”

“They say you two need to breed with off-planet, DNA-compatible mates, like Braden did, to strengthen and expand the gene pool.”

“Erik—” Leila grabbed his arm, panic in her eyes.

He covered her hand with his. “The Council can kiss my ass. I want you to follow the orders I gave you earlier. Agreed?”

“Will do. I’m with you on this, Erik. And I’m sure Kam will be, too. He wants his sister found. And we all know you and Leila belong together.”

Though still reeling from the news, knowing Warriors supported him kept Erik sane. “Good. We’ll meet in the morning to set up our game plan. Keep this quiet. Bring Pitch and your sisters in on this, but no one else outside the circle.”

“Consider it done.”

Erik disconnected the cell.


“Shh.” He gathered Leila in his arms. Her trembling tugged at his heart. “Don’t worry.”

Leila hugged him. “I love you, Erik. I can’t lose you.”

“And I love you. I won’t allow us to be separated. Ever.”

“What are we going to do?”

Only one solution existed. Erik held her at arm’s length. “Get on your stomach.”

“Erik, now is hardly the time—” Her eyes widened. “You’re going to Brand me without Council approval.”

“That’s right. It’s the only way, Leila. Once my mark is placed, nothing and nobody can undo it.” The Council had no right to deny their request to officially join. They were strong Warriors, would make strong Breeders, and produce exceptional children. Exactly what Xylon needed.

“They’ll banish us!”

“With Braden missing, no way. Who’s going to run The Lair? Even if they do, as long as we’re together, I don’t really care. Do you?”

Without hesitation, she shook her head. “No, not as long as we’re together.” Excitement leapt into her eyes. “We’ll need two witnesses.”

“Braden instigated that rule as a precaution, in case either party changed their mind. I’m in charge now, and I don’t want other Warriors involved. Banishment would be mandatory for them if the Council refuses to budge on their decision about us.”

“But you’re already getting the others involved.”

“In a military capacity only, and I intend to be very careful with their assignments, so no punishment comes to them.” He needed to protect them all as much as possible. Their loyalty to him wouldn’t be their downfall. He respected them too much to allow anything to ruin their lives.

He laced his fingers through Leila’s and stared deeply into her gorgeous cinnamon eyes. “I want our ceremony private. After it’s done, we’ll continue to keep quiet about the Branding for as long as possible. With your hair so thick and long, the mark won’t even be seen. You just have to be careful and always wear your hair down.”

“I can place one of my skin patches over the Brand. No one will ever know.”

Yes, perfect. This would work. “Excellent idea. That’ll give me time to work things out with the Council, if I can. If not, we’ll handle whatever comes our way together. Now, get on your stomach, baby. Let’s do this.”

Leila positioned herself flat on the bed, on her stomach, as he directed.

Erik pushed a pillow under her hips, hoping to make her more comfortable, and give him easier access to her body. He stroked her back. “I’m sorry this isn’t more romantic for you.”

She turned her head and smiled up at him. “I like the intimacy with just the two of us. That makes it romantic.”

“You do want this, right, Leila?” She’d already said she loved him and wanted to join, but the possibility of banishment shouldn’t be taken lightly. He didn’t want to put her through the ceremony unless she was absolutely certain.

“Oh, yes, Erik. Please. I want to be a part of you for the rest of our lives, however we need to accomplish that. If the worst happens, I’ll follow you anywhere fate sees fit to send us.”

Erik relaxed, so grateful that he’d found Leila. He pushed her hair aside and licked the back of her neck.

He felt her shudder in anticipation. His cock stirred, quickly growing hard. With a light touch, he glided his hand down her back and over her ass. “So soft.” His fingers touched her pussy. “So wet.”

She laid her head down on the pillow clutched it in her arms. “Make love to me, Erik. I need to feel you inside me and know that we’re joined forever.”

He positioned himself behind her and slowly eased his cock into her pussy. “Oh, yeah.” Their bodies fit together perfectly.

Leila mewled and pushed back against him, raising her ass slightly. “All the way in, Erik. Please.”

He pushed deep. Each time they came together, either physically or emotionally, his love for her grew stronger. He pulled back, then pushed forward again, gently penetrating her as deeply as possible.

“Oh, Erik. Yes!”

He held her hair aside and laved her neck. They both needed to come at the same time that he placed his mark with the implant in his mouth, or the Branding wouldn’t work. He felt her vagina tighten around him and he knew she was close.

Also close to coming, he strengthened his resolve and held back, waiting for her, so he could time this perfectly. “I love you, Leila. No one has ever touched my heart like you do. Come for me, baby.”

“Oh, yes. I’m coming, Erik!”

Her body trembled beneath him. Erik lowered his mouth to her neck and formed the Brand with his lips.

He let go, losing control and climaxing along with her.

Ecstasy like he’d never felt rushed through his body. He heard Leila scream, and her voice felt like a part of him. Their bodies, minds, and souls merged as one. He had no idea the Branding ceremony held such power. His whole body shook.

Their joining became complete.

Leila collapsed, and he collapsed on top of her. It took several moments for both of them to catch their breaths. He checked the back of her neck. The round brand, with an intricate and unique design, marked Leila as his. She belonged to him now. They belonged to each other.

“Are you all right?” he asked softly.

She nodded and reached down to touch his hand.

He moved off her and gathered her into his arms. He felt her heart pounding in her chest, with the same rhythm as his. “Forever, my love.”

“Forever.” Her eyes closed, and she relaxed in his arms, drifting off to sleep.

Erik held her close to his heart. No matter the problems on Xylon, he and Leila were now joined as breeder-mates and nothing could ever tear them apart.

About the Author

Ruth D. Kerce got hooked on writing in the fifth grade when she won a short story contest—a romance, of course. And she’s been writing romance ever since.

She writes several subgenres of romance—historical, contemporary, and futuristic. Her books are available online in many internet bookstores. Her short stories and articles are available on several websites. She has won or placed in writing contests and hopes to continue to write exciting tales for years to come.

You can visit her website at http://www.ruthkerce.com for free short stories and excerpts, or email her

at [email protected]—she loves to hear from fans.


Ruth welcomes mail from readers. You can write to her c/o Ellora’s Cave Publishing at 1337

Commerce Drive, #13, Stow, OH 44224.

Also by Ruth D. Kerce


Adam 483: Man or Machine?


Diamond Studs anthology

Xylon Warriors 1: Initiation

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Table of Contents


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Table of Contents


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

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