His By Sunrise: A Military Erotic Romance (Sexy Siesta Series Book 1) (3 page)

BOOK: His By Sunrise: A Military Erotic Romance (Sexy Siesta Series Book 1)
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Que fuego!
He could scorch, burn, set her ablaze, and she’d take it all if it meant he was finally ready to reach out and take her for his own.

In a low voice, she taunted back. “Big words for a man afraid to touch.”

She stepped out of his reach but caught the flash of anger her words caused. Or was that pain she saw in his eyes? In the low light she couldn’t tell, but she knew well enough what his silence meant.

She turned to apologize. Before she uttered a syllable though, he brought down a wall, effectively closing her out. Arms crossed and jaw set, Blake stood there, his stance no longer filled with challenge.

Isabella hated when he did that to her. Shut her out completely when she hit a little too close to home. Must be nice to have the ability to shut down the way he did.

When her brother died, she’d wished long and hard for the ability to block out all the pain. Maybe things would be different for her now somehow.

Yeah right
. Ignoring her heart only got her so far, that much she knew.

As for Blake, no doubt in her mind his ability to switch his emotions on and off had saved him countless times while out on a tour of duty with his Recon unit. Here in her world, it just infuriated her. Right now she didn’t care if her words sliced to the core. He wasn’t the only one hurt by the death of loved ones. About damn time he realized it.

Words meant to slip the knife a notch deeper poised on the tip of her tongue. Before she’d uttered a syllable, he stepped closer, placed his hands low on her hips, and hoisted her up to sit on the trunk. He positioned himself squarely between her legs. In one pull, he had their bodies connected with only a few pieces of clothing between them.

She stilled as Blake lowered his face next to hers just enough so his day-old scruff scraped seductively against her cheek. He spoke close to her ear. “Sweetheart, make no mistake, when you walk out of here tomorrow, every inch of flesh on your beautiful little body will ache with pleasure from knowing my touch.”

His words, his deep voice, or the brush of his soft beard—probably a combination of all three—caused warm liquid to wet her panties in anticipation. Anything she was going to say now forgotten.

Her breasts grew heavy, and with every breath Blake took, the light caress sent a lick of fire straight to her clit. It was too much.

She shoved against his chest, but he didn’t budge.

Right. Solid wall
Remember, you like that kind of thing

“Step back and let me down, Blake.”

He eased back enough to give her some space but not lose contact. His warm hand engulfed hers still resting on his chest, his thumb gently smoothing the skin across her knuckles. As if he wanted to calm her when it had been her who’d hurt him with her words just moments before. He was always thinking of others. It’s what she loved about him.

Isabella raised her gaze from their linked hands. So many questions ached for a voice, but the look in his eyes begged her to accept what was happening between them. How could she fight that when she wanted the same?

Blake raised his free hand and cupped her cheek. “Thank you, Bella”. Let’s get inside before the storm catches us out here.”

My thoughts exactly

Without another word, he turned on his heels and led them into the warmth of the den. The smell of pine hit her on a draft of warm air followed by a hint of cinnamon and vanilla. Her favorite combinations during this time of year. Candles, the source of all the holiday scents she assumed, scattered the parlor tables filled with memorabilia, their placements just as she remembered. He must have worked fast to bring a sense of cheer to the home. Did he do it for her?

A kaleidoscope of fond memories of the three of them flitted across her mind in an array of vivid color, like no time had passed at all since their last gathering around Blake’s table for one celebration or another.

How could he still live here and be sane? True, he was rarely home, but still… Everywhere she looked she saw her brother. How did he find comfort where she only found pain?

No wonder he’d called her over tonight. He’d rather work than be alone.

A soft click of a lock brought her out of the inner thoughts. Her balance wobbled just slightly, and she bumped into a table. She shot out a hand and grabbed a photo before it could fall to the hardwood floor.

Isabella zeroed in on the image. There he was—Adrian—all smiles and full of promise. That did it. Tears broke loose and fell freely. Obviously being here was a mistake.

She sensed Blake’s strength a second before he wrapped his arms around her from behind. A warm arm slipped around her waist while he took the photo from her grasp. Solid muscle pressed up against her back. Her body instantly molded to his and she welcomed the support.

Blake set the picture on the table and turned her to face him.

Catching her chin in a firm but gentle hold, he forced her to look at him.

His warm, hazel eyes were filled with something she’d only seen when he was either pushed past reasoning or dead set on wanting something. She only hoped it was the latter because deep down she didn’t want to leave.

“No,” he stated firmly.

Bella paused.
What? That fast? A single drawn out word not two minutes in the door and that’s that?

“No what?” Her voice shook from the emotions clogging her throat. Her gaze steadied on his, looking for some kind of clue as to where she stood. Was he already regretting getting close to her?

She leaned into his warm hand, soaking up his touch before he pulled away from her. A single tear slid down her cheek at the thought of letting go of him for good this time.

But he didn’t pull way. Not in the way she thought he would anyway.

He stroked her jaw with the soft pad of his thumb, then swiped at the tear. She watched in fascination as he wrapped his lips around the digit then sucked, never taking his gaze off hers. It was like he wanted to take all her pain and grief away.

“No,” he repeated this time with more grit. “Tonight is about us, sweetheart. No tears, no regret.” He paused and took a deep breath. “And definitely no guilt.”

That last declaration had to be for his own benefit, because there was no way she’d regret loving him even if for only one night. With all the loss he’d suffered she knew just how deep his wounds went. He couldn’t hide his pain of losing the people he loved from her anymore than he could hide how much he wanted her.

He returned his hand to her face and pulled her closer to rest his forehead on hers.

“I’ve dreamed about stripping you naked and taking you by my fire place. I want to see the warm glow of the light dance across your body as I slide my dick balls-deep into your sweet pussy.” His words a low husky whisper filled with promise.

She pulled back, stunned. Their dance around each other had just escalated to a completely new level. And it pissed her off. Lava boiled in her veins and overflowed.

“How dare you, Blake Mitchell! Damn you!” She glared at the man and shoved her hands in her pockets—that or risk breaking her fingers on the man’s stubborn jaw. Obviously he didn’t see her as a threat. He stood with his thumbs hooked in his jeans and a daring look in his eyes.

“You pick today, of all days, to seduce me. I’ve wanted you for God only knows how long, and you’ve pushed me away every time I’ve gotten close.” She threw her hands in the air, unable to make sense of anything.

Deep breaths, Isabella, Deep breaths

Anger tinted her words. “Tell me something, Blake. Why does your family keep me around? Is it only because of you?” She searched his eyes for some kind of truth. “Is it so you can keep an eye on me out of some promise to my brother?” He took a step back from her, crossing his arms. In a blink his expression switched from would-be-lover to full Marine mode.
. Her shoulders slumped. A brick wall would give her more answers.

“You know what? Never mind. That was Adrian’s mistake and one I’ll correct.” Heat rippled across her skin from the fire lacing her veins, constricting her sweater around her neck. She pulled at the hem for some needed air.

Time to go Bella. Now, before you do something stupid

A muscled wall stood between her and the front door. Guess that left only the back door. With one last glance over her shoulder at the warm fire, and the promises the golden fire light held, she turned toward the kitchen, her dreams dying a little with each step.

She rolled her eyes at the sound of heavy footsteps behind her.

“Are you done?” The arrogance in his tone turned her on her heel.

Por dios!
, I’m not only done, Blake—”

In two steps he closed the gap between them. His lips claiming hers a split second before he caught her hips and pulled them into his. He walked them backward, devouring her mouth with each step.

Solid wood pressed at her from behind but it was his obvious hard-on against her lower abdomen that held her full attention.

Maybe she was a fool to let him have so much control over her. With a single caress the pain of not having him close receded, replaced with the urge to fall into the passion he provoked deep within her. Was it so bad for her to crave him so strongly? That he had the power to heal the hurt with a kiss, a touch here or there?

She ached to return the attention, to nuzzle closer, rub her hand up and down his hard length and dish out as much tease as he was giving her. Isabella braced herself against the table and against the assault on her senses. The man was driving her crazy. “Every time you touch me, Blake, you make something come to life. Something I thought died when I buried my brother—my heart. And here we are again, dealing with the loss of another loved one. Yet, through the pain I see the desire in your eyes when we touch.” She took a deep breath. “But you close it down so fast I half-think I’m seeing things.”

He gathered both of her hands in one of his and spun her around.

He eased his hands down to her hips, his grip tight against her jean-clad skin. Welcome warmth cocooned their bodies together.

In the background, pops and cracks from the fire filled the silence that settled around them. Small flakes of white glistened in the soft light outside the window. All the makings of a romantic rendezvous.

She threw a quick glance over her shoulder. God, she could get high just being this close to him. How pathetic did that make her? Did she really care? This was her Heaven anyway.

Instead of answering her question, he eased his free hand beneath the hem of her sweater. Shockwaves of lust took over her senses the moment his callused fingers made contact with her sensitive nipple through the thin silk of her bra.

To contrast the squeeze and tug, blunt teeth nipped her shoulder, swiftly followed by warm kisses. Pain-pleasure rocketed her libido past mere want, landing her dangerously near instant combustion. They were both in danger of burning alive tonight. Did she dare reach out and test the heat that tempted her closer?

He moved his right hand downward with slow tender caresses across her abdomen, pausing to swirl a single digit around her navel before continuing further south. He pushed past the clasp and zipper of her jeans. She arched to give him better access and that was all he needed.

Blake pressed against her already swollen bud, his fingers teasing her, stroking her desire to an all new heat level.

With a gentle flick of his free hand Blake moved her hair forward and over her shoulder. “Bella, let me love you tonight,” his rough voice filled with the same need that flooded her own body. “If I have to go another night, my balls might explode with all the need I have for you.”

His explicit words brushed against her ear in a warm caress of promises. Thunder filled her ears with every beat of her heart. Her body wanted him, but through her lust-filled haze she couldn’t ignore one detail. What about tomorrow? Could she go through with this and live with what the morning would bring?

Despacito, chica
I need just a minute to

Breathless, desperate to throw on the brakes to the runaway train, Isabella managed a few words. “A one-night stand isn’t my style, Blake.”

He dipped his fingers between the wet folds of her pussy, causing her words to hitch. His lips trailed the length of her neck while his left hand sought out her breasts, his dick pressed up against her backside. Electricity shot through her body eliciting a gasp in response. He’d pinched her nipple. “Blake,” she moaned, unable to hold back from the pleasure.

She shook her head to gain some semblance of control then slowly eased herself out of his hold.

His grip tightened on her hips. Not painfully, but more of a possessive hold on her. The simple gesture woke her submissive side enough to scare—and thrill—her. Not that she wasn’t interested in letting Blake do everything she’d read about in the hotter romance novels she secretly read on lunch break, but for tonight she wanted full control.

She looked over her shoulder again, this time catching his gaze. Lust mixed with delicious levels of danger flooded her body at the smoldering look he gave her.

BOOK: His By Sunrise: A Military Erotic Romance (Sexy Siesta Series Book 1)
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