His Assurance (Assured Distraction Book 3) (6 page)

BOOK: His Assurance (Assured Distraction Book 3)
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Wait a minute. Who taught her how to do this? Did she do this often? Was she some kind of deep throat freak? No, it couldn’t be. She was too nice to have this much practice at taking a dick to the throat this way.

Her lips, tongue, and hands kept working me, and I could feel myself about to let go. “Lola, you have to stop, or I’m coming in your mouth.” She looked up at me and stopped.

“Oh, I figured you would want to.” She squirmed on her knees.

“Hell yeah I want to, but I would rather be inside you the first time.” I pulled her up off the floor and kissed her. I could taste myself on her tongue, and I was okay with that, but I wanted to spend some time pleasing her, as well. This whole night seemed so off to me. This girl made me forget my usual game plan. I was good with spontaneity, but I always made sure my women had a few orgasms. The way this was going, I didn’t know how I would last long enough to give her that pleasure.

I kissed her and started sliding the stretchy little dress she was wearing down her body. When her braless tits popped free, I was in love. She had beautiful, full, round natural breasts. I palmed the warm globes and rolled her nipples lightly between my thumb and index finger, the moan from her mouth to mine letting me know she enjoyed the pleasure of it. I needed a taste, so I kissed down the right handful and took the stiff peak in my mouth while continuing to tease the other. She arched into my mouth and moved her fingernails to my scalp lightly scraping it in circles. After showing the other one the same attention, I needed more from this too hot body, so I put my hands under her thighs and lifted, wrapping her legs around me. The deep kiss we shared was almost brutal with us both ready to seek more hidden pleasures.

“Babe, it’s going to be rough. I’m so fucking hot for you. No more waiting. Please.”

“Thank God. I need you in me now, Gunner.” Hot damn, I thought I’d met my match. I laid her down on the bed and slid that little spandex number off her body, leaving her in a tiny piece of lace and heels. I wrapped my index finger around the bottom of the lace triangle of the G-string, feeling the wetness behind it before I slid it down her legs in one smooth move. She was gorgeous lying there nude on my bed with that thick, dark hair fanned out around her on the white sheets.

“Gunner, please. Hurry.”

“You are so fucking beautiful, Lola, and I’ll get back to every inch of this smooth skin later.”

“Good, later.” She was sucking in a breath like she couldn’t get enough oxygen. I stroked my cock a couple of times and then sheathed it with a condom from my pocket before climbing above her. I rubbed my dick up and down her crease teasing her with a slight push when I passed over her entrance coating myself with her slickness more and more each time. I guessed she’d had all she could take because she unhooked her legs from behind me, grabbed my ass when I did it on the next pass, and caught me off guard causing me to plunge inside. I hardly ever did that because of my dick’s girth, and I wouldn’t want to start out hurting a woman before the fun even got started.

She sucked in a breath and closed her eyes. “Lola, are you okay? I’m so sorry if I hurt you.” She finally opened her eyes again and smiled at me.

“That was so fucking good. Do it again just like that.” It seemed as though my little minx liked it as rough as I did. I pulled back and then dropped in balls deep only to pump into her hard and long, over and over. Damn, it was so fucking good.

“This sweet pussy likes it hard and rough,” I said as I pulled her legs up and over my shoulders. “I can give you exactly what you fucking need,
ma chéri.”

“Then do it, Gunner, dammit. Harder.”

Her comment spurred my ego enough to give her everything she wanted.

The rest of the night rated up there with one of the best in my life. I don’t know how many times we had sex, but she was insatiable. I think I might have met my match in bed, too. I had to set my alarm on the phone at some point because I was afraid I would miss the bus the next morning. When we finally both fell asleep, I was tapped out.




Gunner’s alarm brought me out of a dead sleep curled beside his warm, hard body. How did one person throw off that much body heat? I always slept with a sheet and maybe more than one blanket. Not with him beside me. I had most of the sheet covering me, and his naked body provided a view worth waking up and finding. Even in a completely relaxed state, his body was something to study as an exquisite male form. Those colorful adornments added to the complete package-no not that package-of the perfect male.

Speaking of that package, I hadn’t had sex with too many different partners in my life and let me just say: it was the best sex ever. We had to face reality, though. I ran my hand up and down his beautiful bicep slowly and said in a low soft voice, “Gunner, wake up. Your alarm is going off.” After a few tries, he finally rolled his head in my direction and looked at me with a blank stare, which threw me off. I don’t think he knew who I was, and that gave me a weird feeling to think I was just another woman in his bed after a concert.

I sat up and looked around for my clothes. They were at the foot of the bed where he stripped them off of me in a frenzy to get me naked. I slid out of the sheet on my side of the bed and crawled around to the foot finding my panties lying between me and my dress. I picked them up along with my dress and went to the bathroom to clean up as best I could and even used the hotel toothpaste on my finger. Morning breath was not happening. I never planned to spend the whole night, and now I wished I would have snuck out instead of falling asleep.

When I came out, he was dressed but still barefoot. He skirted around me and mumbled, “My turn.” I sat and quickly slid on my shoes. He was only in there a few minutes, but when he came out, he pulled me up from the chair where I was attempting to buckle the straps and kissed me deeply. Obviously, he had found the toothpaste, too.

While I was truly enjoying this morning tongue teaser, I pulled away and was met with those eyes, now a turquoise color, staring down at me. At well over six foot, he easily looked down at my five foot, five inches. “Uh, I guess I should run. I know you need to get back to the bus before they leave you here.” I offered him an easy smile.

“They won’t leave me. As long as I’m there sometime close to departure. Are you ready to head out?” Oh, wow. He must be ready for me to leave.

“Yeah, I guess I am. I love doing the walk of shame thing in my dress and heels.” I tried to keep things light. I didn’t want him thinking I expected anything from him. I’m a big girl and could see myself to the hotel entrance, so I picked up my wristlet and headed for the door.

“Wait a sec. Where are you going so fast?” He moved quickly to catch my arm and spun me around. So he wanted a goodbye kiss after a night of fucking?

“I thought you were ready for me to leave.” I didn’t know what else to say.

He gave me a strange look. “Let me get on my shoes. You’re not leaving here alone.” I didn’t know how to respond, so I nodded.

“I’m dying for some fucking coffee. We didn’t get much sleep last night.” With that comment, he gave me one of his panty-melting smiles, and I stood there with my mouth gaping open. He dropped my arm and raced around the room looking for one of his Chucks. “Oh, shit, where’s my damn phone? It’s not in my jeans. Can you call it, please?”

“Uh, sure. What’s your number?” He didn’t answer right away, and I looked up to see him giving me a little smirky looking smile.

“What?” I asked.

“That’s supposed to be my line…is this a trick to get my phone number for later? Because if it is, I like it.”

My inner smart-ass came out. It was too early to be messing with my head. “That would be a big NO. I don’t need your number.” I threw my phone across the room, nailing him in the chest. Playing softball all those years paid off even if I never threw a ball again in my life.

He grabbed it with an
just as it hit him. “Damn, girl. Remind me not to piss you off. If your right hook’s anything like your pitch, I would be in trouble.”

It was my turn to smile. I followed with the most innocent look a girl can muster while wearing last night’s clothes and make-up and gave him a little curtsy. “
Oui monsieur

After finding his phone, we walked out the door hand-in-hand with grins on our faces all the way down in the elevator. Thankfully, there was no one there to greet us. He texted Carter to see if he was still in the hotel, and Carter promptly texted he would be right down and get him some coffee, too. They spent enough time together and knew the routine, so Gunner ordered four coffees to go at the café inside the hotel. The bellman hailed a cab for us, and we headed for the parking lot where the tour bus waited.

The doors to the luxury bus were standing open, surrounded by a sight to behold. All of Assured Distraction was standing around waiting to board. It was as though the entire group waited until the last minute since they were stuck on there for long hours. The band naturally posed together, made a scene any photographer would have died to get to shoot. With their Adonis bodies, beautiful smiles surrounded by long hair, and gorgeous faces, the epitome of rock and roll greeted us.

While Carter pulled the beautiful woman right to the steps so the others could watch the public display of an x-rated kiss, Gunner pulled me down the side of the bus away from the group. Some privacy was nice.

“You know, I probably won’t be back this direction for a long time, right?” He pulled me between his legs getting me closer as he leaned back on the bus.

. I know.”

“It was a great night,
ma chéri
. I wish we had a little more time together.” He pulled me forward, so my head rested on his chest with his chin on my head.

“Me, as well.” I sighed wishfully thinking. I knew it affected him as much as it did me. Obviously, leaving women behind wasn’t something he often did.

“You have my cell number here. Call me when you have time to talk, please?”

I had to let him go, but everything in me ached at the thought. “I promise, I will make time to speak to you.” He kissed my nose, and then both my cheeks and finally, my lips. All I could do was moan in his mouth.

I walked back to the cab when he let me go, and I waved as we watched each other until the cab pulled away. It was harder to do than I thought it would be. I knew he would move on quickly because he had a long tour before he went home to America.

Chapter Four


Present Day


As much as I wanted to, I decided not to call him right away. I needed time to think about this. What was I going to say to him? I didn’t want him thinking I was deceiving him, but I didn’t want to continue the lie either. The more I remembered of our conversations, I knew we never actually discussed where I lived or what citizenship I held. He only assumed I was from France.

In actuality, I held dual citizenship. I was born in the United States at my mother’s insistence. My dad was French, through and through, and wanted all of his children to be born there, but Mom was adamant the three of us be born in Texas. He loved her so much that he agreed to almost anything she wanted.

After each of us was born, we moved back to France. I lived there until I was about fourteen and then moved back to Texas for high school and then the University of Texas. My younger sister, Journey, went to high school in Texas and was now going to university in France. My older brother, Rykor, lived in Paris but came to the States for college at Princeton and then Harvard law school. He wanted to study International Law, and my father agreed to it. Good thing he was the brain of the family.

I wanted to be a nurse which required me to be smart but not like him, and he always enjoyed lording the subject of his intelligence over me. My parents lived back and forth until the people elected my father to the Parliament, and then he only came to Texas when my mom couldn’t leave. Now that Journey was at university, Mom came and went to France more often, but she always called Texas home.

Walking back downstairs in our River Oaks home, I found my mother Skyping with Dad. She was dying for my sister to come home for her twenty-first birthday. She turned around and saw me sitting at the breakfast bar when she ended the call.

“Oh, hello. Did you rest any?”

“Not really but I did unpack my clothes. I want to start looking for a job as soon as I can. I don’t plan on living here with you for long, so I need to go to work. I want to work in pediatrics, so I’m going to look at those openings first.” I opened my browser on my laptop to start the search.

“Honey, you should take a few days to rest up before you get started. I’m sure you’re jetlagged from the trip.”

“I am, but I want to see what’s out there and freshen up my resume. I haven’t applied for jobs in a couple of years, and I have some new certifications, but I don’t know what I’ll have to do to get them up to speed for the States. I have a lot to figure out before I even apply,” I said as I scrolled through a job board online.

“Well, I suppose, if you’re that determined to move out. You can stay here as long as you like, you know.”

“Mother, I’m twenty-five years old. I don’t need to live at home any longer.” Simply thinking of living with my mother for an extended period pushed me into the panic zone. I loved my mom but living with her for very long, uh. Just thinking about it put me in a bad mood.

“I’m just telling you that you’re always welcome here. Our home will always be your home. It’s plenty big enough, and you can save money.” I heard exactly what she was saying. What she actually meant though was, “Stay here and tell me when and where you’re going and with whom you’ll be going. Have you been drinking? No men spending the night.” All reasons why I would be looking for a place to live immediately.

I would stay here only until I successfully found a job. I had plenty of money saved, but I didn’t want to dip into my savings unless it was necessary.

“You know, I might not even stay in Houston. There’s no reason I can’t live wherever I want to now. I can get a nursing job almost anywhere in the States.” I knew already she was going to love that comment.

“Well, yes, Lola, you can do that, but do you want to? Why would you want to live somewhere else? Your family is here.”

“Yes, but I might want to live in Austin. They have Dell Children’s Hospital there. It would be a great place to work.”

“But they have Texas Children’s here, and it’s one of the best in the world. I’m sure you could get a job there, as well.”

I could see this was going to be a battle, so I decided to change the subject. “Hey, did you talk to Journey? When’s she coming home for her birthday?”

“Your father and I were just discussing that. He said he can’t get a clear answer from her. She’s all about her friends from the university and wanted them to come home with her for their next break which is in two weeks, so he’s thinking about flying them all over here.”

“That sounds like a fun twenty-first birthday party to me. What do they want to do? Did he ask her?”

“He said something about going out to a festival in Austin. Oh, darling. That’s what you can do for her birthday. Take them all to Austin to this festival thing.”

“Mother, they’re adults. They can take themselves.” Okay, I had to get out of here sooner than I thought. I would be expected to keep up with that group and keep them out of trouble for the time they were here, and I wasn’t feeling that at all.

“I know they are, but you went to school there and know all about it. It would be perfect. We can rent a house on the lake for a couple of weeks and get them tickets and of course, you can take a couple of cars, so you don’t have to be with them every single minute. This will be perfect. She’s going to be so excited when I tell her. Let’s see if she can talk with us both now.”

And just like that, I had been sucked into doing something that was not on my radar. “Hey wait. Is this festival a music festival?”

“I don’t know. I’m not sure she said.”

“When are they coming?”

“About the beginning of October. I don’t have a date yet, remember?”

“Mother, no. Just no. That’s Austin City Limits Festival. There’ll be seventy-five or eighty thousand extra people in Austin for that. Do you know what traffic will be like?”

“You did it for years. I’m sure it’ll be fine for a week or two, Lola. Look, she’s answering right now.”

“Hey, honey. I hope we didn’t wake you.” I heard loud music in the background. I doubted we woke them.

. What’s going on?” She was in her bed, and I was sure she wasn’t alone. I knew how that was going to look if Mother saw a man crawling out of Journey’s bed. She was almost twenty-one years old and lived in an apartment with two other girls. What could Mother expect, calling in the middle of the night?

“Your sister and I were wondering approximately what day you were planning to come home for your birthday. She’s going to take you all to this festival in Austin y’all wanted to do. I thought your dad and I could get a house out on the lake for a week or more. It would be so much fun, and I’m sure the weather will still be warm enough to enjoy the lake.” Mother didn’t take a breath. I hated when she got all worked up about an idea.

“Oh, yeah. That might work. Just a minute.” Journey laid the tablet screen down on her bed turned off the volume, and her tablet moved around like she was getting out of bed. When she flipped it back over, she was still in the same spot, but two more girls were in the background. Journey was obviously talking to them when the sound came up. “My mom wants us to come to Texas for the two weeks and get a house out on the lake in Austin. It’ll be perfect. We can go to ACL both weekends if we want. There’ll be so many different bands in town all week long. What do y’all think?”

The noise that came over our speaker sounded like a cross between a banshee and a hyena. They were obviously happy about it. I looked at my mom, and she was all smiles.

“So, I guess it’s settled. What day will you fly in?” They worked out the details, and I went back to my room. Not what I wanted to spend a damn week, or worse, two, doing. I plopped back down on my bed and saw a message from Gunner on my phone. Oh yeah, I thought, wait a minute. This might be a plan, a fucking good plan.

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