Read His Absolute Authority: A Scandalous Billionaire Love Story (Jessika, #3) Online

Authors: Cerys du Lys

Tags: #New Adult Romance, #bad boy alpha male, #erotic romance, #contemporary romance, #romantic suspense

His Absolute Authority: A Scandalous Billionaire Love Story (Jessika, #3) (2 page)

BOOK: His Absolute Authority: A Scandalous Billionaire Love Story (Jessika, #3)
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"You realize we've already had sex twice within the past couple of hours?"

"Once an hour sounds good, don't you think?"

"How can you even...?"  I didn't finish that sentence or that thought, though.  Yes, well, I didn't know how he could even be hard again, but he most certainly was.  His cock was growing harder every second, too.  I shifted in front of him until I had his erection trapped between my legs.  We stood like that and I stared up at him, triumphant.

"Are you denying me sex, Jessika?" he asked.  He tried to sound angry, but he gave himself away with a silly smile.

"Are you going to force yourself on me, my loving husband?"

"Yes," he said.

"You can't, though.  We need to take a shower and get dressed."

"You're making this difficult," he said.

"I'm making it
" I offered, squirming side to side and shifting his cock between my thighs.

He pulled his hips back, then pushed forward, sliding in and out between my legs.  "This isn't quite what I had in mind when we started this," he said.

I laughed and hopped up to kiss him, then jumped away.  His shaft bounced up and down, smacking softly against my stomach, before bouncing in the open air, waiting for something he wasn't going to get right now.

"I'll wear that shirt you picked out, and... these," I said.  I snatched a pair of baby blue sweatpants off a hanger in my closet.

"What's in there?" Asher asked.  He pointed to a shoebox on a shelf in the back of my closet.  "Do you keep shoes on shelves?"

I looked down, because, no, I didn't keep shoes on shelves... all of my old shoes were lined up on the closet floor.  I was sure that some people probably kept shoes on shelves, but that's not why that shoebox was there.

"Um, it's nothing," I said fast.  Likely too fast.

"Oh?" Asher asked, suspicious.  "Nothing, is it?"

Before I could stop him, he slipped past me and grabbed the shoebox.  I tried to steal it away from him, but he evaded me and held it high above his head.

"Asher!" I said.  "I think this is an invasion of privacy!"

He shook the box, teasing me.

"Don't shake that!  There's..."

The box started to vibrate.  Well... ugh.  Really now?  Really, Asher?

He stared at me, curious and confused, then he popped open the top of the box and peeked inside.

It was my sex toy box.  With all my sex toys.  They were kept in good condition, and still looked nice despite having been in the closet of my apartment for over a year.  I hadn't used them in awhile.  Honestly, I didn't really need sex toys when I had Asher.  Sometimes we were a bit insatiable together.  I didn't know if this was a good or a bad thing.

"Yes," I said, standing tall.  "Yes, Asher, those are my sex toys."

He pulled out the vibrating one, grabbing it by the handle.  The soft, phallic shaft was whirling and vibrating in little circles, with pleasure beads spinning behind a translucent piece circling the base.  Splitting off from the handle was another attachment that popped up and vibrated on its own.  It had two little prongs like rabbit ears.  It was one of my favorite toys, too.  Or it used to be.  Maybe it still was?  I did really like it.  I kind of missed it in a strange way.  I mean, we didn't need it, but...

"Interesting..." he said.

I didn't like the way he said that, nor did I appreciate the sinister glint in his eyes.

"You can put it back now," I said.  "You can turn it off and put it back in my shoebox and put it back on my shelf."

"I'll go start the shower," he said, ignoring me.  Or, he partly ignored me.  He put the shoebox back, but he kept my toy with him.

And then he left.  He just walked out of my bedroom, holding it!  The audacity of... of him.  Of Asher.  My husband.  Really?  We were in a hurry!  At least he wasn't trying to pin me down and use it on me, I supposed.  Maybe he was just curious?  What would it be like if he did pin me down and use it on me?  Hm...

I sighed and grabbed my t-shirt off the floor, adding it to the sweatpants in my hands, then followed Asher to the bathroom.


sher had started the shower without me.  He stood outside it, staring in, waiting.  Water cascaded in an arc, from the showerhead to the mat in the tub, splashing softly before sliding into the drain.  This was all well and good and looked and sounded exactly how a shower should sound, except Asher wasn't in the shower.

"Are you getting in?" I asked.  I bent at the waist and placed my clothes on top of the toilet lid, then bumped him with my hips.

In reply, Asher smacked my butt.  I jumped up, startled, and stared at him, mouth agape, but he just laughed.  Belatedly, I realized he still had my vibrator held in one of his hands.

"What are you doing?" I asked, giving him a look;

"Spanking you," he said.  "Also, I'm waiting for the shower to warm up."

"Oh," I said.  Both of those were answers, yes.  Not quite what I had in mind, though.  "Sorry.  It's like that.  It should be warm in a minute."

He nodded.

"And what are you doing with that?" I asked, tapping the vibrator in his hand.

"I thought we should rinse it off or wash it?" he answered.

"You thought that because... why?"

He flashed me a devilish grin.  "I thought, my dear wife, we could use it later."

"Asher, I don't want to use it later.  That's... it's weird.  We can't use that together."  I didn't think we could?  Could we?  I guess I never really thought about it before.  To be honest, I was perfectly happy with our fingers and mouths and hands and other things.  Asher's cock satisfied me well enough, so I couldn't quite see the use of a vibrator?  Maybe I needed to think about it more, though.

In the corner of my mind, I remembered Elise's erotic short story.  Which was fiction and hadn't actually happened.  I think.  I wasn't sure.  Maybe it happened.  Based on a true story?  Anyways, Lucent used a vibrator in that, but it was a bigger one.  I'd heard about those, with people using things touted as "back massagers" as sex toy vibrators instead, but I didn't know much besides that.  It certainly wasn't the same as my little bunny one, at least.

I had to admit that Elise's story was kind of sexy.  I mean, it was sexy if I pretended the characters weren't actually Elise and Lucent.  That was a little strange.  I'm sure she and Lucent had wonderful sex together, but it wasn't exactly something I'd ever had an inclination to watch.  I did kind of want some details, but, um...

I didn't know where my thoughts were going with this, so I decided to stop right there.  Cut it out, Jessika!

The shower was warm enough now and Asher, in all his naked glory, stepped in.  Sadly, it wasn't much of a shower.  We had something much bigger at the mansion.  My apartment was... not so big.  Also, Asher took my vibrator with him.

I ignored him for the time being and searched for bath towels in a tiny closet nook.  I found one, but that was it.

"Do you mind sharing a towel with me?" I asked him.

He shrugged and shook his head, which was the only part of him I could see from this side of the shower curtain.  I grabbed the towel and hung it on a towel rod near the shower, then pulled the shower curtain aside and joined him.  I didn't know if this was a mistake or not.  I thought it might be.

Warm water splashed against our bodies, cozy and nice.  I liked taking showers with Asher because of that.  It was comfortable and warm and fun.  Except most of the time we ended up having sex in the shower.  I liked this, too, except, uh... right now we needed to hurry!  We couldn't do that.  Elise would be here very soon.  Very very very soon.

"Asher," I said.  "What are you doing?"

I knew full well what he was doing.  He was cleaning my vibrator with body wash.  I liked that body wash, too.  It was a full body feminine one, safe for use on uh... feminine parts?  It felt nice and made me smell good.  We had some just like it at the mansion, but the one here was much less expensive.  Body wash was body wash, so I didn't really care all that much, though.

He held the base of the vibrator in one hand while he stroked the shaft with his other hand.  Soapy suds added to the mix.  It really didn't look good.

"You know what that looks like?" I asked.

He turned to look at me, brow furrowed.  "Hm?"

"It looks like you're jerking off my vibrator.  The soap, too.  You must be doing a good job.  Looks like you've brought it to climax?"

He stared at me, dumbfounded.  I stared back at him, possibly equally dumbfounded.  I didn't know where any of that came from.  He laughed.

Asher stopped stroking my vibrator and then rinsed it thoroughly before setting it off to the side on the edge of the tub.  It was sort of a tub, at least.  I couldn't quite take baths here, unless a little over a foot of water counted as a good bath.  Even then, if I tried to sit or lay down, my feet ended up scrunched and bent oddly.  I loved baths, but this just wasn't the best bathtub for them.

"I'm done," he said.

"Are you really?" I asked.  "Because we
are in a hurry here.  We're supposed to be hurrying, Asher."

"Yes, yes, of course..."

He reached for my body wash on the little shelf under the showerhead and squirted some into his hands.  He started lathering it up and I thought that was that and we'd start to shower now.  I splashed water on myself, rinsing down my body, then splashed some on him, too.  When I went to reach for the body wash, he stopped me.

"We're in a rush," he said.  "Please, allow me?"

I stared at him because I knew exactly what this meant, and it wasn't anything good.  He tried to sound helpful and considerate, but I was fairly certain that currently he was anything but.  "Asher, we really are in a hurry here," I said.

He ignored me and started rubbing his hands on my arms and shoulders.  "Yes, I know that.  Turn around?"

I sighed and did as he asked.  Mostly because, unfortunately for me, Asher
very good at this.  In multiple ways, I mean.  I liked showering with him because of the actual showering part, but unfortunately the cleaning part usually turned into something that was potentially much less clean and far more messy, but it didn't matter all that much because we were already in the shower and could clean up again, right?

The reasoning made sense in my mind.  It made sense, but we were in a rush!  If he just stuck to washing, we should be fine, though.  Also, honestly, it was a lot easier to have someone else do it for you sometimes.  If Asher washed me and I washed him, we'd be done in a fraction of the time, especially since we were technically taking a shower together.  It should work.  Sort of, hopefully.

He rubbed soap onto my shoulders and the back of my neck, then scrubbed down my arms.

"That feels nice," I said.  I was facing away from the shower now.  Asher's back stopped most of the water from hitting me directly, but some of it still splashed against my shoulders and my sides.

He brought his hands back to my neck again and started kneading and massaging my muscles with his fingertips.

"How's that?" he asked.

"Mmm."  I didn't want to use words right now.

He kept going like that, doing more massaging and washing than anything else.  All was going well, and he ran his hands down my back and my sides.  I began to squirm and writhe because it tickled.

"Jessika, stop moving," Asher said.  I could hear the grin in his voice.

"You're tickling me!" I shrieked.

He did it again, more, on purpose, and I jumped back, nearly sending us both toppling to the bathtub floor.  Asher caught me and managed to keep his footing, though.  He wrapped me up in his arms, his chest pressed against my back, and kept washing me, never missing a beat.

This was when bad things started to happen, though.

His strong hands pressed against my stomach, pushing inwards slightly.  His fingers massaged there, too.  This was bad, because I really really really liked that.  I leaned back, my head resting on his shoulders, while his fingers worked my abdominal muscles.  He moved lower, little by little, until his thumbs were by my belly button and his other fingers were gently massaging my pubic mound.  He didn't go as far as to press his fingers against my labia or my clit, but... honestly, he might as well have.  Oh God, this was heavenly.

I turned my head to the side and lifted my chin up so I could kiss his cheek.  "Maybe we can," I whispered.  "Quickly, if... if you're alright with that?"

"Maybe we can what?" he asked.

I thought he knew perfectly well what I meant, but he'd decided to act coy.  His fingers dipped a little lower, then lower still.  With each of his gentle massaging movements, the hood of my clit teased up slightly, rubbing me in all the right ways.  We'd been rough earlier, and I loved that, but this was so wonderfully nice, too.  Soft and sensually sweet.

He left one of his hands near the center of my body, but started roaming upwards with the other.  Under the guise of washing me and spreading soap bubbles, he glided up the front of my body.  I wanted him to touch me more down there, but he didn't go any further than my pubis, just barely teasing and shifting my skin and my clit with each soft move of his fingertips.

His other hand finally found my breasts, sort of.  He cupped underneath the left one, lifting it slightly, then squeezing gently.  He twisted a little, turning my breast to one side, then the other.  With the wetness of the shower and the slippery soap on his hand, my breast bounced and swayed lightly in his palm, but not much else.  He moved to my right breast, and did the same.

He squeezed each of them, going back and forth between them.  This might sound wonderful, except it wasn't quite that.  Yes, it felt nice and I liked it, but he made extra certain he never touched my nipple.  He just teased and tormented around it.  His thumb circled my breast, swishing to the side, inching closer and closer to the center and my hard, wanton nipple, but he stopped shy of actually touching it, keeping himself confined to the outskirts of my areola.

BOOK: His Absolute Authority: A Scandalous Billionaire Love Story (Jessika, #3)
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