Hired Bride (4 page)

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Authors: Jackie Merritt

BOOK: Hired Bride
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It was time she returned to the party, and Gwen left the bedroom. She said a pleasant hello to everyone she saw as she made her way through Ryan's fabulous home to reach the same door through which she'd entered the mansion.

A short plump woman with a lovely silver streak in her black hair approached her. “Hello. You're Zane's friend, Gwen Hutton. I'm Rosita Perez. You probably met my daughter Maggie. She's married to Dallas.”

“Why yes, I did meet Maggie.” Gwen offered her hand for a handshake, and Rosita Perez took it in both of hers, startling Gwen into a stammer. “It's, uh, very nice meeting you, Mrs. Perez.”

“Call me Rosita,” she said as she turned Gwen's hand over and peered at her palm. “Ah, yes, just as I suspected.”

“You suspected what?” Gwen said cautiously. Was this woman a little light in the upper story, or what?

“You're in love,” Rosita said calmly. “And you will be married right after the new year. What's this I see? Children! How wonderful! You and Zane will have four children.”

Gwen yanked her hand back. “Mrs. Perez, everything you think you saw in my hand is as far from the truth as it could get. Now, if you'll excuse me?”

“You're quite wrong, my dear,” Rosita called out cheerfully as Gwen hastened away.

Outside, Gwen tried to calm her shaken system with breaths of fresh air. Without a doubt Rosita Perez was the strangest person she'd met here today. Zane's relatives might be curious about his latest girlfriend, but at least they were polite about it.

Latest girlfriend?
Gwen's spirits dropped another notch. She was a
girlfriend, and she had better not forget it for even a moment!

In the next heartbeat she saw Zane walking toward her. Apparently he'd been watching for her. How was she going to get through the rest of today and then tomorrow morning with him being so consistently attentive, when she couldn't seem to rid herself of feelings for the man that just kept going deeper?

Well, she had to do it, that was all there was to it. She had to smile and talk and act as though he wasn't the most incredible guy she'd ever met. Inwardly she groaned. Why was this happening to her?

Zane walked up to her and smiled. “Is your room satisfactory?”

“It's a lovely room. Zane, I met the strangest woman in the house. She's Maggie's mother, Rosita, and when I offered to shake her hand, she took mine and read my palm.”

Zane let out a whoop of laughter. “So you met our local oracle.”

Gwen's jaw dropped. “Are you saying she's a genuine soothsayer?”

“I'm only saying this, Gwen. Rosita Perez has accurately predicted many an event, and folks around here have come to respect her predictions.”

“You don't mean it,” Gwen said weakly.

“What did she see in your palm?”

“Uh, I'd rather not say. I don't believe in that fool
ishness, anyhow, so it doesn't matter what she told me.”

“Really,” Zane said with a small chuckle. “Know what I think? I think Rosita told you something that shook your underpinnings, and you wish she hadn't. Come on, be a sport and tell me what she said.”

“Think what you want. I'm still not telling you what she said to me.” Gwen noticed people filing into the second tent. “Shall we join the others?”

Zane nodded amiably, but he would have given almost anything to know what Rosita had told Gwen. Maybe he could pry it out of Rosita, but he'd much rather hear it from Gwen.

As they strolled toward the dinner tent, he realized how much he was enjoying the day. And his enjoyment was mostly thanks to Gwen. That was food for thought—some very pleasant thought, he discovered.


Throughout the meal people kept rising and offering toasts to the newlyweds. Gwen's—and everyone else's—champagne glass was filled again and again. Gwen became more mellow and relaxed with each swallow she took of the most delicious champagne she'd ever tasted. She realized, if a bit fuzzily, that she was truly enjoying herself. It was becoming much easier to smile at Zane, and even to flirt with him. It was, in fact, almost possible to forget that she was being paid to flirt with him for the benefit of his female relatives, and to pretend that this was a real date.

When he laid his arm across the back of her chair, she smiled and leaned his way. He whispered in her ear, “This is great. I'd bet anything that a good half of my family is wondering when
wedding is going to take place.”

“Right after the new year,” Gwen murmured dreamily.

“Pardon? I didn't catch that.”

Gwen felt heat in her face. “Uh, it was nothing.” How could she have repeated Rosita's prediction so carelessly? It certainly was not going to come true, for pity's sake.
Watch yourself, Gwen Hutton!

The bride and groom got up to dance the first dance, and soon others were dancing as well. Zane talked quietly, for Gwen's ears alone. “I should dance with you first, then do a little circulating.”

“Whatever you say.”

A few minutes later she was on the dance floor with Zane, and he was holding her as a lover held a woman. It had been a long time since Gwen had done any dancing, especially
kind of dancing, and she unconsciously stroked the back of Zane's neck as they floated around the dance floor, all but glued together.

The intimate caress startled Zane for a moment, but then he told himself that Gwen was merely putting on a good act. Rationalizing didn't stop his body from responding, however, and he brought her closer still and deliberately inhaled her arousing scent. However this whole thing had started out with Gwen, business deal or not, he knew now that he wanted her. She hadn't only impressed his family and friends today, she had impressed him.

“You're very beautiful,” he whispered.

“Thank you, kind sir. You're beautiful too, you know,” she said teasingly.

“You think I'm still pretending, Gwen, but I'm not. You really are beautiful.”

The hoarseness in his voice jolted Gwen a bit, but
she could only think that if he wasn't pretending at this moment, then he was handing her a line.

“I know all about your reputation with women,” she whispered, “so please don't insult me with false flattery just because we both drank too much champagne.”

For a few seconds Zane was at a loss. He certainly hadn't expected that sort of reply, and it hurt that she would bring up his reputation at a time like this.

“Don't you recognize a sincere compliment when you hear one?” he finally asked.

“Yes, I believe I do.”

“Meaning you don't believe in

“That sounds about right.” The music had stopped and they had stopped dancing, but Zane kept holding her. She tilted her head back to see his face and was rather surprised by his frowning expression. “Right now you are getting exactly what you wanted from today. People are watching,” she said, adding, “A
of people. You really should erase that frown or they'll think we just had a disagreement.”

“Right now I don't give a damn what anyone thinks,” Zane growled. “Except for you.”

“Why would it matter to you what I thought about anything?”

“That's a damn good question and maybe it's something we should
think about.” Releasing his hold on her, he took her hand and led her back to their table. When she was seated, he leaned over and said, “I'm going to dance with Lily and my sisters. Will you be all right?”

“Of course I'll be all right,” she stated confidently, but after he'd gone she sucked in the breath she needed very badly and told her racing pulse to calm
down. Without question Zane had come on to her. She'd imagined all sorts of things happening today and this evening, but not that. And the turmoil in her system because of a few words of phony flattery scared the daylights out of her.

What scared her even more, though, were her own reactions to Zane Fortune. Whatever had made her think that she would be impervious to the famous Fortune charm?


wen left the tent to avoid having to dance with someone else while Zane was away. Instead of going to the house and to her bedroom, as she would have liked to do, Gwen sat just outside the tent on a lawn chair. The sounds of music, merry laughter and a hundred conversations caused Gwen to heave a sigh. The disparity in the life-styles of the very rich and people like herself suddenly seemed more conspicuous than it had all day. Obviously she'd been so caught up in pretense that she'd believed her own charade. And it had been fun for a while being all dressed up and socializing with the upper crust. Yes, she'd had moments of genuine enjoyment today.

But then reality—
reality—had returned. Zane Fortune making a pass—or rather, handing her a line—had brought her back to earth.

Gwen wished he hadn't done that. Other than a few strained moments, they had gotten along quite well all day, and now she felt as though she was no more than the most current entry on his list of ‘Possible Conquests.' She was not going to advance to the ‘Conquest' list, no matter how handsome, charming and downright sexy he was. And Zane was those things and more, she thought miserably. Why couldn't she find a man of her own class who could knock her dead
with a smile and then bring her back to life by simply breathing in her ear?

There's no such person, you romantic fool! Even Zane Fortune isn't Prince Charming.

“But he's close,” Gwen mumbled under her breath.

“There you are.” Zane pulled a lawn chair over to the one Gwen was using and sat next to her. “I saw you leave, but I thought you only wanted a breath of cool air and would come back in a minute or so. Are you tired, Gwen? Would you like to call it a day?”

Would I ever!
“I am tired, Zane,” she said evenly. “Would leaving before the party is over insult anyone?”

Zane chuckled. “That party could go on until dawn. Oh, you didn't get to see Parker and Hannah's departure. She threw her bouquet directly at her mother. Lily couldn't have missed catching it if she'd tried.”

“Well, apparently she's going to be the next bride in the family, so it was sweet of Hannah to toss Lily her bouquet.” After a pause, Gwen added, “Hannah and Parker seem perfect together.”

“They do now, but they went through a lot to reach this stage.”

“I guess true love rarely runs smoothly. Isn't that what the poets say?”

“Something to that effect. I'm going to go back in and say good-night to Dad and Lily. I'll only be a minute. Don't move.” Zane was on his feet and gone in a flash.

He's a kind, considerate man with extremely good manners.
Gwen sighed, wishing she could pinpoint at least one flaw in Zane's character or personality. Then she pondered his reputation with women and decided that could be a flaw.

But it could also be an advantage, depending on which gender was analyzing it. Men undoubtedly admired Zane's prowess with the opposite sex, while women…? Darn, Gwen thought uneasily, women probably admired it too. At least they might until he left them with a broken heart.

You're becoming much too interested in Zane Fortune's love life. Think of something else!

Gwen tried to follow that sensible advice, and was considering next week's work schedule in a relatively relaxed position, with her eyes shut, when she heard footsteps. Thinking that Zane had returned, she opened her eyes. Maria Cassidy was standing in front of her.

For some reason a chill went up Gwen's spine, but she said calmly, “Hello, Maria. Are you enjoying the reception?”

“It's just another excuse for the Fortunes to flaunt their wealth,” Maria said with a bitter twist of her lips. Without invitation she plopped down in the chair Zane had used. “How'd you meet Zane?”

Gwen was so uncomfortable with this peculiar young woman that she wished Zane would hurry up and get back.

“Through my work,” she said slowly, though she had no intention of explaining details to Maria.

“I hope you know that he has a lot of girlfriends. It would be really stupid of you to think you're the only woman in his life,” Maria said with a malevolent little smile.

What maliciousness! Gwen thought, shrinking internally from Maria and wishing again that Zane would return. How on earth did Lily, who was a lady in every sense of the word, have a daughter like Maria? Especially when Lily's other daughter, Hannah,
was so much like her mother. What had gone wrong with Maria?

“I know Zane has women friends,” Gwen said cautiously.

Maria let out a snort. “Friends, my eye. Obviously you didn't get my meaning. Maybe you

Gwen was suddenly furious. How dare this vulgar, mean-minded woman speak to her like this? Forgetting that Zane was due back at any moment, she got to her feet.

How she managed to speak at normal pitch when she was so steaming mad Gwen would never know, but she said quite calmly, “I'm going to say good-night, Maria,” and she walked off. When she heard Maria giggling behind her, she walked faster. That awful young woman had deliberately antagonized her and was now laughing about it!

When Gwen reached the house, she stopped before going in and looked back at the tent. Zane must have been held up, she thought, not at all upset by it. As long as he didn't care that
had deserted the party, he could stay up all night. She went into the house and then made her way to her assigned bedroom.

There was a lamp burning, and someone had turned down the bed. The room looked cozy and comfortable. Gwen took off her jacket and skirt and hung them in the closet. The rest of her things went into a bag she'd brought along for used clothing, and finally she pulled her short, silky nightgown over her head. Barefoot and yawning, she went into the bathroom, where she brushed her teeth and removed the pins holding her fancy hair style together. She was giving her long hair a good brushing when someone rapped on the bedroom door.

“Just a moment,” she called. She ran for the matching robe she'd left in the bureau drawer, then slipped it on and hurried to open the door. It was Zane, of course. She'd expected it would be. “Sorry I left without talking to you,” she said quickly. “But Maria Cassidy cornered me and was saying some terrible things. I really couldn't sit there any longer without losing my temper and batting her one. What is wrong with that woman?”

“What was she saying?” Zane was much more interested in how pretty Gwen looked with her hair down and wearing a lavender silky robe than he was in anything Maria might have said, but he realized that he would discuss any topic to keep this luscious lady talking to him.

Gwen cocked a somewhat cynical eyebrow. “Are you sure you want to know?”

Zane caught on and frowned. “She talked about me? Why on earth would Maria talk about me?”

“I have no idea why Maria would do anything. She strikes me as being a pickle short of a full barrel, Zane.”

Zane looked around. “We shouldn't be talking in the hall. Some people might be trying to sleep. Could I come in for a few minutes?”

Gwen hesitated, but gave in quickly with a nonchalant shrug. “Sure, why not?”

Zane stepped into the room and quietly closed the door behind him. “Getting back to Maria, Lily has been worried about her.”

“I would imagine she has.” Gwen set the hairbrush on the bureau. “Maria seems to have some sort of animosity toward your family. I find that curious, when her mother is engaged to your father.”

“It is curious.” Zane grinned. “But then I never promised that you wouldn't meet a few odd ducks today. Probably every big family has 'em.”

Gwen smiled. “I'm sure you're right.” She was certain that Zane was heading for the door when he started walking, and that he would say good-night at any moment. She was stunned when he was suddenly standing about two inches away from her. Her eyes widened when he began toying with her hair, brushing it back from her cheek and winding a curl around his forefinger.

“Wha-what are you doing?” She knew that she sounded breathless, but was it any wonder, when her heart was pounding so hard?

“Something I've wanted to do all day.” Zane cupped her face with both of his hands and pressed his lips to hers.

Gwen's entire system went wild with erotic little stirrings. She felt as though her insides were melting and blending together as his mouth possessed and teased hers. It had been too long since she'd been kissed, especially in the way Zane was kissing her, and she honestly did not have the strength of will to push him away.

He smelled heavenly. Oh, yes, she had noticed the incredible scent he wore, besides being aware of his extraordinary good looks, throughout the whole day. Was there a woman alive who wouldn't want to be kissed by Zane Fortune?

But a kiss was one thing and his hands under her nightgown was something else. Gasping for air, Gwen backed up a step. “You're going too far,” she said hoarsely.

Zane didn't argue. “You're right. I only intended
to kiss you. I guess I didn't expect to feel such fireworks.”

Gwen saw how flushed his face was and knew that his high color was not caused by embarrassment. He was aroused!

Well, so was she. So much for all that gibberish she'd thought about eluding his ‘Conquest' lists. All Zane had had to do was touch her with that special light in his eyes and she'd turned into molten jelly!

“I…I think you'd better go,” she stammered, while some crazy part of her wished that she had the guts to go for it, to ask him to stay, or even to let him know with the right kind of smile that she didn't want him to go. One night of very hot lovemaking? Oh, yes, didn't every woman deserve to meet a Zane Fortune once in her life?

“Yeah, you're right.” Zane moved to the door and put his hand on the knob. Then he looked at her. “Gwen Hutton, you are one very special lady. Good night.”


Brunch was served on the south patio of the house close to noon the next day, and Gwen realized that she was strictly in the company of members of the Fortune family. Apparently the other guests had made their departure sometime between the party last night and brunch today.

It would be very easy to sincerely like these people, Gwen thought about halfway through the meal. Certainly they were all charming to her, all seemingly doing their best to make her feel at ease.

There was nothing in Zane's eyes today except good humor. Nothing at all about that kiss last night. Inwardly she heaved a sigh, and wondered why she felt
as though some great and profound chapter of her life had been abruptly and prematurely closed. A kiss meant nothing to Zane, obviously, and it should mean nothing to her. She should thank her lucky stars that Zane had already forgotten it.

When the meal was over and people began rising to leave and bid each other goodbye, most of them made a special effort to tell Gwen how much they had enjoyed meeting her, and that they hoped to see her again soon. She said thank you a dozen times, discovering that she truly meant it. Every one of the Fortunes and their spouses had been kind and pleasant to her. Zane was lucky to have such a wonderful family.

When they started the drive back to San Antonio, Gwen told him exactly that. “I'm going home with a much different impression of the Fortune family than the preconceived notions I arrived with,” she said.

“You probably thought we were a bunch of snobs,” Zane said with a laugh.

“I think I judged the Fortunes on what I read in the society pages,” Gwen said matter-of-factly.

“Without knowing even one of us, do you think you should have judged us at all?”

Gwen felt her face burning. How neatly he had put her in her place.

When Zane pulled into Gwen's driveway, he realized that he had barely noticed her house yesterday. It was an unpretentious little white frame house with green trim, several large shade trees and a fenced yard—very much like all the other homes in the obviously blue-collar neighborhood.

Gwen's garage door was down, and Zane spotted a rather dilapidated white van parked
to the garage. “Who drives the van?” he asked.

“I do. I park out there because the garage is full of furniture.”

Zane laughed curiously. “Furniture?”

“Yes, I refinish old pieces in my spare time.” Gwen was concerned about how to approach the subject of payment. Did Zane have a check with him, or would he put her off with some comment about having a check mailed to her? This part of their arrangement embarrassed and unnerved her. Besides, now that she'd met the Fortune family, she regretted having taken part in Zane's charade. Receiving money for deceiving such nice people made her feel she'd hit an all-time low.

“Speaking of spare time,” Zane said with a warm smile, “how about having dinner with me some night this coming week?”

Gwen was dumbfounded. Those were positively the last words she could have imagined coming out of Zane's mouth. She could think of only one reason why he would want to see her again. His sexual appetite had been whetted by that kiss last night, and what he really was requesting was another opportunity to get her into bed.

“Sorry,” she said coolly, “but I don't date.”

“Not at all?” It was Zane's turn to look dumbfounded. “Uh, do you have a reason for not dating?”

“Dozens,” she said flatly. “Now, if you'll get my suitcase from the trunk, I'll let you be on your way.”

Perplexed, Zane kept looking at her. “I guess I don't understand. You don't

“I haven't dated since my husband's death.”

“You're a widow? Damn, Gwen, I'm really sorry. For some reason I thought you were a single woman. Well, you are, of course, but—”

“I know what you meant.” Gwen did know. What she didn't know was why she hadn't told Zane about her widowhood before this. And she hadn't mentioned her three kids, either. That was something else he should know. He would probably retract his dinner invitation so fast that her head would spin.

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