Hip Deep in Dragons (8 page)

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Authors: Christina Westcott

Tags: #Paranormal Fantasy Romance

BOOK: Hip Deep in Dragons
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“Yeah, I was always the instigator, the headstrong one who got us into trouble, wasn’t I?” The memories came back, all the more sweet and poignant for having been lost all those years. I snuggled my face into his chest, drinking in the smell of him—wild lands and sunshine. Was this what magic smelled like?

“What do we do now?” I asked.

are doing nothing. You will get in the Jeep and drive home as swiftly as possible while I deal with Shakagwa Dun and its brood.”

A shriek like a manic calliope echoed across the swamp, shocking every bird, bug, and animal into silence, and raising the hair on the back of my neck. Robby jerked around toward the eerie sound’s source, his teeth gnawing at his bottom lip.

I captured his chin, and turned his face back to mine. “You’re exhausted. Come home with me tonight. I have my mother’s recipe for lasagna. As I recall, you were quite fond of that when you stayed for dinner. You can get some rest and start out fresh in the morning.”

“Nay, Laura, I could not. If I were to spend the night under the same roof as you, rest is one thing I fear I would not be getting.” Heat kindled in the celadon depths of his eyes. An answering fire exploded in my belly, spangling upward like fireworks to burst inside my head.

He studied me as if he could see those sparklers behind my eyes. Taking my face in his hands, he kissed me, softly at first, but then passion fanned those sparks into an edgy inferno. He tightened his embrace, and fitted our bodies together like two pieces of a puzzle clicking into one. Too soon, he lifted his lips and cradled my head against his chest. I could hear the rhythmic pounding of his heart along with that curious, buzzing rumble in his throat.

He whispered, his lips stirring fine hairs against my forehead. “All those years, I told myself you were only a childhood playmate, that what I felt for you was little more than friendship. Even when I came back to Vayron, watching you from a distance, I still thought it only harmless childhood memories, but many a night on a cold trail, I fantasized about you. When I saw you yesterday, I knew what I felt went far beyond casual feelings. That’s why I ran at first, afraid that if you smiled at me, I would never be able to walk away. But in the end, I could not do it, I needed to see you once more face to face. ’Tis foolish but…”

That eerie wail split the stillness again, silencing him. I felt his heart accelerate. When he pulled back, his green eyes were as flat and cool as polished agate. “You have to leave. Now.”

Over the treetops, a vast, dark shape lifted, wings beating the air. Robby muttered a growling litany. Motes of light whirled around his upraised hand as he worked an incantation to hide us. The unnatural silence stretched on, as if the world feared to make a noise. Then the dragon turned eastward, its wing beats receding in the distance as it flew deeper into the glades.

The spell dissolved around us. Robby took my elbow and pulled me to the door of the Jeep. “You have to get out now. This may be the only time I have to get to the nest and destroy it. When Shakagwa Dun has no reason to stay here on this world, it will return to Mycon, and I can close the Gate it came through. While I do that, I need to know that you are safe and far away from this danger.”

“But what if the thing comes back while you’re at the nest? Will you have enough magic to face it, too?”

“I do not see as I have much of a choice.” He looked away, but not before I saw apprehension flickering far back in his eyes. He was, I recalled, only an apprentice wizard.

“The chocolate.” I suddenly remembered that bag of candy. “Will that help?”

His grin was sheepish. “Aye, it would have. If I had not already gobbled it all up.”

“But I have more.” I twisted out of his grip and dashed to the back of the Jeep, opening the tailgate and flipping up the lid on the cooler to expose sandwiches and fruit. From the tote, I produced several bags of potato chips and a handful of energy bars.

“Will this help?”

I was heartened by the twinkle in his eyes as he ripped open the chip bag. He answered me between mouthfuls. “Aye, this helps somewhat, but with no ambient magic in this world to call upon, I shall be limited to only the energy inside me, and I fear I will burn through that quickly. I canna eat enough to fuel more than a few workings.”

He grabbed a sandwich and stacked the ice chest and tote bag on the ground. “Leave these with me, but you have to go now.”

With the cooler out of the back, I noticed the gas can lashed against the inside of the Jeep with a bungee cord.

“What if you could destroy the nest without using magic?”

He glanced up from his half eaten sandwich. “Laura, why do I get the feeling you are trying to talk me into something I know I will regret?”


Chapter Six

Elongated by the late afternoon sun, our shadows stretched ahead of us as we struggled along the game trail, the can of gasoline slung between us. Mud squelched beneath my boots, and burrs snatched at my legs as we pushed through the grass. Robby halted again, forcing us to put down our burden so he could scrub his hand against his thigh, as if the touch of the metal irritated his skin. He picked up his side of the can again and we continued.

“This comes perilously close to violating the Accords against using technology,” he said.

“I don’t see why.” I defended my argument for what felt like the tenth time. “Don’t they make metal containers in your world?”

“Oh, aye, ’tis not the can, but how the thing was created—in a soulless factory by equally soulless machines. And you canna tell me that the petrol inside ’tis natural, either.”

“But fire is only fire in any world.”

“Aye, and I could set a blaze to that nest with my magic. I do not need your petrol. Or you putting yourself in danger to help me.”

I’d stuffed the box of matches in my pocket and the flare gun into my waistband to made sure he wouldn’t need to waste his talent on anything as simple as lighting a fire. “But after last night’s rainstorm, that pile of muck will be so wet it might take too much of your magic to get it burning without the help of some kind of accelerant. You have to save all the power you can to face the dragon.”

If the magical strength available to him was proportionate to the calories he’d consumed, Robby wouldn’t have a problem overcoming the beast. He’d munched through two bags of chips and all the fruit and sandwiches. He finished up the last of the energy bars as we walked, his long legs striding so quickly that I had to scurry to keep up. All that food must go straight to fuel his magic, because there wasn’t a hint of fat on his hard thighs or chiseled abdomen. Like a battery, he was charged up, and moving with a fluid grace, but as soon as he tapped into that power, I was afraid he’d burn through it quickly.

He stopped again, this time massaging his fingers to restore circulation. “I do not understand why I allow you to talk me into these insane stunts. I have faced revenants on the Wizard’s Road and pitted my will against demons, but I have been back with you for less than a day, and I am like a foolish school boy, willing to follow you into another crazy adventure. Like the time you convinced me to help you put Tommy Hanson’s bicycle on his garage roof.”

I laughed at the memory, a memory that only yesterday I couldn’t recall. I’d always been the mischief-maker—nothing mean or destructive, just fun stuff. Childish pranks. And Robby had always been willing to follow me. It seemed impossible that I had forgotten that impish girl and grown into a responsible—boring—adult.

I smiled at him with that crooked little grin that always melted his resistance. “But wasn’t it worth it to see the look on Fat Tommy’s face when he tried to explain to his father how the bike got up there?”

Robby only snorted in replay as he resumed walking.

I spied the line of vegetation that marked the edge of the slough. “Are you sure the dragon hasn’t returned?”

“Aye, but as soon as that bloody great worm sees the fire, it will rush back to protect its brood. If you are not well away by then…” He shook his head and extended a hand. “Give me the matches.”

“No. This was my idea. I’m going to see it through to the end.”

“Laura.” A growl lay beneath the word.

“What are you going to do, force me? Take over my body and make me leave?”

“I could…”

“But you won’t.” I saw anger simmering in his eyes, and behind that, a power flickered, so intense it raised the hair on the back of my neck. This wasn’t a childhood playmate, but an honest to goodness wizard, who had faced threats I probably couldn’t even imagine. Before I lost my nerve, I pushed through the palm fronds, pulling Robby behind me.

The carrion stench battered against my senses like a physical wall. I bit my tongue to force down a gag. My eyes closed, I sucked shallow breaths through my mouth, and tried to remember why I had thought this was such a good idea.

“’Tis clear now, but we must make haste,” Robby said, scanning the sky.

I nodded my agreement.

The gas can slung between us, we waded into the slough. At first, the dark water came only to my calves, then my knees. It seeped into my boots, and soaked my socks. My feet slipped, threatening to twist my ankles with every step.

Dragging through the water, the can seemed to grow heavier and harder to maneuver, forcing me to use both hands and shuffle sideways. My foot caught on a submerged branch—at least I hoped it was a branch and not a gator lurking in the mud. I splashed down in a clumsy face-plant, getting a mouthful of murky water. The can tumbled on top of me, dragging Robby down with it. He struggled to his feet, pulled me against him, and wrapped his arms around me until my spasm of coughing passed. A trickle of energy flowed out of his hands, seeping into all my empty places and shoring up my reservoir of strength. I wanted to tell him to stop, to save every erg of his power, but the warmth coiling through my body felt so amazing I only wanted to bask in its glow forever. Eventually, I looked up.

“Better now, Laura?” He brushed his thumbs across my grimy cheeks.

I coughed one last time, scanning around for the telltale sign of a gator gliding through the water, and then I picked up my side of the can. We resumed our floundering progress. At the narrow sandy strip boarding the hammock, we picked our way through the scattering of bones around the nest and put down the can.

Lips thinning in distaste, Robby spun the cap off with a quick twist. He scrambled up the mound, tipped the container, and soaked the vegetation in gasoline. He slid back down and saturated the edge of the nest with the remaining liquid. The vapors from the gasoline rippled up, distorting the air and stinging my eyes.

Robby tossed away the empty can. “The matches?”

I dug into my pocket and pulled out the plastic bag that contained the matches. Droplets of brown water accumulated at the bottom. I hadn’t double-checked the seal. An iron weight settled in my stomach. “They’re wet.”

“I can make a flame.” Robby’s fingers shed sparkles of light.

“No, save your magic. Maybe I can get these to work. If not, I still have the flare gun.”

I scrapped a match down the side of the box, but it left only the gummy red residue of a wet match head. A second failed to spark.

In the corner of my vision, Robbie’s head snapped up, eyes wide as he scanned the sky.

“Shakagwa Dun is returning. If you canna make a fire, I will. Then we must run.”

“I have the flare gun. I can back off and use that, but let me try the matches one more time.”

I dug down to the bottom of the box searching for one that might have escaped the water. Willing it to light, I scraped it against the striker. A tiny spark flared, and then blossomed into a flame. I tossed it onto the gasoline-soaked vegetation, and it caught with a whoosh of flames that sent me staggering back. A flash of heat washed across my face. I, once again, landed on my behind in the muck.

As I climbed to my feet, a serpentine shadow rippled across the surface of the pond. With a terrifying grace, Shakagwa Dun hung in the air, hovering between us and the way to safety. Each backbeat of its wings drove a blast of noisome wind into my face. The dragon eased its bulk down, claws sinking into the muck. Its tail lashed, and sent up geysers of spray. A cloud of green vapor erupted from its mouth as it hissed. The sawgrass withered, and a rainbow sheen like dirty oil spread across the surface of the water.

Robby forced me behind him, pushing me back until flames scorched my neck. We couldn’t retreat any further. The pond on our right deepened. We’d have to swim if we went that direction and I didn’t like those chances against the larger creature. The only escape lay back the way we’d come, but as if sensing that fact, Shakagwa Dun shifted, blocking our escape.

Robby spun me to face him, gripping my shoulders. His eyes had dilated to obsidian orbs. “I can cast a spell that will distract it while you slip away. Go home and wait for me there. I’ll follow as soon as I am able, but I have to know you are safe, Laura.”

He pulled me to him. His kiss was hard and tasted of fear and farewell. A growl built in his chest. I pulled back and cupped the side of his face.

“Robby, I only just found you. Don’t make me lose you again.”

His smile was bittersweet. “Nay, milady, you will not be rid of me that easily. I love you; I have always loved you, but you canna be here. Worry for your safety would distract me from what I must do.”

He spun me around and shoved me, his voice taking on an edge of power. “Now, run.”

I stumbled away and sloshed through the knee-deep water, my legs moving as if controlled by someone else’s will. They were—Robby’s. He was forcing me away, sending me to safety with a trickle of magic. I wanted to stop him, needed to turn back, but I couldn’t halt my relentless, forward march. He needed all his power to face Shakagwa Dun. He shouldn’t be wasting it on me, but he knew I wouldn’t leave him, not unless forced. One foot stepped in front of the other, again and again, as I continued to trudge away from him, tears tracing clean runnels in the dirt on my cheeks.

Behind me, Robby’s voice rose, full of power and thundering with the force of a hundred amplifiers. Most of the words were unintelligible, but I picked out the dragon’s name in the throat-searing mix of hard consonants and growls. A breeze slithered by me and stirred the fine hairs on the side of my face. Shadows swept across the ground, accelerating as the wind velocity increased. Ripples on the water’s surface turned to miniature waves, and a thin brown spray splattered my face. The wind whined, ripped my hair loose, and drove tendrils of it into my eyes like striking serpents.

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