Read Him Her Them Boxed Set Online

Authors: Elizabeth Lynx

Him Her Them Boxed Set (22 page)

BOOK: Him Her Them Boxed Set
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Chapter 11
Pierce: Saturday 12:25am

I am surprised that Josephine told me she loved me, but even more shocked that she wants to go back to my place. If anyone were to tell me I will have her sitting on my couch tonight, sipping from a water bottle while wearing the exact dress she wore the night we met I would punch that person. Thinking it some cruel joke they are playing and as depressed as I am my fist would have landed on their face without me thinking about it.

But here I sit beside my love watching her eyes explore the room searching for something while my depression melts away. I hope she's not finding a reason to leave.

"Looks the same." She states after putting the water bottle on the coffee table.

"Did you think I would have redecorated?"

Her smile lights up the room as she turns to me.

"No, but...I don't know...I thought something would have changed. I don't know why I thought that."

She leans her head onto my shoulder, curling into me as I gently caress her hair. I missed this, her so much. Part of me is afraid to touch her where I really want to for fear she may run away again. She's going to have to lead things tonight, if this is all she wants, then I will be happy to provide.

Josephine is moaning now as her head nuzzles into the crook of my neck, giving little kisses where the hair of my beard has turned to stubble. If she keeps this up I will be really struggling with letting her lead. I think my penis is screaming at me right now, but I can't tell what it's saying, being muzzled by my pants.

"Pierce, I'm not sure what will happen tonight. I am still working on my fear issues, but being here with you, they seem to melt away. I want you, I do, but I'm a little afraid."

I push away so I can look into her eyes and see the uneasiness she is talking about.

"Whatever you want Josephine I will happily provide. At any time you say no and I will immediately stop. I mean it when I said I am just so happy to have you back in my life."

Then a smile appears that I have never seen from her face before, it is shy and innocent. I feel as if she is showing me a glimpse of a part of herself she rarely shows. It's vulnerable so she keeps it hidden as not to get hurt. I imagine it's a look she gave her parents when she was little only to be left alone to deal with the problems a child may have. To see this smile breaks my heart and warms it all at once. Josephine is letting me inside.

"You lead the way my dear. We will only do what you want tonight."

She leans into me, our lips just grazing the other's as if to explore before going further. She cups my face as I embrace her and that's when I sense her desire overpowering her fear. The moan escapes her lips as they crash onto mine, done with their preliminary research. I part my lips as her tongue immediately penetrates my mouth.

I nip at her while my hands explore trying to remember every inch of her body. My hands hesitantly skim over her breasts until hers comes down over mine forcing it to take charge. I can only groan, a deep guttural cry, my soul letting out the frustration of the past month and a half.

She shifts her body and I freeze. My heart races as Josephine pulls away fearing she is changing her mind but her lips crook into play and her eyes are still lit with lust. She stands and drops her dress easily, turning it into a white wrinkled pile on the floor. Reaching her hand down to me, she steps out of her shoes and gazes down at me in nothing but white lace panties.

"Beautiful." I can't help the word as it exits my mouth for that is what she is. No highly paid photographer for those glossy magazine covers or sculptor from renaissance Europe could have imagined a more striking muse.

"Come on sexy, we need to get you undressed too."

I take her hand and let her lead me back into my bedroom. We come to stop in front of my bed as I turn to face her, my back legs hitting the bed frame. Her nimble fingers make quick work of the buttons on my shirt and before I know it my shirt is across the room, joined by my jeans, socks, shoes and black boxer briefs.

Josephine steps back to admire her handy work. It makes me smile to see her confidence return. I was so awestruck by it when we first met but now it feels like oxygen. I need her to be happy, to be true, and to be confident in order to live.

"So what now my dear? Do we just stand here all night looking at one another, because if that's to happen I might need a blanket at some point."

She smiles and shimmies out of her panties. It's bittersweet to see them go, for she does have great taste in lingerie. The panties look so good on her, but what's underneath is even better so I won't shed a tear for their loss.

She walks over to me and I open my arms thinking she's going to kiss me, but she pushes me back onto the bed. I fall with an oomph. She laughs and crawls on top of me, but again fools me. I think she will bend over to kiss me. But she never stops and keeps crawling only stopping when my lips are touching her lower lips.

My nostrils hypnotized with her earthy scent as I demonstrate how much I have missed her. My fingers push apart her slick wet lips as my tongue circles her clit. Once my fingers push further into her soft warm folds she gives my ears delight with the sound of moans and a gentle rocking of her hips. I have missed pleasing her, tasting her wanting nothing more than to drown in all things Josephine.

My teeth nip and lips suck as the gyrating becomes more fervent. Her thighs tighten around my head forcing me closer. I can barely breathe but I don't care.

"Just...just that...yes!" She mumbles and I know Josephine is close to unraveling. Her core is tightening and her hips motion up and down without rhythm. I know what will send her over, remembering what she likes, so I flatten my tongue moving it back and forth. Looking up I see her head fall back as her moans become deeper, gravelly. My teeth replace my tongue and I gently nip onto her clit and shake. Her silken walls tighten and convulse around my fingers and she screams.

"Oh god! Fuck yes Pierce!"

Before I know it and well before her orgasm has subsided she pushes off me and scrambles down my body, taking my cock into her hand. I don't have time to confirm her readiness nor does she bother speaking to me. She shifts her body into position and impales herself onto me. The rush of euphoria is overwhelming and I grab her hips to hold her in place.

"Oh god Josephine!"

I feel her hands pushing at mine so she can start to move, but if she does I will come.

"Give me a moment, please Josephine."

My eyes shut as I start to feel the tickling of her hair on my ear and cheek. Her warm breath cascades across my face and I open my eyes to her kiss. It's long and deep but loving. I remove my hands from her hips and wrap my arms around her back pulling her closer, turning her so we face each other. I lift my head, breaking our kiss to just look at her, drink in all that I have missed this past month.

We are a part of one another fully but I want to pause and just enjoy this with her.

"I thought my happiness was stolen from me Pierce, but I realize it's been right here the whole time."

As I roll further to be on top of her I grab her hands to link fingers. My head nuzzles into her neck wanting to feel all of her. My hips start to thrust and she wraps her legs around me locking me to her. My head lifts to see her lustful gaze and watch as each thrust grows firmer than the last. Her lips slip open as she whimpers for me.

I lick my lips and can still taste her sweetness on me. I'm trying to be gentle but watching her unravel and succumb to our love is propelling me closer to the edge. I release her hands wanting to feel more of her body.

"Oh god fuck me Pierce. Please fuck me!" Her eyes are closing as her nails dig into my back. The pain and pleasure from her cause me to shift up, planting my arms on either side of her as my hips start to pound. She moves her hand down between us as she starts to touch herself.

It doesn't take her long for only moments later I feel her muscles constrict as her breasts push up from her back arching. Josephine's head shaking wildly side to side.

"Oh god Pierce, that's it fuck me hard!"

I can't stop staring as her body goes wild. How it feels perfect being inside her and her tight pussy squeezing me. I feel my climax breaking wide open as I collapse on top of her, my body vibrating. I yell out something but I have no idea what I said. We are slick with sweat and my hand easily slides over her to find repose on her breast. My toes still tingling as I hear her start to laugh.

Propping myself up on my elbow I look curiously at her.

"What's so funny?"


"Why am I so funny?"

"You yelled out Groundhog Day as you came."

Josephine is laughing harder as I try to search my memory.

"You are lying. I don't remember saying that." I might have said that. Might have!

She shifts herself and I roll over next to her.

"I would never lie to your Pierce. You said and I quote Fucking Groundhog Day! Did you just watch the movie?"

"Uh, no. I'll tell you later. Well, I am glad I could entertain you my dear."

She snuggles into my arm and gives small pecks to my chest.

"You entertained me in more ways than one sexy! We have a lot of catching up to do. I do hope you learned from last time and stocked your fridge?"

She looks up at me as I realize I haven't.

"We can order out."

She play slaps me on my chest and starts to tickle me. I don't move and she starts to realize I am not ticklish. Exacerbated she lets out a gruff sound and sits up, folding her arms over her chest.

"Seriously Pierce? Have I taught you nothing?"

I scoot over and pull her arms away from her chest and cup her breast, while lightly kissing the other.

"I'll tell you what Josephine. I'll call for some pizza or whatever you want and I can entertain you some more as we wait. Then once we have had our fill of the food, we'll take a nice long hot shower. I'll make sure I get every inch of you clean. I promise. Does that sound good?"

She purses her lips and looks up at the ceiling as if intensely pondering my suggestion, but her smirk gives her away.

"Alright Pierce, but at some point we are going to the grocery store together. I am making sure you have something good to eat when I stay the night."

I smile at her suggestion. She can stay every night if she wants. At this point I don't think I can let her go.

"Then we will have to do that first thing tomorrow because I want you to stay every night from here on out."

"That is a bit much Pierce. I still have my own place with Luna. Besides I like my little row home, it's cute."

"Fine, but I'm serious, if this time apart taught me anything it made me realize how I can't live without you."

I'm still kneading her breast, with my thumb now playing with her hardening nipple. She is starting to arch her back, pushing her breast into my face. We get a little distracted and it takes me about twenty minutes to get to my phone and order food.

Josephine and I fall asleep entangled in one another about three o'clock in the morning, out on the couch. The only room that remains untouched by our 'entertainment' is the coat closet. We may be horny but we aren't crazy!

Chapter 12
Jos: Friday 5:38pm

"So I gave out my first test as a full professor today! I have to say it didn't feel much different than before, but I didn't suspect it would."

I am watching the random cars fly past as I sit in my car staring at my steering wheel.

"Well, I'm proud of you either way my dear."

Pierce's voice crackles through the phone that I hold up to my ear.

"When did your mom want us over tonight?"

"She said to just stop by after work, you know her, she likes to have people around. I'm running a little late. There was a fight with the kids at the teaching kitchen. I have to hang back and talk to parents and administrators. But I will try to be there as soon as I can. Give my mom my love."

"I will. I love you Pierce." I smile into the phone.

"I love you too my dear. See you soon."


I end the call and push my phone back into my purse. Taking a moment to reflect back on this amazing week. I don't remember ever being so happy. The only down side is last night when Pierce had to work late so I couldn't see him. That isn't even the worst part. Having to hear Luna and Corbin go at it most of the night. If I have to hear Corbin say, 'Tell me what you want my kitten?" and then Luna's response of, 'Your mighty cock!' one more time I am going to hurl. At first I wonder why he keeps calling her kitten, but after a while I figured it out...or I heard why.

I exit my car and head inside having just returned from work when I called Pierce. Luna isn't home yet and I wonder if she is spending the night at Corbin's. She usually texts me if she does, just to let me know she's safe, but I haven't received a text yet. I quickly change and throw on my trench coat as it looks like it might rain outside.

As I head out the door and lock up behind me, I start to feel a few drops on my head making my way to Jennifer's home. Luckily I am on her porch before the sky opens and it pours. I start to knock on her door but notice it's ajar. Pushing the door open, I step inside, thinking Jennifer must have seen me coming and will be right here waiting for me, but the room is silent. Only the sounds of raindrops hitting the ground outside filter into the room.

There is an eerie stillness inside. The lights are on, a few lamps glow scattered around on tables and overhead, but no movement. I walk further inside and am about to turn to shut the door when I hear a voice from the kitchen area. It's masculine and gravely, so I call out.

"Hello? Jennifer?"

Silence again. Something doesn't feel right. The hairs on the back of my neck stand and I am about to reach into my purse to pull out my phone when I see Jennifer in the kitchen doorway. I smile at her but she doesn't smile back. She looks stiff, her shoulders raised and her arm wrapped around her body hugging herself. This isn't like her. I have never seen her in such a nervous state.

As I step closer I see redness around her right eye, it's swollen and there is a start of a bruise. Her eyes dart from me to her side, as if someone is behind the wall in the kitchen. It instantly comes to me like a million puzzle pieces falling together: Robin showing up after years of nothing from what Pierce told me, the fear in Jennifer's eyes, that deep voice I heard when I first walked in. He's here. Pierce's father is here.

I try to fumble with my phone to call the police when I hear, "I would drop that if I were you, young lady." Looking up, I see him, a lamp shining up into his face. He's the image of Pierce, but darker. There are more creases to his face and his hair is jet black with streaks of white. Even his voice has a familiarity, but his has harshness to it. I suspect he used to be, if not still is a smoker. In his hand is a gun, aimed directly at me.

Just before I place the phone on the ground, my other arm up in surrender, I franticly tap at the phone hoping I call someone.

"I don't want any trouble. If you just hand me the gun I promise not to call the police. I'll let you take my phone if that makes you feel better."

I point to the ground. He just laughs a deep hearty laugh. I am thankful his laugh is nothing like Pierce's. I would hate to hear Pierce laugh again only to be reminded of his dad. For a moment a thought flashes through my head, will I get to see Pierce again? Has this man ever killed before? My fear is creeping back up telling me all that can go wrong here today as I stare at the barrel of the gun.

"Well, missy, you are a peach. Jenny here didn't tell me she had such funny friends." He nudges Jennifer causing her to stumble slightly and let out a whimper.

"No, missy I don't think I will be giving you this gun. Came into some money recently and thought it was time to invest into the future. This here gun will help me obtain that future."

He's looking at me now, inspecting me. His eyes rake me over and my skin chills with cold. He pushes Jennifer aside and takes his time strolling towards me. Once he is facing me, his free hand traces my arm up to my neck and chin, forcing me to look up at him.

"Well, pretty lady my name is Jack. I don't think we have been formally introduced. You are?"


The gun is right there, a mere inch from me. All I have to do is grab it quickly. My mind races with every possible outcome, but I realize he is bigger, stronger and has much more experience than I do with a gun.

"Jos, hum, I like that. Well, I do have to say my son has good taste in women he fucks."

He is behind me now, so he didn't notice my eyes widen at his statement. He knows Pierce is alive. I gaze over at Jennifer who looks equally surprised. I know she would never have mentioned Pierce is alive; she's a mother and a good one at that.

I have learned that sometimes it's best to play dumb in these situations in case the criminal really doesn't know anything and is trying to fish for answers.

"I don't know what you are talking about Jack. I am Jennifer's neighbor."

There is a flash of pain on the side of my face and I see a white light as if a camera went off in my eye. My cheek is throbbing as I reach up to it my vision slowly coming back to me. He hit me and I can't tell you if it is his hand or the gun, I just know it stuns me silent.

"Don't try to fuck with me you stupid bitch! A little birdie told me of her sweet sugar daddy. I was so proud of my son. Learning he made so much money and had so many pretty little whores. Like father like son."

Robin! That bitch. I am so angry right now, at Robin, at Jack, at the shitty life Pierce has had to endure, but most of all I am angry with bullies. Jack is a bully, plain and simple. He bullies people until he gets what he wants. Ryan thought he had to bully me and now he will be rotting in jail for it. Even Robin bullied Pierce all those years to get money out of him. This ends now!

"Yeah, but the difference is your son is smart and has a heart. From what I heard you're just an idiot who has to carry a big stick to get what he wants."

Another crippling flash of pain across my cheek. I expect it this time so I recover quicker, looking back into his dark eyes. He thinks he has the upper hand because he has a gun, but he doesn't realize I could pick his brain apart in just a few minutes. Brains over brawn, lets test it out.

Despite the pain I smile up at him, my cheek throbbing as my skin tightens. I can feel my eye starting to swell as it becomes harder to see out of my right eye.

"You're spunky! I like that. Lord knows this one lost her spunk years ago."

He nods over to Jennifer who is now shaking from shock.

"I wonder why?"

I look straight at his crotch as I say it knowing how he will react. He grabs my chin his grip painfully tight forcing his face to mine. I can smell the alcohol on his breath.

"Look missy, I would watch that mouth on yours. I'm the one holding the gun, not you."

"What would you say if I held the gun for you?"

The look of surprise consumes his face but doesn't last long as he starts to laugh. This time he bends over with laughter as if catching his breath and I know he's momentarily loosening his grip of the gun. My hand moves before my mind can stop it and in what feels like slow motion I grab the gun and move away from him, closer to Jennifer.

"What the fuck? You fucking cunt, you better give that back if you know what's good for you."

"Now why would I do that? You're the fool Jack not me. Now if YOU know what's good for YOU I suggest leaving."

He smiles and shakes his head, slowly stepping toward me.

"You don't even know how to use that thing little missy. Now hand it over and give it to the big scary man..."

Jack stills in shock at the sound of the click as my thumb switches the safety on the gun. My insides are a quivering mess. The haunting fear yelling at me to run, push the safety back down and run. But I refuse to give in to let him see me cower. Luckily for me one of the guys I dated was into guns and took me to a shooting range on a date. I can't say we were together long and the odd choice of dating local had a lot to do with it.

"Look Missy, don't do anything rash." Jack is staring at the gun, putting his hands in the air.

I lean forward and widen my eyes as he looks up at me, letting him know it's best to do what I say:


He nods and turns to race out the door, running smack into Pierce as he pushes through the door. Pierce's eyes widen in surprise at the sight of his dad and then at me holding a gun. I see his features shift and distort in anger as water drips from his face. It's the same look he had almost two months ago as he pinned Ryan to the wall. The same expression that made me flinch. But this time it feels good to see it.

"Son!" Jack voices his surprise.

"Don't you fucking call me that! I'm dead to you, you got that."

Pierce looks over at me and back at his mom. He grabs his father by the shoulder pushing him back, back until they hit the wall. It's then I realize how much bigger Pierce is and how frail his father looks compared to him. I can only assume Jennifer and Jack are about the same age but Jack looks much older -- as if hard time and hard living have got the best of him.

"I told you I would kill you if you touched her again. Looks like you want to die old man!"

"Look son, I came here to make amends. Your mom wouldn't tell me where you were and then that stupid bitch slut of yours got the gun and..." He didn't have time to answer before Pierce's fist lands in his face. His father's head swings back along with his own fist into Pierce's stomach, causing Pierce to stumble back.

Jack uses the opportunity to come at me. I freeze from panic, but manage to step to the side as Pierce comes in time to tackle him. I try to move away, but they get up and I somehow end up in the middle.

"Get your fucking hands off her you no good piece of shit!" Pierce is screaming at his father as Jack paws for the gun.

"Give me that you bitch!"

"No! Stop!" I hear Jennifer near me and then feel a hand grab my arm and pull. I realize Jennifer has got me, pulling me from the chaos, but when I break free the gun is no longer in my hands. Instinctively I look to the ground to find where it fell but a loud explosion shakes me from my search.

My ears are ringing, especially the left one which is facing the men. I look up to see Pierce facing his father with wide eyes and a look of pain in his face, the mirror image displayed on Jack. They slowly part from one another and blood is dripping from their hands.

That's when he collapses to the ground.

BOOK: Him Her Them Boxed Set
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