Hijacked (7 page)

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Authors: Sidda Lee Tate

BOOK: Hijacked
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“Do you come here a lot?” she asked, gathering her hair and knotting it up with the tie.

“I used to, a long time ago. Why?” The muscles in his chest released spasms. He had a lot to tell her.

“I heard the man behind the desk call you Mr. Phillips when you walked up to him. I figured you were a frequent flyer here or something like it.”

“It’s something like it.”

“Well, we’ve all got a past…right? There’s no other way to get to the present.” She crossed her legs in front of her and turned to look in his eyes. His heart raced as if it would burst.

“Yeah we do, and mine has a lot to do with this place.”

“You don’t have to tell me. I don’t want to know about your past flings. We’ve all had them.”

He laughed inside. She was so off track. He decided to tell her about everything—the business tonight, his ex-wife tomorrow. “My father was Donovan Phillips.”

Sharon stared at him for a moment, and he couldn’t read her initial reaction.

“Donovan Phillips.” Her voice was flat, unaffected. She moved from the bed and stepped away, chewing on the inside of her lip. It was adorable the way she did that when she was nervous or unsure. She leaned against the door. “You’re messing with me.”

Kyle shook his head. She was so hard to read. “I’m serious.”

Donovan Phillips? The one who owns Donovan Properties.”

“The one and only.”

“You know that’s the third biggest hotel chain in the world…right?” She moved from the door to sit on the edge of the bed. “I only know because I just watched a Travel Channel documentary about that. And you were in it, I mean a photo of you and your father was on the screen. I didn’t recognize you…because I didn’t know you then…I watched it last week.” She turned and looked at him. “Why do you live in Pineville?”

He opened his mouth to speak, but she interrupted. “And I’m sorry…about your father.”

“Thanks, he passed a couple of years ago. They filmed that documentary right after. And I moved to Pineville to get away from the corporate world. It’s not my thing.”

“What is your thing?”


She rolled her eyes. “Be serious.”

But he was serious. He shrugged. “Okay, I guess my land…the horses…the cattle.”

“Don’t you own all of Donovan Properties now?”

“Fifty-one percent.” He was getting anxious. Talking about the business was not a favorite topic of his. The only reason he agreed to keeping his ownership was because he knew his father worked long and hard to create a legacy for himself, and making sure every hotel lived up to his standards was the only way he knew how to let Donovan Phillip’s name live on.

“Doesn’t it keep you busy?”

“I show up for board meetings once a month. It’s not bad. I have a good team working for me.”

“Huh.” She scooted up the bed, resting her back on the headboard.


“I never would’ve guessed.”

Sharon patted the space beside her and he filled it, laying his head in her lap. “It’s not something I talk about often.”

“Are you worried people won’t like you because you have money?” The tip of her index finger lightly traced his hairline.

“No.” He took a deep breath and released it. “I’m concerned they’ll like me because I do.”

* * * *

Sharon rolled over and opened her eyes. Even sleeping, Kyle was the most gorgeous man she’d ever seen. She smiled. Waking up beside him every day would take no time getting used to, and for the first time in her life, someone made her feel like she deserved it. The way he looked at her, the way he touched her, and she could see it in his eyes…the way he craved her. With the back of her fingers, she lightly stroked his jaw line.

His lids fluttered before opening. He licked his lips, his bright blues taking her in. “This is perfect, you know…waking up with you.”

Half surprised at what he’d said, her hand froze, but she nodded in agreement.

Kyle sat up on his elbow and pulled her closer. “Lay flat on your back.”

And she did, chills running through her. His morning voice was low and more rugged than usual. She liked it.

He tossed back the blanket. His eyes ran over her naked body. “Do you know how beautiful you are?”

She didn’t say anything, she couldn’t. Her heart was pounding in her throat, confiscating every word. The tips of his fingers grazed her forehead, down her nose. He outlined her lips and went to her chin, pulling just enough to part her mouth.

“I can’t get enough of you, Sharon Blake.” He leaned over to lick her lips, tracing where his fingers had just been, and her pussy was instantly wet.

She moaned in his mouth, lifting an arm to his shoulder.

He took her hand and put it back at her side. “I want you still. Eyes closed.”

“I can’t promise anything.” She giggled under her breath, closing her lids. The anticipation of what he had planned rippled to her core, causing the walls of her opening to contract.

His fingers trailed down her neck and over her chest, swirling around an already taut nipple. He pinched at it, and went to the other. Her sex constricted, and she shifted her hips, begging to be filled.

“Don’t move,” he whispered. His breathing was harsh, strained.

The magic of his touch left tingles on her skin as he went across the flat plane of her stomach and over the small patch of hair above her dripping center. He dragged his fingers lightly over her folds.

God, he was making it hard for her not to move. Every touch, every tingle left her muscles twitching. Her entire body screamed to jump on him and ride his cock until she passed out from pleasure. But he wanted her motionless, so she fought against the urges and relished in the blissful torture he was creating.

Slowly, he slipped a finger inside, twisting, and she moaned as her back arched. Her palms pressed hard against the mattress.

“You’re moving again.” He licked her neck, nuzzling just under her ear.

She groaned with desperation, aching for more of him. His finger continued to massage her walls and he slipped another in. She tightened against them, whimpering, and her body quivered.

“I can’t be without you…ever.” He claimed her mouth with his, driving his tongue against hers.

Fuck it! She had to move. She had to touch him.

Sharon grabbed his shoulders and pulled him closer. Moaning in his mouth, she ran her hands down his back. His fingers continued to work her pussy, swirling inside, exploring every inch of her sex. Sheer bliss erupted from her core, making her dizzy with pleasure. Her body convulsed as she cried out with euphoric relief. She shuddered against him, hands shaking as she took each side of his face, bringing his lips tighter against hers.

“I love it when you come,” he growled, and cupped her heat, teasing at her entrance, barely dipping a finger in and out. “Roll over.”

As she did, the glorious sound of tearing foil filled her ears. Her opening pulsed with excitement. He would be in her soon. She arched her back, lifting her ass. He kissed the center of her back, and then his lips trailed down her spine, nibbling on each cheek. He gripped her ass, lifting and spreading her open at the same time, and Sharon let out a panting yelp, knotting the sheet in her hands. His tongue. It felt so good. He dragged it from front to back, covering her entire slit.

“Are you ready yet?” he asked. She could hear the smile in his voice.

“Been ready,” she managed to breathe out.

He lapped his tongue against her swollen flesh. “How do you want it?”

“Hard,” she groaned.

“How hard?” His hands tugged at her nipples. She was close to coming again.

“Try to hurt me.” Sharon pushed her ass back and her wet folds bumped against his cock. The sensation made her insides jerk. But she didn’t have to beg. He slammed his cock in, taking her breath. Over and over he filled her, each thrust becoming stronger and more manic.

She pressed her palms against the headboard for resistance. His low growl behind her reverberated in her ears as she moved her hips in motion with his. The throbbing cock inside her vibrated her walls. The sensation was overwhelming. Her body shook, and a flash of light blinded her sight. She screamed out in pure ecstasy, and they both collapsed.

“God, you make me crazy,” he whispered. They were laying on their sides, nose to nose, his hand drifting up and down her arm. “I meant what I said.”

“That I make you crazy?” She grinned and kissed his chin.

“Well, yes, that. And I can’t be without you. Not ever. Not a day, or a minute, or even a second.”

Warm flutters filled her chest, and she fought back tears. “I know what you mean.”

* * * *

The drive back to Pineville was quiet conversation, no explosive arguments or frantic sex on the side of the freeway. Sharon shivered at how he’d taken her the day before in the truck. Her center twitched and she squeezed her thighs together in an attempt to tame it. She looked down at her white capri pants. He’d run down to the hotel boutique while she was in the shower and bought them for her, along with a powder pink tank top. She protested the gift until he informed her she had no choice, he’d already taken her dress to the truck, and unless she planned on walking out of the hotel naked, she would have to accept.

Once they left the room, he took her to breakfast at
The Blue Ivy
. The breakfast crowd was minimal and seemed much more casual than she expected. The spinach omelet she ordered was delicious. She could’ve eaten two.

After breakfast they went to Marine Plus, a company that sold all types of boats and water toys. He told her about his lake and the plans to build a dock and boathouse as he inspected the personal watercraft. She listened while he ordered two in metallic gray with state-of-the-art waterproof stereo systems and speakers. They would be delivered to his house by the weekend, and she had to admit, she couldn’t wait to try them out.

Kyle turned the truck onto his drive, and anxiety began to build from deep in her chest—at some point she would have to leave, and just the thought was killing her. She linked her fingers in his and stared ahead, trying not to dwell on it.

Sharon watched as he took his eyes from the pasture to the right of his house and spotted the silver Land Rover.

“Expecting someone?” she asked.

He hammered down on the gas, heading straight toward the foreign vehicle. His face was flush and strained.

“Kyle! What’s going on?” She braced herself against the seat. He wasn’t slowing down. “Kyle!”

He slammed on the brakes, and the truck came to a skidding stop mere inches from the luxury vehicle.

“Stay here.” He wasn’t yelling, but he wasn’t exactly being calm either. He jerked the gear into park and slung the door open.

“Who’s here?”

“Just stay here. I’ll be right back.”

* * * *

Kyle ran to the house and burst in, scanning the living room as he made his way to the kitchen. Where the hell was she? “Veronica!”

“In here, darling.” Her voice sent chills up his spine. Ever since he caught her blowing his horse trainer on their couch, he hated anything that spewed from her mouth.

He stopped at his bedroom door. There she was setting a framed photo on his nightstand. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”

“I thought you might want this. It’s from our wedding day.” She cocked her head, giving him a smartass smirk, though knowing her she thought she was being sexy. Nothing about her was appealing. Except for maybe her leaving. “I noticed you’ve redecorated. I like it.”

“What happened, Veronica? Did you run out of money?”

“Maybe I just missed you.” He could tell she was trying to sound sincere, but he knew her…at least he’d thought he did.

“That’s bullshit. You’ve spent it all.” He crossed his arms over his chest, his face heated with anger. “You are the only person I know who can go through two million dollars in three months. I gave you three before that.”

Her shoulders slumped, and her tone went soft. “Kyle, please. I made some bad investments.”

“I don’t care, Veronica.”

“I miss you calling me Roni.” She sat on the edge of his bed, cupping her face with her hands.

He refused to comment. He’d called her Roni for years, from the first night they met until a little over a year ago when she betrayed him. “I didn’t have to give you that much money. You know that. It was basically a payoff to get you out of my life.”

“Damn it, Kyle! I should’ve gotten half. I earned it!”

“The only thing you earned was the right to blow any man you want.”

“That was an accident.”

He snorted. “You’re right. I understand.”

“You do?” Her brows lifted as she spoke as if she actually believed him.

“Tell me.” Kyle shook his head. “What happened that day? Did you trip and land with your mouth around his dick? Poor Veronica.” He was seconds away from grabbing her up and tossing her out. “Leave my house. Now.”

“I just need a little more.” She stood from the bed and stepped toward him.

“Get out, Veronica.”

“The money we settled on was not enough. I was distraught, out of my mind when I signed those papers.”

“We settled on two with my lawyer, and I’d already given you three before that.”

“God damn it, Kyle! Five million could have come out of your pocket.” She glanced past him. “Who the hell is she?”

What? Panic went through him, and he turned to see Sharon. Her eyes were wide, mouth open.

“Aw, honey,” Veronica said. “Have you been fucking my husband?”


Chapter 7


Sharon ran to her car and slammed the door. “Mother fucker!” She hit the steering wheel with her fists. “Married! Fucking married!”

Kyle was yelling her name as he ran toward her. Turning the ignition, she slammed the gear in reverse and hit the gas. She sped down the driveway without looking back. If she saw him she wasn’t positive she would go through with leaving. And she had to. He was married.

She pulled up to her house and sat in her car for a few minutes. She could call Kayla and tell her what happened, but saying it out loud made it seem too real. She looked at the clock on her dash. It was nearly five and she was scheduled to work at
in an hour. So much for vacation-on-the-beach money, she couldn’t work like this. She needed to be drunk herself, not contributing to someone else’s stupor.

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