Highlander's Seduction (The Matheson Brothers Book 3) (14 page)

BOOK: Highlander's Seduction (The Matheson Brothers Book 3)
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“This is just like the old days.” Pride filled Kirk’s chest as his brothers followed right on his tail. They would never allow him to lose his woman, would always be right at his side no matter what battle he faced. “You’re both ready to catch me in case I fall, right?”

“If you fall, I’m letting you whizz right on by.” Iain swung up beside him. “You are the only one of us right now who can handle any drop. You should fall back below Finlay there and get ready to catch either of us if we fall.”

“Would you two quit yacking and get to climbing. Fierce warriors await us and I need to get myself pumped up for a fight.” Finlay swung wide and scrambled past Iain. “Last one to the top has to explain all this to the women once we return.”

They all picked up their pace, using whatever crack or ridge the wall offered.

Determined to get to his woman, Kirk reached the top first, hauled himself over the edge then leaned over the crenellation and gave Iain and Finlay a hand each and swung them in beside him. As three, they crouched on the rampart, the mist thick and steady around them with not even a tiny breeze to stir the air. “
We’re here. Where are you, love? And be exact.

In the chief’s solar. Ground floor, first door on your left just off the great hall. There were three maids clearing the tables when I arrived, and one lad sweeping the area, but they were almost done.
” A wealth of worry channeled through from her. “
I’m in mist form and can remain this way for as long as it takes, but the MacKenzie’s with me and he’s barricaded the door and the window. There’s no way for me to escape until there’s a sliver or gap for me to breeze through. Did I mention I missed you? Because I really do.

I miss you too, and I’m coming to get you.
” He crept toward the stairs leading downward and motioned his brothers to follow. “She’s in the chief’s solar with the chief, ground floor, first door on the left. The hall should be clear, for the most part.”

“Sheesh. The chief’s solar?” Iain blew out a long breath. “Your woman clearly likes excitement.”

“Aye, it seems my woman is no different to either yours or Finlay’s.” If Isla and Arabel were here right now, they’d for sure be right in the thick of things. Kirk halted at the base of the stairs. Across the yard, a good twenty warriors trained, their swords clanging loud with each hit. Great, that was about twenty more warriors than he wanted to see right now.

“We’re clearly going to need a plan if we wish to get inside without being seen.” Finlay gestured toward the pathway that led around the tower house toward the heavily paneled front doors with its thick iron scrollwork. “It’s a small walk, but an immensely viewable one all the same. There must be a window open somewhere we can slip inside instead of taking that route.”

“I don’t have time to find an open window. We’re walking right along that path, as if we’re meant to be here.” Kirk slapped Finlay on the back. “Try and cover Iain if you can. Regimental and wearing the Matheson plaid. He’s got ‘come-and-fight-me’ written all over him.”

Hand firm on the hilt of his belted sword, Kirk strode toward the front door.

“Thanks, little brother,” Iain muttered as he jogged in beside him. Finlay caught up and stepped in on Iain’s other side to cover him from sight.

“Any time.” Kirk walked through the front door. A maid with an armful of tankards bustled toward the kitchens at the far side of the great hall and disappeared.

Iain snagged a folded tartan from a pile of clean MacKenzie plaids on the table underneath their hefty clan shield and wrapped it around his waist. “Right, let’s get your woman and then get out of here.”

“That sounds like the perfect plan to me.” Kirk stepped up to the chief’s solar door. “
Cherub, we’re here.
Right outside the door. On the count of three, we’re coming in.

He’s armed, Kirk, with a claymore holstered across his back and an axe at his side. Wrist daggers too. The armoire looks heavy, and it’s right in front of the door. I’ll divert him as well as I can. Be careful.

I will. Steer clear of the door.
” He eyed his brothers and repeated Cherub’s words. Through good times or bad, no matter what difficulties they faced, they always stood as one. “On the count of three, we bust this door down. Ready?”

“Aye, ‘the power of three’ aren’t complete until we have all our women with us.” Iain swung his sword free. “Three,” he bit out.

“Two,” Finlay muttered and heaved back one step.

“One.” Kirk nodded at his brothers, his blood roaring for revenge. No one would capture and contain his woman, not while he still had breath.


Chapter 10


Cherub rushed through the air toward the far side of the solar and shimmered into view. She held a piece of Kirk’s soul deep inside her and she would fight the enemy for her freedom, just as her mate intended to fight for hers.

Colin MacKenzie sneered and stormed toward her, victory sparking in his gaze. He snatched her arms and hauled her up against him. “I want eternal life, and you’re going to damn well give it to me, right n—”

A crash sounded. The door splintered and the armoire toppled over. Kirk and his brothers jumped the debris, their swords raised. MacKenzie dragged her in front of him and slid his blade hard up against her neck. “Dinnae come any closer,” he snarled at Kirk.

“Well, unless you wish to lose your head right now, you’ll release my mate.” Biceps bulging, his gaze fierce, Kirk stormed toward her.

“She has no’ taken a mate, and I intend to be the one that she does.” MacKenzie’s fetid breath washed over her face. “Speak the spell to bind us, princess.”

“I’m no’ your princess and I’ve already spoken the spell with the man who stands afore you. He is my chosen one, just as I am his.” She cocked a brow at Kirk. “I wish to leave. Are you ready to go?”

“I won’t be a moment. No one raises a blade to my woman without learning a very strong lesson, that it’ll never happen again.”

“Those there are fighting words,” the MacKenzie spat at him, his voice rumbling low and deadly. “But I hold her and you dinnae.”

Goodness. She needed to get out of the middle of this fight. As one with the air, she disappeared and swirled in behind Kirk before retaking her true and visible form. With one hand against his back, she breathed in a rush, “I’m right here.”

“Iain, watch Cherub for me.” Kirk let out a fierce battle cry, one that rang in her ears then echoed out into the hall.

MacKenzie came at Kirk, just as Kirk came at him.

Their two great blades clashed dead center and sparked, the brutal force of the strike sending Kirk lurching back a step under the jarring impact.

“There is naught I like more than an eager opponent.” MacKenzie slid his axe free, both his weapons in hand.

“I’m the most eager opponent you’ll ever meet. Let’s end this.” Kirk struck and MacKenzie lunged and met his attack.

“You’ll never halt me from getting what I want.” MacKenzie grinned as the clamor of booted feet traveled toward them.

“Damn, it looks like we’re about to have company.” Iain bounded over the splintered armoire and into the hall. Cherub rushed in behind him. A wall of oncoming warriors loomed, their weapons raised. “Finlay, Kirk,” Iain bellowed. “We need to leave, now!”

“Give me one more moment.” Kirk slammed his blade into MacKenzie’s, so hard the man tumbled to one knee. Finlay whacked MacKenzie’s axe from his hand and Kirk slid his sword tight against their enemy’s throat and pressed until blood oozed. “Never, ever, touch my woman again, or next time I will slice your head from your shoulders. Eternal life will never be yours, not so long as I live.”

MacKenzie opened his mouth to answer but Kirk smashed the hilt of his sword down on his head and he slumped onto the ground.

Kirk leapt out the door, Finlay right behind him and never had she been more proud of her mate. Or more worried.

“Hold onto me,” she yelled to Kirk and his brothers.

They all snatched ahold of her then she did as she was born to do, her duty, that of protecting and guarding her kin. With a flick of her fingers, she swirled the thick air in the hall into a twirling mass and sent it whirling into the oncoming warriors. They skidded backward and toppled over each other. They tumbled out the wide open double doors and across the stony yard.

Outside, the mist rose with the rush of wind that she continued to churn and swiftly, she followed her enemy, the ‘power of three’ connected to her and kept safe within the cocoon of stillness she maintained around the four of them. In the center of the courtyard, she shouted over the melee, “I am Cherub, and from this day forth, should you ever think to attack my kin again, I will bring the wrath of the skies down upon you until not one stone in this keep stands.”

“Well said.” Kirk tightened his hold around her waist from behind. “And remind me to never rile you up in the future.”

“Aye, I wouldnae recommend it.” She smiled at him, cloaked them all then swept them up into the sky and over the curtain wall before lowering them gently down onto the rocks next to their skiff. She patted her racing heartbeat. Never had she placed herself in such a dire position before.

Kirk scooped her up into his arms, crushed her against his chest in a fierce hold and kissed her. “You’re not to leave me again, and I want your word on that.”

“Aye, I can see the benefits to keeping you close.” She kissed him back, just as fiercely as he’d kissed her. She’d never leave on another mission of such importance without him at her side and she sent that promise winging down their link directly to him.

“Good. I’m glad we’re finally in agreement.”

“Aye, in agreement, but I still intend to keep you on your toes. That too I give you my word on.”

“Somehow, I don’t doubt you will.” Breathing heavily, he stepped into the skiff, sat at the stern and with her cradled in his lap, eyed his brothers. “I’ll clearly need aid from you both over the coming years. Being mated to a time-walker will likely hold its thrills and spills.”

“Finlay and I will always be here for you.” Iain released the mooring rope. “It appears there’s no taming any of our women. We’re all in for a very exciting life.”

“A life I can’t wait to live.” Finlay raised the sail, a teasing grin on his face as he glanced at Cherub. “Dear sparkly sister, please rustle us up some wind. It’s time to go home.”

“Of course.” Grinning back at him, she flicked her fingers and sent a whoosh of wind slapping into the sail.

As they sped back across the loch, she snuggled deeper into Kirk’s embrace and nuzzled his neck. Aye, there was definitely no taming her, not when all she wished was to offer her people all her love and aid. Her mate now as well.

She smiled and kissed the man her soul rejoiced at being as one with. For him, her love and aid would always be endless, just as the streams of time she traveled were.

* * * *

Later that evening after transporting herself and Kirk to the future and to a place she held dear to her heart, Cherub sighed with heartfelt relief as she walked into her chamber on the uppermost floor of her home overlooking Angel Bay. ’Twould be just the two of them here in her keep high on the cliffs until they needed to return once again to the past and to his brothers.

She worked the back stays of her gown loose then wriggled the cream silk down past her hips and to the floor. She folded her gown on top of the elegant royal-blue padded wingback chair she’d purchased in the nineteen-hundreds. This modest castle was filled with treasures she’d collected over the centuries, a home she would now gladly share with her mate. Aye, never again would she be alone.

“I wish I’d known this place was yours.” Kirk opened the stylishly stained glass doors leading onto her balcony and hooked them back to allow the fresh breeze in. In the doorway, he stood as he gazed out at the night sky. “I’ve scoured that bay below for you many a time. In fact on my very first visit here I met an old man walking along the beach who lived on this property. He assured me there were no women living within.”

“That will be Gerard, and he’s rather protective of me. He’s one of my great-great, well there are a fair number of ‘greats’ in there, nephew. He lives in the cottage beyond the gardens and oversees all. I also keep a minimum of staff on hand. Close kin, all of them, and as trustworthy as can be, two maids and a gardener included. They have rooms below on the first floor.”

“Then you’ll need to introduce them to me.”

“I shall, although no’ this eve. Tonight is our night and no others’.” Wind rustled the thick burgundy velvet drapes hanging either side of the door. She tied them back with the gold-tasseled ties and wandered onto the balcony. With her arms raised, the wind whispered across her skin and flapped her shift about her legs. As the air swirled, so too did it bring with it the promise of all the future held. Souls had been bound across time and her kin now awaited her aid in bringing them together.

“Can you sense anything?” Kirk brushed in behind her, the warmth of his chest against her back sublime. She leaned back against his heavenly hold.

“There are many now in need of my aid, both from yours and Murdock’s clan. Their mates reside in the past, their women awaiting them.” Far below, moonlight played over the white-capped waves of Loch Shin as they tumbled into shore, and high in the night sky, a myriad of stars twinkled within the heavenly blanket of midnight-blue. She turned in Kirk’s arms and wrapped her hands around his neck. “The ‘power of three’ will be needed both here in the future and of course in the past. I sense that, strongly, although ’tis hard to explain the how and why of it, just that it is what will be.”

“Iain and Isla, and Finlay and Arabel won’t have any issue with you taking us wherever we’re needed, from the past to the future, or anywhere in between. Our mission won’t be complete until all of our clansmen find their chosen ones. Do you have the names of those who are newly soul bound, who we’ll soon need to find and offer our aid to?”

“If I did, and if I told you, would you be able to keep their names to yourself?”

“Hardly. If I can help them track down their chosen ones all the quicker, then I will.”

“Yet a mated man actually longs for the chase, and part of his journey is in what he must overcome in order to be with his chosen one. That journey builds the foundation for their bond and all that ’twill be. I happily bring them to the right place and time, but that is all. You wouldn’t wish to deprive your clansmen of the chase that awaits them, would you?”

“When you put it like that, perhaps not. Although if you truly wish to persuade me to your way of thinking, then you’ll need to distract me from my good intent.”

“And I believe I know just the way.” With a teasing smile, she slunk backward into her room and crooked a finger. “Except right now, you’re far too overdressed for the distraction I have in mind.”

“That sounded like a dare, and I do love a dare.” Stalking her, he unstrapped his weapons, laid them on the trunk at the end of her four-poster bed then tossed his rawhide jacket on top and kicked off his boots. He stood in his black leather pants and white shirt, the crystal-beaded chandelier overhead casting its golden glow over him. “I need you, bad.”

She reached up on her toes and kissed his chin. “And you’re still far too overdressed. Take your shirt off.”

“Your wish is my command.” He gripped the hem of his billowy shirt and hauled it over his head.

Warm golden skin shone and she stroked his wide chest and shoulders. “You’re so beautiful, if one can call a warrior that.”

“Call me whatever you wish, but I’m one warrior who needs to make love to his woman, right here in this bed, or anywhere else that might take your fancy or mine.”

“I have a fancy for everywhere.” She traced the tip of his cock attempting to spear through his black leather pants. Gently, she worked the leather ties loose, wriggled them down his legs and on her knees on the plush white bedside rug, grasped his cock with one hand and palmed his balls with the other.

His breath whooshed out, and he arched into her. “When you touch me like that, everything feels so sensitive.”

“Just as I feel when you touch me.” She licked him from root to tip. “Touching you like this also makes my nipples harden and heat flood me below.”

“Now you’re the one who’s by far overdressed.” He lowered and knelt in front of her, seized her shift’s hem and tugged it over her head. Caressing her breasts, he swiped his thumbs over her beaded nipples. “So beautiful. I’ve missed the taste of you, although if I go too fast right now then tell me. I can barely contain my need, or my bear’s. He’s ravenous for more of you.”

“I dinnae mind fast or slow, no’ when we have the entire night ahead of us, and an entire lifetime too.” She toppled him back onto the rug and slid over top of him. She swept her tongue inside his mouth and kissed him, until his breathing became as ragged as hers and the very air around them thickened with a pounding heat. The bed could wait. She wanted him right here, right now. “I’m so incredibly hungry.”

“As am I.” He rolled her onto her back, dipped his head and sucked her nipple deep inside his mouth. He played the tip to perfection with his tongue before moving to her other breast.

“Mmm, I love it when you touch me like this.”

“I’m sure I love it more. Are you ready for a coupling like no other?” He spread her legs, pure need lacing his tone as he bent and nuzzled the inside of her thighs. His nose brushed her nub and he breathed deep, groaned and plunged his fingers inside her. Licking her most private place, he caressed her with his tongue, so seductively, so deliciously.

Desire swarmed her and she widened her legs farther as he loved her with such heart-pounding intensity. Need consumed her and her desire soared to such a thunderous level she couldn’t help but cry out his name. “Kirk, I need it hard and fast, with you inside me. Slow can come later.”

“Hard and fast it shall be.” He flipped her over onto her hands and knees on the rug, his cock rising higher and firmer as he crowded her from behind. The fiery heat of his chest on her back as he rubbed against her made her throb for more. “Are you ready?”

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