Highlander's Caress: Medieval Romance (The Fae Book 2) (9 page)

BOOK: Highlander's Caress: Medieval Romance (The Fae Book 2)
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“You compelled me, forced me to allow your leaving. You even demanded I see you as naught more than an annoyance until I chose to see the truth and accept it.”

“That I did.”

“If you ever try to compel me again in such a way again, I’ll, I’ll—” Anger and frustration collided deep within him. All he wanted to do was toss her over his shoulder and cart her to a private room where he could ensure she understood exactly how much he wanted her, only they needed to talk before they ever took that next step. “You’re a handful, my grumpy one, but you’re still my handful all the same. I cannae lose you.”

“What of the secrets you hold?”

“We’ll speak of them.”

“That sounds promising.”

“Your voice also sounds stronger. There’s barely any rasp at all.”

“I just enjoyed a hot cup of tea with honey and ’twas a most soothing drink.” She ran a finger down the front of his chest and molded his damp blue tunic to his skin, her gentle touch searing him like a brand and making fire race across his flesh. “I found Ethan and spoke to him.”

“Where? When?”

“Here, and no’ long after my arrival. Come inside and we’ll speak all about what’s happened.” She ducked under his arm, opened the front door and walked inside.

He followed her as she weaved around the screened tables holding patrons, the main room lit by a roaring fire and candles flickering atop the tables. In the far darkened corner where little firelight reached, she sat on the bench seat and wriggled along to make more room for him. He eased in next to her, a screen at their back and the two corner walls forming the other two sides of their booth.

Gently, he caught her hand, the long lace-edged sleeves of her gown draping over her wrists as he tangled his fingers with hers. “Last eve,” he began, “you lay in my arms without a stitch of clothing on. I want that again this night, to have you in my bed.”

“That all depends on our coming conversation. First we need to talk about Ethan and Gavin. I’ve successfully compelled Gavin. He seeks shelter elsewhere until this storms breaks, then once the weather clears, he’ll continue on to Dunscaith Castle where I’ll meet him and my brother. Ethan and I will ensure Gavin is stopped, that you’ll never come under attack from him again, that his chief ensures it too.”

“I’ll never allow you to travel to Dunscaith alone. You’re my mate.” He raised her fingertips to his lips. “Never will you leave me again.”

“’Tis quite normal for the males within the bond to worry about their women in such a way, although I know how to look after myself, have done so for a very long time. There is no need to worry about me. Instead, let’s clear the air between us. You have secrets you need to share and I wish to hear them this night.”

“Trust does no’ come easy for me, Ella. I want your word that what I share with you will go no further than us.”

“Of course.” She gripped his shirtfront, tugged him closer, all rosy-cheeked as she breathed fast. “I’ve already told Ethan about our bond taking form and he of course guessed you must hold fae blood somewhere in your line, just as I already have. He’ll never speak of it to another. You can trust him with your secrets, just as you can trust me.”

“None of my men are aware I hold fae blood, other than for Hamish, and that is the way it needs to stay.” Through the front door, his men trailed in and a serving maid showed them to their tables. “There’s to be no word spoken about our bond with them. Understood?”

“Aye, understood.”

“Here we are. Your meal, Mistress Ella.” An elderly woman with a loosely tied brown apron covering her ample waist and gray hair coiled into a knot atop her head, set a tray down on the scratched wooden surface. “Mutton stew and fresh bread, and another cup of honey-sweetened tea for ye.”

“You’re a treasure, Miriam.” Ella grinned and accepted the food, picked up a spoon and dunked it into the stew. She moaned as she ate her first mouthful. “Mmm, this is delicious and exactly what I needed.”

“Ye voice sounds so much better already.” Miriam set a bowl of stew before him. “Welcome to Scalpay, sir. I’ll tend to your men as well.”

“Aye, please. You have my thanks.”

“You’re most welcome.” Miriam bustled across the room with her tray and disappeared through the side door into the kitchens.

Ella scooped up her bread, dunked it in her stew and took a dainty bite.

He ate his own stew, the richly flavored juices hearty and delicious. “I have an admission,” he mumbled as he ate.

“I’m listening.”

“In the past, whenever I’ve met a woman who remotely appealed, I couldnae do more than steal a few kisses afore being overcome with the urge to step away from her.” He’d certainly never allowed a lass to touch him, and when he’d approached his brother about the issue, Coll had decreed he’d never been able to tumble a lass proper either, even feared he’d might never be able to.

“Those who are mated can rarely abide the touch of another, no’ unless their mated one has chosen willingly to forego their bond, or of course if they’ve lost their mate due to death. Only then is it possible to move on. I’ve only ever allowed your touch, will only ever allow it.” She set her spoon down, her voice a seductive drawl across his senses, her sweet presence even more so.

“I wish for your touch.” All he wanted to do was drown in her heavenly brown eyes, the flecks of gold twinkling so bright.

“Then we should speak, although in private. Move along and allow me out.”

He shuffled off the bench, took her hand and aided her to her feet.

“Meet me in my chamber when you’re ready. First floor, third door on your right.” Her compelling voice swirled so sensually around him, her decree to meet him one he couldn’t turn down, not that he wished to.

“I shall be there as soon as I’ve collected my belongings from my galley.” He leaned in and kissed her, licked across her tongue then delved deeper and molded their mouths together until she clutched his arms, her breathing ragged.

“Goodness, I love your kisses.”

“I love yours.” Rough words, his mind still hazed by the sheer joy of touching her so freely. His men watched on and he reveled in the moment. No longer did he need to hide his desire for her.

“From this day forth, Duncan MacKenzie, you’re mine. Never will I forego our bond.” Whispered words between them and he cherished each and every one.

“Aye, I’m all yours, as you’ll soon be all mine.”


Chapter 5


Within the warmth of her chamber, Ella nabbed another block of peat from the wicker basket and tossed it onto the flames while the storm raged outside. The fire sizzled and the flames danced orange and red while the wind rattled the pane. At her back, her chamber door creaked open then clicked shut and she held perfectly still as Duncan’s heady scent enveloped her.

“Thank you for the invitation to join you.” From behind, he curled one hand around her waist and touched his lips to her ear. “I had the need to change first, didnae mean to take so long.”

“You’re here now, and that’s all that matters.” She turned in his arms, slid her hands around his neck and threaded her fingers through his silky black hair. Tingles raced across her fingertips as she leaned into him and stroked the back of his head. He now wore his great plaid belted low at his waist, the tartan slung up and looped over one shoulder where he’d secured it with a silver pin at his chest. She snuggled against him, rested her cheek against his broad chest and snuck her nose into the deep V of his billowy white tunic. “Mated pairs belong together.”

“I brought my belongings, have no intention of leaving now I’ve arrived.” He slung his satchel from his shoulder, set it beside the bed then with his hands on her shoulders, turned her around and unlaced her stays.

Eyes closed, she allowed the sensation of his dreamy touch to wash through her, the intimate moment one she only wished to embrace. Aye, he was her mate and there was no other for her, other than him. With the last lacing plucked free, her bodice loosened and the soft fabric slithered down to her feet. In her shift, she stepped out of the pool of velvet, swept it up and tossed it over top of the dressing screen propped in the corner. “I cannae wait to hear how you’ve come to hold fae blood.”

“Unfortunately, ’tis a sad tale.” He folded back the bedcovers and gestured for her to slide between the sheets.

“Tell me everything.” She eased into bed and tucked the covers back around her while he wandered around to the other side of the bed.

Boots toed off, he laid his wrist and ankle daggers on the nightstand, propped his sword against the headboard then unfastened his kilt and folded it on the corner chair. In naught but his tunic reaching him to mid-thigh, he slid into bed beside her. This moment seemed so incredibly intimate and she smiled as they faced each other on their sides, the light from the fire’s flames dancing across his high cheeks. “Are you ready, Ella?”

“More than ready. I’m listening.”

“At the age of eight, my brother and I made a pact, to never speak the truth about our birth to another, no’ unless we could be assured that the person we told would keep our secret and never use the knowledge against us.”

“Your secrets will always be safe with me.” The golden strands of their mated bond continued to strengthen and the delicious pull of it drew them ever closer together.

“We’re one and the same, my brother and I. Coll has always been right by my side, just as Ethan has always been right by yours.”

“I’m glad you have a brother you can trust, just as I trust mine. We need our loved ones to be there for us, exactly as we wish to be there for them in return.” She played with the dangling ties of his tunic, loosened the deep V neckline a little more until the smattering of his dark chest hair showed. His skin gleamed in the firelight, his chest so heavily muscled and rippling with strength. “Is it your mother or father who holds fae blood?”

“The only mother I’ve ever known was Cait MacLennan. She passed away when I was seven. Coll and I loved her deeply. My birth mother, unfortunately, I never knew.” He cleared his throat. “To explain I must start at the beginning, to the time afore I was even born.”

“Go right ahead.” She longed to hear everything, to learn all about him.

“During a time of peace between our clans, a lass by the name of Beth Matheson sailed from the fae village to my father’s keep to visit a relative. My father saw Beth and witnessed her fae skill of death-warning arise. Beth received a vision right there in his great hall, sensed death looming for one of his men and immediately hastened to pass the warning along. The man survived, although in allowing my father to see all she could do, she also aroused his greedy desire to hold fae blood within his direct line.”

“Colin MacKenzie will take advantage of anyone he possibly can.” That she’d learnt well over the years during their warring.

“Aye, and at the time my father was betrothed to the Chief of MacLennan’s daughter and upon their marriage was due to receive a large dowry of land, along with the all-important allied relationship he coveted.” He spread one palm over her hip and drew gentle circles with his thumb, the pressure so sweet and sublime. “So my father devised a way in order for him to have both Beth and Cait. First, he wooed Beth, spoke handfast vows with her then once she’d conceived, he had her locked away and none permitted entry to care for her, other than a single maid. He intended, once Beth had given birth, to wait out the remainder of the year and a day then wed Cait, only during Beth’s captivity she had a vision of death-warning that involved herself and the two sons she carried.”

“That is the one thing all those with the death-warning skill fear. Seeing their own death, or that of their loved ones, and being unable to halt what is to come.” She pressed her hands to his shoulders, the warmth of his skin soothing her.

“Aye, and after seeing her imminent death, she pleaded with my father to allow Grace, her dear friend from her village, permission to visit her. Grace held the same death-warning skill as Beth and she had hoped that Grace would be able to watch over her, to aid her however she could during her labor and ensure she and her sons lived, only when that time came, she bled so terribly. There was naught Grace could do.”

“I’m so sorry.” A tear sprang forth and trickled down her cheek.

“I wish my mother had never passed, but afore she did, she asked Grace to watch over her newborn babes and ensure they lived. Grace gave my mother her word she would.” He touched his forehead to hers, his voice lowering to a husky whisper. “Following our birth, Coll and I were so sickly, what with being born almost two months too soon, although because of Grace and her dedication to our care, we lived.”

“’Tis terrible you lost your mother, although had you perished along with her, I’d be without a mate this day. I’m so grateful she asked Grace to watch over you.” Everything within her cried out at the thought of possibly losing him, and before she’d ever met him. Under the covers, she wriggled closer still, rubbed her body against his and sought the comfort she needed. “What happened next?”

“Within days of Beth’s death, my father sent for the MacLennan lass and he and Cait spoke vows, her dowry and lands quickly added to his so they might strengthen his own holdings. He then halted Grace’s ability to speak of all he’d done. Should Grace have told another the truth about our parentage, then he promised he’d send his warriors to her village and slay as many as he could. He had no desire to lose the lands he’d gained by incurring the MacLennan’s wrath and his intentions rang true, a vision assailing Grace should she ever speak the truth to her own kinsmen. So many innocent lives would have been lost.”

“Your father is a cruel, hard-hearted man.” All were well aware of the Chief of MacKenzie’s ruthlessness. “I’d rather never meet him again.”

“I’ll never permit such a meeting either. My father has deceived even me of late and I no longer trust him, not’ that I ever truly have.” Brows furrowed, he breathed deep. “When Coll and I were young, Grace returned to her village and Cait continued to care for us, just as wonderfully as any mother could.”

“Cait claimed both you and Coll as hers?”

“Aye, although she had little choice. She too fell victim to my father’s control. Thankfully though, she did all she could to raise us with all the love our true mother would have.” He pressed a kiss to her nose, his warm breath fluttering across her cheeks. “Cait passed the winter Coll and I turned seven, after suffering from an illness which made her breath so ragged she could barely take in any air. I sat at her bedside as she gave up the fight for her life.”

“I’m sorry you lost her too.”

“She was greatly loved by all within our clan.” He cleared his throat. “A year later, Grace returned to us once more after receiving a vision of death-warning regarding Coll and I. When she came to our father’s stronghold, she warned us of what she’d seen and that was when we learnt the full truth about our birth, that Cait had no’ been our true mother at all. That day we also learnt we’d soon come into our fae battle skill.”

“So that’s why you hold such strength.” She’d witnessed his great ability to battle from Dunscaith’s ramparts. “You fought against both the MacDonald and Gavin and held your position well.”

“Coll and I both hold the same skill, although afore one and all, our father has always declared our added strength came from holding his strong MacKenzie blood alone.”

“Now I understand why you’ve never harmed a Matheson.”

“Aye, for doing so would be the same as bringing harm down upon our own heads. The Mathesons are our blood kin.”

“Colin MacKenzie should never have withheld the truth about your true mother and her people from you for so long. In doing so, he took away your right to learn all you needed to know about your fae heritage.” She cupped his cheeks, stroked her fingers back and forth over his stubbly jaw. “I’m so sorry you’ve never had us to stand by your side. We Mathesons do when it comes to each other.”

“I have you now, and I wish to claim you as my wife.”

“You wish to wed?” Surprise and pure happiness rolled through her.

“Aye, and right this very moment.” He gripped the hem of his tunic, lifted it over his head and tossed it behind him where it landed with a soft
on the corner chair.

“Wait. Right now?”

“There is no other way I’ll join with you otherwise.” He pushed the covers back and she gasped at the sight of his cock rising high and firm from a thatch of black curls at his groin. “Look at me.” He caught her face in his hands and steered her gaze back to his. Such a hungry need swirled within his stunning blue eyes. “I wish to accept the bond, to take you as mine, Ella, for us to be man and wife, from this moment forth.”

“Aye, please, I want that too.” Elbows underneath her, she eased up a touch and gasped as his shaft thickened and lengthened further. It jabbed right into her belly, the head glistening with his essence. “You are the only man I’ll ever wish for, ever desire, ever long for. Our clans might no’ be at peace, but you and I shall always be so.”

“We’ll need to speak handfast vows since there isnae a clergyman about.” He gripped the hem of her shift, tore a thin strip of white cotton from it then clasped her right hand with his right and wrapped the thin strip around both their wrists. “Will you bind yourself to me as my wife for the next year and a day?”

“For the rest of my life if you’ll allow it.”

“I want to ravish you senseless.” He brushed his lips across hers. “I, Duncan Angus MacKenzie, of Ardan House, pledge my troth to Ella, of the House of Clan Matheson. With this handfast, I take her as my wife for the next year and a day.” He hauled her shift over her head, the fabric bunched around their joined hands. Her breasts spilled forth and he lowered his head, licked across one beaded nipple. “Speak your vow now, Ella, afore I lose all control.”

With his hot tongue lapping her breast, she murmured, “I, Ella, of the House of Clan Matheson, pledge my troth to Duncan Angus MacKenzie. With this handfast, I take him as my husband for the next year and a day.” She unraveled the binding, freed their hands and pushed her shift aside. “You are my stubborn one, and I shall never forsake you.”

“’Tis time to seal our vows.” Gaze smoldering, he captured her mouth in a scorching kiss, his muscled body a fierce heat she wanted to embrace in every way. “My wife,” he murmured as he slid down her body to the end of the bed.

“Duncan, where are you going?”

“I’m allowing my instincts to take over, as I quite often do, and right now they’re demanding this of me.” He widened her legs and stroked along her inner thighs, his fingers moving all the way to the crease of her groin. Nuzzling her mound, he breathed deep, spread her legs even wider and revealed all of her to his ravenous gaze. With a low rumble, he trailed one finger along her slit. “I want my cock inside you, right here. Compel me, Ella. Make me wait.”

“Oh, please, aye.” The heat of his breath washing over her made her burn for a full joining.

“I said to compel me to wait, no’ to entice me.”

“Wait, of course. You must wait.” She speared her fingers through his hair and held onto him.

“I’ve heard my men speak of the pleasure they sometimes take in tasting a lass below, and of having her suck his cock.” Blue eyes twinkling, he blew warm air across her lower folds. “Do you wish for me to bring you such pleasure, to taste you right here?”

“You speak so wickedly.” She slid her legs along his shoulders, her heartbeat a pounding mess.

“I’ll take that as an aye.” He grinned and separated her folds. “You’re so sweetly pink and all mine.” Hands curled around her hips, he lowered his head and swept his tongue across her flesh then delved deeper and licked until a fire blazed in her core and sizzled along her senses. Heat radiated out from where he touched her, made her crazed for so much more.

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